How to Use eCommerce Customer Touchpoints to Build Brand Affinity?

By James Tredwell on March 10, 2024

In the competitive world of eCommerce, building brand affinity is extremely important for the success of a business. 

To build an effective brand affinity, you need to understand and leverage different customer touchpoints. It can significantly affect how customers perceive and engage with your brand. 

The touchpoints encompass every interaction a customer has with your brand. It can be browsing your website to post-purchase support. 

By strategically using these touchpoints, you can create meaningful connections, foster trust, and increase customer loyalty, ultimately resulting in better brand affinity.

In this blog, we will discuss the five eCommerce customers’ touchpoints and how you can use them to build your brand affinity. So, let’s start with understanding brand affinity and why it is important for eCommerce businesses.

What is Brand Affinity and Why is it Important for eCommerce Businesses?

Brand affinity means the emotional connection and loyalty consumers have towards a particular brand. 

In eCommerce, it is important because it fosters trust, leading to repeat purchases and customer advocacy. 

When shoppers feel connected to a brand, they are more likely to choose it over competitors. This loyalty can drive long-term success and encourages customers to engage, share, and promote the brand. 

This ultimately boosts sales and creates a community of dedicated buyers. 

Building brand affinity includes consistent messaging, quality products, exceptional customer service, and meaningful interactions. 

All of these contribute to a strong and lasting relationship between the brand and its customers.

Now, let’s understand eCommerce customer touchpoints.

What are eCommerce Customer Touchpoints?

eCommerce customer touchpoints are the various interaction points between a customer and an online business. 

These touchpoints can be the website, social media, emails, customer service, and any other platform where customers engage with the brand.

Each touchpoint influences the customer’s perception and experience. It also impacts their decision-making process. By optimizing these touchpoints, you can increase customer satisfaction and build trust. 

These touchpoints drive sales as they play an important role in shaping a customer’s journey and overall satisfaction with your brand.

Now that we have understood what brand affinity and eCommerce customer touchpoints are, let’s understand how to use eCommerce customer touchpoints to build effective brand affinity.

Top 5 eCommerce Customer Touchpoints for Building Brand Affinity

Let us understand how to use the 5 eCommerce touchpoints to build brand affinity.

Touchpoint 1: Website

In today’s digital age, your website is a critical touchpoint for building brand affinity. Your website is the first thing to which customers will interact. A poorly designed website can break your brand’s image.

To maximize its impact, you need to develop a user-friendly and visually appealing site that captivates your audience. 

Furthermore, streamline navigation to ensure customers can effortlessly navigate and access the necessary information. 

You should take the help of a professional eCommerce development company that knows the importance of brand affinity while developing an eCommerce website. They can help you attract more customers through your website.

Another element in brand affinity is eCommerce personalization. Customize your content and recommendations based on user preferences and past interactions. 

To make the customer feel more valued, you can send a welcome email when any customer signs in or returns to your eCommerce site after a long time. This will help you give a personalized experience to your customers.

Touchpoint 2: Product Pages

Product pages are similar to the brand’s digital storefront for any eCommerce business. Developing compelling product descriptions is key to attracting and retaining customers. 

You can start by explaining your products, emphasizing their features and how they can address specific customer needs. 

In addition, answer common questions customers might have by adding a “FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)” section within the product page.

Moreover, use relevant keywords that customers will likely search for to improve your product’s visibility in search results.

You can also integrate some social proof – show real customer reviews and testimonials to build trust and reliability. 

Moreover, make the shopping process easy by assuring that the “Add To Cart” and “Checkout” buttons are prominent and user-friendly.

Touchpoint 3: Shopping Cart And Checkout

Optimizing the shopping cart and checkout page plays a vital role in building brand affinity. 

Optimize your shopping cart page by allowing customers to easily add and remove items from the cart. You can also show personalized recommendations on the shopping cart page based on customer’s past purchases and browsing behavior. It can encourage customers to come back for more.

Customers prefer flexibility when it comes to paying for an order. Hence, it is essential to offer multiple payment options such as credit cards, PayPal, Apple Pay, etc. Moreover, customers do not like a lengthy checkout process.

Therefore, keep the checkout process as short as possible. You can also offer a guest checkout option for shoppers who don’t want to create an account. It will improve your brand affinity for such customers.

