9 Web Design Dos and Don’ts You need to Know About

By James Tredwell on January 24, 2022

In this contemporary business ecosystem, website and web designing have become the most powerful tools. Nowadays, this website design has become the most ideal and powerful marketing tool. But the web design is the trickiest subject. Lots of things are there which you must consider while creating a website.

Website is all about speed. Along with speed, you must consider how fast the page loads and whether users can gather the information they are searching for on the websites. 

While preparing a website, you must be thorough with the Dos and Don’ts of Web Design. Every web designer should take this into account. These principles are very simple; anyone can follow these principles to create a website lucidly. Anyone can create a better website with mobile responsive templates and seamless drag and drop unlimited customization. 

If you plan to design websites, you must consider making the design enjoyable and useful. Even anyone has the world’s best web design software at their fingertips; it still can become an overwhelming task for those who have just begun to create websites. 

Here are the 10 Dos and Don’ts of Web Design that you must follow before creating the websites.

1. Keeping your interface consistent

 is the top principle of web designing to keep the interface consistent throughout the entire product. It would help if you were consistent with the overall look and the feel of the website across all the website pages. To have a positive impact on usability, the websites must be consistent in navigation, typefaces, style of writing, and color schemes. 

Here is some practical tip which you might consider- 1st of all, make the design usable. If the website is not properly designed, there is no value in making the other parts consistent. So 1st of all, make the design usable, then go for making it consistent. 

2. Design easy-to-use navigation

Proper navigation is the cornerstone of the usability of the website. Keep in mind that if the user is unable to find their way around the websites, then there is no value in having a good website. So it would help if you were well sounded in making the navigation simple, clear, and consistent. 

Simple navigation means the websites should have the simplest structures, and the clearness in the navigation means it must be self-evident for the visitors. Consistent navigation suggests that the navigation system must be the same for every page, including the homepage. 

Navigation must be designed so that the visitors can easily go wherever they wish with the least amount of clicks, and they can still easily scan and locate the places where they wish to go.

3. Change the color of visited links.

Every web designer must be aware that the links play the most vital role in the navigation process. The links must change their colors more often when you visit the website; otherwise, the user will be unintentionally revisiting the same WebPages repeatedly. 

The user must know its past and present locations to make it easier for them to decide which link they need to visit. 

4. Make it easy to scan your pages.

After visiting the website, the user will first scan the whole screen of the website. Then, if the visitor wishes to find the content, they will scan the whole screen of the website until they find where they need to go. 

Web design principles Checklist suggests the web designer help the designer by designing a good visual hierarchy. It just means the arrangement of all the elements in such a way that implies the importance. 

5. Take content seriously

Along with the good design of the website, importance must also be given to the good content on the web page. Websites can only be considered good ones when the website is designed beautifully and with good content. Therefore, every designer must ensure that the design aids and complements the content. 

You must ensure that the text present on the website is relevant. Irrelevant texts will not bring any value for the users, and it will confuse them. So try to indulge that content on the website, which could be valuable for the visitors.

6. Check your website for errors.

As you all might be aware that a small piece of error can tarnish the whole great work. Website designing company Mumbai suggests being aware of the common problems such as:

  • Watching out for the dead links- Visitors can become frustrated when they click on the website link and find 404 error pages in the response. So be aware of this type of issue.
  • Check the websites for any typos.
  • You must make sure that all the media content uploaded on the web page is loading correctly without any broken images and videos.

7. Minimize the number of choices

You must minimize the number of choices. The more the number of choices lesser the action the visitors will take. Presenting the user with too many choices can impact the decision-making. So, to increase the chances of interaction with the visitors, it’s always advised to minimize the number of choices. 

8. Engage users to scroll

Scrolling plays a major role in the promotion of the business. When the customers scroll a lot on the web page, they will invest more time in the experience; they can go deeper into the pages. All this may lead them to convert them into the preferable client and thrust them to buy something, sign up for the newsletter, or may contact you. 

Visitors start scrolling down as soon as the web page loads, but the content at the top is very important. Top content will only set the impression and the expectation of the quality for the visitors. 

9. Label buttons according to what they do

The Label buttons always tie back to what they will do for the user. The visitors will make themselves comfortable if they understand what action the label button will trigger. Unfortunately, vague labels such as the “submit” don’t provide much information about the action. 


Improve Your Website’s Conversion Rates with These 5 Design Tips

By James Tredwell on November 6, 2020

A website is the front face of your business. 

