How to Use Competitive Analysis in Your White Label SEO Strategy?

By James Tredwell on April 27, 2023

The demand for white-label SEO services is growing because businesses of all sizes understand the importance of SEO for their digital marketing efforts. As a white-label SEO provider, it is essential to understand your competitors and their strategies if you want to stay ahead. Competitive analysis is the process of gathering and analyzing data about your competitors in order to inform your own SEO strategy and make the most of your white-label services.

To properly analyze your competitors’ SEO, you need to look at several factors and in this article, we will discuss how to use competitive analysis in your white-label SEO strategy. Whether you offer white label SEO services to clients or are a business owner looking to optimize your own website, this guide will help you understand how to use competitive analysis in an effective way.

Before we dive into the tips, let’s first understand why competitor analysis is important in white-label SEO strategy.

Why is Competitor Analysis Important in a Local SEO Strategy?

The main goal of any SEO strategy is to get a website to rank higher in the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). But, in order to do that effectively, you need to understand how your competitors are ranking and what tactics they are using. You also want to be aware of any changes they make so you can develop an effective strategy to outrank them.

Competitor analysis can help you understand what keywords they are using, how they are using them, and which tactics are successful. It can also give you an insight into their backlink profile and the content they produce. By understanding your competitors’ strategies, you can develop a competitive strategy that gives you an edge over your rivals. Now let’s look at the tips on how to use competitive analysis in a white-label SEO strategy:

Tips to Use Competitive Analysis in White-label SEO Strategy:

Analyze their Content

Start with analyzing the content of your competitors’ websites and blogs. Look into what topics they are covering and the format they are using (e.g., blog posts, videos, infographics). Then look at the keywords they are targeting and how frequently they are using them.

Taking note of their content strategy will help you identify gaps and opportunities for your own SEO strategy. Moreover, use tools like BuzzSumo or Ahrefs to compare the performance of each piece of content. This will help you understand which topics and formats are working best for them.

Analyze their Backlinks:

Backlinks profile is a crucial and a highly important factor when it comes to SEO. Analyzing the backlinks of your competitors can give you an idea of which websites they are getting links from and what tactics they are using to get those links.

You should also look into the quality of their backlinks, as well as the anchor texts used in their link-building campaign. Knowing this information can help you identify any link-building opportunities that you can take advantage of in your own SEO campaign.

Moreover, use a tool like Ahrefs to find out the most linked pages of your competitors. You can take help of a professional white-label SEO services company that can help you out with this.

Make Sure to Keep an Eye on their SEO Updates:

Make sure to keep an eye on your competitors’ SEO updates. This includes monitoring any changes they might be making to their content or link-building strategies. By keeping track of their updates, you can better understand what works and what doesn’t when it comes to SEO.

In addition, you should also pay attention to any new websites or tools they might be using to optimize their SEO. By understanding the latest trends, you can stay ahead of your competitors and develop an effective white-label SEO strategy.

To gain an edge, you can also use tools such as Ahrefs or SEMRush to track the performance of your competitors’ websites. Also keep an eye on their keyword rankings and look for any fluctuations. This will help you with the content planning to surpass your competitors.

Their Social Media Activities:

Analyzing their social media presence is another key aspect of competitor analysis. Checking their followers, the type of content they are sharing, and how often they are posting can give you an idea of what kind of content resonates with their target audience. Moreover, by tracking the engagement levels on each post, you can understand which topics generate more interest amongst their followers.

Armed with this information, you can then tailor your content strategy and create the most engaging content for your own SEO strategy. Moreover, you can also use social media to build relationships with influencers and industry experts, which can help you boost your SEO rankings.

Check their Local SEO Activities:

As much as global SEO is important, local SEO should also be a priority for any business. To gain an edge over your competitors in the local market, you need to analyze their local SEO activities. This includes looking into which keywords they are targeting for local searches, as well as how actively they are participating in local directories and other online services.

