Top Chatbot Trends and Predictions to Know in 2023

By James Tredwell on December 15, 2022

A chatbot has become a critical component of any modern business, helping organizations serve their customers more efficiently by becoming more efficient and adaptable in a cutthroat business environment. Chatbots are becoming more sophisticated, and quickly mimicking human beings when it comes to interactions with customers.

According to global chatbot adoption statistics, the market for chatbots will grow at a rate of 25% for the next three to four years.  Organizations in over 190 countries are currently using chatbots to automate tasks in sectors such as finance, insurance, travel and ecommerce.

In the following paragraphs, we shall look at top 10 chatbot trends and predictions for the coming year. We shall also see how a top-level chatbot development company can help your business thrive in a dynamic business environment.

Voice-enabled Chatbots will Increase

Voice-enabled assistants like Alexa and Siri powered by AI have completely changed the way of human interaction. ML and AI are now being increasingly inculcated in developing chatbots and proving to be immensely helping in improving user experience and customer satisfaction.

As chatbots powered by AI and ML can interact much like humans, voice interactions is the new rage as it helps customers get answers to their queries and questions in real time, which draws them more towards the business.

As technologies develop, bots will start resembling humans more and more, which is likely to enhance the overall experience pf a customer and build brand loyalty.

Chatbots will Predict Customer Behavior

Chatbots are being increasingly used by businesses to collect customer data at every touch point. The data collected is then analyzed to derive meaningful insights from them, which helps organizations better understand a customer’s purchasing patterns and buying behaviors.

Organizations find it comparatively easier to monitor the behavior of their target audience, which in turn helps them offer more personalized offerings to their customers.

When we talk about customer touch points, we refer to the data collected that is generated through interactions like chats, calls, emails, and any other activities that are used to engage with businesses.

With machine learning, it is believed and expected that chatbots will be better able to capture the behavior and patterns of customers to help organizations deliver personalized services at competitive prices.

Chatbots are Automating Call Centers

With rapid advancements in AI, chatbots will become more human-like, which means they will be central to an organization’s endeavor to automate call centers.

It is expected that fully automated call centers will become a reality more sooner than later with AI-integrated natural language processing (NLP) making chatbots resemble the human brain to assist customers just as human beings.

Seamless Shopping Experience With Chatbots

Customers these days with so much distractions are perennially short of time. As such, they want a quick and hassle-free shopping experience while buying online.

As we get ready to enter 2023, chatbots will be playing important role in facilitating seamless online shopping experience with conversation-driven cross-selling and upselling.

With WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger apps, and another payment methods enabled by chatbots, it is expected that more and more customers will take the help of bots to quickly purchase and pay through the chatbot.

In years to come, it is expected that organizations will use the technology to integrate more chatbots with payment processes to help customers shop with utmost comfort and convenience.

Additionally, chatbots can provide important information about a user’s transaction data, payment, expenses, browsing, etc , which could help organizations take necessary actions to retain customers.

Chatbots are Helping Organizations Internally

In addition to carrying out interactions with customers in a human-like manner, and address their concerns, AI-powered chatbots in 2023 are expected to offer a lot to organizations internally as well.

Chatbots can deliver well for an organization by streamlining the internal workflows of an organization, irrespective of the size of the workforce.

Chatbots will Facilitate Increased Automation

Chatbots are capable of running on different operating systems like Windows, Linux, etc, which means they can offer flexible, automated services to businesses.

Some chatbots with advanced AI are capable of taking care of intricate processes like scheduling, data analysis, providing alerts, marketing, and other services.

Bots taking care of complex processes will help employees pay more attention to other tasks that need human intervention.


Chatbots have become a great option for businesses to simplify complex operations through automation.  In the future, as AI and ML becomes more sophisticated, it is believed that greater automation will help businesses seamlessly overcome all their modern-day challenges, both internally and externally.

However, in order to leverage the full potential of bots, it is important to hire well-established chatbot development services provider who can inject intelligence with cognitive APIs, AI, ML and NLP capabilities to create a chatbot capable of carrying out human-like conversation and interaction.

How E-Commerce Chatbots are Revolutionising Online Shopping?

By James Tredwell on January 2, 2021

If you use the internet on a regular basis, there are high chances that you are already familiar with the concept of chatbots. Those who still don’t know what chatbots are are small computer programs that are developed to stimulate the method of human conversation and interact with real people automatically to assist them with their issues and finish their tasks.