Clarity is also important; concise order confirmation emails that provide all the information help customers feel confident about their purchase.

Touchpoint 4: Order Fulfillment And Delivery

To win customer loyalty and build lasting brand affinity, fulfilling and delivering orders as fast as possible is most important.

Customers love getting their orders quickly and correctly. When you ship orders promptly and accurately, you show your commitment to their satisfaction.

In addition, giving tracking information is a must. It allows customers to follow their orders like a detective on a case, keeping them engaged and informed.

But it does not stop there; using branded packing is the icing on the cake. It creates a positive unboxing experience, leaving a lasting impression that can turn first-time buyers into loyal brand enthusiasts.

Touchpoint 5: Customer Service

In eCommerce, offering excellent customer service is key to building brand loyalty. Being prompt with customer inquiries and quickly resolving issues is important. 

Always try to go the extra mile to exceed customer expectations, whether it is providing a personalized recommendation or offering fast shipping. 

In addition, collect and use customer feedback to improve your product and services. This will help you in making necessary changes, and assure customer satisfaction. 

Final Words

For any eCommerce company, brand affinity is a powerful asset. Building and nurturing it throughout the customer journey is important for long-term success. 

By understanding customer touchpoints and how to use them at every stage of the eCommerce purchase journey, you can change casual shoppers into loyal customers. 

Note that a little effort in cultivating brand affinity can yield tremendous rewards in terms of customer loyalty, sales, and positive word of mouth.

The Future of eCommerce Apps: Top Trends and Innovations to Watch

By James Tredwell on October 11, 2023

In today’s continuously evolving digital eCommerce app development landscape, the future of eCommerce apps seems to be more promising. With the advancement of technology, consumers’ shopping preferences are changing very frequently. They utilize mobile devices for various online shopping activities, including browsing, making purchases, and engaging with sellers.

In this article, we will discuss the latest innovations and app trends that are reshaping the eCommerce industry. From Artificial Intelligence to Augmented Reality, eCommerce witnessed a major impact on various technologies for its transformation. Make sure the eCommerce app development company you hire is aware of the latest trends and innovations.

Top Trends Redefining the Future of eCommerce Apps

With each passing year, the eCommerce industry witnesses the emergence of new trends and innovations. Let’s throw a spotlight on some of the recent trends and innovations. A professional eCommerce mobile app development company is well-versed with the top trends and implements these while crafting versatile eCommerce mobile apps for your business.

1. Augmented Reality for an Immersive Shopping Experience

As one of the burgeoning trends in e-commerce applications, Augmented Reality (AR) entices a growing number of online shoppers, enhancing their overall shopping experience. The technology overlays digital elements into the real world to make the shopping experience of people like never before. Shoppers have the opportunity to virtually try on clothing and place furniture, electronics, and more within the context of their own homes.

It not only boosts user engagement but also minimizes uncertainty related to the online shopping.

Many leading retailers have already integrated this technology into their eCommerce applications. Be it fashion and beauty, home improvement, or automotive, every industry is adopting this trend.

2. Social Commerce

Social media witnessed its growing dominance over eCommerce, which led to the rise of social commerce. Many leading social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and others are emerging as a one-stop destination for online shoppers.

The most popular social media platform Instagram already introduced a ‘Shop’ button that enables users to find and buy products that they are interested in, directly through the application. This kind of interwinding of commerce and social platforms is transforming the way businesses interact with their customers.

Be it photos, customer reviews, ratings, or videos, user-generated content provides a kind of authenticity and also builds reliability among those of many potential buyers. The majority of eCommerce apps of late have incorporated these kinds of social elements to improve the shopping experience of customers and boost community engagement.

3. mCommerce

Also popular as mobile commerce, mCommerce witnessed by leaps and bounds growing in popularity. We all are versed in the fact that mobile shopping is in vogue. The great news is e-commerce applications are evolving to match this trend. Most eCommerce apps are nowadays mobile-optimized, which ensures a flawless shopping experience on multiple devices be it on tablets or smartphones. Be it Google Wallet or Apple Pay, many mobile payment solutions also earned vast popularity.

4. Personalized Shopping with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in eCommerce application development has impacted multiple industries to a wider extent – eCommerce is one of those. With the use of AI algorithms, professionals can analyze the vast amount of data to offer a personalized shopping experience. It makes recommendations based on the preferences and behaviors of individuals. For instance, Amazon offers AI-driven product recommendations.

