Top 10 Email Marketing Plugins for Your WordPress Site

By James Tredwell on February 19, 2021

WordPress is rapidly becoming a one-stop-shop for businesses looking to develop their online presence. About 75 million websites active today are built on it, meaning that WordPress alone is responsible for about 39.6% of the internet. On the other hand, having an email subscription list is one of the easiest ways to expand your website. However, manually creating one is time-consuming and tricky. Luckily, WordPress email marketing plugins make this task easy. 

You can generate professional-looking emails from your WordPress dashboard to help you expand your reach. Beyond the delivery of content, an email newsletter can also help attract paying customers to your company. An email newsletter can encourage the interested audience to visit your site and boost your sales by up to 23%, thus improving your small business enterprise’s bottom line. 

Email Marketing Plugins You Should Not Miss

While email marketing is one of the oldest digital marketing strategies, it still boasts of a 4400% ROI to your budget. Thus, it is best to consider adding it to your tactics. To make your work easier, here are some email marketing plugins that you need to try. 

1. MailChimp

MailChimp is one of the most popular email marketing sites, as well as a WordPress plugin. A variety of pre-built, mobile-friendly, and flexible sign-up forms, a comprehensive knowledge base, and a good range of add-on are available in this email marketing plugin. 

MailChimp is trustworthy, seamless, and making email creation software and plugin. You can use the free core version for your email marketing needs, but you can opt to have the paid version for added features. For paying a fee, you can get detailed reports and monitoring that you can consider for your next strategy. It also has an eCommerce integration that lets you tag subscribers based on their purchases, straightforward template styling choices and more.

However, if an experienced user is trying to change MailChimp’s default settings, the data can complicate the process extensively. Also, adding native subscription types to the pages takes specific CSS expertise. 

2. MailPoet

MailPoet is one of the most well-known WordPress free newsletter plugins. To monitor your subscribers, you can quickly migrate an existing list from your CRM or other marketing automation tool or build forms. You can connect them to your site using widgets. Plus, their drag-and-drop email editor helps you to easily create personalized emails that look fantastic on any smartphone or email service.

It has more than 300,000 active downloads through its multiple templates and comes with ready-to-use email templates to kick-start the email marketing campaigns. These free templates include welcome emails, newsletters, and new post-updates, all of which enable marketing automation. 

You will either make MailPoet use the registry on your WordPress site to send emails (bad deliverability). You can also take advantage of MailPoet’s sending program or use a third-party SMTP server to make it easier to distribute. 

3. SendinBlue

With SendinBlue, you can build forms, maintain subscription lists, create and send email marketing strategies, and calculate the performance over time using the included reports. It can help you configure your email components to improve your interaction with your subscribers.

SendInBlue is an all-in-one email marketing plugin that quickly provides a range of tools to create and maintain your email list. It also provides automation and a drag-and-drop campaign builder. However, the collection of features can be a little complicated for less experienced users. 

You can create sign-up forms and integrate them to different sites on your WordPress website. Sendinblue also provides simple segmentation contact list management, accurate campaign information, and automation functionality. The plugin uses the SendinBlue SMTP service to send transactional emails, which enhances distribution and monitoring.

4. SendPress

SendPress is an easy-to-use WordPress plugin that lets you send email updates to your subscribers. You can make your email professional-looking, make quick edits and add the latest design trends to them, much like WordPress pages. 

This WordPress plugin often provides flexible sign-up widgets, single or double opt-in, click monitoring, open and unsubscribe buttons, WordPress position synchronization, and more. You can program the Auto Cron tool to update your website periodically and ensure that newsletters have been received. While you can get the basic version for free, having the pro version additionally provides API Sending, advanced report information, custom HTML templates, and more.

5. Bloom

A finely crafted WordPress plugin, Bloom is made up of a hundred templates. It has 19 integrations that work well with any email marketing software. It supports different pop-ups like fly-ins, widget fields, content in-line, content-based, and content-based lockers. And you also have exceptional trigger choices, such as the ability to view an opt-in form after a guest leaves a message. 

6. Icegram

Icegram’s developers claim to help you grow subscribers, increase conversions and engage visitors. With its exclusive features, it is a pretty good summary. Icegram has a restricted free edition of It is an acceptable option that allows you to make welcome bars, opt-ins, and lead gene shapes. However, since it is limited, it lacks a drag-and-drop designer, and there are better free alternatives out there.