Therefore, it is important that your front face sends the right impression. A website can only become successful when it has the right design elements. It can only convert visitors into potential customers when it is decluttered and has the right impactful images. If it’s a matter of converting visitors, the right website design plays an important role. So are you wondering what design elements can make a difference? Ask any website design  agency and they will tell you about them. Here are 5 design tips which can help improve your website conversion rate exponentially. 

1) Remove Unwanted Elements & Enhance Your Site’s White Space

We all love to talk a lot about our product and service. And when it comes to delivering experiences, we often forget about how we shouldn’t overwhelm our customers with too many words. In short, it is a thrilling experience to talk about what we have to offer but not when it risks your website’s user experience. 

Online visitors think very differently. They need to take short pit stops to let their minds process information. It’s where white spaces come in handy. We all need to pause and think once in a while. With white spaces in your website, you give it a natural structure so people can make pit stops and absorb information rather than getting overwhelmed. 

2) Use Images Abundantly to Talk Through Visuals

Have you ever been to a nearby local store for shopping? Well you do that every other day. How many times have you visited a grocery store and picked up a product just to take a good long look at it? It’s the same with products on websites. Your mind will only be convinced to purchase a certain product when you have some strong visuals to look at. 

Hence when it comes to running an ecommerce store or a retail based website, choose a theme where you can leverage a number of images. Gone are the days when just mere texts could have a positive impact and be convincing enough for a buyer to purchase. We now live in a world where you need a mix of visual elements to compliment your text. 

3) Don’t Clutter Your Website with Multiple Call to Actions

One of the most frustrating experiences is when people have to go through multiple CTA options on a particular landing page. As a result, a person may find themselves struggling with deciding which option he or she should click upon. This is called finding yourself stuck in the paradox of choice. They may find themselves at a failure to conclude what to do. 

Hence, it is best advised that you don’t end up finding yourself troubled in the mix of multiple calls to actions. For example, if a single website page features all such as “Watch a video,” or “Learn more” or “Sign up for a free trial” in one single landing page, it can easily overwhelm the customer and may send them in a perplexed situation where they won’t be able to decide what to do. 

4) Create Appropriate Navigation

How surprising is it that so many designers do not pay much of an attention to navigation? It is highly important that a visitor should be aware of his position on the website. It is also relevant that they should be aware of where they are located. It will become easier for them to navigate around to different places on the website and conclude which category is better. 

It’s best that you keep navigation in mind especially when you’re designing menus, adding footers, and highlighting other navigational elements. As long as you can keep your website full-fledge and running, you are more likely to convert your visitors into customers. Effective navigation will ensure your website is guiding your audience in the right direction. 

5) Lastly Never Forget to Add Social Proof

If you want a sure-fire way to boost your website conversions, then don’t forget to add a social proof on your website. It’s one of the things that many website owners forget to add while designing a website. They don’t make much of an effort when it comes to introducing a social proof to a particular website or they usually introduce that element after a while.

After a catchy headline and a great pitch right in the beginning, the next phase is to add testimonials and case studies to win your average audience. You can introduce many success stories, introduce different company logos, and bring new and old visitors who may want to know more about your business & services. Such elements can build trust in people.  

Concluding Thoughts

So there you go, here are the 5 design tips which I believe can boost your website conversions 10x. If you want to become a growing business in the digital landscape, its best you come up with a custom tailored solution that compliments your website progress.

Are there any particular tips that you would love to share that can help boost your conversions? Feel free to share them with us so we can add them. 

This article is contributed by Fahad Ali Khan, digital marketing expert at Branex – website design dubai

Website Builders: 10 Essential Features to Look for in a Website Builder

By James Tredwell on August 27, 2020

If you want to build an online presence for your business, then you’ll need a website. And one of the fast and affordable ways to do that is by having an easy-to-use website builder.

Sure, there are website developers and designers available out there. But not everyone can afford to hire one. Not to mention that you’ll also need to shell out some money for web hosting.

To figure out just what you need in a website builder here is a list of 10 essential features that you should look for:

#1. Ease of use

When looking for a website builder, one of the things that you should look for is how easy to use it. Since the point of using such a platform is to have a website up and running even without knowledge in coding.

Not to mention that it should not be a hassle to edit your front end. Otherwise, it is time to switch to a new website builder.

#2. Customizable templates

Although intuitiveness is something that you should expect from a website builder, you also have to consider whether they have a wide selection of templates and themes to choose from.