AI algorithms can analyze browsing and buying history to suggest products based on the interests of users. In the coming time, the technology is expected to consider more factors including current trends, mood, surroundings, etc., to offer product recommendations to customers.

5. Voice Commerce

When it comes to voice commerce, it has become a game changer in this sector. Its integration with voice assistants like Google Assistants and Amazon Alexa brings the possibility of voice-enabled product searches and purchases. This technology makes the shopping experience fantastic and highly accessible for many individuals.

6. Omnichannel Shopping Experiences

In the coming times, the difference between offline and online shopping will be less. As far as omnichannel retail experience is concerned, it lets customers experience a seamless journey irrespective of the way they prefer to shop.

In today’s time, many brick-and-mortar stores integrate digital elements into their physical space. They use QR codes to offer additional product details, while mobile applications provide in-store navigation and exclusive discounts. eCommerce apps indeed play a crucial role in the omnichannel approach, while establishing a strong connection between the digital and physical world.

7. Sustainability and Ethical Shopping

With the growing awareness of ethical and environmental concerns, customers are nowadays looking for ethical and sustainable products. eCommerce apps cater to this demand by incorporating sustainability features. Today, most apps provide detailed information related to the eco-friendliness of products, including their sourcing practices and carbon footprint. Those brands that focus on sustainability are expected to get favor with consumers.

8. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)

PWAs provide several advantages for both web and native applications. Be it offline functionality, quick loading times, or improved performance, they provide everything. Being a cross-platform application, it makes them a preferred choice for eCommerce businesses looking for a wider reach.

Innovations Redefining the Future of eCommerce Apps

A trusted eCommerce application development company always keeps eyes on the latest innovations and implements these to create innovative apps.

1. Big Data and Analytics

The data-driven decision is something that matters a lot for any business – eCommerce is not an exception. For data analytics, you can use advanced analytic tools and Big data to optimize inventory management, analyze customer behavior, forecast demand with precision, and more. Data analysis is important for eCommerce for several reasons;

a. Analyze Customer Behavior

By leveraging Big data, professionals gather in-depth insights into consumer behavior. It helps them analyze buying history, browsing habits, preferences, etc. Doing it helps businesses offer personalized recommendations and thus enables them to go for targeted marketing.

b. Gather Real-Time Insights

Real-time analytics enables businesses to act fast based on consumer behavior and current market trends. This crucial insight is important to adjust prices, product offerings, promotions, etc.

c. Manage Inventory

With predictive analytics through Big data, you will be able to optimize inventory management. Businesses will also be able to predict demand with higher accuracy while minimizing the risk of overstocking or understocking products.

2. 5G Technology

The launch of 5G technology is another great innovation that has the potential to take the eCommerce industry to the next level. It promises a more reliable and faster shopping experience. The technology seems to foster improved AR and VR in eCommerce apps, which further minimizes differences between digital shopping and physical shopping.

3. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency in eCommerce

Blockchain contributes a lot when it comes to increasing transparency and security in eCommerce transactions. Several eCommerce applications also accept cryptocurrency payments, which provide a greater level of flexibility to many customers.

4. Drone and Autonomous Delivery

Delivery, especially for a long distance, has been a major challenge for many e-commerce businesses. The innovation of drones and autonomous delivery revolutionized everything and promises to transform the crucial aspects of the eCommerce ecosystem. It contributes to the growth of the eCommerce industry in several ways including;

a. Speed and Efficiency

Autonomous vehicles and drones tend to navigate traffic and can deliver the items with higher speed while maintaining a greater efficiency. It minimizes delivery times and also improves the overall experience of customers.

b. Environmental Benefits

Another advantage of autonomous vehicles and electric drones is they can contribute to sustainability efforts by minimizing carbon emissions, as compared to traditional delivery methods.

c. Cost Saving

Indeed, the investment in autonomous delivery holds a great significance. It not only helps your business grow but also provides long-term cost savings by minimizing the necessity of vehicles and human drivers.


The future of eCommerce application development seems to be more exciting with endless possibilities of innovations. So, if you want to succeed in today’s competitive business landscape, you should be ready to implement these trends to encourage your business growth. It’s essential to make your business an active part of the eCommerce revolution.

