How AI, IoT, and Cybersecurity Transform Healthcare Sector in 2020 By James Tredwell on November 5, 2019 Both AI (Artificial Intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things) are futuristic concepts designed to improve our lives. From online shopping to telemedicine, these concepts have brought more comfort and convenience in our daily routines. Along with AI and IoT, the focus remains on cybersecurity to ensure safe data sharing across various devices in the network. Together, these three advanced concepts are set to transform various industry sectors and the healthcare sector is no exception! The healthcare sector is thriving with a growing number of service providers and healthcare professionals. AI, IoT, and Cybersecurity help organizations improve patient care and accomplish necessary procedures speedily. These concepts facilitate specialists to perform their duties with more efficiency and higher security. Here are some major aspects of healthcare app development on which AI, IoT, and cybersecurity have a great impact. These aspects can transform the healthcare sector and take it to the next level where the more patient-focused approach is visible. Reducing waiting time The most common characteristic of numerous clinics and healthcare organizations is the long waiting time for the patients. As a result, they have to suffer until the specialist attends them. Nowadays, thanks to AI, and IoT, we have a healthcare mobile app that can successfully replace a few human jobs like scheduling of appointment. IoT app development can enable healthcare professionals to utilize connected devices for providing improved patient care services. Also, medication reminders, personal notification, and other patient-related services can be easily offered through a healthcare app. Mobile app developers can come up with a patient-centric app that can take care of all necessary phases from scheduling an appointment to meet the specialist online for follow up or routine checkup. Patients can also keep the record of medication, lab tests, and other related information in the app to share everything instantly with the physician. AI can be utilized for social insurance for healthcare staff. The integration of AI advancements also enables specialists to pay attention to patients who are in dire need. In a way, patients with acute and serious medical conditions need not wait for a long time. Effective data collection AI deals with the patient’s data to provide individual and personalized services. Innovative AI solutions can perform medicinal services by gathering information effectively. It can reduce the paperwork significantly in the healthcare sector and facilitate specialists to access the patient’s data as and when necessary. Before the advent of AI in the healthcare sector, physicians made therapeutic chronicles for all the patients and recorded their information in the files. Now, making such therapeutic records is a time-consuming and troublesome assignment for the physicians, and at times, distract them from a proper diagnosis. In the manual record, there is a chance of human error and a possibility to miss a couple of important points. It can mislead the physicians. Thanks to the integration of AI in the IoT app development, it is possible for specialists to record the whole discussion and make a flawless therapeutic history on the basis of examination. Also, the online data remains available online on a 24/7 basis for reference. Secure storage of information These days, it is of utmost importance to prevent the patient’s confidential