11 Content Marketing Tips for A Better Company Image

By James Tredwell on September 27, 2021

Content marketing involves creating and sharing online material to attract, engage, and retain a targeted audience. Businesses using this strategy get a competitive advantage for their content, gaining more leads, engagement, and growth rates than those who do not use it. By delivering relevant and valuable content, a business can improve its online presence, build a community, and get more brand followers.  

An effective content marketing strategy focuses on four core elements to be successful: brand positioning, value proposition, business case, and strategic plan. You must clearly define the brand and product to provide a consistent experience for your audience to position yourself.  

Once you have positioned yourself, you need to define your media value proposition. The uniqueness of your content is what attracts your audience to you. With new readers and audiences, you should focus on driving your business forward. Identify your business goals and establish the number of resources you need to invest in the strategy.  

You can then proceed with a strategic plan that focuses on your goals and methods to achieve them. This plan will help you decide who you want to reach with your content marketing plan and how you will evaluate the goals.  

With your strategy in place, you can follow the following content marketing tips for a better company image.  

1. Know Your Target Audience 

Every content marketing campaign is usually aimed at a specific audience. A target audience can be based on gender, age, on interests. Before heading out with your strategy, you must know your ideal audience and direct your campaign towards them. Knowing your viewers allows you to focus resources on reaching out to them, saving cost, time, and energy.  

Understanding your target audience means that your content will be seen by fewer but more valuable people. You can build better relationships and better communicate with the right audience. A well-established target audience yields an increased ROI as the intended group is more likely to purchase the product.  

2. Value-Driven Content 

Once you know your target audience, you must seal your audience and your products. Customers tend to be attracted to companies that provide a specific purchase experience. Including a value proposition in your content production process enables you to naturally create valuable content for your audience.  

Providing honest and real solutions to problems improves your content’s value. Being natural in your strategy makes you stand out among the spam available all over the internet.  

Value-driven content must not be necessarily paid for, as customers are also attracted to free products. Free products don’t always mean low ROI, and well-established content could yield a profitable outcome.  

3. Use Conversational and Simple Language 

Content must not be aimed at telling a story. A straightforward blog post written in the right tone will still convey the message and add value to the audience. The balance between telling a story and not telling one should depend on you. If you believe the concept will be better understood by describing it as a story, you should not refrain from it. You should, however, remember that the narrative must be straight to the point.  

Value-driven content is usually simple and never complicated. Conversational content brings excitement to the user. Using a conversational tone gets your audience engaged with your message. You can create uniqueness around your content by leveraging this conversational simplicity.  

4. Using the Right Platform 

The type of content you provide should also depend on the platform you use. For example, YouTube and TikTok focus on video content, while Twitter may be useful for short texts. Understanding the type of audience on a platform also helps you in building your strategy related to it. You will also have to consider the demographics of each platform and how active your audience is on the platform.  

Social media provides the most effective and interactive method for reaching out to the audience. You should invest time to understand the audience on each platform before moving on with your strategy. You can also research your competitors on these social media sites to understand their strategies. With enough insight into the most effective platform, you can proceed to include it in your strategy.  

5. Use an Influencer for Better Content Exposure 

Social media influencer marketing uses endorsements and product mentions from users (influencers) who have a dedicated following. These influencers have established a high level of trust with their followers; hence any product recommended by the influencer is usually seen as authentic. Influencers also elevate brand awareness, thus leading to an increase in sales.  

After deciding on your social media platform, you can research influencers who have already established a niche in the domain. It would be faster to reach a wider audience through an influencer than by building your own influence from scratch. Depending on your budget, you can research and choose which influencer will be most effective for your strategy. 

6. Make Social Sharing on Your Website Easy 

Adding visually appealing social sharing buttons to your website pages and blogs increases the reach of your content. Readers who enjoy what they read can easily share it across their social media page and attract more like-minded individuals to your site.  