10 Top AI Marketing Strategies for E-commerce Startups

By James Tredwell on September 28, 2023

Did you know that in 2023, global e-commerce sales amounted to a staggering $6.3 trillion? That’s a growth rate of over 10% compared to the previous year, and marketers predict it to grow to over $8 trillion in 2026. The internet has forever altered the world of commerce, showing no signs of slowing down. E-commerce has become essential to our lives, from buying groceries to fashion and electronics.

Today, artificial intelligence (AI) has augmented how businesses market their products and services online. With AI, brands can now analyze large amounts of data, personalize user experiences, and optimize marketing campaigns like never before.

This article will explore the top 10 AI-powered marketing strategies that can give e-commerce startups a competitive advantage. From data analytics to voice search optimization, we’ll discuss how AI is changing the e-commerce industry.

Benefits of AI-Powered Ecommerce Marketing Strategies

AI-powered e-commerce marketing strategies offer numerous advantages. They not only enhance efficiency but also drive better results. These strategies can:

  • Increase conversion rates.
  • Boost customer engagement.
  • Improve customer retention.
  • Streamline operations.
  • Enhance the overall shopping experience.
  • Reduce manual labor and lower operational costs.
  • Provide real-time data and insights.
  • Augments data security.
  • Provide a competitive edge.

Strategy 1. Leveraging Data Analytics

AI excels at gathering and analyzing vast amounts of customer data. This data can include browsing behavior, purchase history, and even sentiment analysis from social media. By understanding customer preferences and behavior, e-commerce startups can customize their marketing efforts effectively.

AI-powered algorithms can create highly personalized experiences for customers. By analyzing data, AI can recommend products, offer customized discounts, and send targeted marketing messages, ultimately driving sales and customer loyalty.

Powered by AI, predictive analytics can also enable businesses to forecast trends, demand, and customer behavior. This invaluable insight allows e-commerce startups to make data-driven decisions, optimize inventory management, and plan marketing campaigns strategically.

Strategy 2. Chatbots and Customer Service

AI-driven chatbots provide instant customer support 24/7. They can handle routine inquiries, assist with product recommendations, and even process orders. This level of efficiency ensures a seamless shopping experience.

Chatbots engage customers in real-time conversations, providing instant responses to their queries. It improves customer satisfaction and frees human customer support assistants to focus on more complex issues.

Several e-commerce startups have seen tremendous success with chatbots. For instance, after implementing their Kik chatbot, H&M saw an 86% customer engagement and an 8% click-through rate.

Strategy 3. Visual Search and Image Recognition

Visual search and image recognition technologies allow customers to find products simply by uploading an image or using their device’s camera. This feature simplifies product discovery and enhances the shopping experience.

AI algorithms analyze images to identify objects, patterns, and even text within pictures. It enables users to search for similar products based on appealing photos.

E-commerce giants like Amazon have successfully implemented visual search, making it easier for customers to find desired products. This technology can significantly increase conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

Strategy 4. Recommendation Engines

AI-driven recommendation engines analyze user behavior and preferences to suggest products that match their interests. This personalization can significantly increase sales and cross-selling opportunities.

By recommending complementary or higher-value products, recommendation engines can boost average order values and revenue. E-commerce startups can learn from the success stories of companies like Netflix and Spotify.

Netflix stated that 80% of content users consume results from implementing their AI-powered recommendation engine, which led to a saving of $1 billion per year in customer acquisition costs.

Strategy 5. Email Marketing Automation

AI automates email marketing campaigns, customizing content and timing to each customer’s preferences. Personalized emails result in higher open rates and conversion rates.

AI helps segment your email list based on various criteria, ensuring the right message reaches the right person. This level of targeting leads to more meaningful interactions.

Sophisticated analytics and AI-driven insights allow e-commerce startups to monitor email campaign performance, make data-driven improvements, and optimize ROI.

Strategy 6. Social Media Advertising Optimization

AI algorithms analyze user behavior on social media platforms to target ads more effectively. This precision reduces ad spend wastage and increases conversion rates.

E-commerce startups can streamline ad campaigns by automating bidding, placement, and creative optimization. AI continuously optimizes campaigns for better results.

By harnessing AI-powered tools like audio editors, podcast creators, and audio joiner tools, startups can optimize various aspects of their social media strategy, from video creation to podcast recordings.

