The Impact of Mobile App Development on Business Growth: A Comprehensive Analysis

By James Tredwell on September 6, 2023

The digital revolution is gaining momentum, playing a significant role in profoundly influencing businesses through smartphone applications, surpassing other avenues. Mobile app development has dominated the online world for quite some time now and is vital in driving business growth. The growth includes expenditure tracking, payment facilitation, and customer relationship management.

Due to mobile app development, everything is now available at our fingertips. Various apps are available for banking, shopping, eLearning or communicating with people living on the other side of the world. Businesses are rapidly adapting to the advancements of the latest technologies. If a person runs a small business without developing a mobile application, the brand might miss out on enormous opportunities. It is time to discover how scalable mobile app development services can impact business growth.

  • Brand Awareness

Most business owners have the target of achieving high brand awareness. It is the primary reason many businesses invest in mobile app development services offered by a mobile app development company. The businesses can showcase different ideas and how their services and products can solve customer problems with Smart mobile apps. But what will happen if the targeted customers remain unaware of the brands? The businesses will have no growth. Thus, crafting a mobile application helps brands to directly interact with their niche customers, enhancing brand awareness.

  • Minimizing Cost and Optimizing Inventory

Maintaining a track record of the production process can be a daunting and time-consuming task. However, mobile apps turn out to be the best ways to maintain and optimize the inventory. Business owners can maximise cost savings by consolidating the checklists, documents, information, records, and other data in the mobile application according to their requirements.

Senior management also occasionally invests their precious time in documenting each task, leaving limited room for other, potentially more critical activities. However, with sustainable mobile app development, companies can improve employee communication, saving time, and cost, and maximise productivity.

  • Drive Revenue and Sales

Satisfied customers tend to make additional purchases from a particular brand, contributing to the development of a loyal customer base and subsequently driving up demand for the company’s products or services. Besides a responsive website for the business, a cross-platform mobile application can positively influence the market towards a brand. For example, a world-class mobile application offers the convenience of shopping, booking, or finishing an online transaction with only a few clicks or taps. Similarly, a mobile application can improve user experience, thereby increasing sales and revenue.

  • Creating an On-Demand Marketplace

Creating an on-demand marketplace is promising for promoting a business, considering how Lyft, Grubhub, or Uber are performing today. The on-demand applications help to grab the customers’ interests, proving to be a suitable investment for businesses. It is easy and simple for businesses to expand their operations by creating an on-demand marketplace and a strong presence in the online world. It helps in business expansion by harnessing the best mobile application development services.

  • Elevated Customer Engagement

Customers consistently seek instant access to their favoured brands, leading them to view the convenience of avoiding trips to physical stores and procuring all their necessities with just a few taps as a boon. But all this is possible due to mobile applications. Regardless of the product or services the brand offers, a mobile app can strengthen all the strategies for customer engagement.

Also, integrating the application with social network platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or others offer additional mileage to the marketing plans of a business. A mobile application with perfect UX can outperform all digital initiatives. This native experience is available everywhere and can create a better UX by leveraging the optimized features.

  • Provide Data Security

Nowadays, customers mostly depend on Internet banking which conveniently performs all the transactions without visiting a bank. In this genre, customers trust a mobile app where they can save all the data on their smartphones, making the process secure and less time-consuming. Furthermore, mobile applications also sometimes include a function of biometric authentication, adding an extra privacy and protection degree.

  •  A Direct Marketing Platform

An intelligent mobile application also acts as a direct and efficient marketing tool for a business. The apps offer various services to the customer, like general information, booking forms, prices, user account, messengers, news feeds and many more. These features make it simple for a brand to promptly offer clients all the information they need through the application. Also, mobile app marketing is hassle-free compared to other marketing strategies. Marketers can share related information rapidly to promote and sell their services or products and notify clients about forthcoming sales prospects or special events.

  • Crafting Innovation through UI and UX

Attracting organic traffic to a brand’s website requires uninterrupted time and involvement. Conversely, users can download and install the brand app on their phones and start searching for the product they need. If they can find that specific product on the app, they continue using the brand and become a loyal customer. A seamless UX and intuitive design quickly make a customer-oriented brand.

A perfect collaboration between the client, UX designer, user insights and business analyst can create the best mobile app for a business. They implement their creative ideas to develop the most demanding mobile app according to the client’s requirements by integrating modern UI elements like AI and ML. In a nutshell, developing a mobile app with the best features that can address the user’s difficulties and is easier to use will enhance business growth in the long run.