Moreover, check the quality of their local listings to understand how they are optimizing their local SEO. Furthermore, check how they’ve optimized their Google Business Profile and how they’re interacting with customers in local reviews.

By understanding the local SEO activities of your competitors, you can develop an effective white-label SEO strategy for your own business.

Wrapping up!

In conclusion, performing in-depth competitor analysis is a crucial part of any SEO strategy. It can help you uncover new opportunities and develop an effective white label SEO plan. By understanding the tactics used by your competitors, you can get ahead of them and achieve better search engine rankings.

In 2023 when the need for SEO services is expected to increase, having a great white-label SEO strategy will be essential for success. With effective competitor analysis and a comprehensive SEO plan, you can ensure that your business stays ahead of the competition.

The Role of SEO Firms in the Modern Digital Landscape

By James Tredwell on April 27, 2023

The digital landscape has seen tremendous changes in the past few years. This has impacted how businesses and organizations seek new ways to reach their target audience. One such way is through search engine optimization (SEO) firms in India. SEO firms in India have become increasingly popular for businesses looking to improve their online presence and maximize web traffic. This article will discuss the role of SEO services in India in the modern digital landscape and their importance for businesses looking to reach their target audience.

Overview of SEO Firms in India

SEO services in India are quickly becoming major players in digital marketing. With the rise of digital marketing, more and more businesses are looking to SEO firms in India to help them gain an edge over their competitors. SEO services in India provide website optimization, content marketing, link building, and social media marketing services. These services can help businesses increase their visibility online and improve their ranking in search engine results.

The SEO firms in India have a wide range of expertise, from website optimization to content marketing. They can help businesses optimize their website for better visibility and higher ranking in search engine results and create engaging content relevant to their target audience. They can also create and manage effective link-building campaigns and develop and implement social media strategies to help businesses reach more potential customers.

SEO services in India also provide extensive services such as analytics and reporting, keyword research and analysis, competitor analysis, and more. They can help businesses understand their target market, identify the most effective keywords to target, and track their progress over time. This helps businesses make better decisions and achieve better results.

The SEO services in India also provide content optimization, on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and link-building services. They can help businesses create content that is optimized for search engine crawlers, as well as create and manage link-building campaigns to help them increase their visibility online. They can also help businesses optimize their web pages for better user experience and faster loading times.

Understanding the Role of SEO Firms in India

SEO services in India have become increasingly important in recent years as businesses have become more aware of the need to improve their online presence and visibility. SEO, or search engine optimization, is optimizing web content and pages to increase their visibility and ranking in search engine results. SEO firms in India help businesses achieve this goal by ensuring that their web pages are optimized for the right keywords, well-structured, and regularly updated with fresh content.

These firms also provide businesses with various services, such as keyword research and analysis, content optimization, link building, and SEO audits. They can also help with website design and development, social media marketing, and online reputation management. These services are designed to improve a business’s online presence, helping them to reach more customers and drive more sales.

In addition to providing services to businesses, SEO services in India also provide guidance and advice on what strategies to pursue to maximize their online presence and visibility. They can offer advice on content marketing, link building, and other SEO tactics to help businesses improve their search engine rankings. They can also give businesses insights into the latest SEO industry trends and help them stay ahead.

SEO services in India are invaluable for businesses looking to improve their online presence and visibility. By working with a reliable and experienced SEO firm, businesses can ensure that their web pages are optimized correctly and that they are taking the right steps to improve their rankings. With the help of an SEO firm, businesses can gain a competitive edge and increase their online presence and visibility.