69% of consumers prefer to use chatbots for the speed at which they can communicate with a brand. In fact, 58% of B2B and 42% of B2C companies use a chatbot on their websites. While the chatbots are making a difference in various industries with their effectiveness, the eCommerce industry is benefitting the most from the use of chatbots.

Here are 7 effective ways chatbot technology is revolutionising eCommerce:

  • Improving user experience:

Adding conversational bots into your eCommerce system has the potential of simplifying the user experience of the website. An example will help you understand how chatbots can improve the customer experience. Sephora, one of the top beauty product brands, has recently released its personal assistance bot integrated with messaging apps such as Facebook Messenger and Kik.

This assistant bot of Sephora allows users to try new looks and beauty products from the brand. The user only needs to provide his/her images, and the bots give the person a clear idea of how a shade of a new lipstick would look on them. This saves the user from the trouble of visiting a physical store. Needless to say, this takes the user experience to a whole new level.

  • Better customer service:

Providing useful customer support should be the number one priority for every business.  A business is nothing without its customers. So, a brand needs to put everything they got to achieve cent per cent client satisfaction rate. You will be surprised to know that chatbots do a great job at assisting customers with their doubts and queries and boosting client satisfaction rate.

A significant number of companies have started to include bots in their business strategy to improve their customer service. Since it is challenging for brands to offer customer support 24×7, including chatbots into the mix can solve that problem. In fact, the customers can get support at late hours as well as on weekends. This certainly helps the brand gain the trust of the customers.

  • More accurate product recommendations:

With the emergence of IoT devices, especially the voice search-enabled smart devices, the way people shop online is changing. However, one of the biggest highlights in this area has been the incorporation of chatbots into the home devices and appliances.

LG’s SmartThinq Home Automation hub while being integrated with Amazon Alexa lets you have great control over your home appliances. For example, the bots will automatically estimate the detergent amount needed for your laundry and reorder it automatically when required. As you can guess, plagiarism checker this amalgamation of technologies has limitless possibilities. Same goes for conversational bots and online shopping.

  • Automating the lead generation process:

Ecommerce businesses often have a medium to a large inventory, which can be difficult for the customers to navigate through while searching for an item. Chatbots can help lead customers to what they need and make things simpler for everyone. Since the chatbots are highly scalable, it enables you to initiate a conversation with website users and isolate the interested users.

Things may escalate to another level when natural language processing and AI are added to a bot’s workflow. In such scenarios, the bots actually perform better at lead generation than regular human agents. We may get to see more chatbots in the area of sales enablement. They generally gather and store customer data over time and automate data transmission to sales teams for closing the deals.

  • Helping mine customer data:

Customers share a lot of data with a brand without realising whether they are having a conversation with a human or bot at the other end. These chatbots store a great amount of consumer data, including the past purchase record and buying habits over a period of time. So, the next time the same customer visits the website or store, the data helps provide a smooth user experience and makes the conversion easier.

Rich consumer data also allows the brands to produce more accurate ways to advertise their products/services to the customers. Knowing the customer’s habits and purchase history allows the brand to estimate the person’s future moves. Presenting the right advertisements to the customers at the right time will improve the chances of conversion and sales.

  • Rewarding customer loyalty:

Most businesses spend a lot of money on customer loyalty programs, rewarding their loyal customers and converting them into brand advocates. While there is nothing wrong with this strategy, the chatbots are taking the matter of rewarding customer loyalty to a new level. Popular brands like Burberry and Audemars Piguet are already doing that.

The bots at the Burberry’s website allow the users to check “Behind the Scenes” looks from fashion shows, and also buy the apparels directly from the app. Customers can also engage in live chat with a company agent. The bots used by Audemars Piguet let the users browse through the best watch collections, asses all the features of the individual watches, and find the nearest store to try those items in real life. In other words, the bots can make loyal customers feel valued.

  • Closing a sale:

In today’s date, most businesses still prefer to assign a live agent or representative to complete the sale. However, the scenario is changing gradually. Chatbots now have the potential to sell directly and place the orders for users without the need of any human assistance. Even though people used to criticise bots earlier for their inability to close sales, things have changed drastically in the last few years.