data from going into the wrong hands. The cloud-based servers can securely store the information regarding the patient’s ailment that is either humiliating or too sensitive to admit. Cybersecurity helps in maintaining therapeutic secrecy and the patients can remain assured of their ailments. AI and IoT can fetch necessary details of the patients and cybersecurity can secure them. Better analysis In physical visits, it is possible that the patient may skip or forget any necessary information. Therefore, specialists have to remain alert during the discussion. Now, thanks to the advent of AI and IoT, healthcare professionals have intelligent gadgets that can easily collect all necessary details of the patient to recommend or give precise prescriptions. Also, the inclusion of advanced features during the healthcare app development process enables specialists to get rid of attempting to assist every patient to remember their past medicinal history and allergic reactions. They can get the data online in just a few seconds and give medications after a better analysis. What’s more, healthcare professionals can comply with the prevalent healthcare standards through such healthcare apps. At the end of the day, the patients can get the right prescription for their condition with a focused approach. It reduces the chances of human errors and various operational costs of healthcare service providers. Improved devices IoT and AI have combined to make intelligent gadgets that can make the prognosis simpler and more accurate. For example, diabetic patients with a history of heart conditions need exact medication and periodic visits. Now, IoT app development can help healthcare professionals to connect the app with smart devices that measure the blood sugar level and keep the record of various lab tests of the patient. Wearable gadgets also help specialists get real-time data of the patient’s vital parameters. Healthcare institutions can come up with wearable apps with the help of IoT app development services and track internal movements of body fluids. Patients and specialists both can make the most of wearable gadgets by integrating features of AI and IoT. From measuring pulse rate to insulin levels, and to find the effect of prescribed medication, the healthcare app can benefit patients by bridging the gap between devices and the healthcare system. Parting Note It is fair to mention that the IoT, AI, and cybersecurity have made the life of healthcare professionals easy by enabling them to come up with more accurate diagnoses and prescriptions. The healthcare services can be transformed from a physical to paperless patient-centric approach with the help of these emerging technologies. Author Bio :- Robert jackson is a content cum digital marketer at Solution Analyst, a leading mobile app development company. He is an avid reader and likes to remain updated for technological advancements in the domains of web, mobility, IoT, and emerging technologies. His articles are informative and interesting at the same time as he expresses insightful thoughts clearly.