Social sharing provides a word-of-mouth option for your content. Individuals will be more likely to open a link shared by someone they know than if it came from an unknown source. 

Implementing a one-click sharing option is also essential as readers do not tend to stay long on time-consuming processes. Your content will reach out to a broader audience and drive more leads to your website with enough sharing.  

7. Engage with Your Audience 

Your customers expect you to interact with them, especially in regards to providing support. Social media has breached the gap between the audience and the creator. Brands can easily engage in meaningful conversations with their readers and build better connections with them. Positive interactions between brands and real people through social media channels improve customer advocacy.  

To boost your social media engagement, you should aim to respond to as many comments as you can. A simple response from a brand is sufficient to create a long-lasting and positive impact on the customer. You should also use engagement tools to stay updated on the important interactions between your audience. A positive engagement can turn your followers into your fans! 

8. Using Keywords for Your Content  

Search engine optimization has pushed content marketing to focus on keywords. With the vast amount of content online, it is often challenging to make yours stand out. It is therefore important to include keywords and drive an audience towards your website.  

Before creating your content, you must research which keywords you want to rank for your site. You can start by identifying a list of keywords that will bring relevant visitors to your website and make it more discoverable. Your keywords should not focus solely on the search engine but also on the human audience. You can include the keywords in subtle and strategic points of your content so it doesn’t appear keyword-driven. 

Understanding what keywords your website will rank is essential for your content as keywords are very competitive. 

9. Study  Analytics 

Measuring the results of your content is also important for your content marketing strategy. It is not sufficient to evaluate success based on the number of social shares the content received. You should assess success using analytic tools and other data-driven approaches. Depending on your target, you can measure success based on overall traffic or attention metrics.  

Evaluating the metrics helps assess the performance of your content to help you with making decisions. You can study trends to see how specific posts and topics generate more interest. Insights such as what content users will return to read, which posts receive less attention, and how many people are subscribing to receive future updates can help you establish a better marketing strategy.  

10. Use of Strong Calls-to-Action (CTAs) 

Using calls-to-action in your content often drives people to do what you ask them. If you want your audience to share your content, you can simply ask them to do it. Without any call-to-action, your readers remain readers and leave with no instruction on what to do next.  

A call to action serves as a subtle and friendly instruction, telling your readers what you will like them to do next. Effective CTAs must be compelling, tell the user what they will benefit from, continue the conversation momentum, and actually cause action. Including a CTA leads your customers from the content to the next step without being pushy.  

11. Stay Up-to-date with the Marketplace 

Once you have established your online presence, it is essential to maintain your brand image and keep up with the market. The rapidly evolving digital environment makes it easy for online marketers to lag. A business could easily ignore reality and maintain the approach they initially established. This ignorance can be costly for the business as audiences look to stay in line with the latest trends. If your content reflects outdated content, you will quickly lose your audience.  

It is important to stay ahead of your audience, so you provide them content they don’t already know. If your audience gets ahead of you, they will not be interested in what you have to offer. Recent advancements in technology such as artificial intelligence and machine learning have brought tools to predict how patterns will form. Based on your audience’s interest, these tools can provide you with topics that will suit your readers.  


These 11 content marketing tips provide insight on how to build a better company image. However, given the amount of content already available online, your strategy must be well-established before you begin your approach towards marketing. A failed plan will cost you a lot of money and time. Hence you must carefully research your process. 

Author Bio: Charlotte Lin is a content creator at escaperoom.com. She’s a passionate young woman, mother to an amazing nine-year-old, and an avid reader. Over the years, writing has helped her explore and understand the world as well as her own self. She loves to travel, meet new people, and spend quality time with her daughter.

Content Marketing Strategy for SaaS Business

By James Tredwell on February 16, 2021

For Starters, What is SaaS?