However, if you opt to get the premium edition, it gives you many reasons to get it. It can support 12 separate CTA forms, lots of trigger and targeting tools, an advanced analytical and split testing platform. So, if you have a budget to shell out, Icegram can be the right choice. 

7. Jackmail

It is a WordPress newsletter plugin that will assist with your mailing list and deliver email newsletters right from your WordPress dashboard. One of Jackmail‘s unique characteristics is that it has built-in SMTP server integration. Without going into the technical specifics, that means the email newsletter you submit from your WordPress dashboard has a much better chance of avoiding your subscribers’ spam folders. 

You can either use the provided opt-in forms or link to many other standard emails opt-in software, including the Bloom plugin, to grow your email list. You will also get a drag-and-drop email designer to send your newsletters along with 48-plus newsletter models. 

Another good thing is that you can set up automated trigger-based newsletters. You can automatically submit a newsletter anytime you publish a new article or product. You can also submit a weekly update that conveniently picks up all the material you released that week.

8. Hustle

A freemium plugin from WPMU DEV, Hustle provides a range of features, including eight pop-up animations, 20-plus conditional actions, multiple pop-up trigger options, and more. You can also create responsive pop-up forms using the free form generator or use some pre-built customized models. It is a genuinely polished free product, but the only drawback is that the free edition restricts you to just three types per opt-in category. To use available opt-in forms, you would need to switch to Hustle Pro. 

9. Mailster

Mailster strives to be a full-service email newsletter solution that can help you expand your list and send emails to them. Essentially, Mailster builds completely functioning newsletter applications right on WordPress. 

You can create your emails using a drag-and-drop editor, and you can also dynamically add content from your website. You can include your new blog posts or any items from WooCommerce. It has six types of autoresponders and supports real-time, open-rate mail monitoring, clicks, and more. 

10. HubSpot

While HubSpot is an all-in-one marketing platform that will allow you to engage and convert your target audience, it has a free email marketing tool. It has an effective drag-and-drop builder that can seamlessly integrate with WordPress. You can even send about 2,000 emails to your subscribers for free within a month. HubSpot’s WordPress plugin makes it easier for your email marketing campaign as it makes it easy to manage your contacts from your admin dashboard. 

Final Thought 

Starting with email marketing is a positive start towards the overall marketing targets. It is crucial, though, to have a content marketing plan before you take the plunge. Consider how many emails you need to send, what strategies you will use in your email marketing, or what things you will promote in your emails. With these plugins, you will ensure that your efforts will not waste while saving time and cost. Moreover, investing in premium plugins will offer high user involvement and, potentially, a good return on investment for larger websites.

This article is contributed by Maricar, Content Writer for Softvire Australia and Softvire New Zealand.

Why Email Marketing Is Important For Businesses?

By James Tredwell on October 27, 2020

What is the earliest form of digital communications? The first answer that pops into our minds is email. Considering the present day scenario, there are ample digital marketing tactics at everyone’s disposal. However, if there is one strategy that is still alive, it is email.

Many businesses still question why email is important? Rather, it is the other way round. How many people do you know who do not have an email? Yes. Email is popular. It is one of the strategies which is literally at everyone’s fingertips. Do not take emails for granted.

Do you want to reach a massive number of people altogether? Are you looking for the most professional way of business communication? Do you want to build your brand presence? Do you want to capitalize on the marketing? Well, email is the sure-shot solution to all these.

Importance of Email Marketing

Email marketing is still prevalent. If you are still looking for the importance of email marketing, we have the reasons listed for you. Here is why email is important for your business:

  1. Upper hand on social media:

There is no denying the fact that social media is attractive and engaging. Neither is there denying that social media has a massive audience. However, if you are looking for a potential audience, email is the right platform. Whether it is branding, getting leads, or conversions, emails bring the highest ROI. Social media is a great way to strengthen customer relations. However, when it comes to customer acquisition, emails are the way. Email marketing drives continuous customer growth and retention.

  1. Affordability:

Whether it be traditional marketing like printing or highly advanced technology, everything has a cost. However, what if we tell you that you can get high ROI at low costs? You wouldn’t believe it. Or rather, it is a win-win situation. Cost-effectiveness is a key factor that defines the importance of email marketing. It is suitable for both startups and well-established businesses. All you need is a potential mailing list and email strategy. Emails eliminate major costs for media acquisition.