Challenges that you will face during the implementation of Industrial IoT By James Tredwell on September 27, 2019 Тhе Іntеrnеt оf Тhіngs (ІоТ) сrеаtеs а рlеthоrа оf орроrtunіtіеs, but іt іs nоt wіthоut сhаllеngеs. Ехесutіvеs whо wаnt а hеаd stаrt іn thе ІоТ gаmе shоuld bе рrераrеd tо оvеrсоmе thеsе. Соmрutеr рrосеssоr gіаnt Іntеl rесеntlу аnnоunсеd thаt Іntеl Саріtаl, thе соmраnу’s іnvеstmеnt аrm, wіll аllосаtе $72 mіllіоn іn fundіng fоr 12 stаrtuрs tо јоіn іts роrtfоlіо. Ѕо fаr thіs уеаr Іntеl hаs іnvеstеd $115 mіllіоn іn IoT Development Services. Ехесutіvеs аrе lеаrnіng thаt аlоng wіth іts сhаllеngеs, ІоТ аlsо оffеrs роtеntіаl орроrtunіtіеs fоr sоlutіоn рrоvіdеrs whо саn suссеssfullу аddrеss іssuеs suсh аs sсаlаbіlіtу аnd sуstеm іmрlеmеntаtіоn. Lеt’s lооk аt sоmе оf thе mоst sіgnіfісаnt ІоТ сhаllеngеs thаt аrе аffесtіng lеаdеrs асrоss thе suррlу сhаіn аnd lоgіstісs іn thе rеtаіl, оіl аnd gаs, аgrісulturе, соnstruсtіоn, tеlесоm, gоvеrnmеnts, hеаlthсаrе, аnd fіnаnсіаl sеrvісеs іndustrіеs. Ѕсаlіng Ѕсаlіng ІоТ dеvісе nеtwоrks іs а mајоr іssuе fоr соmраnіеs. Whіlе mаnу соmраnіеs саn mаnаgе оvеrаll sсаlіng іssuеs, sсаlіng thе fооtрrіnt fоr ІоТ рrеsеnts sоmе nеw сhаllеngеs. Lеаdеrs shоuld аlsо bе аwаrе оf іssuеs іn wоrkіng wіth sоftwаrе, lеgасу dеvісеs, аnd thе nееd fоr sресіаlіzеd sоlutіоns. Dеtеrmіnіng thе dераrtmеnts rеsроnsіblе fоr ІоТ-rеlаtеd gаtеwауs, аnаlуtісs, nеtwоrkіng еquірmеnt, sеnsоrs, аnd sоftwаrе аnd hаrdwаrе іs аlsо еssеntіаl. Іmрlеmеntаtіоn Аnоthеr сhаllеngе fоr mаnу lеаdеrs іs іmрlеmеntіng ІоТ sоlutіоns. Оnе оf thе mаіn hurdlеs hаs bееn lасk оf suрроrt fоr dерlоуіng рrоduсtіоn quаlіtу. Тhеrе іs аlsо thе quеstіоn оf whеthеr ІТ, ореrаtіоns, thе С-suіtе, оr sоmе оthеr dераrtmеnt shоuld hаndlе іmрlеmеntаtіоn. Dаtа рrоtесtіоn Fіgurіng оut соnnесtіvіtу mаnаgеmеnt іs аlsо а сhаllеngе. Ехесutіvеs fасе thе іssuе оf whеthеr thеу shоuld іntеgrаtе соnnесtіvіtу mаnаgеmеnt асrоss аnу kіnd оf еnvіrоnmеnt. Аddіtіоnаllу, dеtеrmіnіng іf соnnесtіng thе ІоТ есоsуstеm tо dіsраrаtе nеtwоrks іs rеquіrеd wаs аlsо а fасtоr. Іn а survеу bу ІоТ wоrld, 36.73 реrсеnt оf ехесutіvеs sаіd thаt thеу wеrе nоt соnfіdеnt “thеіr оrgаnіzаtіоn соuld sесurе аnd рrоtесt аll dаtа wіthіn thеіr ІоТ есоsуstеm.” Ѕесurіtу Ехесutіvеs аlsо nоtеd sесurіtу іn thе ІоТ wоrld survеу, wіth 72.16 реrсеnt оf lеаdеrs stаtіng thаt thеу еmbеd аnd іnсоrроrаtе sесurіtу іntо thе рrоduсt lіfе аnd dеsіgn оf ІоТ dеvісеs. Ноwеvеr, соmраnіеs аrе stіll strugglіng wіth ІоТ sесurіtу. Тhе ІоТ wоrld survеу fоund thаt mоrе thаn оnе-thіrd оf ехесutіvеs wіll nоt bе stауіng wіth sесurіtу раtсhеs аnd fіхеs, whіlе 57.6 реrсеnt sаіd thеу hаd nоt trаіnеd ІТ stаff оn thе lаtеst ІоТ sесurіtу uрdаtеs. Маnу ехесutіvеs dо nоt еvеn соnduсt vulnеrаbіlіtу tеstіng tо іdеntіfу nеtwоrk wеаknеssеs. Usіng blосkсhаіn tо mаkе ІоТ dерlоуmеnts Маnу соmраnіеs like mobile app development Company аrе соnsіdеrіng thе usе оf lеdgеr tесhnоlоgу fоr сrеаtіng mоrе sесurе аnd еffісіеnt ІоТ dерlоуmеnts. Ѕоmе оf thе mоst іmроrtаnt rеаsоns fоr lеvеrаgіng blосkсhаіn аrе tо rеduсе thе rіsk оf соllusіоn аnd tаmреrіng, dеvеlоріng trust fоr usеrs, ассеlеrаtіng thе rаtе оf dаtа trаnsасtіоns, аnd rеduсіng ІоТ оvеrhеаd соsts. А fіvе dіmеnsіоnаl аррrоасh tо оvеrсоmе іndustrу 4.0 іmрlеmеntаtіоn сhаllеngеs Тhе сhаllеngеs wе tурісаllу еnсоuntеr durіng thе іmрlеmеntаtіоn оf а соmрrеhеnsіvе sоlutіоn асrоss рrоduсtіоn lіnеs аnd рlаnts, аnd thе аррrоасh wе tаkе tо оvеrсоmе thеm, аrе: А thrее-tіеr rеfеrеnсе аrсhіtесturе fоr а sеаmlеss ІТ-ОТ іntеgrаtіоn: Gіvеn thе dіsраrаtе sуstеms thаt tурісаllу ехіst асrоss dіffеrеnt mаnufасturіng рlаnts, іt bесоmеs сhаllеngіng tо іmрlеmеnt а sоlutіоn thаt tаkеs іntо соnsіdеrаtіоn thе Іnfоrmаtіоn Тесhnоlоgу (ІТ)-Ореrаtіоnаl Тесhnоlоgу(ОТ) іntеgrаtіоn іn а sеаmlеss mаnnеr rіght frоm “sеnsоrs tо іnsіght”. Іn оthеr wоrds, hоw саn оnе trаnsfоrm thе mаnufасturіng еnvіrоnmеnt suсh thаt thе іnfоrmаtіоn іn thе sуstеms rеsіdіng оn thе shор flооr саn flоw іn rеаl tіmе tо thе sуstеms іn thе еntеrрrіsе аllоwіng busіnеss lеаdеrs а vіеw іntо whаt’s hарреnіng оn thе рrоduсtіоn sіdе аt аnу роіnt оf tіmе? Іnfоsуs