  • Create Impact

Businesses can deliver powerful messages to customers in the best possible way and save money. The mobile apps efficiently deliver these messages, converting users into potential customers. When a brand notifies the users about an irresistible offer through a push notification in the mobile application, it will effectively promote the business to the customers. Mobile applications are beneficial in fulfilling all customer expectations and easily connect with the brand. Therefore, whether for small businesses or large corporations, mobile apps serve as the ultimate tool to enhance growth.

Businesses can Solely Thrive by Embracing Mobile Apps

Mobile app development has opened a new world for huge business possibilities. Most forward-thinking and insightful companies use them to improve their growth and advance their business. While mobile app development can be intricate, it becomes effortless when entrusted to a reputable mobile app development company. A meticulously created mobile application can give wings to sales and assure sustained productivity and customer engagement.

Thus, ensure your brand has a mobile application with all the features a user will find helpful and informative. It will help a brand to boost sales, thus enhancing revenue. So, if there is no mobile app for your brand, it is time to develop one now and harness the power of digital marketing.

How to Choose the Best Frontend Framework in 2023

By James Tredwell on April 27, 2023

Frontend is a critical part of app development. It determines whether an app will be successful or not. Frontend development is the part where you decide the features, their placement, themes, fonts, sizes, colors, and styles that will be implemented within your app.

This is basically the part that interacts with the user. For this reason, it needs to be extremely attractive and user friendly which the users can navigate through and use with ease. Frontend developers have the task of bringing forth all these elements in the right order so you can benefit from them.

This is done with the help of using the correct software. But, which platforms are the best and how do you select the best one? In this article, we will be answering the same question. So keep on reading to find out more!

Need for Using Frontend Platforms

Frontend development involves the task of adding features to create a place where the user can access the functionalities of the app. It has been observed that there are over 1.5 billion people who are using online apps to access the day to day tasks.

This technology has made life easy and this is the reason that app development companies are using it to help provide the best solutions to their clients.

This acceptance change spiked since the pandemic when people had to depend on one technology to keep up with work. But, along with this, it has been observed that the users expect the front-end developers to come up with a UI that is clean, one that can adjust to the SEO rules as well as have a low response rate. No one likes apps that crash again and again and this is the reason that the backend needs to be working fine as well.

How to Select the Best Framework?

Frontend developers need a framework that is extremely supportive to come up with the best project that can satisfy the needs of the clients. These are some of the parameters that help them choose the best ones:

1. The Main Features

You need to have a deep set of knowledge about the framework that you are using. With the multiple frameworks that are available in the market, things can get a bit complex even for experienced frontend developers.

Hence, compare the ones that you narrow down from your list and then start working on your project. Make sure that it has all the necessities that will be required to complete the project. Some of the frameworks available in the market also have certain drawbacks, make sure that you understand how to overcome them well.

2. The Popularity of the Framework

You should also understand as a frontend developer how popular the framework is among the development community. If there is the hype about a framework, there are certain reasons behind it.

You need to use these advantages to your best so that you can earn better profit returns. The only reason for choosing a framework is not just popularity, but it also gives you an idea about how many people have been working on it.

In case of doubts, you can easily ask for the help of other front-end developers from app development companies. Plus, chances are that there will be a higher rate of updates that come along as more and more people will use it and report certain shortcomings. This improves the framework for the better.

3. Ease of Use

Frontend development is a tough job that requires a systematic approach For this reason, you need to choose a framework that is easy to implement. It should be flexible so it can attach to the code and transform it for the better.

For this reason, you also need to make sure that you understand the implementation methods easily or you might end up losing the logic of the entire code. Understand the dependencies that it provides so you can target them with ease and make your job easier.

It is advised that you learn and practice the framework functions before starting out as it can mess up the entire project if any connections to the backend are altered. This is one of the things that you need to be careful about in the process of front-end development.

4. Support for Mobile Apps

Mobile devices are the most popular apps for running apps. It is something that all parts of the population are using in their day-to-day life. If an app wants to succeed you need to make sure that the mobile version of the app runs well. If it fails to do so, people might uninstall the app and it might even decrease its reach of it.