Short for software-as-a-service, SaaS is essentially a service model wherein applications and software are delivered over the internet as service. The user doesn’t have to install or maintain the software. Instead, they can access it over the web. Because of the web-based accessibility, the user is freed from the complex hardware and software management work. 

The most popular example of a SaaS based model is – Netflix.

Here are few other examples:

  • Dropbox
  • Cisco WebEx  
  • GoToMeeting
  • SAP Concur
  • Salesforce
  • Google Workspace

How Content Marketing Differs with SaaS Companies

SaaS marketing is a bit tricky and different from other forms of marketing. You’re not marketing a physical product like a phone or a machine. Rather, you’re marketing an intangible product. What’s more, with regular updates the product is always changing; which can make previous marketing efforts irrelevant. 

On top of that, you’re asking customers for recurring payments every month rather than for a one-time payment.

All of these factors make content marketing for SaaS a little tricky.

Content Marketing Strategy:

Set Goals that Support the Business

You must have your business goals clearly outlined. A goal is not a metric. Rather, it’s meant to give your content marketing a direction in which to move.

Here are a bunch of examples of what a strategic goal will look like for your content marketing:

  • Gather useful contacts with information that will help to figure out the most important ones that are more likely to transition into a customer from lead.
  • Improve brand recognition and better awareness among leads that were higher up in the funnel.
  • Strengthen relationships and develop a better dialogue with audiences to encourage networking effects that will solidify your brand image.
  • Grow a stream of cumulative monthly leads for sales staff
  • Encourage customer loyalty and brand advocacy
  • Increase the number of leads per month for your sales team

Define Your Metrics

After you have established a set of clearly defined goals, you should now have a few performance metrics in place. Below are a few examples of metrics that you can consider for SaaS content marketing:

  • Increase the number of monthly visits against every invested dollar. The nature of traffic is that it increases cumulatively. This metric will tell how the total traffic and leads increase with each dollar spent.
  • Metrics such as the content of the first contact, time taken to move from the first contact until the sale, path that forms from initial contact till sale, etc. Many other similar metrics are highly important for the sales process.
  • The lifetime value of every unique visitor – This metric tells you on average, how much value every unique visitor finally spends on your brand. You can gain incredible insight into the sales funnel, list building, customer longevity, keyword choice quality, etc. 
  • Percentage of new and returning visitors. If your analytics show a higher percentage of fresh visitors, it generally corresponds to an influx of traffic. And, a high number of returning visitors is indicative of loyalty. You must weigh these metrics against previous growth numbers to gain better insight. 
  • Rise in contacts/subscribers for every dollar spent. 
  • Sign-ups per visitor. This metric tells you the number of signs up for a free trial and paid version.

Map Your Funnel

Your main goal behind funnel mapping is to figure out the journey of a lead until it becomes a sale. 

Below are a few examples of specific sales funnel that you can personalize for your content marketing strategy:

  • The lead stumbles upon a blog that talks about a solution to a certain problem
  • The post was unique enough to hold user’s attention
  • The lead was satisfied with the solution 
  • The post redirected the user towards some other resource that assisted them further with their problem
  • The blog post is trusted by many and aptly addresses the problem. Therefore, the blog post is a resource important enough that a lead was willing to join the email list to take further steps
  • The lead received emails that addressed the problem and other related issues
  • The list of satisfactory solutions that the email contained further helps to build and strengthen the trust
  • The lead became aware of your SaaS having solved their problem and thus felt more interested in it
  • The lead came on to one of your site’s pages that get visited often right before a purchase is made
  • This act triggers a marketing automation event which sends special deal to the lead
  • The lead signs up for SaaS trial
  • The lead is sent regularly helpful information about how the software can solve many of their problems
  • The lead is using the SaaS product every day to solve many other problems and now relies on the product

You must build similar conceptual funnel models, calculate assumptions, and keep measuring them to improve their efficacy.

Define a Content Cycle

You must define a content cycle. The content cycle has an immense role in the honing and development of your content. 