hаs dеfіnеd а thrее-tіеr rеfеrеnсе аrсhіtесturе fоr suсh іmрlеmеntаtіоns оf Іndustrу 4.0 sоlutіоns, аnd thе sаmе hаs bееn іmрlеmеntеd асrоss multірlе іndustrу vеrtісаls. Тhе rеfеrеnсе аrсhіtесturе соmрrіsеs: Еdgе lауеr wіth sеnsоrs, gаtеwау аnd еdgе аnаlуtісs соmроnеnt Ѕhор flооr/рlаnt-lеvеl ІоТ рlаtfоrm fоr drіvіng vіsіbіlіtу аt shор flооr, mасhіnе аnd рrоduсtіоn lіnе lеvеls Еntеrрrіsе-lеvеl ІоТ рlаtfоrm fоr drіvіng соrrеlаtіоn оf dаtа аnd shаrіng іnsіghts оn рrоduсtіоn раrаmеtеrs асrоss рlаnts Тhіs rеfеrеnсе аrсhіtесturе асts аs а tеmрlаtе thаt саn bе tаkеn tо multірlе рlаnts/sіtеs fоr fаstеr іmрlеmеntаtіоn оf Іndustrу 4.0 usе саsеs. А frаmеwоrk tо gаthеr thе rіght dаtа frоm shор flооr mасhіnеs/еquірmеnt: Іn а brоwn-fіеld sеtuр, thе lеgасу еquірmеnt оn thе shор flооr rаrеlу hаs thе nесеssаrу сарасіtу tо trаnsmіt аll thе dаtа thаt іt gеnеrаtеs. Тhіs lеаds tо а lасk оf іnfоrmаtіоn оn thе сurrеnt еquірmеnt/рrоduсtіоn lіnе еffісіеnсу аnd thе Оvеrаll Еquірmеnt Еffесtіvеnеss (ОЕЕ), mаkіng іt сhаllеngіng tо іdеntіfу аnd thеrеbу аddrеss рrоblеm аrеаs. Тhіs іs а соmmоn іssuе wе еnсоuntеr аt multірlе іmрlеmеntаtіоns. Іnfоsуs hаs dеsіgnеd а gаtеwау frаmеwоrk sоftwаrе thаt hеlрs wіth: Еquірmеnt іntеrfасе сhаllеngеs bу suрроrtіng stаndаrd іndustrіаl рrоtосоls fоr gеttіng dаtа frоm shор-flооr еquірmеnt аnd sеnsоrs tо thе рlаnt lеvеl аnd frоm thеrеоn tо thе еntеrрrіsе lеvеl usіng а rоutеr оr gаtеwау. Wе hаvе аlsо раrtnеrеd wіth mасhіnе Оrіgіnаl Еquірmеnt Маnufасturеrs (ОЕМs) tо brіng іn dаtа frоm thеіr іndustrіаl соntrоllеr tо thе gаtеwау dеvісе usеd fоr trаnsmіttіng dаtа. Rеduсіng lоng lеаd tіmе іn glоbаl dерlоуmеnt оf usеs саsеs/sоlutіоn: Ѕеаmlеss аnd fаstеr dерlоуmеnt оf sоlutіоns асrоss рlаnts wіth mіnіmаl оr nо dіsruрtіоn tо mаnufасturіng ореrаtіоns іs а kеу аsk frоm еvеrу рlаnt mаnаgеr. Тhе dерlоуmеnt оf sоlutіоns hаs brоаdlу twо dіmеnsіоns: Неlріng рlаnts рrераrе fоr thе іmрlеmеntаtіоn bу рrоvіdіng thеm wіth а dеtаіlеd іmрlеmеntаtіоn рlаn аnd еnаblіng thеm wіth thе рrе-rеquіsіtеs, аnd Lоwеrіng dерlоуmеnt соst: Gіvеn thе sсаlе оf dерlоуmеnt оf Іndustrу 4.0 sоlutіоns асrоss рrоduсtіоn lіnеs, gеоgrарhіеs аnd рlаnts, nеw рrісіng mоdеls “Рlаnt аs а sеrvісе” аnd “Масhіnе соnnесtіvіtу аs а sеrvісе” аrе gаіnіng аdорtіоn. Тhеsе рrісіng mоdеls рrоvіdе сlеаr vіsіbіlіtу tо thе сustоmеr оn thе соst іnvоlvеd іn glоbаl іmрlеmеntаtіоn оf usе саsеs аnd hоw есоnоmіеs оf sсаlе саn bе lеvеrаgеd tо drіvе lоwеr іmрlеmеntаtіоn соst. Тhе Іnfоsуs рrісіng mоdеl tаkеs іntо соnsіdеrаtіоn thе рlаnt flооr lаndsсаре, suрроrt аnd іntеrfасе аvаіlаblе fоr соllесtіng еquірmеnt dаtа, іnstrumеntаtіоn іnvоlvеd fоr gеttіng usе саsе-сеntrіс dаtа, соnnесtіvіtу, аvаіlаbіlіtу оf mаnufасturіng рrосеss dаtа, еtс. Тhе соmрlехіtіеs іnvоlvеd іn thе іmрlеmеntаtіоn оf а usе саsе іs а funсtіоn оf thеsе сrіtісаl раrаmеtеrs. Fосusіng оn usеr ехреrіеnсе: Тhе ехресtаtіоn оf thе shор flооr реrsоnnеl hаs сhаngеd оvеr tіmе, frоm а usеr ехреrіеnсе реrsресtіvе. Тhіs hаs lеd tо nеwеr wауs оf аррrоасhіng thе usеr ехреrіеnсе dіmеnsіоn durіng thе sоlutіоn dеvеlорmеnt рrосеss. Оnе сrіtісаl аsресt іs Dеsіgn Тhіnkіng-bаsеd рrоblеm dеfіnіtіоn аlоng wіth Аgіlе dеvеlорmеnt. Еnd usеr fееdbасk іs fасtоrеd іn аt еvеrу stер оf thе sоlutіоn dеsіgn аnd dеvеlорmеnt. Wіth thе аdорtіоn оf thе аbоvе аррrоасh, іn оur ехреrіеnсе, wе wеrе аblе tо brіng dоwn thе dерlоуmеnt соst bу сlоsе tо 60% оn аn аvеrаgе bу brіngіng іn mоrе аnd mоrе сараbіlіtіеs tо thе рlаtfоrm frаmеwоrk іn аddіtіоn tо rеduсіng thе dерlоуmеnt tіmе tо wееks rаthеr thаn mоnths. Gіvеn thе роtеntіаl bеnеfіts аnd еffісіеnсу gаіns thrоugh thе іmрlеmеntаtіоn оf dіgіtаl mаnufасturіng sоlutіоns, іt bесоmеs іmреrаtіvе tо рrоvіdе thе nесеssаrу gоvеrnаnсе tо thеsе іnіtіаtіvеs sо thаt аnу іntеrvеntіоn оr соursе соrrесtіоn саn bе dоnе іn а tіmеlу mаnnеr tо mаkе іt а suссеss. Author – Bio :- Mushahid Khatri is a solution consultant at Peerbits and one of the leading mobile app development company in 2011. He believes in sharing his strong knowledge base with leaned concentration on entrepreneurship and business.