The Benefits of Working with an SEO Firm in India

When running a successful business, having a strong online presence is essential. This is especially true in the current digital age, where customers expect to find information about businesses quickly and easily online. Working with an SEO firm India can be a great way to ensure your business has the online presence it needs to succeed. Here are some of the benefits of working with an SEO firm in India:

  • Professional Expertise: An SEO firm in India will have professional experience and expertise that can help your business achieve its online goals. They will provide comprehensive strategies and services tailored to your business, helping you maximize your online presence. Furthermore, they will be able to identify areas of your website that need improvement and help you to make the necessary changes.
  • Cost-Effective Solutions: Working with an SEO firm in India can be a cost-effective way of improving your online presence. Many SEO firms in India offer competitively priced packages, allowing you to get the services you need without breaking the bank. Furthermore, as SEO firms in India are experienced in working with businesses of all sizes, they can provide services tailored to your budget.
  • Access to Latest Technologies: Working with an SEO firm in India will give you access to the latest technologies and trends in search engine optimization. This can help you to stay ahead of the competition and ensure that your website remains up-to-date and competitive. Furthermore, they will be able to provide you with advice and strategies tailored to the latest trends, helping you get the most out of your online presence.

Challenges with SEO Firms in India

Although there are many benefits to working with an SEO firm in India, there are also some challenges that businesses may face. One such challenge is the cost of services. SEO firms in India can be expensive, and businesses may need to invest a lot of money to maximize their online presence and improve their rankings. Additionally, there is no guarantee that the strategies used by an SEO firm in India will be successful, as search engine algorithms are constantly changing.


In conclusion, SEO firms are increasingly important in the modern digital landscape. SEO services in India use a variety of strategies to help businesses gain visibility, increase their rankings in search engine results, and build a strong online presence. SEO firms can also help businesses increase their visibility in social media, build customer relationships, and gain a competitive advantage. By leveraging the right SEO strategies, businesses can experience increased website traffic and better performance in search engine results. SEO firms like SEO India Online can help businesses reach their goals and stay ahead of the competition.

Real Estate SEO Services- Strategies to Increase Your Local Rankings

By James Tredwell on April 27, 2023

SEO For Real Estate is the buzzword in the real estate sector in 2023. You might be shocked to find that very soon, the average price of a home will be above $350,00. There is a lot of interest in becoming a real estate agent due to the rise in property prices.

Real Estate SEO Services- Strategies to increase your local rankings

The increased commissions that people can benefit from are the only reason for this. However, if you want to be a successful agent, you must pay attention to your Google rankings. And this is where an SEO For Real Estate Agents, has a crucial role to play.

A real estate SEO expert will advise that you pay close attention to your local rankings in particular. Let’s look at some strategies for using real estate marketing to raise your ranking position.

1. Website Optimization

Make sure that keyword phrases are incorporated into the text, metadata, and titles when optimising a website for real estate. Search engine optimization is the method in question, and it must be taken into consideration. External links from reputable sources, such as regional company directories and relevant news organisations, must also be provided. Page speed optimization and making sure the website is mobile-friendly are further types of optimization. Of course, it’s also crucial to produce content that engages both readers and search engines.

Furthermore, to increase local rankings for a real estate agent’s website through SEO, a Real Estate SEO Services provider will advise that the following steps may be taken:

  • Optimise Google My Business: Ensure that Google My Business profile is complete, up-to-date, and claimed.
  • Focus on local keywords: Identify and target relevant local keywords in website content and meta tags.
  • Get listed in local directories: Claim and update listings in local directories such as Yelp, TripAdvisor, etc.
  • Get quality backlinks: Obtain high-quality backlinks from other local websites and directories.
  • Use location-based terms: Incorporate location-based terms in website content, meta descriptions, and alt tags.
  • Encourage customer reviews: Encourage customers to leave positive reviews on Google, local directories, and other review sites.
  • Optimise website for mobile devices: Make sure the website is optimised for mobile devices, as more searches are conducted on mobile devices.

By following these steps, a real estate agent’s website can improve its local search visibility and rankings.

2. Content Marketing

As far as Local SEO For Real Estate Agents matters, one of the best ways to get search engines to take notice of your website is through content marketing. You may raise your domain authority and search engine rankings by creating valuable, informative, and keyword-rich content. Content marketing for real estate brokers could entail authoring neighbourhood guides or blog posts on current market trends.

It might also entail making informative infographics that outline the home-buying process. You have complete control over how content marketing is included, which is a terrific thing. But it’s advised that you concentrate on a range of approaches. For instance, using video material together with running a blog is a terrific idea.