Below are a bunch of recommendations on how you can create steps for different pieces of content as part of the content cycle:

Identify your target audience and the main issue they are facing:

  • Recognize lead magnet
  • Identify target platforms
  • Create an outline
  • Put some research
  • Produce the content
  • Publish it and promote it
  • Conduct performance analysis
  • Improve upon your content based on analytics data and keywords
  • Create content to follow-up

Next, you need to identify various kinds of content types that meet different goals.  After that, you will have to develop different steps for each content type.

Develop a Sound Keyword Strategy

By conducting keyword research, you get to know exactly what your ideal customers are looking for. To help you come up with a sound keyword strategy, you can implement the following tips:

  • Use Google Keyword Planner. It’s an excellent tool that almost every webmaster uses. It will show you how frequently a particular phrase or query appears in Google searches. However, you must only use it as a guide. It’s bad to rely only on this tool. Often the tool will give you limited suggestions particularly for non-commercial queries. Remember, this tool can show significant visits for poorly performing phrases.
  • KeywordTool.io is another tool that offers a huge pool of questions along with variations for a specific keyword.
  • Use SEMrush for all your competitive research purposes.
  • Devote some time on platforms that are devoted to understanding your audience. Remember, research is crucial. You must pay close attention to certain search phrases that keyword tools give you.

Develop an Outreach Strategy

If you want your outreach strategy to be powerful, you must not rely on just one platform or just one method of promotion. For instance, guest posts are one of the most dependable methods of content distribution. However, it’s not a very sound practice to rely only on guest editorials.

Below are some of the best tactics you can follow to create a winning content outreach strategy:

  • Reach out to influencers during your content creation phase. They will often ask for a fee. For a small fee, you can cite them as the expert behind the post. 
  • Mention other influences within your niche in the content. Reach out to them to leave comments on the post once the content is live.
  • Work on any issues that influencers may have had. Reach out to them after the content goes live.
  • Work with influencers who are most likely to share the type of posts that you create and publish.
  • Create a newsletter and include your content in it. Ask influencers to include your content in their email campaigns.
  • Contact a publication and become a columnist for their blog
  • Reach out to websites that publish similar content as yours.

Bottom Line

Content marketing strategy for SaaS-based products requires a different approach. You must also implement a unique set of strategies. To simplify things for you, we highlighted the best strategies. Hopefully, you will find them useful and interesting.

Author Bio. :- Mike is a senior SEO strategist at Nine Peaks Media, a B2B SEO agency that helps SaaS, software, IT and technology companies rank on the first page of Google with effective content marketing strategies. Nine Peaks offers performance-based inbound marketing, conversion rate optimization and search engine marketing services. 

Do Spelling & Grammar Matter In Content Marketing?

By James Tredwell on January 8, 2021

 Good content is a crucial constituent of any marketing strategy, irrespective of its objectives or medium. In this age of digital marketing, CONTENT is the KING.

Eye-catching and engaging content can draw the attention of millions, enhance brand awareness, nudge the audience to action, and build a formidable online reputation.

Flawless content that hooks, interests, and converts is the key behind any successful content marketing campaign.

Quality of content is crucial to its success. Nobody wants to read something filled with errors, and erroneous content can put off any potential client or consumer.

This is all the more applicable for written content, as wrong spelling and grammar can be the bane of them all. Low quality content will eat away at a brand’s reputation and make it an object of ridicule.

Shoddy content sends out all the wrong signals and shows a sense of carelessness & irresponsibility on the brand’s part.

Let us look a bit deeper and determine why correct spelling & grammar play such a large role in content marketing.

Why Spelling and Grammar Are Important in Content? 

Bad grammar and wrong spellings will damage your content’s reputation. Period. There are no two ways about it. While many might consider spelling and grammatical mistakes to be relatively trivial, but a typo or wrong grammar at the wrong place and at the wrong time can wreak havoc.

