Why Mobile App Testing is Essential for Perfect Customer Experience

By James Tredwell on July 17, 2020

Mobile apps have become an essential component of any business’s digital transformation initiative. Revenue generated from mobile apps globally is expected to surpass $90 billion by 2023. With billions of users already using mobile apps, businesses are focussing more on enhancing the customer experience on smartphone applications.

You would not want your customers struggling with a slow app, poor user interface (UI), and security vulnerabilities. Poor customer experience will repel your customers to competitors and could affect your brand image as well. As per a report, more than 50 percent of customers will not engage with an app that offers poor customer experience. New-age customers are ready to pay a premium for better services and customer experience.

Hence, it is crucial to embed mobile app testing right from the beginning along with app development. It will also help you identify and rectify business-critical gaps or bugs in the beginning and reduce the costs of development. Because it is cheaper by up to 10 times to rectify a bug in the beginning than to fix it after the app has gone into production.

What is mobile app testing?

Mobile app testing involves scripting and running tests against a mobile app to ensure its usability and functionality meets the customer and business requirement. It includes below-mentioned testing types:

  • Performance testing
  • Functional testing
  • Load testing
  • Security testing

Thre are also some smartphone specific testing including memory leakage, certification, location, interruption, and installation among others.

Mobile app testing is a complex process where a test engineer is required to test dozens of screen resolutions, connection types, several versions of Android and iOS, and others. A reliable mobile app testing service ensures that the released in the marketplace without flaw.

While you are sifting amid several mobile app testing services, here are a few points that you should keep in mind to make the right decision.

  • You can get your mobile app tested either on emulators or real devices. You also have the option to leverage real device clouds to deploy hundreds of devices at the same and test the app on a large scale.
  • Ensure that the test coverage is sufficient and if it is not, enhance it.
  • Mobile app testing automation and continuous testing can help you make the test more efficient.
  • Decide the processes that you need to test through automation or manual testing. You can start with manual testing and then automate the test for multiple platforms and devices. Always remember manual and automated tests each other to help you derive maximum efficiency and accuracy.

Why you need mobile app testing?

To reach millions of downloads, you need to have an app that is developed with a unique concept and specific techniques. Hence, apart from planning and a well-researched idea, you need to test its functionality and features for quality assurance.

Unit Tests

Unit tests are necessary for an application with seamless design and efficient performance under various conditions. It is performed at the beginning while developers are still writing the code for the app. It assists in creating a user-friendly design and helps test engineers understand various critical technicalities behind the performance of the code.

It will also help you identify different gaps in the code and you can fix them at the very and cot down the development cost significantly.

Load Performance Testing

An abrupt spike in traffic can crash your app within seconds. Unresponsive links, failed transactions, and slow load speed is not the experience that you want to make your customers have.

For a powerful app, it is crucial to do load performance testing of the app. It will help you figure out the amount of peak load your app can handle efficiently. And in case, the performance is the app is affected under severe load, then you can beef up the infrastructure in advance to handle more traffic.

Better UI/UX

Thorough testing enables QA engineers to think like an end-user and assess the app experience critically. It is done to explore how intuitive and convenient it is along with the logic behind the idea of the application. For impressive results, it is recommended to run UX and UI tests through the entire development cycle of the mobile app.

Functional User Interaction Tests

Modern mobile apps now come with complex touch gestures and functionalities. It is essential to make sure that all the touch gestures including drag and drop, press, zoom, swipe, and rotate among others are working well. This will help you gauge the functional efficacy of your app.

You can either use emulators or real devices for the test. While simulators are handy in the initial development phase of the mobile app, however, it is advisable to test on real devices before the launch. Using both the approaches smartly will help you achieve optimum results cost-efficiently.

Visual Tests

A visually stunning mobile app will help you attract and engage more users. The visual test will help you identify the issues related to the visual appeal of your mobile application. 

Accessibility Testing

Accessibility is not just meeting WCAG 2.1 compliance but an effective way to reach a massive untapped market. There is over 15 percent of people in the world with different types of disabilities. Accessibility testing can help you make a true accessible app that you can market to differently-abled users. Aside, it will also increase the functionality of your mobile app.

eCommerce App Testing

eCommerce apps are equipped with multiple features and functionalities. However, with intensifying competition, businesses are struggling to retain customers and attract new ones. You can change this trend by offering simple and powerful customer experience.

Your eCommerce app should be able to deliver a simple and easy to use interface. Being an eCommerce app, it should be compliant with PCI-DSS guidelines to help you gain the confidence of customers who are making an online payment on your platform. Other features that need to be tested are shopping cart functionality, product catalogs, and faster checkout time.