3. Encourage Client Reviews

Reviews are crucial to the success of any real estate business, as one might anticipate. Positive reviews not only help you gain the trust and confidence of potential customers, but they also increase your local rankings, which is something you need.

By promptly addressing questions, offering superior customer service, and following up with emails asking for feedback, you can boost client evaluations. To remain on top of reviews and respond swiftly, you can also employ online review management solutions. It’s critical to demonstrate to potential customers how you respond to customer feedback. This will make it clear to them that you are interested in their experience and outcomes.

4. Local Directory Citations

Citations are references to the name, location, and contact information (NAP) for your company that appear on other websites. Search engines use these citations to both generate local visibility for your business and to verify the accuracy of your NAP information.

Therefore, developing a high citation profile can help you rise in the local search results. Make sure you don’t forget about this duty. One of your most effective tools may be this one.

5. Use Social Media

Social networking is a fantastic tool for marketing your real estate company and connecting with potential clients. It can be used to exchange material, promote new listings, and provide beneficial home-buying guidance. Additionally, you can communicate with nearby companies to create bonds and promote recommendations.

Just make sure you are employing successful social media methods and channel-optimising for local SEO. Remember that it’s crucial to continue using social media. Here, consistency would be quite helpful. Don’t make the error of working hard initially, then stepping back. Your audience may cease following you if they don’t believe you are active on the platforms where they do so.

6. Take Advantage of Video Content

Real estate agents are not an exception to the growing popularity of video content in marketing. A deeper picture of what it’s like to deal with you as an agent may be given to potential clients through video. Additionally, videos can contribute to the development of client confidence and trust. Create virtual tours, lifestyle movies, or real estate market updates as a place to start. Following that, you can distribute your videos using email campaigns and social media.

7. Work With a Professional

In order to raise your real estate website’s search engine ranks, it might be quite helpful to hire a specialised web design and development team or a digital marketing firm. Experts with experience can advise you on how to effectively sell yourself online and assist you in building a website that is both SEO-optimised and aesthetically pleasing.

This can entail coming up with specialised methods to match your objectives or designing tailored social media campaigns. Make careful to take into account a professional’s past reputation while looking for one to work with. This will give you some idea of the kind of outcomes you can anticipate. Additionally, you want to confirm that they have experience working with individuals similar to you.

8. You Shouldn’t Overlook Google Rankings

There are several advantages to optimising your Google rankings that you shouldn’t pass up. Take into account the information above to help you decide what is best for you. Are you interested in learning more about what we can do? Contact us right now to learn how we can assist.

SEO For Real Estate Investors is as important as it is for real estate agents and service providers.


Q1: What is the advantage of content marketing for a real estate agency?

A: Content marketing provides an effective and cost-efficient way for real estate service providers to reach their target audience and create awareness around their services. It allows them to engage with potential customers in an organic and meaningful way, by creating content that educates, informs, and entertains them. Content marketing can also help to build trust and loyalty among customers, as well as increase brand visibility. Additionally, content marketing can help to generate leads, drive website traffic, and increase conversions.

Q2: How can video content help in increasing real estate website rankings?

A: Video content can be incredibly effective in helping increase real estate website rankings. Videos can provide valuable information to potential customers, such as walkthroughs of properties, testimonials from real estate agents, or tips on buying or selling a home. They can also provide a more interactive and engaging experience than simply reading text, helping to draw people in and keep them on the website longer. Additionally, videos can help to improve SEO by providing additional content for search engine bots to crawl and index.

Q3: How long will it take to increase local rankings for a real estate agent’s website through SEO?

A: It is impossible to say exactly how long it will take to increase local rankings for a real estate agent’s website through SEO, as this depends on a variety of factors such as the website’s age, current rankings, competition, and quality of the SEO implementation. Generally, it can take anywhere from three months to a year to start seeing significant results from SEO.