While professional proofreading services and online grammar checkers utilities are some excellent ways to review and refine any content, understanding why grammar and spelling are vital for a content’s success can help you save a lot of time & money.

So, let’s find out why spelling and grammar are so critical for content.

  • According to BBC.com, poor spelling and grammar in online content cost the United Kingdom millions of pounds in online businesses’ revenues. Potential leads vanish into thin air as poor quality content puts a big question mark on a site’s credibility. Sales figures drop cut in half, and brands often have to carry out extensive damage control to salvage their reputation.
  • It is quite natural since no one will avail of the services from a website that posts content full of errors. With hundreds of other options out there on the Web, there is a minimal margin for such silly mistakes in one’s online content.

Arthur, a content marketing writer from MyEssayhelp.co.uk, one of the United Kingdom’s largest academic writing service, has this to say about flawed content, “Erroneous content shines a bad light upon the company and tells the audience that you do not care about the things you publish! Why would 

  • Written content is the primary means of communicating with an online audience. Keeping in mind the average attention span of a human being, any written content has about six seconds to connect with someone. Inappropriate content can spoil that golden chance of grabbing the eyes of your targeted audience.
  • Every content aims to make that strong first impression. Poor spellings and wrong grammar can pour water on such intent and ruin content marketing strategies’ grandest. SEO.com says that low quality content does not only degrade user experience but damages SEO rankings too.
  • Misspelled and grammatically incorrect web content tarnishes the credibility of a website and a brand, sometimes irreversibly.

Edward, a blogger from Assignmenthelp.us, says, “Why would anyone want to read something full of errors? Spelling and grammar mistakes are as bad as misinformation and can severely damage reputation, traffic, and impressions. You are bound to lose even the most loyal of your followers if your production quality is poor!”

  •  The primary aim of any written content is to inform and engage a targeted or a general audience.  Flawless spelling and impeccable grammar in a written content can ensure the following:

1. Make an excellent first impression:  With the average human attention span dwindling with each passing year, first impressions are critical for successful engagement. You want your content to make an inimitable initial impression that grabs attention, showcases knowledge & professionalism, and earns respect.

2. Builds reputation: Besides accurate information, flawless content is also critical for developing a strong reputation. Quality written content is necessary if you want to establish yourself as an authority in your domain. A good reputation means more trust from your audience and enhances a brand’s standing & worthiness compared to the competition.

3. Boosts Rankings & gives a competitive edge: Spick and span content can boost traffic & make it the preferred choice amongst the audience. Unique content will increase customer loyalty as it provides value and improves user experience. Everybody enjoys well-written content that is easy to read & follow. It is vital to understand what your audience wants and deliver it in the best way possible.

Organic searches and word-of-mouth buzz are critical aspects of any kind of online marketing, including content marketing. And, alongside search engine optimization and delivering value, content must possess the unquestionable quality to rank high in search engine rankings. Both Bing and Google state that grammar is a critical factor in SERPs, and poor spelling & grammar negatively affect search engine rankings.

Google’s Panda algorithm update was designed to reduce the rank of websites with low quality content and boost the ranks of the ones with good quality.

4. Showcases the creator’s care and responsibility: Exemplary content delivered with consistency shows that you care about what you are doing and are responsible for your actions.

According to an article on Realbusiness.co.uk, poor grammar is a significant factor and scares away more than 50% of all visitors and potential leads. Given the minuscule amount of time content has to impress an individual, a website or written content riddled with typos and errors can spell doom for anyone.

Content marketing is all about impressing the audience with unique and outstanding content. So, flawless spelling & grammar & superior quality should not just be a feature but a necessity of every kind of web content.

Here are some bonus FREE tips from content marketing experts for crafting awesome content!

 Some Tips To Crafting Charismatic Content  

Go through these excellent tips from content marketing teams of two of the Web’s leading writing services, Allessaywriter.com and Tophomeworkhelper.com, and start impressive content today!