How IoT Impacts Businesses? By James Tredwell on September 12, 2019 There are several IoT trends that you will get to see as it has become a vital part of everyone’s life. The Internet of Things (IoT) is the co-ordination of devices all over a broad spectrum in our day to day life. There is a numerous quantity of data that roams between servers and devices that are continuously studying what people are doing and how they are doing it. After that, this data is utilized to make profiles that help us in making our lives better. This delivers in the form of YouTube videos that might entice people on their smartphones and TV. Currently, the latest extension of the IoT has been introduced to everyone as technologies, like the cloud, become global which led to an increase in Internet of Things trends. We all are used to our computers or laptops and smartphones being linked and sharing information. Now, we can jump from device to device without losing our stored data. This technology helps us in keeping our data safer as we can always watch over it to keep it safe. Although, you must be wondering how the IoT trends will impact business exactly. It can lead to innovations that can help both owners and employees as well. The fixed connection which we can have to our internet is the first major innovation for the IoT in business. One of the major roles of hackers is to find out about the sensitive information that has been transferred from private data storage to public broadcast points in transports. This permits us to regulate encrypted folder at any device and time. Start-ups have begun to utilize remote working as a method to decrease cost and increase output without having the head of big office spaces. It also drastically decreases food costs and other expenditures that can decrease funds of the company which could be utilized for the development. The Internet of Things permits the data to be stored and accessed everywhere which offers better freedom to owners and employees as well. The Internet of Things also permits to communicate without any interference and regulate all the functions of a company. By utilizing automatic detection, a team leader can be informed when any kind of changes take place or comes in the pipeline so that they can stay alert. This process takes place to make sure that you do not have to wait for traditional communication but can work flawlessly alongside the technology. Same goes for the day to day travel expenditures as cars can now be at the place where they have always been and the amount of gas they have utilized. A process like these makes the managing process much simpler so that a team leader or director doesn’t have to be in all the places at once. Hence, the Internet of Things trends are all about smooth-running innovations and making their effect more intense. IoT will help us in making a world where we can always stay in touch and updated. This technology in business will fully streamline the production and make a much more effective work environment. Transformation of Business World Inventory Regulating and Tracking IoT Technologies can help you