In conclusion, a well-executed SEO strategy can be a game-changer for real estate agents looking to increase their local rankings and attract more leads. From optimising Google My Business, targeting local keywords, getting listed in local directories, to encouraging customer reviews, the strategies mentioned in this blog provide a solid foundation for a successful real estate SEO campaign.

By focusing on providing valuable and relevant content for both users and search engines, real estate agents can establish their online presence, reach their target audience, and grow their business. With a clear understanding of these strategies, real estate agents can take the necessary steps to improve their local rankings, increase their online visibility, and drive more qualified leads to their website

How to Develop Actionable and Effective SEO Audits

By James Tredwell on April 19, 2022

The goal of any SEO campaign is to improve a website’s organic search traffic and visibility. However, SEO is an ever-changing landscape, and what worked yesterday may not work today. That’s why it’s important to conduct regular SEO audits to uncover any potential issues with your website and determine the most effective actions to take to improve your rankings.

An effective SEO audit perform by a professional SEO Company in India will give you a competitive edge by revealing the true potential of your website. It will help you identify any areas of improvement, as well as any potential threats to your ranking positions. With this information, you can develop an actionable plan to improve your SEO and boost your website’s traffic and visibility. So, how can you develop an effective SEO audit? Here are a few tips:

Know your website’s current SEO health

The first step in any SEO audit is to understand your website’s current SEO health. This includes evaluating your website’s overall performance, as well as identifying any potential issues that need to be addressed.

To do this, you’ll need to evaluate factors such as your website’s Google PageRank, Alexa ranking, and MozRank. You should also look at your website’s backlinks, anchor text distribution, and on-page SEO factors. Once you have a good understanding of your website’s current SEO health, you can start developing a plan to improve it.

Identify your website’s strengths and weaknesses

The next step is to identify your website’s strengths and weaknesses. This will help you focus your SEO efforts on the areas that will have the biggest impact.

To do this, you need to evaluate your website against your competitors. This includes evaluating your website’s search engine rankings, as well as the quality and quantity of your backlinks. You should also look at your website’s traffic data, including the number of visitors and their engagement levels. This will help you determine whether your website is attracting the right audience.

Benchmark your website’s ranking against competitors

Once you have a good understanding of your website’s strengths and weaknesses, you need to benchmark your ranking against your competitors. This will help you determine how well you’re doing compared to your competition and identify any areas where you need to improve.

To do this, you can use a variety of tools, including the SEMRush Sensor tool, the Alexa Traffic Rank tool, and the Moz Open Site Explorer tool. These tools will help you evaluate your website’s search engine rankings, backlinks, and traffic data.

Check indexed pages and remove the duplicate ones

The next step is to check the indexed pages of your website and remove the duplicate ones. Duplicate pages can negatively impact your website’s SEO, so it’s important to remove them.

To do this, you can use the Google Search Console tool. This tool will help you identify any duplicate pages on your website and provide information on how to fix them.

Technical SEO is one of the most important aspects of SEO, and it’s essential to evaluate your website’s technical SEO factors before launching any SEO campaign. To do this, you need to evaluate factors such as your website’s page speed, mobile usability, and crawlability. You should also look at your website’s XML sitemaps and robots.txt files.

Check for manual actions

Another important thing to check for is manual actions. And this activities comes under the result driven SEO Packages. If your website has been penalized by Google, it will be difficult to improve your SEO ranking.

To check for manual actions, you can use the Google Search Console tool. This tool will help you identify any manual actions that have been taken against your website and provide instructions on how to fix them. Don’t worry if you find there is a manual action on your website. You will find a lot of resources to get out of that penalty. However, you need to ensure that you quickly take action to avoid any further penalties from Google. The faster you resolve the issue, the faster your website will recover from the penalty.

Also, audit the site’s speed

A website’s speed is another important factor that needs to be evaluated in an SEO audit. In order to improve your website’s speed, you need to identify the factors that are slowing it down.