    • Hooking an audience is only the first step. Connecting with them is the next stage, and for that, the content needs to understand their audience’s persona & intent. Put yourself in their shoes and learn about their needs, interests, concerns, & preferences. 
    •   Deliver informative content that helps educate your audience. Familiarize them about products & services through your content, offer them a new perspective, and help them understand better. If your content can do so, then it is one step closer to making a conversion.
    • Be empathetic to their concerns, converse academically, and impeccably provide accurate information.
  •  When it comes to online content, people are spoilt for choice. Find out all the things necessary to attract and keep an audience engaged. Keeping things remarkable & relevant will prevent a reader from getting bored and going elsewhere. Entertain, inform, and deliver value.
  • Be different. Offer something that none of your competitors can. Find exciting and innovative ways to engage your visitors. While it is vital to add useful information, do not go overboard while doing so. Offer chunks of interesting & valuable information and leave them wanting for more.
  • Deliver such exceptional quality of information to convince them to perform some action. Call to action work only when the adjoining content leaves an impression on the audience. If they relate to what you are saying, the chances are that they will take action as you want them to and check out what else you have to offer.

And, that brings us to the conclusion of this piece. I hope this article helped you understand why right spelling and grammar will always be a critical aspect of content marketing.  

Craft content that resonates with your audience and helps you earn their trust & respect. All the best!

Author-Bio: Nathan Williams is a content writer and digital marketing professional in a renowned marketing firm from Texas. A 14 years industry veteran, he is the brains behind numerous successful ad and marketing campaigns, both online & traditional. In his free time, you can find him offering excellent guidance to students at Myassignmenthelp, one of the USA’s most prominent academic writing services.


How to Use Content Marketing to Scale Your Business’s Reach

By James Tredwell on August 27, 2020

Ever since digital marketing came into play, businesses are being more creative, automated and precise in their chase of their targeted audience. There are various digital tools and techniques which one can make use of to grow its business using the digital means.

One of those techniques or form of digital marketing services is, Content Marketing. As business owners you might not be very familiar or know the exact meaning behind content marketing. So let’s breakdown this word first;

Content Marketing is simply a technique or approach used in the marketing world to attract and target a precisely described audience through creating and distributing content regularly to achieve your business goals.

That being said, let’s look into why content marketing is one of the best options to market your business and scale its potential reach.

Why Content Marketing is the Best Option?

  • Way better ROI

Every marketing effort is directed towards just one goal, that is making money which could be direct (promoting your product/service) or indirect (brand awareness). However either in long term or short term the brand wants more leads, customers or clients.

Talking about the overall ROI, according to Content marketing institute, it’s evident that content marketing costs around 62% less than traditional or outbound marketing. Also in many other studies, it has been proven that inbound (content) marketing brings way more return on investment compared to outbound.

It’s important to mention that the primary reason and logic behind this better ROI is the general nature of how inbound and outbound marketing are differentiated. With inbound the customers are bound to come to you, however in outbound it’s you who is to be knocking on their doors.

  • Builds Trust in Your Audience

Trust is the variable of success for anyone selling anything in the world. If your targeted audience doesn’t believe in what you are selling, as much as you do, then you’ll never be able to scale your business. You may be able to sell your product once or twice, or have a couple of clients for your service, but with trust you can have regularly buying loyal customers/clients.

What content marketing does is providing information or knowledge over a subject that is relevant to your business and solves problem for your targeted business.

For example, a cleaning company writing an article on “An Office Cleaning Checklist” also shows the checklist the company follows which indirectly mentions how good and detailed their process is. The consumer reading the article would start believing in their service’s quality.

  • Scalable Yet Targeted Reach

Growth and scaling is the dream of every business. Let it be a tech company, an agency or even a brick and mortar store, the hunger for growth usually never stops. Content Marketing is known to for its incredible ability of scaling it’ reach.