In fact, more and more people are choosing chatbots to complete sales. There is a specific type of bots called sales chatbots which are being implemented by companies to improve their sales funnel. They also offer the feature to follow up with clients who could not have been converted in the first attempt.

In conclusion,

Adopting chatbots for your business is a lot more cost-effective than you think. Unlike human agents, chatbots are easy to manage. So, if you have not considered using chatbots for your business, it is the perfect time to incorporate this technology into your business strategy. This will help you take advantage of the changes chatbots are bringing to the world of eCommerce.

This article is contributed by Peter Clarke – is a senior marketing manager at a reputed eCommerce platform based in Sydney, Australia. He is also a subject matter expert for spell checker online at, where he offers essay writer  to students on marketing problems.

How AI-Powered Chatbots Revolutionizing the Hospitality Sector

By James Tredwell on December 12, 2020

Using chatbots has become the new norm. Today, almost 40% of major companies, and roughly around 1.4 billion people are using chatbots. For example, healthcare, banking, telecom, the retail industry, and the tourism industry are a few sectors that come under chatbot’s extensive domain.

With the recent AI development in the chatbot field, 23% of companies started using AI chatbots. Pretty soon, chatbots won’t be limited to only predefined answers. AI-powered chatbots will have the ability to converse in an active conversation. You may have the question, “how is chatbot associated with AI technology?”

With the help of artificial intelligence, chatbots provide a human touch to every conversation. The bot deciphers the user’s query and generates an accurate response. In order to achieve this, chatbots use mainly two components of Artificial Intelligence

  • Machine Learning

Machine learning is the study of the algorithm that helps chatbots to learn from the data provided by you during bot training. With the help of machine learning, the bot first monitors the previous conversation with the user and responds accordingly.

  • Natural language processing

Natural Language Processing (NLP) assists the bot to understand and interpret the information closely. With NLP’s help, you train your chatbot with various intents that the user will type during the conversation. Based on these intents, the chatbot generates a streamlined response.

Because of its many advantages, the hotel and tourism industry has started using AI-powered chatbots. The hospitality industry has realized that in-depth customer service harnessed with personalized offers is the key to increase their brand value. Something that AI chatbots are capable of delivering.

Let’s go more in-depth and try to understand how chatbots are revolutionizing the hospitality sector.

  1. Tailored personalized recommendations

An AI-developed chatbot for your hotel can render hyper-personalized recommendations for your customers based on their previous behavior and preferences. AI-powered chatbots are great for managing relationships with customers. With NLP, chatbots can better understand guest queries. They can assist guest’s full travel/stay experience by sending automated pre-arrival reminders, suggesting nearby restaurants and transportation options, suggesting nearby tourist attractions, etc.

Few hotels like the Clarion Hotel in Stockholm have also started implementing this. They have enabled in-room chatbot assistants capable of taking orders, providing online information, booking cabs, or entertaining other hotel-related queries.

  1. The best channel for reservations

The hotel business has long been dependent on online travel agencies for customers. Relying on travel agencies means a hefty share from the profit will be dissolving as commission. These days, hotels have started having their online presence (website, messaging apps, etc.). Almost all guests now like to reserve rooms from the hotel website. With AI-powered chatbots, the hospitality industry can now leverage multiple online platforms and generate quality customers.

Hotels like InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) are testing AI-powered chatbots in three of their properties. The chatbot utilizes Facebook Messenger for its chatbot platform. Users can use the chatbot services before, during, or after post-stay.

  1. The omission of the language barrier

Imagine a situation where a foreign guest comes to your hotel and wants to converse with you, but you seem not to understand him correctly. The communication gap between you and your guest will surely ruin the streamlined experience you decided to provide. Such awkward scenarios are not suitable for your business.

However, with AI developed chatbots, it is not the case! Having a chatbot on your website lets your guest directly talk with the bot. Since chatbots are built on NLP standards, they can understand any language and converse fluently with them. With the help of chatbots, language is not a barrier anymore. It’s just another mode of communication.

  1. Best for up-selling and cross-selling

AI development in chatbots has made them superior to their human counterparts. They can be your low maintenance perfect employee for up-selling and cross-selling purposes.

By keeping last-minute deals at your disposal, AI-powered chatbots can be your partner for upselling. For example, when a customer booked a room, chatbots can offer him room up-gradation at discounted rates.