Aside from having an array of templates and themes, you should also see to it that their themes are customizable. That way, it will be easy for you to change how your website looks and functions anytime.

What’s the point of being able to build a website with ease if you cannot customize it? You will end up having a website that looks just like everyone else’s.

#3. Pre-formatted page layouts

It would be best if you also looked for pre-formatted page layouts when choosing your website builder. That’s because it makes things a whole lot easier for you.

If you would like to create a web page and unsure of how to get started, a pre-formatted page layout can be a useful guide. That way, you will know how you can best outline and produce your content.

#4.Form builder

It is common to see an online form on a website. More often than not, this is used to make it easy for site visitors to send their concerns, inquiries, or suggestions to the website owner.

That said, your preferred website builder must allow you to create various types of online forms. It is not enough that they have form builders in place. They should also be customizable so that you can create the right form fields depending on your needs.

#5. Customization options

As you should know by now, customization is what can make your website unique. Since there are likely a lot of people using the same website builder as you, there is a chance that your website’s design will look similar to others if you do not customize it.

That said, it is essential that your website can let you change your website’s color scheme, upload your site icon, manage your navigation, as well as tweak the layout of every page on your site.

These little things can make your website unique and fit for your brand.

#6. Mobile-responsive design

When you create a website, you should keep in mind that more and more people are accessing the Internet using their mobile devices. Therefore, your website should look good and functional for both desktop and mobile users.

A website builder that has an intuitive mobile-responsive design is something that you should value.

#7. Image library

A website builder should also have a decent image library since imagery is an integral part of any website.

That said, you have to make sure that your website builder offers essential photo editing tools. Doing so can ensure that you are uploading high-quality images only.

If you are going to use your website as a portfolio or gallery of your creative work, make sure that it is intuitive and mobile-responsive.

#8. Ecommerce solutions

If you intend to build an online store for your business, then you will need a website builder that can provide ecommerce solutions.

We are not just talking about being able to have an online store where you can upload product images and write product descriptions. It is also vital that your platform is secured, can handle massive traffic, and can provide multiple payment gateways.

#9. Social sharing function

It is a no-brainer that social media can help boost your business’ online presence. Thus, your website builder must have easy-to-integrate social media features. It can be as simple as being able to add social media buttons on your blog posts!

However, it is best to look for a social sharing function that contains the majority of your brand’s social channels.

#10. Website analytics

To be able to figure out how you can improve your website, you need to have access to your digital analytics data.

Therefore if you are looking for a website builder, you should know whether they provide website analytics and how it works. Your website builder should also be able to integrate other analytics services such as Google Analytics.

Wrap Up

Keep in mind that a website page builder can help simplify your web development and design process. Nonetheless, this list of essential website builder features can help you create a functional website.

However, the key here is figuring out what your website’s purpose will be. That way, you will know what features to look for.

Why Should You Use WordPress Plugin For Your Business?

By James Tredwell on July 10, 2020

This applies even to your business. With the changing times, you need to keep yourself updated constantly. Trends come and go in a flash, and you need to keep your business from falling behind. Similarly, with new features and quirks dropping in the market every day, you cannot afford to present yourself or your business with an outdated website. And hiring a new developer now and then is both expensive and too much of a hassle. But if you have your website with the WordPress, you’ve been covered.

WordPress is a platform that allows you to create and manage your websites for free. If you don’t have coding knowledge and skill, you can choose from the provided themes. It also offers you plugins to keep your website updated with new features. If you don’t know about WordPress, let’s go through that quickly.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a free-to-use, open-source CSM platform that is written in PHP and is paired with a MariaDB or MySQL database. In other words, WordPress is a simple way to create your blog or website. You can also say that WordPress is a popular online platform that helps you to create and manage your website without having any knowledge about design or coding.

WordPress initially started as a blogging platform. It lets you focus on the important aspects of your website while it takes care of creating it. Over the years, its CMS has been developed to support various kinds of websites. Online stores,  affiliate websites, membership sites, woocommerce auction sites  and media publications are just a drop in the river of the diverse website list.

Over 30% of all websites currently active on the internet are powered or associated with WordPress.

What is a Plugin?

WordPress has a variety of plugins available. When you create a website with WordPress, you have an array of plugins at your disposal. You are free to choose from this varied range of plugins and help yourself customize your website according to your need. Plugins extend existing features and add additional functions.