Hence, as a front-end developer, you need to choose a framework that has the best accessibility when it comes to mobile app development. The more attractive the front end of the app is, the more interested the customers will be to open it. Hence you need to target your goals in a way that best suits your customer’s needs.

5. Server and Backend Connections

There are certain frameworks that work well with the base of functionality but fail to connect to the backend. The backend is where all the data processing occurs.

If the front end fails to connect to the backend and servers, the entire app can collapse. This can also lead to unsatisfactory customers who can give you bad ratings and reduce the brand value of your company. To avoid this, you need to choose an app that supports the backend and is server-cooperating. Without this, your app can degrade


Frontend Development is designing each and every competency of the app to ensure that the app becomes convenient for the user to use. Frontend developers are assigned the task of choosing the right framework and then implementing the project.

For this reason, there are serval parameters that you need to look out for before selecting one. Some of these parameters include how flexible the framework is, the way you can integrate it, and the features that it can provide.

How AI Is Driving eCommerce App Development

By James Tredwell on February 7, 2023

As an eCommerce business owner, you know your brand’s success largely depends on an accurate analysis of your target audience, their shopping behaviors, and an in-depth understanding of how to delight your customers.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), combined with Machine Learning (ML), has the power to massively improve the competence of your business in all the areas we mentioned above. Naturally then, it’s no surprise that AI has disrupted the eCommerce industry.

But what might astonish you is that AI is estimated to power 95% of all customer interactions by the end of 2025, and in a way that customers won’t even be able to spot the bots!

Despite these trends, most eCommerce business owners are yet to go beyond the basic AI use cases. In addition to implementing a chatbot, automated support, voice search, etc., to your website/application, there’s much more you can do with AI to take your business to the next level.

In this post, we take a detailed look at the crucial benefits of AI in eCommerce and present some use cases to harness this wonderful technology.

Let’s dive in!

Benefits of Leveraging AI for an eCommerce Business

There are several benefits of using AI for eCommerce processes, including increased customer retention, higher conversions, and reduced operational costs. Let’s take a detailed look at each of these benefits below:

1. Increased customer retention

Until about a decade ago, eCommerce businesses relied on tools like third-party cookies to store information about who the customer is. And this basic demographic information about the customer shaped the business’s future strategies for promotions and offers.

However, now, AI has made it possible to mine data on what a customer does. Based on past customer experience, AI enables you to predict customer price sensitivity, churn rate, which customers are likely to return and who were just one-time visitors, etc.

With this predictive data, you can focus more on the customers who are likely to be return customers. Personalize your future offerings to suit their preferences better and watch them become loyal customers of your brand.

This Mckinsey research confirmed, “There is a 10-15% increase in revenue and retention from omnichannel personalized strategies.”

2. Higher conversions

With the help of machine learning, AI enables you to predict future events or outcomes that may affect the demand for your products or services. These predictive insights can help you take a proactive approach to sales and marketing. And hence, your store has a better chance of converting a user whose buying behavior has been influenced by an event.

Additionally, AI facilitates smart sales and customer support solutions that can potentially increase customer engagement and shorten the response time to their queries.

Intelligent sales bots are one of the greatest examples of how AI can directly help your business with revenues. Relatively new in the industry, these AI-powered sales bots can narrow down product inventory to a few options that meet the customers’ needs and preferences.

Leverage NLP (Natural Language Processing) the right way to facilitate seamless conversations between prospects and sales bots. The right conversations can have a strong positive impact on your brand’s conversion rates.

3. Reduced operational costs and increased productivity

One of the biggest advantages of AI is how it has made automation highly advanced and comprehensive. Especially in the case of an eCommerce business, the number of tasks your team has to manage can be daunting if it weren’t for AI-enabled automation.

Automation plays a central role in team efficiency by eliminating the need for manual effort for several processes. For example, you don’t need to invest in human resources for document management, business intelligence, fraud detection and prevention, etc. As a result, your operational costs decrease significantly.

Additionally, automation increases your team’s overall productivity and allows employees to focus more on the strategic aspects of your business.

AI Use Cases in the eCommerce Industry

The benefits mentioned above result from a hundred things AI can do for your business. Let’s look at some of the more significant use cases of AI in eCommerce.

1. Facilitating autosuggest for search queries

The search bar doesn’t take up significant space in an eCommerce app, true. However, if you implement AI-powered search options, especially autosuggest, the chances of conversions will likely increase.

Therefore, eCommerce companies leverage Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms to provide options for auto-completing user search queries.