You can also offer various types of hotel services via chatbots too. For example, when a guest arrives at your hotel from a long exhaustive journey, chatbots can send recommendations for your hotel’s cafe or spa. If the guest’s previous data shows that they like to relax in a spa after arriving, you can send ongoing offers and discounts.

  1. Generate skyrocket revenue

The hotel industry used to pay massive ransom for generating traffic, mainly through paid apps and other promotional activities. AI-powered chatbots can make sure that these hefty investments are not wasted by engaging the traffic that comes through the hotel website.

Chatbots can be integrated on any platform users prefer to use. The best part being, unlike humans, AI developed chatbots don’t need to be monitored. AI chatbots can reduce your hotel’s bounce rate and generate loyalty amongst your guests by constantly keeping them engaged.

  1. Saves time and effort

The hospitality sector usually gets a lot of routine queries and FAQs. Having a human customer care representative responding to the same questions repeatedly is inefficient. An AI-powered chatbot can efficiently be utilized for such mundane tasks. This enables the customer support team to focus on other more complex tasks.

Cosmopolitan hotel of Las Vegas has a registered AI-powered chatbot named Rose. It is a voice-activated assistant that handles queries from the guests. In case of an unusual question from the guest, it conveys the same to the hotel staff.

  1. Offering Unique Experience

Hotels are coming up with innovative ideas to integrate voice-activated AI chatbots more and more to offer unique staying experiences for their guests. Frequently, guests are more than happy to shed a few extra dollars for unique experiences. Also, creating these experiences help you to stand out from the crowd in the competitive hotel business.

For example, Wynn Las Vegas has integrated amazon echo in 4748 hotel rooms to offer guests control over multiple facilities. It will be able to control lighting, temperature, tv, etc.

Another hotel brand, InterContinental Hotel Group (IHG), is using Facebook messenger as its chatbot platform. Also known as “the neighborhood host,” the AI-powered chatbot can provide recommendations for nearby tourist hotspots.

  1. Brand Awareness

With the evolution of technology, consumers have raised their expectations on how they communicate with the brands. According to gleecus, 69% of consumers prefer chatbots for quick communication. As such, chatbots could be the perfect fit for generating brand awareness amongst consumers.

Whenever someone is interacting with AI chatbots, whether it may be on the website or on your hotel premises, they learn a lot more about your brand than they traditionally used to. This generates loyalty, increases customer retention, and broadens your market reach.


While the whole world is taking advantage of AI development in chatbots, why should the hospitality industry be left behind? As per research made by Salesforce, the use of chatbots is projected to grow a whopping 136% over two years span. As such, it is the perfect time to blend in with the new trend. We hope this blog has helped to showcase the usefulness of AI chatbots in the hospitality industry. In case of any queries, do not hesitate to write to us in the comments section.

How To Use The Chatbots For Personalized Brand Communication?

By James Tredwell on December 8, 2020

Artificial intelligence is evolving in recent times in all business sectors; the chatbots act as the communication tool between the brand and audience. The business is adventuring its marketing strategies using digital marketing ideas and prefers social media as a productive marketing tool.

Every company is willing to be active in social media to make their online presence. Business engagement is crucial for online media marketing, where the online purchasers expect the better user experience to which they deal with it. Social media marketing is all about brand engagement with the brand’s target audience.

Chatbots are the artificial intelligence tool used to replace the humanitarian assistance to aid users in the information they are searching for it. The business is getting better engagement by using a chatbot, and the digital marketing expert, Hopinfirst, have described the methods to utilize the chatbot.

Chatbots For Your Business

Chatbots are the virtual assistant for the users who are getting serviced with the posed queries. Chatbot marketing is the way to promote the brand product or service using a chatbot- an associated conversation generated by Artificial intelligence.

The business can build their chatbot by manipulating the most common queries and give the website visitor a good experience. The company that can provide the best experience for their target audience using the questions to create engagement. 

How To Use Chatbots For Your Business?

  • Choose The Perfect Social Media
  • Research Your Brand Audience Queries Instinct
  • Optimize The Chatbot Often
  1. Choose The Perfect Social Media

The business that desired to make social media marketing must choose their popular media like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter, based on their target audience’s existence. The business has to analyze its target audience platform based on the user demography to select it as a marketing media for the best marketing practices. 