They are available for free as well as premium. Even the premium ones range differently, from low costing to expensive. If you are not able to find the right plugin for yourself, you can ask a professional WordPress plugin development company to make one for you.

Benefits of WordPress Plugins!

  1. Available for Any Requirement

Plugins are essential tools for the non-coders to achieve their desired functionality on their website. A huge community of talented developers supports WordPress. This WP plugin development has facilitated you to choose from over 54,000 available plugins. Whatever you need from your website, a plugin will deliver it.

There are various types of plugins available. Contact forms, SEO optimization, integrated automated email marketing, scheduled and regular backups, membership, and live chat are just a few examples.

Develop a WooCommerce plugin, an e-commerce solution from WordPress allows safe and secure transactions on online shopping from your website. WooCommerce powers about 28% of all online stores. It has been a trusted tool, which has been proven by it’s over 30 million downloads.

  1. Flexible with Your Changing Needs

When you need to add a feature to your website, you don’t need to hire a developer or overhaul your website. Just add the required plugin. The variety of plugins available will help you create a website with the features that you want. WordPress plugins even let you modify them and lets you add your functions to that.

In case you are not able to find the desired plugin or face the plugin bloat, you always have an option of custom WordPress plugin development.

  1. Easy on Your Pocket

Hiring a web developer to customize your website is not cheap. It is also a time taking process, and you may not get the desired results out of it.

Plugins are free tools offered by WordPress to equip your website with unique and needed features. There are also premium plugins. These premium plugins can be expensive or light on your pocket, depending on their price. They also have a basic or demo version available for free. So you can use that to check if it is the right plugin for you. However, they are still inexpensive compared to hiring a developer.

  1. Easy to Compare

It’s challenging to find the correct developer for your website. Skilled developers will deliver good quality, but are expensive. Less skilled developers, on the other hand, are comparatively less expensive, but there is no guarantee on the outcome. Besides, it’s hard to identify skilled developers from the less skilled ones, let alone determine if their skills match your requirements.

However, it is different from the plugins. Plugins have all the necessary information available about them. Hence they are easy to compare. A plugin with a thousand active installations will have fewer issues compared to the one with a hundred active installations. A popular plugin will have all the issues identified and possibly already been rectified. There is a reason that many people are trusting it.

You can also know when a certain plugin was updated. A plugin that hasn’t been updated for years is outdated, and a new plugin may still have unrectified issues. It is necessary to check the plugin version and all available information to make the right choice.

  1. Easy to Install

Plugins are really easy to install. There are two basic ways to add a plugin. The first one is to visit ‘Dashboard.’ Look for the ‘Plugin’ section and select ‘add new.’ There you can look for the one you need from the ‘search’ section. After you have made your choice, you can ‘install’ it and let it download. In a summary, Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add New -> Search -> Install -> Activate.


You can choose one from the plugin directory or a seller’s website and upload the zip file. You can activate or deactivate an installed plugin via the admin panel.


WordPress provides you a lot of plugins equipped with unique features. These plugins have over 1 billion total downloads worldwide. However, each plugin uses its coding that may not be compatible with your website resulting in dropped performance. This is called the plugin bloat. And a popular plugin does not mean that it is the right plugin for you. So keep looking and make the right choice.


Author Bio :- I’m Jigar Shah. Web Developer, Editor and Contributor at WPWeb – a WordPress Development Company in India . Helping global businesses with unique and engaging tools for their business.

12 Ways to Make Your eCommerce Site’s Design Look Attractive

By James Tredwell on May 22, 2020

Are you also thinking about making eCommerce sites design attractive looking? If the customers like the design of your website, then it then only it make your site to be browsed, and they love spending their time over it.

However, getting an attractive design for your site is not an easy task to avail of. It is important for you to take the right strategies into consideration.

Determining the same, here we are providing the details about the three most common strategies that help you out in making the design of your eCommerce site attractive.

#1. Start With Embracing A Simple Home Page

Nowadays, with the help of social media, search engines, and directories, it has become easier for people to go straight to the content pages without even visiting the homepage.

This fact has decreased the importance of the homepage. However, it does not mean that you should ignore the design.

Instead, if you are in the e-commerce business, then you shall always focus on a simple design that can be easily imprecise the important information without even getting overloaded with the unnecessary distractions to the customers.

#2. Always try to use the right color palette

The color palette and the background colors along with the dominant and ascent must be based upon what your brand is representing and which audience you are targeting.