Strategy 7. SEO and Content Optimization

AI can assist in content creation, generating articles, product descriptions, and even videos. AI-powered video editor tools, for instance, are transforming video content production.

AI-driven SEO tools also analyze keywords, competition, and trends to help e-commerce startups improve their search engine rankings and visibility.

While AI can aid in content generation and optimization, balancing automation and human creativity is essential to maintaining a unique brand voice.

Strategy 8. Fraud Detection and Prevention

Artificial Intelligence is essential in protecting e-commerce businesses and their customers from fraud. AI algorithms can detect suspicious activities and prevent unauthorized transactions. It analyzes transaction patterns and flags potentially fraudulent activities, reducing chargebacks and financial losses.

Moreover, customers are more likely to shop with businesses they trust. AI-driven fraud prevention safeguards your revenue and builds trust among your customer base.

Strategy 9. Influencer Marketing with AI

AI tools analyze social media data to identify influencers whose followers align with your intended market. It ensures a more effective influencer marketing strategy.

AI also provides metrics and analytics to measure the ROI of influencer campaigns, helping startups make informed decisions about future collaborations.

E-commerce startups can utilize AI-powered tools to streamline influencer outreach, contract management, and campaign tracking.

Strategy 10. Voice Search Optimization

Voice search is rising, with more consumers using voice-activated gadgets like smart speakers and virtual assistants to shop online.

E-commerce businesses can optimize their content for voice search by targeting long-tail keywords and providing concise, informative answers to common voice queries.

AI-powered voice assistants can enhance the shopping experience by helping customers find products, track orders, and get answers to their questions via voice commands.

The Future of AI in E-commerce Marketing

As AI continues to evolve, expect to see innovations such as AI avatar videos, which can personalize customer interactions in real-time, taking customer engagement to new heights.

E-commerce startups should stay informed about the latest AI trends and be ready to adapt these techniques to remain competitive in a rapidly changing industry.

Final Thoughts

E-commerce startups can gain a significant advantage by leveraging AI-powered strategies, from data analytics to influencer marketing and voice search optimization. The potential for growth and success in the e-commerce landscape with AI marketing strategies is immense.

Startups should embrace these technologies to stay ahead of the competition. Incorporating AI into your marketing efforts can increase revenue, improve customer satisfaction, and strengthen brand presence. The future of e-commerce belongs to those who harness the power of AI.

How AI Is Driving eCommerce App Development

By James Tredwell on February 7, 2023

As an eCommerce business owner, you know your brand’s success largely depends on an accurate analysis of your target audience, their shopping behaviors, and an in-depth understanding of how to delight your customers.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), combined with Machine Learning (ML), has the power to massively improve the competence of your business in all the areas we mentioned above. Naturally then, it’s no surprise that AI has disrupted the eCommerce industry.

But what might astonish you is that AI is estimated to power 95% of all customer interactions by the end of 2025, and in a way that customers won’t even be able to spot the bots!

Despite these trends, most eCommerce business owners are yet to go beyond the basic AI use cases. In addition to implementing a chatbot, automated support, voice search, etc., to your website/application, there’s much more you can do with AI to take your business to the next level.

In this post, we take a detailed look at the crucial benefits of AI in eCommerce and present some use cases to harness this wonderful technology.

Let’s dive in!

Benefits of Leveraging AI for an eCommerce Business

There are several benefits of using AI for eCommerce processes, including increased customer retention, higher conversions, and reduced operational costs. Let’s take a detailed look at each of these benefits below:

1. Increased customer retention

Until about a decade ago, eCommerce businesses relied on tools like third-party cookies to store information about who the customer is. And this basic demographic information about the customer shaped the business’s future strategies for promotions and offers.

However, now, AI has made it possible to mine data on what a customer does. Based on past customer experience, AI enables you to predict customer price sensitivity, churn rate, which customers are likely to return and who were just one-time visitors, etc.

With this predictive data, you can focus more on the customers who are likely to be return customers. Personalize your future offerings to suit their preferences better and watch them become loyal customers of your brand.

This Mckinsey research confirmed, “There is a 10-15% increase in revenue and retention from omnichannel personalized strategies.”