in regulating and tracking inventory by offering you options that are controlled automatically. IoT software and devices can be integrated into your warehouses and other storage places which can help in regulating inventory alterations while your staff can put their time in a more important and demanding task. These have a greater contribution to the growing interest of businesses in IoT trends. Data Perception and Sharing All businesses perform and expand with the help of collected and exchanged data, and the introduction of IoT has completely evolved how data is handled. Aside from providing more access to consumer data, IoT devices track and record patterns in which a consumer communicates with the devices. This helps in making the devices smarter, which permit them to provide an improved user experience. Helping businesses alongside in interpreting that information for a better version and growth, this is why all the businesses are starting to like IoT trends. Businesses utilize data to examine consumer requirements, buyer cycle, the scope for improvement & innovative inventions and processes for marketing & advertising. This data can be amalgamated, allocated and interpreted effectively with the assistance of IoT technology. Production and Efficiency With improved data about the clients and the market, the production of any business can be notably increased. IoT devices can be linked to each other and regulated to increase efficiency, which in turn has direct impacts on the production of the business. More can be done in little time. IoT appliances and software permit workers to reach large-scale tasks more rapid and flawless fashion. The increase in production and efficiency will grow your profits simultaneously. Increase IoT trends has led to businesses adopting their technologies. You just need to ensure that all equipment has a high-quality finishing and are checked daily to ignore adverse effects on production and efficiency. Remote Work With IoT technology by your side, you don’t need to be present at the venue to regulate work. If your business does not have to work with tangible inventory, then you can make the highest use of IoT technology as it permits your employees to associate and work remotely, and as per the sources, it has been proven that remote employees are happier and gives higher productivity, which will simultaneously make your business perform better. Skilled Workers The fact that IoT software and devices need basic information and the efficiency to commute with technology makes it compulsory for businesses to concentrate on workers who are skilled in staffing who can manage IoT technology well. Hiring an individual who cannot properly utilize IoT technology will not only result in time and money wastage but also have a lot of negative effect on the production of the business. If more businesses begin staffing of such people, more people will go for modern technology, which will also increase their value for future endeavors. IoT technology has been indulged in the concept of smart houses possible, and now the era for smart workplaces has come. Businesses that are adapting the change will see a better growth graph than the ones who are still confused about it. You should know where you stand and select accordingly. These increase IoT trends have made it clear that the Internet of Things will be a game-changer for all the business in the future. This article is contributed by Ananya Jain, Digital Marketing Executive in Tech Gropse Pvt. Ltd.:- Mobile Application Development Company.
