
9 Innovative Web Design Trends to Look Out for in 2019

By James Tredwell on July 23, 2019

It’s crazy to think that we’re already past the halfway mark of the year, yet in 2019, it’s still not too late to jump on the trends that are well underway within the web design world. From a design perspective, in some years there has been the glow up of creativity — colour schemes have become bolder and illustrations have become more vibrant. In other years, we’ve seen advancements with machine learning as websites have become smarter. In 2019, both of these appear to have combined together for the next step in creative innovation. Here’s a look at 5 trends that have been huge for 2019 in the web designers world.

Black and white palettes

Colour on a website is a chance for a web designer to catch the eye of the user and engage them for further interaction. It also represents the mood and thoughts of a brand as it looks to capture the audience. However, there have been examples of daring black and white palettes used for colour schemes in 2019 as web design looks to make a bold statement. The connotations of the colours are completely different, but combine them together and we get a striking appearance. Here’s an example of at least 30 websites that have adopted the interesting colour scheme.

More video content

Video content is nothing new on websites and everyone’s pretty much aware of this. However, where it’s beginning to make a difference is the amount of video content that is now being displayed on websites. This is because of Google’s moves to feature mixed search results which feature video content above normal listings. This has urged websites to become video focused and display content in a video format.


The talk of chatbots has been emerging for a while but in 2019, we’re now beginning to see them take the limelight as websites continue to move their focus to mobile compatibility. The main reason for chatbots more recent development is due to the advancements seen in AI and machine learning, causing them to become more intelligent and efficient. Websites have been looking to make them more prominent and an enticing way to engage customers, providing a productive service.

Thumb-friendly navigation

It’s fair to say that mobile browsing has become the dominant channel for many users as it’s comfortably taken over desktop. As a result, web designs are becoming far more thumb-friendly as they look to cater to the movements of the user and how they would interact with their mobile phones.


One of the most capsulating trends of 2019 for web design has been websites becoming minimal in their design. Essentially, producing fewer elements on the page provides your audience with less of a need to think and it’s something that many creative agencies specialising in brand design Manchester based will continue to push. Providing a solid structure and design of a webpage will provide the user with exactly what they were looking for. Particular animations will likely be used more often to provide engaging experiences on web pages and result in more whitespaces with less clutter and distracting elements.


People tend to forget the wide web is accessible throughout the world, hence the ‘world wide web’. It’s a global network that connects billions of people together each with different identities, cultures, ages, genders and more. Users who are able to relate to the content they see when they browse the web instantly provides them with a connection. Even if we look back to variations from Apple and their diverse emoji variations has made great breakthroughs in people becoming a little more engaged with the digital space. Similar strides are expected in the web design world as we see web designers move towards being more socially conscious and using a range of diverse imagery. There’s a case that there’s still a long way to go in this aspect of web design, but we’ve already seen examples of web designers trying to make real connections with real people.

Glitch Art

In the modern day age, we’d consider a ‘glitch’ would probably be considered a bad thing. However, in the case of web design we’re seeing the comeback of retro design making to provide interesting and striking images on web pages. The idea of using glitch art sparks the thought of technology becoming a necessity within our generation as our lifetime becomes more and more futuristic. We’re not sure what the end result will look like in the future and the use of glitch art provides the viewer with this idea of visuals being warped and distorted through their design execution.

Organic Shapes

It’s fair to say that the structure for web pages is typically static and rigid in their appearance. Recently though, we have seen a different direction being taken by designers as they look to more natural shapes and curved lines. Where certain shapes such as square and triangles with their strict corners showed support and cleanliness, we’re seeing the use of shapes that now provide comfort for their users. Organic shapes now provide web designers a freedom to profit from a design that is free moving and flexible that can easily standout.

Micro Interactions

Micro interactions are classed as events that happen on a page that can surprise and invite the user to interact. If a user makes a small interaction with a website or app, the response that is given off from it is classed as a micro interaction. For example, a symbol that displays an inbox message count on a social network is classed as a micro interaction. This is just a simple example of micro-interaction, however, as we’re seeing more designers use different animation methods to engage the user from their actions and feel involved with the website they’re using.

These have probably been the biggest trends of 2019 so far as web design continues to evolve and make changes to the templates we’re used to. Despite already being halfway through the year, there’s still opportunity for further developments in the web design world, so watch this space.

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