2. Higher conversions

With the help of machine learning, AI enables you to predict future events or outcomes that may affect the demand for your products or services. These predictive insights can help you take a proactive approach to sales and marketing. And hence, your store has a better chance of converting a user whose buying behavior has been influenced by an event.

Additionally, AI facilitates smart sales and customer support solutions that can potentially increase customer engagement and shorten the response time to their queries.

Intelligent sales bots are one of the greatest examples of how AI can directly help your business with revenues. Relatively new in the industry, these AI-powered sales bots can narrow down product inventory to a few options that meet the customers’ needs and preferences.

Leverage NLP (Natural Language Processing) the right way to facilitate seamless conversations between prospects and sales bots. The right conversations can have a strong positive impact on your brand’s conversion rates.

3. Reduced operational costs and increased productivity

One of the biggest advantages of AI is how it has made automation highly advanced and comprehensive. Especially in the case of an eCommerce business, the number of tasks your team has to manage can be daunting if it weren’t for AI-enabled automation.

Automation plays a central role in team efficiency by eliminating the need for manual effort for several processes. For example, you don’t need to invest in human resources for document management, business intelligence, fraud detection and prevention, etc. As a result, your operational costs decrease significantly.

Additionally, automation increases your team’s overall productivity and allows employees to focus more on the strategic aspects of your business.

AI Use Cases in the eCommerce Industry

The benefits mentioned above result from a hundred things AI can do for your business. Let’s look at some of the more significant use cases of AI in eCommerce.

1. Facilitating autosuggest for search queries

The search bar doesn’t take up significant space in an eCommerce app, true. However, if you implement AI-powered search options, especially autosuggest, the chances of conversions will likely increase.

Therefore, eCommerce companies leverage Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms to provide options for auto-completing user search queries.

NLP facilitates autosuggest and more accurate search results in the following ways:

  • It can identify the importance of words to better understand what results will most likely lead to a conversion.
  • By matching the search queries with their synonyms, it can serve more relevant results to the user
  • It can also correct phonetic misspellings, punctuation nuances, and eliminate character typos to further enhance the relevancy of search results.


2. Offering personalized user experience and product recommendations

In general, many platforms can collect a ton of information and store a ton of information about your customers. For example, Google Analytics provides information about a user’s location, device, browser, and time spent on each web page. Such information is easily available and reliable but sometimes not useful.

To facilitate effective personalization, your teams need access to data about customer buying journeys and shopping behaviors. AI and ML have been widely adopted to store and analyze these data to offer highly personalized marketing messages and product recommendations.

ML takes into account the smallest piece of information about every hover and every click to get customer insights on a deeper level. This is almost like the system can read your site visitors’ minds!

In this way, AI and ML enable your eCommerce app to offer smart and accurate personalized product recommendations.

For example, clickstream data identify visitors’ clicks, add to carts, and actions while browsing a shopping website. By analyzing such data in real time, a clickstream-based product search can show products that are most likely to be attractive to shoppers.


As AI technologies continue to advance, they will require less involvement from data scientists to collect data, analyze it, and use it to deliver an excellent personalized user experience.

3. Managing warehouse and inventory

It is hard to handle inventory manually since there is a growing number of products and changing customer demand. With the adoption of AI, eCommerce inventory management has become easier.

As we mentioned, a deep analysis of shoppers’ behavior allows eCommerce business owners to plan more accurately for stocking. Additionally, some AI tools also help with the following inventory management tasks:

  • Predicting and analyzing market changes that can affect sales
  • Studying past sales data and creating a forecast report to meet the changes in the demand
  • Identifying and quickly solving vendor issues

Thus, AI can equip your business to meet customer expectations with the right product at the right time.

4. Streamlining logistics

The predictive analytics and data mining capabilities of AI and ML are also valuable for managing logistics. Various AI-powered software can smoothen the entire supply chain process for your eCommerce business in the following ways:

  • Logistics aggregators and smart logistics intelligent platforms leverage AI-based courier recommendation engines to find the right shipping vendor for your business.
  • AI-driven tools enable your team to track order shipments and identify any SLA breaches that might have occurred during transit.
  • You can mine accurate data for every aspect of logistics – from order information to delivery timelines and performance – using AI-based tools.

In the transport and logistics industry, 40% of respondents state that AI has helped them improve inventory and logistics management. AI has the potential to understand complex real-time inventory control dynamics, recommend actions, and predict scenarios.