To do this, you can use the Google PageSpeed Insights tool. This tool will help you identify the factors that are slowing down your website and provide instructions on how to fix them. Speed has become a major ranking factor among search engines, so it’s important to make sure your website is running as quickly as possible.

In addition, the website’s architecture is another important factor that needs to be evaluated in an SEO audit. If the website’s architecture is not optimized for SEO, it will be difficult to improve your website’s ranking.

Wrapping up!

SEO audits are an important part of any SEO campaign. They help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your website and allow you to benchmark your ranking against your competitors. They also help you identify any areas where you need to improve your SEO. Get started with a robust and in-depth SEO audit today.

7 Technologies Disrupting Search Marketing for Good

By James Tredwell on October 7, 2021

Search Engine Marketing is growing rapidly. Many of the changes are because of the evolution of search engines themselves, others are due to innovations in other marketing channels. The US marketers increased their paid search investments to $60 billion in 2020. The emergence of new technologies has helped shape search marketing in many ways. It has helped marketers to be more creative with their marketing campaigns.

The internet has changed our lives dramatically, especially in the last 5 years. New technologies are constantly emerging and disrupting the way businesses function. The emergence of new technologies like AI, Virtual Reality, the Internet of Things (IoT), etc. specifically has a lot of impact on the way we conduct search marketing.

The following blog will look at seven such technologies that are changing search engine marketing for good.

#1 Voice Search

What better way to kickstart this list than with voice search. This technology has swiftly found its way into our day-to-day tasks. The number of voice assistants is estimated to reach 8.4 billion by 2024, overtaking the world population. So we know, this tech is here to stay for good.

Number of voice assistant users (in millions)

Now you know why there is a pressing need for businesses to adopt a voice search marketing strategy. Search engines want to display the most relevant result most easily and naturally possible. Google’s updates like BERT are adept with Natural Language Processing capabilities to better understand the context of voice search queries.

This means you have to modify your search marketing techniques to prepare for a voice-first approach. Consumers search with longer, conversational keywords which impacts your primary keyword research and on-page SEO. 

You can make the most of this technology by mapping questions coherent to the buyer’s journey. Leverage the 3.8 times faster loading speed of a voice search result to increase visibility to the users actively seeking to know more about your brand and who are willing to engage.

#2 Augmented Reality (AR)

The technology that was taken very lightly at first, has now proved its mettle through various marketing merits. The fact that 90% of companies with annual revenues ranging from $100 million to $1 billion are implementing AR and VR technology in some form has established its potential as a marketing channel as well as a brand differentiator.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) present ample opportunities to optimize the experience for eCommerce customers. There are many adept web design and development experts that can help you create a life-like customer journey, from browsing to purchasing.

Such designs are dominating the search marketing arena with innovative techniques. One of them is driving engagement through gamification. Google is adopting this idea in its maps feature wherein they focus on improving walking navigation through augmented reality

Interactive billboards to Snapchat lenses, all of these can become an integral part of your marketing campaigns. Virtual try-on and smart mirrors are changing the way people shop and eCommerce retailers and search engine marketers are adapting to convert these clicks into customers.

#3 Programmatic Advertising

When listing technological advancements, shaping the future, it feels mandatory to mention the domination of Artificial Intelligence. Here, it comes in the form of programmatic advertising. The technology has helped search marketers all over the globe get rid of the conventional methods to buy digital space for their ads.

The ad spending on the programmatic digital displays in the US continues to grow in double digits, even during the pandemic. The forecasts suggest that this trend will continue with programmatic advertising taking up 91.1% of the total digital ad spend in 2023.

The automation helps you better plan and optimize the ads without the hassle of proposals, quotes, and negotiations to buy digital advertising. The marketers are quite delighted to adopt the algorithmic advancement that decides where their ad money is best spent. However, this technology is still in its infancy and will take some time to grow to its full potential.

You can use programmatic advertising to avail the following benefits:

  • Efficiently targeting customers across social media channels
  • Enhance the value of your marketing messaging
  • Expedite the transactions of digital media space

#4 Beacons

Beacons have been around since 2015 now. They are small Bluetooth signal transmitters that have a localized range. The technology uses push notifications to reach nearby clients. As a marketer, you can use this technology to display ads, discounts, or any other messages with the local population.