NLP facilitates autosuggest and more accurate search results in the following ways:

  • It can identify the importance of words to better understand what results will most likely lead to a conversion.
  • By matching the search queries with their synonyms, it can serve more relevant results to the user
  • It can also correct phonetic misspellings, punctuation nuances, and eliminate character typos to further enhance the relevancy of search results.


2. Offering personalized user experience and product recommendations

In general, many platforms can collect a ton of information and store a ton of information about your customers. For example, Google Analytics provides information about a user’s location, device, browser, and time spent on each web page. Such information is easily available and reliable but sometimes not useful.

To facilitate effective personalization, your teams need access to data about customer buying journeys and shopping behaviors. AI and ML have been widely adopted to store and analyze these data to offer highly personalized marketing messages and product recommendations.

ML takes into account the smallest piece of information about every hover and every click to get customer insights on a deeper level. This is almost like the system can read your site visitors’ minds!

In this way, AI and ML enable your eCommerce app to offer smart and accurate personalized product recommendations.

For example, clickstream data identify visitors’ clicks, add to carts, and actions while browsing a shopping website. By analyzing such data in real time, a clickstream-based product search can show products that are most likely to be attractive to shoppers.


As AI technologies continue to advance, they will require less involvement from data scientists to collect data, analyze it, and use it to deliver an excellent personalized user experience.

3. Managing warehouse and inventory

It is hard to handle inventory manually since there is a growing number of products and changing customer demand. With the adoption of AI, eCommerce inventory management has become easier.

As we mentioned, a deep analysis of shoppers’ behavior allows eCommerce business owners to plan more accurately for stocking. Additionally, some AI tools also help with the following inventory management tasks:

  • Predicting and analyzing market changes that can affect sales
  • Studying past sales data and creating a forecast report to meet the changes in the demand
  • Identifying and quickly solving vendor issues

Thus, AI can equip your business to meet customer expectations with the right product at the right time.

4. Streamlining logistics

The predictive analytics and data mining capabilities of AI and ML are also valuable for managing logistics. Various AI-powered software can smoothen the entire supply chain process for your eCommerce business in the following ways:

  • Logistics aggregators and smart logistics intelligent platforms leverage AI-based courier recommendation engines to find the right shipping vendor for your business.
  • AI-driven tools enable your team to track order shipments and identify any SLA breaches that might have occurred during transit.
  • You can mine accurate data for every aspect of logistics – from order information to delivery timelines and performance – using AI-based tools.

In the transport and logistics industry, 40% of respondents state that AI has helped them improve inventory and logistics management. AI has the potential to understand complex real-time inventory control dynamics, recommend actions, and predict scenarios.

5. Omnichannel customer experience

Omnichannel marketing is all about offering customers an excellent shopping experience by providing consistent, contextual, and unique touch points across different channels, including marketplaces, websites, and social networks.

AI is a powerful tool for improving on-site customer experience and can also be used to process the behavioral data that your customers provide you.

Simply put, you can delight your customers with personalized content that reaches them at the right platform and at the right time. With AI-based product search and discovery platforms, it is possible to collect and use data on other platforms to build a powerful omnichannel customer experience.


From intelligent visual search, automated product tagging to self-managed warehouse processes and improved fraud detection, AI use cases have carved a huge, lasting space for themselves in the eCommerce industry. It will reshape the industry to meet both consumer demands and business goals.

These trends indicate that you can’t escape leveraging AI for your eCommerce business if you want to build a strong relationship with your customers.

To stay at the top in the ever-competitive eCommerce industry, consider using eCommerce development services from a reliable technology partner who can guide you on maximizing the benefits of AI for your brand.

Author Bio:- Hardik Shah is a Tech Consultant at Simform, a digital product engineering company. He leads large-scale mobility programs that cover platforms, solutions, governance, standardization, and best practices.

How to Hire Mobile App Developers? Top 7 Checklist to Follow

By James Tredwell on September 14, 2022

Mobile phone users are accelerating at an unprecedented rate. More than 70% of the digital interaction happens via mobile phone and this also increases the app-based technology growth.

If your business is dealing with a mobile app-based project, you must be aware of the massive customer interaction that happens every day between the designed mobile app platforms.

Businesses that have marked their presence on the mobile platform have greater chances to attract an audience than the web.