5. Omnichannel customer experience

Omnichannel marketing is all about offering customers an excellent shopping experience by providing consistent, contextual, and unique touch points across different channels, including marketplaces, websites, and social networks.

AI is a powerful tool for improving on-site customer experience and can also be used to process the behavioral data that your customers provide you.

Simply put, you can delight your customers with personalized content that reaches them at the right platform and at the right time. With AI-based product search and discovery platforms, it is possible to collect and use data on other platforms to build a powerful omnichannel customer experience.


From intelligent visual search, automated product tagging to self-managed warehouse processes and improved fraud detection, AI use cases have carved a huge, lasting space for themselves in the eCommerce industry. It will reshape the industry to meet both consumer demands and business goals.

These trends indicate that you can’t escape leveraging AI for your eCommerce business if you want to build a strong relationship with your customers.

To stay at the top in the ever-competitive eCommerce industry, consider using eCommerce development services from a reliable technology partner who can guide you on maximizing the benefits of AI for your brand.

Author Bio:- Hardik Shah is a Tech Consultant at Simform, a digital product engineering company. He leads large-scale mobility programs that cover platforms, solutions, governance, standardization, and best practices.

Ecommerce Development – Important For Small Businesses

By James Tredwell on December 29, 2021

In the digital era, the internet plays an integral part in everyone’s life. Communication has been greatly increased, and most of the business is internet-dependent. Consumer behavior in the modern day has witnessed a major shift towards online shopping. 

It also paved the way for the eCommerce business to improve the standard of business. Reaching more customers becomes quite easier with the online retail store. 

eCommerce development assures business growth to the highest level. When you are looking for the best eCommerce website development, then choosing Magento 2 multi vendor marketplace would be a great option.

Entry Of Small Businesses In Ecommerce:

With the advancement in technology, eCommerce has gradually grown. Consumers mainly prefer to easily make online shopping much easier. Internet facilities give favour to retailers and plentiful resources. 

This enables the Magento api integration suitable for designing the eCommerce website to the highest extent. eCommerce websites provide small businesses with more comprehensive benefits.

Low Costs Operations:

eCommerce business is perfect for small businesses to thrive abundantly. It is easier to reach more customers across the world instantly. Running an online store mainly involves less money when compared to running a physical brick and mortar shop. 

Normally, the show owners are required to invest in the physical store for purchasing the business premises. Having appropriate space in the physical store is quite important for availing the targeted audience. This would shoot up the cost.

Apparently, the online stores do not come with the location of any overhead costs. They especially require little capital outlay. Choosing the best b2b ecommerce website design involves attracting more customers. 

This is also a moderate investment suitable for saving more money. There is no need to spend more money on developing the eStore.

Increased Revenue:

eCommerce for small businesses mainly relied on massive advantages and gave abundance. Having Physical stores gives you limited geographical access. No matter how popular you are, these attributes limit the reach of the audience. 

With choosing the Magento 2 multi vendor marketplace, the small business owners do not have to depend on foot traffic; they get the wider opportunity for easily selling the products and services across the world. It also allows capturing more number of new audiences that is difficult to reach from the physical store.

Widening Business Reach:

Significant advantages of an eCommerce website are that you have better visibility. Your business could be easily seen by millions of people from across the world. Reaching the audience becomes much more sophisticated using the online store and ensures saving your money. 

Selling your products or services online is quite different from the physical location. It is a more significant option to ship your product across the world instead of operating in a single location.

Gain Business Revenue:

When the business widens, then it would increase the customer base. This would have a direct impact on the number of sales. 

Normally, it boosts the revenue to the highest extent. Increasing the product line or even investing in marketing becomes a more significant option. 

Capturing more audience becomes one of the significant advantages of this eCommerce development for your business. Having the Magento API integration gives more advantage in improvising the massive feature and assured with the sale.

Search Engine Traffic:

Reaching more audiences via sending emails or contacting them through phone can be a tiresome task. With the advancement in search engine traffic, it is quick to attract more numbers of people to the store. 

This is a much more comfortable option for the eCommerce business to gain customers.  When you have a beautiful and user-friendly b2b ecommerce website design, you can easily receive recurring traffic. 

eCommerce practices give you the better option to convert the steady flow of audience into the business. SEO plays an important role in improving your eCommerce site ranking. It is much easier to make websites SEO-friendly when they appear in attracting more traffic.

