
6 Non-Spammy Link Building strategies

By James Tredwell on November 4, 2019

Why are Backlinks are so Important?

The backlinks are very important from the SEO point of view, it not only increases the Domain Authority of a website, but it also helps Google to find your website. Good and relevant backlinks increase your credibility, reputation, and drives more traffic to your website.

Google crawlers use backlinks to find, crawl, and index on your websites.

Google has become smarter with its new algorithmic update; it can understand the quality of backlinks and content. It gives more importance to the number of websites linking to it.

Google not only examined a webpage’s content but also gave priority to the number of websites linking to it.

Link Building Tips

  1. Build Genuine Connections

If you want to survive your online business and want to scale it, then you need connections or relationships. You need to create relationships if you would like to get more shares that are social. If you’d like links in higher quality and great quantity, you guessed it; you need to invest in relationship building.

Without good relationships, you cannot survive your online business presence.

Remember- “Number of social shares is directly proportional to the number of relationships.”

For building connections, you should regularly publish high-quality content that solves a particular problem or add value.

This will help you to gain good quality links, and you won’t have to ask for the links because your content will attract them.

You should follow the bloggers or influencers of your niche. Start following them on social media like- Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Ask questions or comment on their blog posts.

You can also ask for the backlinks from the people or websites of your niche.

This process may be time taken, but it is a good way to build connections and to gain relevant backlinks.

  1. Include infographics

Infographics are the visual presentation that presents your data in a more precise, accurate way and covers all the key points of your business or products.

Infographics are the easiest way to get backlinks, but for this, you have to more creative. Some of the common features of infographics are they are unique, instantly connects with the audience, simple and easy to understand, and the most important- they are easily shareable.

Some of the common steps to build attractive infographics are-

  • Write unique and catchy headlines- Make sure that your headline instantly grabs your audience’s attention.
  • Avoid adding too many graphics- Include white spaces in your infographics.
  • Avoid too much text- Keep minimum text and more visual elements or images.
  • Avoid too much topic- Focus on a single topic, and avoid adding more than one topic.
  • Mention URL- Use relevant URL’s in your infographics
  • Add logo- At last, don’t forget to add your company logo.
  1. Include case studies

One of the best ways to write content is to include case studies and factual data especially if you are writing a type of content that is difficult to create but in future has a great chance of gaining backlinks. For this you have to do research, you can read books, or ebooks to find appropriate articles.

Including real and relevant case studies in your content increases the quality and credibility of your content and ultimately increases the chances of gaining more backlinks. It will also differentiate your content from the regular content.

You should check that the information that you are providing should be real and avoid adding too many technical details.

To improve your audience involvement, you should include images that help readers comprehend the data in a way. Don’t forget your audience language; try to write the content that your audience can understand and connect with.

I am sure that any blogger or publisher in your niche who wants to deliver more value, increase the trust, and to improve the engagement of their readers won’t hesitate from linking to your content.

  1. Guest posting

Guest posting is one of the valuable, best and effective ways to get backlinks. Focus on the guest posting websites of your niche. Avoid using the same content to publish on different websites. Ask the publisher to include a follow backlink from their website to yours.

  1. Give Genuine Testimonials

Testimonials can be used to build links and is a verified technique that you can implement. You should write reviews or testimonials for the business or product that is relevant or related to your niche.

  1. Comment on blog posts

Commenting on the blog post of your niche or industry can increase the chances of backlinks. By this, you get the links and can also build the relationships. Avoid overgenerous; you can write a comment that compliments the author and adds insight into the topic.

Tips to avoid during link building

  • Avoid Irrelevant Links
  • Avoid irrelevant links to your website and focus more on relevant links. Avoid Do-Follow blog comments.
  • Avoid buying links

Buying backlinks is easy on the web, but Google knows everything with its algorithmic update it can identify the private blogging network and puts that in its bad link list. The paid links may drive traffic to your website, but this traffic will be low quality and irrelevant. The paid links are unethical, irrelevant, and Google never favored them.

  • Only building do-follow links
  • Avoid too many anchor text

Author’s Bio

Hitesh Khurana is a Digital Marketing Executive at Quantum IT innovation, a reputed Mobile app development company in the USA. Along with writing for the company he is an admirer of classic literature, drama, and a true cinephile. You can find him writing meaningful poetry when he is not busy with his dog.

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