  1. Personalization:

Unlike social media posts, emails are completely customizable. This itself justifies why emails are important. Moreover, with email marketing, you can deliver valuable content to your audience according to preferences. This helps in building strong relationships with customers, leads, and everyone involved. Alongside this, it makes the audience feel privileged and builds trust.

  1. Action-oriented:

One essential thing among the importance of email marketing is that it involves CTA. You can’t do that with other platforms. You can straight up send offers and convince consumers to buy the products. The nature of email is transactional. The ultimate goal is to bring conversions and sales. With the action-oriented strategy, emails generate a higher revenue than all other platforms. You can also send trigger-based emails to consumers by adding the action buttons.

  1. Measurable analytics:

With email marketing, you can get the complete picture. There is no guesswork strategy involved. By using email marketing software, you can get the exact numbers. These involve site engagement, traffic, email open rates, subscription, and others. The email metrics help you understand your marketing strategy and its results. Alongside this, the business can also conduct regular split testing. This helps them know what is working and what improvisations to make.

  1. Mobile friendly:

Just like all other platforms, people can access mails from anywhere, anytime. While many feel that emails have a back foot, this isn’t the case. Rather, it is of advantage. So, if you are on the lookout for mobile-friendly strategies, emails are still on the list. Rather, emails cover up a major part of the interaction channels. With emails, businesses can reach customers in real-time instead of time delays. This plays a significant role in interaction and conversion.

  1. Brand-awareness:

Brand awareness is yet another answer to why email is important. With emails, you do not just make the brand presence but also increase customer’s interest. Do not take this as a notion to send out multiple emails in a day. Rather, add a sense of brand essence and value to your emails. Stay consistent and maintain quality. Build the possibility of brand activeness and trust among consumers. Once the customers know your existence, they are likely to be more engaged.

  1. Check the clock:

Unlike social media content, you can’t just send emails whenever you want. If you send out emails at odd hours, it will surely decrease the brand’s credibility. To keep the importance of email marketing intact, know your audience well. Send them offers on special occasions. Keep them updated. The bottom line is to create a sense of urgency to make the consumers buy the product. Depending on the segmentation, you can divide the consumer list. One major factor among this is geography for global businesses.

  1. Everyone has an email:

Still, wondering why email is important? The answer is because everyone has it. It is a ubiquitous service. Whether it be for contacts, networking, or business communications, it serves all the purposes well. You can contact anyone quickly, effectively, and professionally with just a well-tailored email.

  1. Email automation:

With technological advancements, one of the best is email automation. A good email marketing software efficiently manages all the responses automatically. Alongside, email automation makes it easier to tackle meetings, send reminder emails, and other tedious tasks. It eliminates the need for human intervention. This further helps you track the incoming emails and respond to them automatically. This makes the workflow quicker and streamlined.

  1. Client attraction:

If you are looking for business expansion, email has it covered for you. Emails not just help you bring leads and interact with customers, but also helps to garner potential clients. There are many businesses and platforms that you can approach through emails. With email networking, you can add some valuable clients to your list. Emails help you get multiple tasks done in a single go without much hassle.

  1. Easy to use:

There are still many businesses that are not comfortable with the Instagram algorithm. Or even more several other social media platforms. But, everyone knows how to craft an email. One of the main reasons why email is important is its ease of use. Anyone can get started with it without much training or expertise. You can learn about the for-and-about with time. It is not essential that what works for one business will work for you. By experimenting, you can further understand what suits the best for you.

  1. Organization and management:

Reaching out individually to each person can be tedious and not worth the time. But, with emails, you can manage all your leads and potential customers. This not just saves ample time, but also makes it easier to engage with the audience effectively. Alongside this, it allows the team to focus on core tasks. You can send out emails to people just with a single click and a well-crafted template. Look out for your business demands and goals and work accordingly.

What email marketing software to choose?