Evolution Of Ecommerce:

eCommerce or Electronic Commerce is the process of purchasing or selling products and services over the internet. The 21st century mainly witnessed the wider expansion of the eCommerce website. 

Many small businesses have been upgrading into the Magento 2 multi-vendor marketplace. It is the most amazing integration of web commerce which plays an integral part in its operations. These also make the experts proclaim as the dominant force.

Modern technology revolutionized the way small businesses function. The standard retail practice has been followed traditionally in brick and mortar stores. With the onset of the internet transformed the way of engaging the business dramatically. 

It is a much more efficient option for buying the products and services quickly online. The Internet has given a better convenience to search as well as extract information from anywhere and anytime.  

This also mainly caters for the requirement for eCommerce technology. This method mainly empowers the consumers to buy the product or services from home.

ECommerce has become the highest preferred medium for shopping. The main reason is that they are user friendly, convenient and quick. Consumers can easily save more time and money by extensively searching and purchasing products.

Based on a recent report, online retailers have experienced the highest profit and traffic during the holiday season. The unprecedented popularity of online shopping gives a better way for eCommerce. 

More than 36% of U.S. shoppers, as well as 45% of U.K. shoppers, have been shopping even in the year 2013.

  • Greater product selection
  • Simple cost comparisons
  • Fast shipping
  • Shop maximum of their products online

Building Online Reputation:

Do you have positive appreciation from your customers about your products or services? Having an offline business does not allow you to take this appreciation to influence new customers in future. Posting the customers’ reviews publically in online allows more numbers of people to visit. 

It is also efficient for creating brand awareness for the customers. Online presence helps to influence new visitors converted to customers. It is quite important to have a secure business account on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, as well as other social media platforms.

Customer Acquisition:

In the olden days, retail business owners mainly relied on branding as well as customer relationships. Things in the modern-day drastically changed with online retail. This also mainly allows the potential buyers to easily search for the right product and service. 

It also helps to land eCommerce websites that are never heard of. The Search engines drive massive amounts of traffic for the e-Store so that they would create better customer acquisition.

Creating the unique b2b ecommerce website design assures in attracting the customers finally increased the sale. This is also a suitable option for boosting better brand awareness. 

Most small businesses do not push the marketing message constantly. Developing the website also mainly allows the business to be indexed in the search engine crawlers. These can be paired along with the online search queries for customers. 

It is one of the best ways for attracting a target audience. It involves consistent SEO efforts, mainly enabling recurring monthly traffic. It can be easily converted into a steady flow of sales even without any hassle.

Increasing Social Recommendation:

When more customers are impressed by the quality of your products, then it gives a complete shopping experience for the customers. This method also extensively increases the consumers’ voice with recommendations and opinions. 

Customers can also share feedback about your business via social media that includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and more. It is mainly enabled with more advantage for the small business to provide the better products and services. 

The process mainly involves tremendous word of mouth with assuring more recommendations. Customers can easily choose your online website over the social media fosters. This also extensively gives the better attribute with mega marts.

More Reviews:

Normally, Word of mouth is also considered as a popular option for marketing. This helps to easily create brand awareness overnight. It could also make your business reach more people overnight virally. It is difficult to get customer reviews in a retail environment. 

Attaining the reviews becomes easier in the online eCommerce store. Seeking customers for online reviews would also build more credibility. This also involves publishing on social media platforms along with many other sale channels.

Ease Tracking Of Product:

In the online business, tracking the product online becomes the most significant advantage. These play an important role in enabling a highly significant status of inventory for increasing fulfillment. 

You can easily track products that run out of stock in inventory along with stocks. They are suitable for effectively managing the stocks in the business without any hassle.


ECommerce helps to make innovative online business strategies by building more online strategies. It mainly helps to handle the business successfully. These give the better option for a smooth migration to the extent. Now is the time to reach a wide number of customers from across the world.

Author Bio:- With over 10 years’ in experience in financial and non-financial research and analysis, Ankita C Behani moved on to set up IQecommerce, a leading Magento 2 multi vendor marketplace platform in Canada which helps convert the businesses’ dreams of having an online store into reality. With her detailed research and unique insights, she helps clients visualize, create and enhance their online performance leading to full digital transformation.

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