The success of a mobile app defined by the ability of the developer. Therefore, to stay consistent in business and take a lead above your competitor, your company requires experience, skilled and dedicated Mobile app developers.

Want to recruit stellar professional mobile app developers in Hyderabad? Know the list of top 10 skills that a mobile app developer should possess. So, here we go!

Checklist of Desired Skills to Hire Mobile App Developers

1.  Diverse Technical Skill Set: To hire a proficient mobile app developer for your company, one of the skills that a recruiter can bet on is diversity of technical skill. From programming to current technical traits, they should be well-informed to have an upper hand in this competitive time.

2. Computer Expertise: Computer and its application is the instrumental device that mobile app developers deploy to create secure, efficient, and high-performance applications. Therefore, a developer must be proficient in computers and its software usage. They also have the ability to create unique software and develop programs to meet the client and organisations expectations.

3. Proficient in Backend: The role of mobile app developer is equal at both the front and backend. Someone having immense knowledge of backend can rectify system issues. The key responsibilities of a mobile app developer at the backend are mentioned following:

  • To create an effective mobile application, the developer possesses the framework knowledge. Be it designing, maintenance, or identifying issues. 
  • Maintaining the database and securing it while developing a mobile application is one of the major jobs of mobile app developers.
  • Understanding the connection and communication of hardware and software cycles helps developers to resolve various issues. 
  • Mobile app developers should possess the knowledge of security implementation for an application. It helps them keep the database and user information protected.

4. UI Proficiency: By applying efficient user interface design strategies, you can make user-friendly application interfaces for users. In addition to assisting with the software’s compatibility with other program and resolving user interface issues, focusing on the UI’s usefulness and design can.

5. Knowledge of Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity abilities are essential for mobile app developers since they help protect data and guarantee user safety. Knowing how to secure mobile apps, potential threats, and fixes for security problems with mobile applications can be useful during the development stage.

6. Establishing a navigation system: The most basic is the toolbar, commonly known as the app bar. To your toolbar, you can add a pop-up menu, menu icons, and a navigation drawer icon. Another aspect of effective navigation is the ease with which the navigation drawer may be opened and closed. The navigation drawer can be expanded with additional menu items that can be utilised to switch out components of your current Activity or do other practical actions.

7. Application Testing: Your app’s users can interact with it in a variety of ways, such as via downloading information to their smartphone or pressing the Submit button. You should test a variety of usage scenarios and interactions as you build your app iteratively. The most popular testing libraries are UI Automator, Expresso, Junit, Mockito, and Robolectric.

Bottom Line

You can gain the advantage over rivals by hiring skilled mobile app developers. The main skill set that an app developer should have is highlighted in the blog post above. For your business, hire a proficient mobile app developer that has the right skill set.

Top UX/UI Trends Dominating the App Development Arena in 2022

By James Tredwell on April 29, 2022

The user experience (UX) plays an essential role in building a successful app. It will let your customer perceive you as a brand. Interestingly, the first impression entirely depends on the app design, which will decide the fate of the number of app downloads, usability, and brand value conversion.

Apps have attained significance for their utilities and services in recent years. A primary aspect of the app framework – user interface and user experience designs – influence how an app flows and feels.

Sure, the utility of a product or an app matters, but at the same time focus should be on streamlining your app development and design plans to make it a worthwhile experience for the users. If not, you will lose time, man-hours, money, customer loyalty, and business.

So, the first thing you must be aware of is the top UX/UI app development trends dominating in 2022 to gain benefits and business conversion. To make your UX/UI look and feel fantastic, you need to keep an eye on fresh, trending designs.

Apps framework is complex from the back end. A well-designed app is majorly based on users’ insights and data analysis. So UX design and UI retain the simplicity of an app to make it easy to use.

Top UX/UI Trends Dominating the App Development Arena in 2022 are as follows:

  • Dark Mode

The “Dark Mode” option has dominated the UX/UI design trends. It’s activated when the daylight switches off and the night mode turns on. The UX/UI designers have put their weight behind this idea and created Dark Mode.

There are other advantages to the Dark Mode:

  1. It is attractive and distinct from the existing themes.
  2. Design elements get highlighted.
  3. Saves Battery usage of the monitor significantly.

This mode option in the app gives the user a sense of control and novelty. Darker themes are preferred as they look calming and are comfortable for the eyes. The ability to switch between themes is a part of UX/UI design customization.