Analyzing the target audience’s interest, the brand can develop a brand video and perform necessary events and live marketing by coding the chatbots to help the audience educate the brand product benefits in detail. The most frequently asked questions must make coded to give better customer service.

  1. Research Your Brand Audience Queries Instinct

The brand must analyze the necessary information about the brand queries possibilities and develop their chatbot responding mechanism. For instance, if your brand product is a fashionable product like cosmetics and gadgets, there is a high possibility for the user to create more inquires about the products’ features. There is a chance to help the audience with the necessary queries and influence them to purchase it. Research your brand competitor website and analyze the chatbot code formatting and optimize your business chatbot performance to serve the best content.

  1. Optimize The Chatbot

The chatbot must get upgraded and optimized to serve the existing customer and new customers with the best assistance with all sorts of information. The chatbot is customized and used in crucial areas such as a messenger bot, suggestion bots, action bots, and information bots. The business can optimize its bot based on the target audience’s knowledge and behavior on the preferred social media. 

How Do You Choose Your Media Chatbot To Leverage The Customer Experience?

Augment The User Experience

Develop the chatbot by implementing the NLP(neuro-linguistic programming) and AI(artificial programming) with the intuitive and rules-based conversational workflows to aid the user with better guidance and motivating the visitor to decide on a purchase.

Social Media Bots

-Facebook Chatbots

The Facebook chatbots are highly using by the business to increase communication with their audiences to strengthen brand engagement. The Facebook messenger has been used as the best medium for audience engagement by making product recommendations, take orders, and delivering details acknowledgment. Automate your Facebook messenger chat to trigger the audience to travel with the brand updates. Facebook offers people to customize the chatbot by using the action buttons, and the web plugins live to give the user a reliable experience.

Similarly, the brand can prefer their social media like Twitter, Instagram, and others to feature on chatbots for building brand engagement.

-Website Chatbots

The brand can endure the website chatbots to commit the live chat with the website visitors. The website chatbot must host multiple tasks such as collecting information, placing orders, booking meetings, etc., engaging content to increase the brand customers.

Improve The Content Chatbot Strategy

The content is necessary for every marketing level, creating a brand content marketing strategy in the chatbot to make the audience engage with the brand. For instance, if your brand product is a spectacle- the chatbot can come up with versatile queries like “how many days once it is needed to get replaced,” the available size of the glasses, and the exclusive offers on bulk purchase. Create personalized content to increase one-to-one engagement. The brand can register the brand identity and product characteristics memorable with chatting via the direct message campaign to the visitor and does not make them feel frustrated as spamming.

Exemplar- Twitter Chatbot Marketing Strategy

In Twitter, the Royal Dutch Airlines handle chat pushes the users to the critical information like a message about its departure, gates, and the other.

Impress The Audience

The chatbots are not necessary to be too professional; the brand can include the things that relish the users, such as the product prices and its attributes. Greet the people with a warm welcome message to set a significant expectation from the audience. By promoting with the “hello” as the first message and ask the most common question, “ask the necessary help” to make the audience feel comfortable asking their questions.

Enable the audience with the necessary button to maintain their chat by providing exact chat options as per their interest.

Benefits Of Using The Chatbot

  1. The chatbots act as the virtual assistant to make the audience aware of the information with faster and accurate replies.
  2. It helps in enabling the customer service with the trend set presence; the messenger chat will make the audience connect with the brand by having a mutual conversation about the brand.
  3. Gaining the customer data and the insights to pop with the pertinent information to the audience to proceed with their forward steps.
  4. Using the chatbot in digital marketing is the easiest direct business approach method to influence the audience to purchase the brand product.

The business that enters social media marketing requires implementing chatbots to help the customer provide valuable information to influence them to show their interest in the brand. The company must possess the information about the customer mindset to encode the bots queries and the necessary actions to give a better user experience.

The high graded content can use to stimulate the audience to know more about the brand. Instant serving is essential in all brand marketing; it aids the user at the right time to make them your brand follower.

I am Clara Allen. I am a copywriter and content writer. I am specialized in email marketing, campaigns, and sales pages. I love working with WordPress and enjoy doing it in the right way. I am a compelling Trollishly blog writer.