If you are willing to represent luxury and elegance, then you can go for the black shades, and the energy and excitement related factors are associated with the white shades of red.

You can also use the online color scheme generator for this or can take advice from the expert Magento developer.

If the design of your site is sleek minimalist and clean, then it will minimize the destruction and let the customers focus on what they are exactly looking and clicking.

If you are selling the fashion apparels, then try to go for the white background color and highlight the “add to cart” call to action button.

It will not be wrong if you rely on the readymade themes for the e-commerce website. Even in Magento, there are some amazing readymade themes and extensions available that you can use for your e-commerce website.

However, if you think that you are capable of creating unique sites, then you can go for the platform that helps you to code your own theme. After creating your design, always take a review of other people at an initial level.

#3. Always use the best, honest product pictures

It is rightly stated that everyone likes things that are aesthetically pleasing—however, 90% of the information that is transmitted to our brain as usual.

Being an e-commerce website owner, it is important for you to determine the fact that you were product pictures look professional, there is proper lightning instead of looking like they have been taken from any front camera of the phone.

If your store is selling the drawings, then it is important that the product images have a certain depth. Try to capture the pictures from all the sensible angles and try to ensure that they can easily get zoomed in.

The more you provide the details, the more will be better. Always try to make your product picture relevant. Suppose you are selling a tea mug, then instead of a standalone mug, you can easily fill it with tea and put it on the table with other kitchen items. It will simply enhance its photography.

#4. Think the cinema-graph

Again we will state the same that the brain loves everything visual, then you should try giving it a surprise. Turnstile has conducted an experiment states that 20% of the conversion rate gets increases when the customers get presented with the subtle moving images.

The cinematography plays an important role in creating immediate engagement with the customers due to its power of making the customers looking again. If you are also thinking about increasing the conversion rate, then you can easily consider the cinema graphs.

#5. Think like A Website Visitor

If you are willing that your eCommerce web page design can connect with your audience then it is important for you to think just like them. There are some particular things that your potential customers will definitely look for into your site.

If you have structured the site according to the customer’s requirements then it will become easy for them to navigate and also your customers will be able to get a hassle-free shopping experience.

#6. Use Social Proof

Whenever you are structuring your eCommerce business website design inspiration then always search for the approaches that can easily demonstrate your potential customers the positive input that you have gotten from your other clients. Always try to include the evaluation segment where the individuals can easily rate your items.

#7. Must Make Product Categories

If you were site is easy to navigate then it will definitely attract more users. if the user is willing to get some things and the product is available just a few clicks away when it will definitely prove to be a positive sign for him

#8. Must Add The View Cart Button

Usually, the E-Commerce sites have a little shopping cart icon somewhere on any page that helps the users in getting details about the items that they have actually added to their cart.

It is one of the most important strategies that you must adopt if you are willing to make your eCommerce web design attractive. It is important for you to ensure that the icon is somewhere recognizable like the shopping cart for shopping bags.

#9. Along with photos and moving images, try to add videos

The more you use media for representing the products, the more it will attract the users. Yes, the pictures will show how the product looks but with the help of videos or short description videos the customers will be able to feel more connected to the product or service you are providing.

#10. Must Keep All The Things Organised

All the categories that you have given on your eCommerce website page must be organized in a perfect manner. It must be easy for the customers to find out the menu bar or shopping cart or any other tab. As we have stated that products must be categorized properly.

#11. Must add an out-of-stock tab

It is necessary for you to determine that if any of the stock is not available then it should be noted with the out of the stock tag. With the help of a scarcity tag you can easily play tricks with customer psychology. If the fear missing out on the product then they will impulsively purchase it.

#12. Must Use Attractive Grid Layouts

For the E-Commerce sites, the great style layouts are considered as the best options available. Whenever the users browse the products, it is best for them to get the products in particular rows or columns.

Additionally you should be careful that you are not trying too many different products in one row. Try to choose the products that will make your product catalog visibility appealing. To

An e-commerce site visual design is scientific. If you are willing to keep your customers’ stay on your site that always tries to focus on providing relevant content along with evoking the emotions, before starting, must conduct the whole research.

Author Bio. :- Ravi Sharma, CEO of Webomaze is a highly enthusiastic entrepreneur. His love for making every business reach the greatest heights in their industry made him establish his Web Development & Digital Marketing Company delivering the best eCommerce development & SEO services.

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