
8 Incredible Ways to Enhance your Web page Speed

By James Tredwell on November 20, 2019

Are you having a tough time dealing with a slow-loading web page? Did you just experience a downward client retention graph? It is probably due to the fact that there are major glitches in terms of website navigation.

Reportedly, Jonathan Jones, web development executive of the site is of the opinion, “A web page is supposed to be smart, active and fast like a falcon. If our visitors are spending more than two minutes to open a single tab or icon on the web page, then the chances are that they will eventually leave the site in a while. You got to be careful here.”

As a matter of fact:

  • One second delay reduces web page views by 11%.
  • One second delay eats away customer satisfaction by 16%.
  • On yearly basis, one second delay in web page loading can actually lead to $2.5 million missed revenues if your business generates $100,000 per day

So, if we are to consider the aforementioned statistical revelations, it is evident that a slow loading web page can bring negative impacts on your trade. Now that you wish to know how to boost your web page speed in the most effective way, here’s everything you need to know. 

1. Prioritize file compression

File compression refers to the practice of packaging a file in order to use less disk space. Using compression software and similar applications will allow you to take multiple files and compress them into one file. This, as a result, will help your website load faster with lightweight files running in the background. Software application like Gzip can reduce the size of your HTML, CSS and JavaScript files that are heavier (larger than 150 bytes). However, one must refrain from using Gzip on image files. Instead, they can compress these in platforms such as Photoshop and the likes.

2. Work on improving the server response time

This is one crucial aspect to be met when it comes to improving your web page speed. Your server response time gets affected due to the amount of traffic you would receive. In addition to it, there are other factors as well, such as:

  • The resources each web page use.
  • The software used by your server.
  • The hosting solution you are currently using for your website.

So, you need to take note of the following suggestions in order to improve the server response time of your page.

  • If you are experiencing sluggish web page performance, then choose a reliable Web Hosting Provider to fix the issue at the earliest.
  • Use caching plug-ins such as Cache Enabler in order to generate static HTML files instead of loading all of your website elements dynamically.
  • You should also prioritize optimizing your database performance for enhanced web page performance.

The idea is to keep your web page light and responsive from every aspect. This will help you to attract more clients and prospective visitors to a site that is user-friendly and seamless.

3. Optimize web page images

You need to be sure that the images used in your web page are not more than they are supposed to be. Using heavyweight images for our web page will again affect its performance. Hence, here are a few actionable points you may like to consider.

  • Name your image in plain language.
  • Optimize the alt attributes of your image accordingly.
  • Reduce the file size of your image.
  • Optimize your image thumbnails and use image sitemaps.
  • You should also choose your image dimensions and product angles carefully.

Once you know that each of the aforementioned aspects has been met with precision, you are good to go.

4. Invest in simpler website designs

You can increase your website speed by simplifying your website design. Simple website designs reduce the number of HTTP requests that a website needs to make in order to load.

Light website design reduces the number of additional elements on your page, thus increasing the load time.

An easy-to-navigate website will not only make a positive impact on your loading time, but it will also attract more visitors to your website.

5. Utilize the potential of AJAX to speed up your web page

AJAX is a collection of web development technicalities that harness the potential of several web technologies on the clients’ side. It fosters the creation of asynchronous web applications. Here are the potential benefits of using AJAX.

  • It will help your mobile site fetch the required data from a web server without requiring the particular page to be refreshed.
  • Additionally, the technique allows your site to load and fill in content faster while the viewer is still navigating our web page.

So, take note of the ideas shared above, get the benefits of AJAX and use it in order to speed up your page two times faster than your competitors’ page.

 6. It’s time to minify JavaScript and Style Sheets

Minifying JavaScript and Style Sheets will give you an advantage in terms of increasing web page speed. The minification process involves minimizing code and markup in your web pages and script files.

Here’s how you can carry out the minification process with precision.

  • To minify JavaScript, try out the application UglifyJS. The package implements a general-purpose JavaScript beautifier and compressor toolkit.
  • If you wish to minify Style Sheets, try using platforms such as CSSNano and csso.

Remember, you should always download the aforementioned software applications from reliable sites. Prefer utilizing tools that are licensed product of verified and reputable companies.

7. Trimming down JavaScript parsing is an ideal option as well

The Java trimming method removes whitespaces from both ends of the string. The process, as a result, will help you to:

  • Optimize the web page load time of your site by eliminating the parsing of unnecessary <script tags>.
  • Make the web page more interactive, less complex and user-friendly in terms of buffering time and potential lags during navigation.

8. Use a Content Delivery Network for your web page

Content Delivery Network refers to a geographically distributed network of proxy servers and their data centres.  It is said that hosting your media files on a Content Delivery Network or CDN is one of the most effective ways to speed up your web page.

The process can save you up to 60% bandwith. For example, if a student from Singapore visits and SEO help website operated in Australia, he/she can download files from the server that is closest to them.

Wondering how? That’s because the bandwith is spread across different servers across the world. As a result, it reduces a huge chunk of load on a particular server, thus, enhancing the speed of the web page.

Wrapping It Up

I hope this blog will help you with the essentials one must embrace in order to increase their web page speed. Here’s a quick recap of the key pointers for you to take a look at.

  • Focus on compressing files.
  • Improve your server response.
  • Optimise web page images and invest in simpler websites.
  • Harness the potential of AJAX and trim down JavaScript parsing.
  • Use a Content Delivery Network for your page.

Author Bio: Nathan William is an experienced assignment help expert, associated with the digital brand

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