Let’s take search engines for example, which are one prominent medium of doing content marketing. You create a piece of content which solves one or several problems for your consumers.

Again taking the previous example, let’s you’re a cleaning company, and you write an article on “How to Clean Your Office?” for your consumers. The interesting part is that this one phrase (How to Clean Your Office) isn’t just a random phrase. It’s being searched in search engines like Google hundreds and thousands of times all over the world.

Thus if your readers after reading that article contacts you for reading services, that won’t be just one person. They’d be hundreds of people depending on how much traffic your website was getting yet you just wrote one article. That’s how one piece of content can help you scale.

Using Content Marketing for Scaling Business’s Reach

Many of the marketers or business owners when think about content marketing, only have one or two channels in mind. However, content marketing itself is a very broad term which has many components.

  • Search Engine Optimization

SEO is definitely the first in list when we talk about a content marketing channel. Search engines like Google are one of the biggest traffic sources for websites today. In fact in 2019 Google contributed about 75% of all desktop web traffic.

Top-notch SEO services when gets mixed with content marketing can accomplish wonders.

But how does it work?

Let’s say you started a new co-working space business and want it to be promoted through content marketing using search engine as a channel. Find some relevant keywords with good search volume you can see the demand you can fulfill with content creation.

For example, you can write an article targeting the keyword; “Choosing a Co-working Space” by writing an article on the topic; “How to Choose a Co-Working Space for Your Business?”

This piece of content is bringing traffic to your website out of which a small percentage of visitors will potentially convert into customers, provided that you consistently keep the content cycle rolling.

  • Social Media Marketing

Social media is the highest engagement channel for promoting any marketing campaign. Having nearly billion users, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, Twitter and LinkedIn have their own dynamics can get your content in front of your targeted audience.

As of January 2020, the total active users on all social media platforms are around 3.8 billion. The number itself is huge and directly implies that your target audience is present on any of these platforms.

When we talk about creating content and distribution, the concept remains the same. You have to solve problems for your consumers with your content on social media and when it’s done on a larger scale you start acquiring more customers.

When we talk about content marketing through social media, what else can you do than just posting pictures with good captions and using trending hashtags?

You can target your potential customers based on demographics, interests, activities and behaviors precisely. Using the previous same example, let’s say your coworking space needs to be promoted through social media platforms like Facebook & Instagram.

You can create a video of 1 minutes showing what factors should be taken into account when choosing a Coworking space with the intention of running it on paid advertising targeting the audience relevant to your business.

You can then create another ad-set which retargets the users who consumed that video up to at least 30 seconds introducing them to your coworking space. Afterwards a third ad-set can target the users which had shown the most engagement with the second video and present your coworking space’s prices and packages.

That is how a content marketing funnel can help you narrow down from a broader audience to your precisely selected customer.

A challenge most of the social media marketers face is differentiating between each social media platform and then shaping their content with respect to that.

So what does that mean?

Let’s say you have a sneakers brand which you want to promote on social media. Platforms like Instagram, SnapChat and TikTok would be the best choice.

But would you choose the same platform if you’re looking for some B2B prospects/leads? The answer is no. In this case LinkedIn would be a better place to market on.

The reason for this is that most of the users on Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok are teenagers while most of those on LinkedIn are business owners or professionals. Each platform has different audiences which by simple human psychology consume different kind of content.

  • Email as a Distribution Channel

One aspect of content marketing apart from creating content is distribution. You can create the most useful and the most researched piece of content, but if you’re distribution channels aren’t helping you put that content in front of the right audience, it’s all wasted.

As your website start getting some traffic through the content marketing efforts of SEO & Social media efforts, you should start making your email list. An email list can be used for your newsletter where you can commit to regular content for your audience.

What’s good about email newsletters is that it comes right into your inbox. Your consumer wouldn’t even need to perform a search and look through the results. If that’s what he was already looking for, he’ll open up the email and consume that content right away.