After being well-acquainted with the importance of email marketing, you must know which email marketing software to choose. Choosing the right software makes your task way easier than expected. If you are looking for one, Hopinfirst is the right option for you. But, why? Here is a list of reasons to justify it. Hopinfirst provides the following features for email marketing:

  • Dynamic tools for email customization. This helps you with customer engagement.
  • Provision of in-depth analytics of email campaigns. This helps you understand the audience, CTR, and other analytics.
  • Sending out newsletters and broadcasts to the users.
  • Sequential autoresponders for seamless assistance.
  • Sending triggered and targeted emails for customer engagement.
  • Alignment of emails with time
  • Evaluation of emails with split testing
  • Integration of essential tools for business growth
  • Provision of email heatmaps

This isn’t it. There is another amazing email marketing software for you to choose from. But before choosing any, ensure that they align with your business goals and demands. Let us provide you with a list of the best ones you can choose from:

  • Mailchimp
  • HubSpot
  • SendinBlue
  • ActiveCampaign
  • ConstantContact
  • ConvertKit
  • Campaign Monitor

The list does not end here. Depending on the business, you can opt for others. Whether it is a small business or a full-fledged one, email marketing software is the most compatible and affordable one.


To summarize, there are many marketing strategies for business growth. However, if you are looking for reliability, there is nothing better than email marketing. While many believe that email marketing does not persist. It isn’t so. Rather, it is one of the best strategies to grow your business. All you need to do is build a potential email list.

Following this, create email content and engage the audience. Make sure that you provide them with the best for maximum engagement. After all, you do not want the potential consumers to fall out.

Lastly, email marketing demands patience and consistency. You will surely get the desired results, but you need to give the time it requires. Do not fall back and create your own strategies for your business.

Author Bio. :- Sara is a Content Writer at PeppyBiz. She is not only a creative writer but also paints a beautiful canvas. She makes sure that you are left with no doubt about keeping up with marketing and sales.

Things Should Be Considered Before Setting Up An Email Marketing Campaign

By James Tredwell on August 26, 2020

Email marketing is a budget-friendly and robust approach. It is known as the most effective way to send marketing information out in the market. Though, it requires minimum investment but still needs a foolproof strategy for proper functioning. 

If you are just beginning your marketing journey with email marketing, look down to find out some useful tips that are required for a successful email marketing campaign.

The sole objective of email marketing

There are a lot of reasons for driving an email marketing campaign. Some digital marketing companies deliver emails about their new offers, some publish to inform about the latest collection and a few of them use it as a tool to inform about stock and availability. This channel is a great opportunity to elevate sales and lead conversion.

Here we have sorted out the reasons for sending an email to the consumers:

To subsisting clients

  • For welcoming new consumer on board and provide them with a 

a quick overview of the products.

  • To deliver updates on different products and offers.
  • If your website has acquired a new feature.
  • To enhance the relationship 
  • You can also send emails to consumers, who are inactive for a long time. Send them offers that might connect them again.
  • To elevate the conversion of trial users to potential customers.
  • Companies can target existing customers to initiate upscaled sales.

For would-be clients

  • Try to generate awareness about your product or trademark.
  • Offer deals to create a strong interest in the commodity and encourage clients to initiate a purchase.
  • Always try to send a message that can forge impact and helps in converting followers into consumers.
  • Prepare a strategy to target audiences that were left out while promotions.

These points are helpful in creating a foolproof strategy to connect more people to your brand. Always make sure to build separate strategies to target numerous clients. When you are confident about the brand objective, it will be much simpler to direct all your energies in achieving the goal.

Here are three ways to segment marketing emails for better propagation-

  1. Brand promotional emails- This category generally deals with proposals, sales, and branding.
  2. Connection establishment mails- In this category firms can create a weekly newsletter, caste studies on products, and essential information. It also deals with bounties and giveaway.
  3. Transaction based mails- This section focuses on received payments, purchase confirmation, receipts, and joining messages.

Analyzing the difference between these categories is vital to create a valuable marketing layout. The more you research the more benefits your brand gets.

Expressive catch lines elevating high mail opening

With the advancement in technology, people are inclined to smartphones for most of their works. This trend has proved to be very useful in email marketing. 61% of consumers use mobile phones to check emails. 

So you can try to use subjects that are mobile-friendly and catchy at the same time. Most people use Gmail or Apple Mail for checking updates. This makes it of the utmost importance to modify the subject and body of the mail according to these platforms. 

These platforms support 41 to 70 characters maximum. So, try to fit your content into this digit. Place the most crucial part in the upper strata, also try to put a catchy line in the first sentence. 

According to 2019 trends, the subject length plays a vital role. So here are a few trends that will help you to step up your marketing game.

Use emojis to stand out from the crowd

Few analytics showed that only 7 percent of email marketers incorporate emojis in their mails. So, if your email contains things that can go well with the emojis, start using them immediately. This tactic can be useful in elevating mail opening rates.

