5 Factors To Consider To Develop a Successful Mobile Game Application

By James Tredwell on May 20, 2020

Want to develop a mobile gaming application but don’t know what exactly goes into it? Before you further read this article and find out key factors that should be considered, let’s tell you that the mobile game app development is not an overnight task. It requires many phases to go through and take into consideration. If you want to know them all in detail, then check the below-mentioned points:

  1. Conceptualization

The first step you need to take into account is ideation; to do so, go to the Google Play Store or App Store and find the most downloaded games in the specific game category. Now, check out the features and other specifications mentioned in the description section of the game. Learn and understand the mechanics, the technologies, and game engines they have used for the development.

Besides the app stores, you can also check game jam videos or visit mobile game review websites or even check game development forums. During the ideation phase, make sure you focus on your targeted audience. Also, think from the perspective of players and then proceed to the next step. Deciding about the mobile platforms and devices, the app will be compatible with also falls under this phase.

  1. Wireframing

Creating a layout or prototype of the game will help you to know whether it will be a hit or miss on the App Store or Play Store. Wireframing is also necessary to both design-related and technical risks, and hence reduces the efforts of the developer.

Another benefit of this process is that it ensures the final version of the game meets the clients’ expectation. The only thing you need to take care of while prototyping is not to waste much time on it, otherwise, it might increase your game development cost.

  1. Monetization Strategy

Building the right strategy for making money through the mobile game is essential. According to experts, the most effective way to earn big from your mobile game app is through in-app advertisements. Therefore, planning the right place and time of advertising should be planned in this phase.

To understand this, let’s understand from a player’s perspective. You have developed a multiplayer online battle gaming app, such as PUBG, and it got a considerable number of downloads right after the launch. Now, players are finding the app good from the game point of view, but they are seeing the advertisements too often. What will they do? Of course, uninstall it from their mobile phones.

So, it is quite mandatory to plan the advertisement in such a way that doesn’t affect the player’s journey in the game. To balance both, you can choose to reward the players with some power or points (that will help them in the game) for watching an ad. Another way of monetization through a mobile game is by setting up in-game purchases or providing membership benefits or special passes. You can also choose pay per download revenue model to ensure your app is fruitful.

  1. Designing

The next phase that ensures a successful mobile app development is designing. A good design speaks for itself and attracts your targeted audience. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the key designing points, such as an aesthetically appealing UI design, setting up multi-touch gestures for smart devices, taking care of the platform design standards, etc. while designing the mobile game application.

  1. Development and Testing

The development phase includes leveraging the latest technology, right framework & game engine, and technical expertise to implement what’s been designed in the earlier phases. After completing the development, testing each module is the next phase.

  1. Deployment

After verifying every process and the functioning of the game app, the deployment phase begins. The client gives their feedback or tell changes, if any.


Since mobile game app development is a tedious task, it is good to reach out to an experienced and trustworthy mobile app development company to hand over your game development project. A substitute of this is to hire game developers with a considerable level of experience and expertise on developing gaming applications on various platforms. Only a professional can develop an gaming application that can gain players’ attention, keep them engaging & entertaining, and witness skyrocketing success rates.

How to Develop Your Own Mobile Game

By James Tredwell on May 20, 2020

First of all, developing your own mobile game can be both extremely easy and hellishly hard. Depending on what type of game you want to create and, naturally, your knowledge.

My guess is you have a slight idea of what kind of game you want to create. That means it all comes down to your knowledge. Keep in mind that you can’t learn everything from zero from a single article and start developing a game tomorrow.

Nevertheless, the content here will help you to figure out where to start – both if you’re a complete beginner or someone who dwelled into game development.

During my research on how to develop your own mobile game app, I came across this site that had a lot of really good apps to get you started. Check out the link, but do keep reading on to find out tips I learned through my research.

Apps for Learning Mobile Game Development

Below you will find my tips on how to learn about the game development process, how to learn to do it yourself, and what kind of salary you could be earning.

Game Development for Beginners

If you are first starting with the idea of wanting to become a mobile app game developer, you might want to know if you enjoy the skills required. Therefore, if you like math and are interested in computers as well as creative art, then game development might be the job for you.

But, you do need to learn about the process of coding, how to work with game designers and the passion for detail each project will require. Ultimately, you will need some sort of certification or degree in software engineering, computer programming, or another related field.

Learning Game Development

So, to begin your journey in becoming a mobile game app developer, you will need to learn game development basics. Therefore, you can look online or on apps that offer courses on coding and game development.

If you don’t want to shell out loads of money at first, you can find free tutorials online to learn some basic coding skills to see if it is something you would be interested in.

Then, if you try it out and find that you’re really interested in learning more, you can sign up for courses with an online college or even website that offers degrees or certifications in related fields.

After you start learning game development coding and skills, you can challenge yourself by taking small jobs. With freelancing sites or internships, you can put what you learn to practical use by working on simple or basic projects.

Also, this is a great way to start building a portfolio while you are studying so that when you complete your courses, you have something to show to possible employers.

Earning with Your New Development Skills 

Now, learning to develop mobile games can be fun and even easy, but finding a professional game development job could be a little more difficult. Therefore, when you start out looking for a job, be realistic and look for an entry-level position.

Indeed, entry-level positions have a lower salary than more senior positions but don’t fret, as long as you work hard and enjoy the job, you will soon increase your experience, and thus your income. Conversely, if working for one gaming company isn’t your ideal career, you can try and become a freelance game developer.

This way, you can work from the comfort of your home, or anywhere you want for that matter. Additionally, freelance work allows you to set your own payment and contracts with different clients depending on the level of difficulty of the project or how long it will take you to complete.


If you are enthusiastic about computer science, playing games, and being creative, a job in mobile app game development might just be for you. You can learn about what it takes to get the required skills to become a game developer online.

You can research different courses and online colleges to decide which seems the best for you and what you want to learn as well as how much you want to spend on your education.

Next, you can start right away with small projects or internships so you can put your newly learned skills to the test.

Lastly, you can find a professional job in game development by applying to entry-level positions or go out on your own and become a freelance game developer.

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