Email can also be used to amplify the reach of the content pieces you’ve been creating.

Secondly, email is also known to be a better medium for conversions. In fact, according to Oberlo, every 1$ spent on email marketing turns into a return of 42$. Thus the ROI is insanely great through emails.


Content marketing have existed long before internet has existed and if you understand the basic concepts of it, your campaign will always be a good performer.

However one thing to point out here is that there’s not one best channel you can use for content marketing.

It totally depends on the industry your business operates in and the goals you’re trying to accomplish with it.

This article is contributed by Usman Akram, digital marketer and SEO specialist at Buzz Interactive.

7 Steps to Create a Successful Content Strategy

By James Tredwell on June 11, 2020

Due to the excessive amount of content on the web and the percentage of duplication increasing day by day.

It has become very much important for you guys to know you cannot exist in the digital business community until and unless you have command over the right tools and if you are not following the best content strategy needed to boost your market and business.

We had been receiving many queries from our readers regarding the perfect strategy for creating content. So we turned to the experts of the field and have gathered all the essential information for you guys below in this article!

What is content strategy?

Content strategy is actually the plan or the approach that you should focus on while you are writing content and, in the long run, how to target your audience with the content that you have created.

We have seen many people working without a content strategy and still complaining about a low response from the audience.

Well, you guys should know that having a strategy is very much important for you guys, but it is simply not that simple as it looks like, and if you don’t prioritize your content, then you can simply go down the hill.

Steps to create your own successful strategy!

Here are the top steps and tips that you have to follow if you are eager to develop a solid content strategy for yourself.

1. Our goals before you start

We have seen many people working without establishing their end goal. You guys should know that if you are not setting a goal, then you are simply following nothing, and this kind of attitude in business will get you nowhere.

If you work after setting a goal for yourself, then you can easily keep track of your performance, and you will surely not be distracted from your daily routine and target of work. You must have all your analytics set up.

2. Determine your audience

You have to get to know your target audience, and you guys should know that if you are not targeting the audience, then it can simply backlash.

Content publishing caters to certain types of the niche in which different kinds of the audience are interested in, and you can’t possibly target content to old people that you have written for millennials.

You have to target the interest of your audience by providing them the most crispy content that suits their metrics.

3. Keywords research

This is the seo angle of your content strategy, you guys should know that people search for content using keywords and these keywords are saved by search engines and on the basis of these words they rank your pages and the content in them, so if you have the right amount of keywords stuffed in content then you can easily target the audience and the users all across the globe you are looking up for content using those particular keywords. You have to make sure that your content is simply relative to the keywords you are using.

4. Analyze your competition!

When you have set your goal and have gathered the right keywords for your content it is very much important for you to visit your competing websites and go through the type of content they are using, the topics they are writing on, the distribution channels they are using and of course their target as well. This information will help you fill in the gaps in your research and goals if there are any.

5. Choose distributional channels

You must not go for a huge number of channels; rather, you should focus on the quality of a single channel that can help you in the distribution of the content.

This is actually the concept of backlinking, the more quality backlinks you would attach with your content, the more organic audience you will gather on your webpage.

6. Check plagiarism before publishing!

Using plagiarism checker tools is very much important in a content marketing strategy, you guys should know that plagiarism checker or plagiarism detector tools can easily help you in detecting any kind of duplication in your work and also in removing it.

If your work has duplication, then know that your audience will simply lose interest in your page, and not only will you get lost in your business, but your reputation in front of the search engine will also be damaged.

The use of the best plagiarism checker tool is very much important, and if you want to use an efficient and accurate tool then you should try the plagiarism checker/ essay scanner tool by smallseotools.com

7. Build a credible topic!

The topic of your content should be very catchy and should follow the trend, but at the same time, you should also make sure that the overall content is of good quality and does not give an artificial or spammy look!

Following these tips will help you a lot!

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