Emojis are the best way to convey emotions more informally. Incorporate them and witness outstanding results.

Employing personalized arenas

Some email marketing professionals do not appreciate overusing name personalized aspects. This is generally because some people find it very monotonous and conventional. You can utilize various other subjects to create a spark in the consumer’s mind. 

Try using these ideas-

  • Mention location and products that are accessible to clients.
  • Provide insights about your commodity or service or brand.
  • The data that is collected via reviews and general surveys.
  • Incorporate birthdays and anniversaries, as you have clients’ personal data.

Capitalizing the subject 

This is the most underestimated tactic, and many marketers often ignore that. There are four ways to master this trick and benefit your brand without putting much effort.

According to research, only 6% of marketers used conclusion capitalization. Inheriting this trick is essential because it is practical as well as a unique approach. It will make your content a class apart.

What to write in content that can lead to high conversion?

Content needs to be creative while approaching consumers via emails. Email marketing seems easy but is a little tricky when researching on a deeper level.

These below-mentioned points will surely help you in creating good content for your email marketing campaign.

Try personalization but in a unique way

The codes are similar to the subject line mentioned earlier. Refrain using surnames to address your client, when sending a promotional email. Personal data should be used only in emails that reach on a personal level. Utilizing the name regularly looks unprofessional. Avoid this as much as possible.

Digital marketing companies approach personal data in a smart and sophisticated way. Begin with these tips-

  • Mention the consumer’s location and tell them about the offer or deal.
  • Incorporate data that has been collected via surveys or reviews.
  • Try to be specific about business and the product used by them.
  • You can send birthday and anniversary emails, as it develops a deep connection.

Provide overall information about you

Nowadays, people receive more than 80 emails every day and remembering everything is impossible. So, try to create and customize your mails. Provide your personal information such as name, photograph, and other information that can build a strong relationship with your client. 

Share information and stories about the business journey and create awareness about your product. 

Digital marketing companies employ this trick and the results are worth the wait.

Precise and Productive content 

While writing content many writers often use words that are not only useless but also snatches a lot of space, eliminate those words immediately. 

Nowadays people do not have time to read huge chunks of words, so make sure to keep it small and straightforward. 

Many digital marketing companies issue a strict format for email content because there is a character restriction in mail platforms and customizing it is crucial.


Storytelling is the best way to engage clients positively. Many marketers use this trick because of its power of connecting clients on an emotional and logical front.

There are many ways to spice up stories such as using harsh opening lines, proverbs, words that are capable of driving emotions and more.

Last lines

Just by formulating a blueprint, you can rest assured that messages are not piling in the scam box. This strategy focuses on the subject and works for the common goal. Multinational companies use this strategy to establish a personal connection with users. Digital marketing companies help firms to build a two-way relationship. The more you send messages, the more consumers will incline your product.

Author Bio. :- Alice Martin is a Content Marketer Head in with 10years of experience. His passion is helping people in all the aspects of content marketing flows through in the expert industry coverage he provides.

How to Attract and Engage Customers with Your Email Campaign

By James Tredwell on January 15, 2020

As the landscape of digital marketing adjusts to the ever-changing trends and the latest innovations in technology, email marketing remains one of the most popular and effective methods of nurturing relationships with your customer base and promoting your products and services.

Despite the prevalence of social media, 90% of adults and 74% of teenagers continue to use email messaging. In fact, there are approximately 269 billion emails sent each day. This means two things: first, that emails are still an ideal channel to share information and market to your target audience, and second, that your target audience may already be inundated with tons of emails.

Inbox management apps have become increasingly common, making the chances of getting your emails noticed even slimmer. So how do you make sure your brand’s message isn’t lost to the void of the filters and engages your leads enough to get them to act?

An email marketing campaign can be the solution to get more engagements, clickthroughs, and conversions from your leads. This post will guide you through the best practices of creating and implementing an effective email marketing campaign.

What is an Email Marketing Campaign?

An email marketing campaign is comprised of regularly-sent emails from a business or organization to one or more prospects to encourage them to take action on your message and engage with your business.

By integrating email marketing in your overall digital marketing strategy, a campaign can help push leads one-step closer to conversion, reconnect with previous customers, or offer something new to your loyal client base.

Like other marketing efforts, an email marketing campaign requires careful planning and consideration to be effective.

