
7 Ways Blockchain Will Forever Change Link Building and SEO

By James Tredwell on February 14, 2020

According to Blockchain statistics, global spending on blockchain solutions will reach the $11.7 billion mark by 2022. Blockchain is set to generate $20 billion in revenue by 2024. Financial institutions can drastically cut down their expenses and save more than $12 billion a year by using blockchain technology.

That is why blockchain has become one of the most discussed topics in the tech industry. It has transformed industries like finance, real estate, banking, health care, insurance and digital marketing is no exception. It will completely change the way we do search engine optimization and link building.

In this article, you will learn about seven ways in which blockchain is transforming SEO and link building.

1. Better Keyword Research and Analytics

SEO professionals must constantly keep track of keyword rankings which can become quite frustrating despite having access to top of the line analytics tools. These keyword rankings change drastically with device type, location, cookies and more, which makes it even hard to detect keyword rankings. That is where blockchain comes into play.

SEO tools that use blockchain technology will help you track average keyword positions in a variety of different scenarios without breaking a sweat. Not only will these tools make it easily accessible but they are also less prone to corruption. As a result, users will get fast and accurate keyword ranking without much effort.

2. Rise of Smart Links

There is a possibility that you might not be familiar with the smart links because it is a new concept. Smart links work like traditional links but there is a twist. Smart links natively track when and with whom the links have been shared by using a smart contract.

When that smart link generates traffic or lead, the person who shared that link will get a proportional share of that revenue. These smart links will give content creators more control over their links and how their links can be used. This will lead to creation of more collaborative and ethical online interactions.

3. No More Black Hat Link Building

SEO has evolved tremendously over the course of last decade. Gone are the days when you can achieve top rankings on search engines by stuffing keywords in your content. Today, search engines are smarter than ever before, and they can easily track bat hat techniques you are using and can also penalize your site too.

As a result, we might see digital marketers ditch black hat link building tactics and opt for white hat ones. Digital marketers who are still using shady link building tactics might get penalized or see a drastic decline in search engine rankings. Focus on delivering value and create pages that fulfill the search intent of users and you are more likely to rank as compared to using these outdated black hat link building tactics to trick search engines.

4. End of Click Fraud

Depending on the model you choose for your PPC advertisements, you can generate revenue based on clicks, views or acquisitions. Unfortunately, this can also be misused by competitors and bots as they click your PPC ads pointlessly to increase your costs. In fact, research shows that 20% of PPC budget goes to waste due to these fraudulent clicks, which makes it a bigger problem than most people might think.

Blockchain can resolve this issue by verifying users who click on the ads. This allows digital marketers to ensure that they are only charged for legitimate clicks. Moreover, it can also tell you which ads are viewed by real people and prevents bot from viewing your ads. When click fraud ends, we will see businesses increase their ad investments as they don’t have to worry about their paid advertisement budgets going to waste.

5. Blockchain Certificates

Users will see blockchain technology being implemented into the code of a web page very soon. As the number of web pages with blockchain code integration grows, we will see popular content management systems    will also embrace this technology and integrate it into their platforms. To keep everything standardized and in check, we will need blockchain certificates. Content management systems that are blockchain certified will gain a competitive advantage over their counterparts who don’t have these blockchain certificates.

6. Transformation in Affiliate Networks

Affiliate networks such as Amazon associates are extremely popular amongst online marketers. It allows affiliate marketers to create product pages that link back to Amazon products. When an online shopper makes a purchase through these affiliate links, affiliate marketers get a small portion of that purchase.

Smart links is about to transform the affiliate marketing landscape. It will make the traditional affiliate marketing strategy worthless by decentralizing the whole process. You might not need a network as both businesses and individuals can use smart links to monitor sales and offer immediate compensation.

7. Trust and Transparency

Fake news, deceptive links, shady reviews and other malicious tactics are quite rampant in today’s online world. Thankfully, blockchain technology is here to change all that for good. Blockchain ledger will act as a symbol of trust and enable real content creators and businesses to ensure transparency.

This increases their credibility and becomes an authority in their industry. Trust and authority will become an important ranking factor as search engines put more weight to these metrics when ranking web pages. This will force businesses to make trust and transparency a priority in their marketing and promotion campaigns otherwise, search engines will push their website down in search rankings, which would decrease their online visibility.


Blockchain technology will change the way we used to build links and optimize our site for search engines. Smart links will make tracking a hassle-free experience while we will see websites using black hat tactics getting penalized. Click fraud will no longer exist and we will see affiliate marketing go through a paradigm shift, thanks to blockchain technology implementation in affiliate and digital marketing.

Author Bio:- Aaron Starc is a strategist & writer at a digital marketing agency in New York, Branex. She is learning photography, and likes to help people with whatever she can.

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