It is useful in search marketing as it helps collect the footfall and proximity data that can be used to develop SEO strategies. Beacons are extremely precise provide highly detailed location data in comparison to GPS or WiFi. 

This technology is suitable for brick and mortar stores for a precise understanding of how shoppers interact and navigate in their shops. They improve customer engagement through deeper insights. Renowned brands like target and Nordstrom have been making use of this technology for years now and have used it to bridge the gap between online shopping and the in-store experience.

#5 Visual Search

Visuals have always been known to impact the human brain prominently. It can identify images with 13 milliseconds. AI, however, trumps this number and is more efficient while producing search results.

The technology of visual search engines has transformed search marketing and continues to do so. It relies on neural networks that function through machine learning technology. Google has developed Lens, specifically to cater to the demand of visual searches as 62.2% of millennials preferred that medium.

The advancement of visual search technology can not only help to identify objects in an image but can help match them to your product listing, provide customer reviews and sort out the retailers.

So far, very few marketers have built image search into their web inventory with Pinterest being the face of this field. The technology can be utilized to optimize the schema markup and metadata of the images. With minimalism dawning new trends in the marketing department, you can expect the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” to come to life.

#6 Geofencing

First, let’s understand what does geofencing technology means exactly. In simple terms, it is the etching of virtual perimeter fences around a physical location using specific software. These boundaries or geofences can identify when a person or an object enters or leaves the demarcated virtual zone. This advanced technology makes it possible to trigger various events and actions when this happens.

This technology has elevated location-based search marketing to the next level. Google Ads offers location targeting, which is similar to geofencing, just without the boundaries of any perimeter. Alongside, Facebook Ads allow geofencing up to a one-mile radius and you can reach the target audience that steps inside your virtual fence.

You can curate ads and target them to potential leads who enter your geofencing boundary. The technology has multiple use cases. 

  • You can target the audience visiting a specific event or a conference related to your niche with a special coupon or offer
  • Gain an edge over your competitors by matching geofencing around their location. Publish ads with promotions or price matching messages to drive them to your store
  • Increase customer retention and loyalty by targeting the audience who has previously visited your store.

You can bank on geofencing marketing to increase analytics, improve local reputation and the resulting sales. Narrowing down your audience through such ways is an integral way to maintain a concrete marketing budget.

#7 Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things can be described as any device that has an internet connection to it. These devices can exchange data to other systems and devices. These are not directly involved in the purchasing chain but are extremely useful to capture data related to consumer behavior. 

The mechanism behind the technology essentially encompasses 4 components; Sensors, gateway, cloud data, and user interface. IoT has made it possible to engage in predictive advertising that boosts engagement. 

These are devices like smartwatches, smartphones, voice assistants, and so on. The technology accelerates your search marketing ad campaigns through improved personalization. The number of connected devices a consumer possesses is directly proportional to the probability that they will come across your brand while browsing.

You can curate contextual advertisements that shoot up your conversion rate. Moreover, you can monitor consumer behavior with a refined lens through wearables that come under IoT and identify the value of IoT by understanding the semantics behind the search queries.


The internet is changing faster than ever and search marketing is growing with each passing year. The search engines have made several changes to their algorithms, which has had a huge impact on the search engine marketing industry. This impact has been so huge that it has affected both the technological and human sides of search marketing. 

New technologies are emerging every day, and these technologies are fundamentally changing the way people research and purchase products and services. These technologies have made it easier for businesses to leverage search engine marketing as a way to grow their business. As marketers, we need to stay up-to-date on the latest tools, trends, and strategies, or risk getting left behind.

Author Bio. :- Ronak Kothari is the founder of RONKOT, a full-service digital and printing agency specializing in web design, development, and digital marketing. With over a decade of hands-on experience in marketing, Ronak helps brands reach new heights.

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