  • Minimalist User Interface:

The user expects to see a solid feature-packed app and wants a clean and no-nonsense interface. They desire to see many features packed into a small space, challenging the designers to present the app with minimalist content with clever presentation and meaning.

The minimalist UX/UI design approach is suitable for showing the features as it gives an app a clean and organized face to the app interface.

Using a lot of text can clutter the look of the app. So opt to use more icons rather than text. For digitally literate people, UI/UX Design can even incorporate more 2D and 3D elements to upgrade the quality of the content.

  • Biometric Authentication: 

It is not a new concept, as authentication via fingerprints received a definite boost in 2018, with several financial and banking institutions embracing biometrics authentication technology.

Password authentication was a significant hurdle in mobile banking, but biometric authentication technology has changed the banking industry. Customers using mobile for banking activities expect effortless authentication and other advanced features in their apps.

The most widely used authentication modality, Fingerprint biometrics, has various features like deterring hackers and imposters, ease of use, interoperability, and accuracy.

  • Air Gesture Control:

Another UX/UI design expected to dominate in 2022 is Air Gesture Control. Using gestures to give commands to a mobile phone or an app is a dominating UX/UI design trend.

This can act as an effective source for improving the user experience because a gesture on a touchscreen was introduced to control activities on your mobile phone. There may come a day when touch screens are no longer required in a mobile phone as the usage of gesture technology for app control or mobile control increases in the future.

As we move into a contactless era, gesture sensing technology and the incorporation of gesture identification and processing will also become a part of the UI/UX Design trends.

  • Micro-Interactions: 

“Micro-interaction” allows users to interact with the UX/UI interface for a certain point. “Like” and “Share” options are the best-suited examples for a micro-interaction.

Users are the primary focus; hence, this approach illustrates a human-centred design approach.

  • Augmented Reality:

Another latest UX/UI design dominating the trend is Augmented Reality. After conquering the gaming world, it expanded into other fields, such as the medical area. It can get integrated into telemedicine and online doctor consultation.

UX/UI designers can take this emerging medium to transform the way people see and experience Reality by reducing the gap between the physical and digital environment. So, it is both challenging and pushy, making it exciting.

  • Login Without Passwords

Giving users various other options to log in to their account is the latest UI design trend. As forgetting passwords is one of the most common errors, most users make vis-a-vis dealing with online platforms.

Generally, passwords are a set of numbers, special characters, and alphabets (both uppercase and lowercase). So recollection of passwords is challenging for the users, and the password resetting process is a time-consuming task for the users to log in again to their accounts.

A few possible changes that can replace login without a password include PIN Code, Face Authentication, and Fingerprints.

  • Realistic Textures: 

Flat designs have been leading the design arena for years, and it has still got a pretty fan following. However, with the passion for bringing something fresh to the table, the UX designers bring the realistic textures back. Natural textures can drive the human mind and create a feeling of connection.

Please note that it’s a widely successful UX trend as they instantly appeal to the app users. The colours and clarity of textures on the app lead the user to purchase.

  • Design for speed

We live in the 5G era. This demands a more enhanced UI experience with a faster page loading speed. Increasing design elements on the page means more loading time. So, designers must add only those elements needed.

Today’s users spend more time on their mobile phones, which means the designers need to build a platform with a frictionless UX/UI design with the app’s easy and faster responsivity.

As 5G becomes common, there will be a higher demand for a more robust app experience. UX/UI designers need to think about adapting seamlessly to the users’ needs wherever they are in the age of 5G.

  • Video Content

Using videos is another UX/UI design trend expected to dominate in 2022. Viewers easily understand the message through the videos they plan to convey. It is also engaging.

There is a massive demand for online videos. However, the video contents should capture their wandering attention. The average attention span has reduced drastically from 12 seconds to 8 seconds.

The video format should be adapted in the portrait or vertical position rather than the horizontal position as it is the most popular video viewing format during the mobile app development phase.

These are the latest UX/UI trends to dominate in 2022. A UI/UX designer must stay creative and grasp the changing markets. A robust, interactive, and user-friendly interface can enhance the app experience. Regardless, it is worth declaring that app UX/UI designs will keep changing in the future.

Author Bio: Eric Watson is a content writer at GoodFirmsa rating agency that offers a level playing field to all software development and mobile app development companies. He has a Master’s degree in Journalism and is an avid non-fiction reader.

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