Best Practices for Attracting and Engaging with your Email Marketing Campaign

The success of your email marketing campaign rides on catching and sustaining the already-limited attention your target audience has. Below is a list of the best practices your business needs to create and implement an effective campaign.

1. Know Your Goals

Like all kinds of marketing, you need to make your goals clear from the get-go. Otherwise, the campaign won’t have a solid direction and will end up being a waste of effort and time.

Some of the more common campaign goals are sending welcome messages to new leads who’ve signed up for your email list, promoting content, products, or services, connecting with your existing contacts through valuable content, re-engagement emails for prospects who haven’t converted or previous customers who aren’t as active, and segmenting your list of contacts to better create targeted messaging.

It’s best to put these goals in line with your existing marketing strategies and your company’s overall objectives, keeping in mind your ideal buyer personas and other relevant industry data.

2. Craft a Good Subject Line

In the little amount of time you have, from the moment your target audience sees your email to their next action, your subject line should be enough keep their interests piqued to click and read the rest of your message.

A good subject line is short, snappy, and gives the readers a taste of what they can expect from the rest of the email. Depending on your brand image and overall tone for communication, you can also add the receiver’s name to engage them better. Avoid using clickbait or sensational titles, as these may lead to your email being filtered to the junk folder.

3. Get to the Point

Email may not have a character limit, but that doesn’t mean that you should be writing lengthy essays in the copy. The tiny bit of text, also known as previews or pre-header text, should be just as compelling for the reader to want to read the rest of your email.

A common mistake marketers make is placing the “view in your web browser” text above everything, making it take over the preview. Instead, try rephrasing your subject line or summarizing the purpose of the email in a few words.

4. Offer Something Good

Good email marketing should give your target audience something valuable—new information, a discount on in-demand items, exclusive eBooks, and more. These offers help keep your business in their minds and build trust with them.

The key to making your campaign more valuable is to add variety to the kind of marketing emails you send. Nobody wants an inbox full of repetitive and templated promotions. If the content is valuable and engaging, then they’re more likely to listen to you and continue connecting with your brand in the long run.

Consider creating subcategories for your email lists based on demographics and other data to channel the most relevant content to the right recipients.

5. Tailor Your Message

Digital marketing has the unique opportunity of having the ability to create highly-customized messages that talk to your prospects in a more personal way. A simple shift from a generic salutation to using the recipient’s name can already set a tone that makes them more open to interacting with your brand.

The copy and content of your email can be just as targeted by using what you know about your list: geographic location, demographics, market type, past site activity, current stage in the conversion pipeline, and other useful customer data. Ensure that your emails are warm and compelling while adhering to your brand’s image and tone.

6. Design Your Email Well

Keep in mind that your email isn’t just information sent to your prospect’s inbox. The content and overall design reflect your brand as a whole, and an ugly or clunky email is definitely not going to earn you points with your target market.

Make sure your email copy isn’t too lengthy and break up blocks of text with an eye-catching image or graphic. Use bullet points to help your reader skim through the contents without missing vital information.

Optimize your design for readability and accessibility across various platforms—desktop, mobile, tablet, etc. Ensure that your overall layout and elements don’t look rigid, dated, or otherwise weaken your message.

7. Add a Call-To-Action (CTA)

At the end of the day, the goal of your email is to get the recipient to act on it—whether to click a link to your page, pick up on items they abandoned in their cart, or share content to their social media pages. That action needs to be crystal clear, or your excellently-crafted email will just go to waste.

When creating your CTA, choose words that make the desired action clear but are also descriptive and exciting. Integrate your CTA into your overall email design to make it more eye-catching and easy to find. Finally, ensure that it will lead to the desired action with no unnecessary steps.

8. Test and Track Your Campaign

Making sure the email’s contents and method of distribution are working in order to save you from the worry and any possible mishaps that may tank your campaign before it even begins. This involves viewing the design and layouts on various devices and ensuring all elements are functional.

Once the campaign is underway, keeping an eye on your data will allow you to make tweaks and experiment with different approaches to maximize results. Having data on your campaign’s performance can also provide useful insights to guide your future marketing endeavors.

Wrapping It Up

Email marketing campaigns are a great opportunity to provide your contacts with something valuable: interesting content, exclusive information, and even promos for products and services. In turn, this can help push them into trusting and engaging with your brand, leading to more traffic and conversions.