How Artificial Intelligence Plays an Important role in Chatbot?

By James Tredwell on November 2, 2019

With the ever-changing world, businesses heavily depend on the technologies which result in the competition are getting fierce and changing our lifestyles in many ways we can’t even imagine. Artificial Intelligence and Chatbot are gradually transforming the technologies and boost productivity and business efficiency across the niches. 

Artificial Intelligence and Chatbot are providing an effortlessly smooth user experience that helps the business stand out from the competition. Artificial intelligence and chatbot development services are becoming one of the most important mechanisms.  

Needs of Artificial Intelligence

The artificial intelligence services to provide an enjoyable and enhanced experience for their customers. Like most online sites, they use these technologies to provide their customers with better product selection and suggestions based on their preferences that could lead to increased accuracy and provide greater customer satisfaction.

Many mobile companies enable users to connect effortlessly with apps and communicate with everyday language. Mobile companies offer a wide range of features with not just voice recognition software, such as efficient messaging and computing, with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

What is Chatbot?

A chatbot is a computer program that uses voice or text interaction to simulate human conversation. It is nothing more than a messaging app that provides fixed answers of relevant data on the basis of understanding user intent. 

Chatbox helps in making a business successful by analyzing the customer data and understanding customer behavior according to their requirements. Chatbots has the ability to react to voice commands with the help of smart voice assistants.

According to the latest Gartner prediction by 2021, at least 25% of digital employees all over the world will use virtual assistants and bots communication. With the combination of AI technology, Chatbots will have more impact on the mobile app market than ever before.

How is AI chatbox useful in Business?

AI chatbots are usually meet a specific wide range of services that meet business to consumer and business to business needs. Chatbots are also becoming immensely powerful in professional work environments from which they can analyze conversations and provide relevant facts or statistics at pertinent conversation points.

Call Centre Support: With the help of an AI chatbox, customers can simply perform any task with the help of voice assistants, these tasks include changing of password, scheduling an appointment and many more without interaction with a human. 

Provides Full Enterprise Support: For back-end systems such as inventory management and customer relationship management, chatbots need to be incorporated for smooth results. It helps the company to perform better like fast services and proper utilization by providing full enterprise support. 

Personal Assistant: Chatbots can help consumers navigate their daily lives and accelerate activities such as ordering grocery stores from mobile devices or any other chat platforms. Google and Siri are also providing these to play as a personal assistant. 

Enhanced User Experience: Chatbots provides smart solutions to its users by simply understanding the customer needs. With fast and speedy actions, one can enhance user experience to a great extent. 

Reduce Wastage of Time: With the help of Artificial Chatbot, you can reduce the wastage of time by simply reducing the efforts like standing in long queues, track order status, or waiting for confirmation messages. Now chatbots allow you the option to track all these records with a single tap or with the help of a voice assistant.

How Artificial Intelligence helps Chatbot to Implement the Process

Today, companies are increasingly becoming more comfortable with the idea of incorporating chatbots and smart assistants into their systems. These optimistic approaches will lead to productivity and enhance customer satisfaction. Here are the steps that can help to implement the chatbot process and make a whole new level of possibilities and opportunities to its users. 

Machine Learning

Machine learning works with algorithms that assist the Chatbot in understanding the queries and data with the help of bot training methods. When any question arises, machine learning allows the Chatbot to first monitor the last conversation by using the bot method. After analyzing all the queries and responding accordingly. 

Natural Language Programming

Natural Language Processing (NLP) assists the bot in understanding and interpreting the data. Natural Language Processing will help you train the Chatbot with various queries that the user types during the conversation. With these attempts, a chatbot is easily able to respond to the query.  

Areas Chatbot currently use in 

  • Most of the restaurants are providing a facility where users can order through the Chatbot, such as Swiggy and Ubereats.
  • Companies can run campaigns and quiz competitions, with the help of a chatbot. 
  • Most of the e-commerce apps using a chatbot to let their users purchase a wide range of products. 
  • A chatbot can also respond to customer service queries and help them in performing various tasks.


Intelligent Chatbots has become the most age-defining software to accelerate automation across mobile apps and deliver unparalleled results to enterprises. The AI Development company is providing chatbots option that improvises the future needs by analyzing the personalized needs of the users. Chatbots have bought a new communication revolution, and the way they connect has changed completely.

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