Having dedicated resources for your eCommerce app testing will help you validate all business-critical points, features, and release a flawless app.

Leverage User Feedback

Incorporating user feedback can help you chalk out an effective and efficient roadmap for your mobile app. It will also help you think more like customers and devise an app that is built more intricately for the customer.

Leverage in-app surveys to collate clear data points to prioritize your work and focus on specific features.

In fact, now customers expect businesses to interact with them, ask suggestions, and engage them in building an efficient organization. According to a survey, more than 60 percent of customers are now interested in giving in-app surveys to help businesses improve the service and add new features.

More feedbacks you receive from users, the more customer-centric, and cohesive your mobile app would become.

In Summary

Mobile applications have become an integral part of every smartphone user for all types of tasks. Hence, it has become one of the most effective ways to reach potential customers and launch your business in new markets. Delivering flawless customer experience through mobile app testing will not only enhance your bottom line but will also help you create a credible and reliable brand.

Author Bio. :- Shirley Williams is a technology enthusiast who loves reading and writing about trends and emerging technologies. She specializes in mobile app testing services.

10 Important Software Testing Strategies You Need to Know

By James Tredwell on April 26, 2020

Software testing is the evaluation and review of software for its compliance and quality with the formerly detailed requirements. The aim is to detect and fix all errors at an early stage. It also concludes whether or not a software application will work as it is expected to and if it is likely to continue working as it should in practical situations. Not only is software testing an important part of quality reassurance but also an essential part of software development. So, here are some insights from experts that are vital software testing strategies.

  1. Use tools to make testing easy

Getting the developers to make code testable is not an easy job, it is something all technical people are aware of. Thus it should be your priority to make it easy to use. All the tests should be easy to write and more significantly, it should be easy for the development team to run it. All the developers must be able to run the tests with just a click from their IDE (Integrated Development Environment).

  1. Encourage clarity in bug reporting

A bug report should be an informative one. Any developer must communicate effectively, so if they require more information, then they must put forth a comprehensive request. Like the developers expect thorough and clear bug reports, in the same way, the testers also expect complete and well-written issue resolutions. Retesting is significant, and clear solutions enable better retesting.

  1. Testing should be a team effort

If you keep everyone informed from the beginning, it will save you a lot of time. When the testers are exposed to a bigger project, the entire team understands it better and feel more confident in achieving or accomplishing their goals. The efficiency of a team will reflect in the tester. The entire team should have an understanding of the application. When this happens the testers can effectually cover the test cases. The testers can be given early access to information and this will help in creating early test environments. This also eludes any unexpected problems. It is also cost-effective and prevents any delays.

  1. Pick the right testing tools

Once you have planned your test strategy, you need to pick the appropriate testing tools for the activities.

After crafting your test strategy, you are ready to choose the right testing tools for your testing activities. Several testing tools are available in the market to facilitate and expedite the testing process. Picking the wrong tools can get you in a soup. For instance, you need different tools for generating test data, and you need completely different tools for automation testing. Along with the testing tools, you will also need a defect management tool to manage all the status of the test cases and reporting of bugs.

  1. Keep your learning updated

Technology advances in leaps and bounds. You must keep your skills updated else, the knowledge you have will soon get obsolete. If a project requires changing something suddenly because the proven processes that you were familiar with earlier are no longer valid, then you must be ready with the new procedure.

  1. Ensure that the developers have test cases

It is thought of the tester to be wise if they share the test cases with the developer. This helps in authentication of all the significant functionalities are developed before the application is released for further testing. This helps in reducing the re-work to a minimum.

  1. Load testing is important

Everyone wants their application to have millions of users, even if it is a new release. If there are many people who are using the app at the same time and you are unable to handle the traffic, then the applications isn’t perfect. People will get a wrong impression about the application and they will look for a different solution. Load testing helps in improving the application and provides the users with a good experience.

  1. Functionality is highly significant

If the core functionality of an application is strong, then the people will look for such apps. Ensure that all the important functions are completely implemented and tested.

  1. Pattern recognition

Pattern recognition helps in enhancing one’s attentiveness in detecting the bug. Say for instance, if you need to compare two pieces of same code and you come up with small bugs that could go unnoticed you can easily draw conclusions quickly in such a situation. Though it may not be of much importance for a small piece but for a lengthy code, this would be a lifesaver.

  1. Be vigilant for unexpected behavior

An application must be tested for unexpected behavior and invalid conditions. For instance, you must always test for potential points where software could crash or fail. You should also observe closely on how software is executing when no noticeable bugs seem to be occurring. This will help in finding problems which can easily be overlooked.

These tips will help you prioritize and identify tasks and deliver a product that meets your client’s expectations.

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