A successful email marketing campaign relies on good strategy, a deep understanding of your target market, and knowing how to say the right things to get your prospects to act on your message.

How to Increase Your Email Open Rate with Effective Subject Lines

By James Tredwell on November 28, 2019

Doesn’t it feel horrible to put hours of hard work into creating impactful emails as part of your email marketing strategy only to witness incredibly poor open rates? If even your best emails are going unnoticed, your email marketing strategy is definitely lacking something and you better fix it!

Low email open rates could be due to various factors and companies must implement effective email audit policies in place for keeping close tabs on the progress of their email marketing strategy.

One huge factor that determines your open rate is your subject line. You have to grab your readers’ attention and make a proposition they just can’t ignore. A catchy subject line will force them to click on that email for sure. Don’t believe us? Take a look at this finding.

One study concludes that 69% of email recipients mark emails as spam because of their subject lines alone while 47% open their emails based again on the subject lines. Therefore, there’s no denying that subject lines and open rates go hand in hand. Now, before we further explore how these two are related, let’s first get an understanding of open rates and how they work.

Email Open Rate

The open rate for emails is simply the percentage of recipients who opened your email that went into their inboxes. It’s one of the most important performance metrics for your email marketing campaign. Without a decent open rate, even a stellar campaign can be a non-starter. A healthy email open rate falls within the 20-40% range.

Why Subject Lines Are Important for Your Open Rate

Email overload is a reality in the world today. From business owners to media contact, there’s almost no one whose email inbox isn’t bombarded with a sea of emails. And they’re all competing for the recipient’s time and attention.

Therefore, people just spend a fraction of second evaluating their emails and filtering out irrelevant and unnecessary messages. Moreover, with advanced features like Gmail’s spam filter, your emails might be marked as spam and never even reach the recipient’s inbox in the first place.

All of this explains why your subject lines could potentially be more important than the body of the email. The subject line is the first thing that gets your reader’s attention. That one line description may be your first and only chance to connect with your prospective customers. They will not waste another second on your email if the subject line isn’t striking enough.

There are various tactics to improve your subject lines that can dramatically improve your email marketing efforts.

Effective Ways to Improve Your Email Subject Lines

1. Keep Them Short

Subject lines need to quickly get the attention of your audience. So, the longer they are, the higher the probability that they will go unnoticed. Moreover, lengthy subject lines would mean that a lot of the text would be hidden and the reader might not even be able to see the interesting part. This is especially important now as most readers check their emails on their smart phones and that further limits the display space. Therefore, you should aim for nothing longer than 40-50 characters.

2. Keep an Element of Curiosity

Human beings have a natural need for closure. Nobody appreciates gaps in their knowledge. You can make use of this human desire by creating cliffhanger subject lines that are left open-ended. Readers should feel the urge to open the email to find out something that they’ve been missing out on.

Present your readers with a powerful hook that captures and then incentivizes them to find out more by opening the email.

3. Make Them Personal

You can no longer work with generic templates or words that fail to establish a deeper connection with your reader. Personalized subject lines are the right way to win your prospective customers. Some of the information you can use to personalize subject lines includes your readers’ names, current locations, social media accounts, browsing history, birthdays, etc.

4. Create a Sense of Urgency

‘FOMO’ or the Fear of Missing Out is very much real! You can create subject lines that stimulate this powerful psychological phenomenon with phrases like, “50% sale ends tonight”, “You’re missing out on points”, “The offer is valid for first 100 customers”, etc.

Give people a strong reason to take quick action. You may also indicate the limited quantity of some of your high selling product.

5. Don’t Be Spammy

Today’s readers are smart and they are always surrounded by people trying to sell one thing or the other to them. Therefore, subject lines that are purely about sales are most often going to end up in the spam folder. Overly promotional language with multiple exclamation marks, capital or bolded letters and words like “buy now” is a sure-shot way to plummet your email open rates. Instead, you should focus more on sharing useful information and provide value-added benefits to your readers.

Final Word

Although a subject line may just be a small element of your entire email marketing strategy, it’s a game-changer for your email-driven sales. So, follow these tips and advice to create enticing subject lines for your emails.

If you’re looking for professionals that can help you devise high impact email campaigns, connect with a full-service email marketing agency like Inbox Group. Inbox Group are the experts of fueling your email conversions and increasing your business growth through the power of email.

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