Top 8 Reasons Why IoT is the Biggest Innovation for the App Industry in 2019 By James Tredwell on August 28, 2019 Do you know every second, about 120 new devices connect to the internet? IoT is empowering the business with its technological efficiencies. And, the app industry will have the most influence of these technologies. Before we move on to know the top reasons why IoT is the biggest innovation for the app industry, let’s understand the basics. IoT 101 IoT stands for the Internet of Things. It is the extension of internet connectivity with physical devices. Generally, it is embedded with electronics, Internet connectivity, and other forms of hardware to fulfill the purpose. The devices, powered by IoT, can communicate and interact via the Internet. It also allowed remote monitoring and controlled over some processes. These days mobile application with IoT is booming. Businesses want to offer ease to their customers by using the technology which requires minimal efforts to accomplish a task. This blog will give you the top reasons that indicate IoT is the future for the mobile app industry. 1). Innovative Connectivity Mode It is easier to connect anywhere at any time with the Internet of Things. IoT enables any device to connect to the internet via the assistance of iBeacon, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. This technology offers many connectivity options with different bandwidth, cost, reliability, range, and network-management features. Now, it is more convenient to stay connected for remote businesses, and service centers with IoT powered technologies. Thus, companies are implementing the technology to remain connected with their business operations. Also, the wearable devices are in demand to take advantage of innovative connectivity. And, more and more businesses want to develop a mobile app that provides exclusive benefits of IoT. 2). Wearable Technologies According to Statista, by 2020, there will be more than 1.1 billion wearable devices in practice worldwide. Thu number itself suggests that the mobile app must have the wearable device support to sustain demand. Notably, the healthcare industry requires this type of integration because it enables us to measure vital elements on the go. Wearables have become a part of daily routine; be it a smartwatch, speakers, earphones, etc. The intention is to bridge the data exchange between two devices. And, people are using such apps that allow them to enjoy the benefits of wearable technologies. So, customers access to real-time data and engage in simulating the actions using the IoT device. 3). Enhance Customer Experience In today’s hyper-competitive market, products and services are not the only key differentiations. Quality customer experience means a lot. Especially, when you are developing a mobile application, it’s crucial to deliver the enhanced user experience. Thus, IoT service provider companies insist to use technology to optimize the customer experience. It helps to facilitate personalization in the app. IoT enabled app helps to deliver customized services to the customers. That’s why businesses are focused on developing a mobile app powered by IoT. 4). Foster Open Source Development IoT technology allows app developers and app development companies to share their programs openly. So, it helps other developers to experiment with the code, and build their own IoT applications. With plenty of opportunities ahead, the growth of mobile apps is inevitable with IoT. Furthermore, IoT opens the gateway for smart app developers to grab this opportunity and develop a robust mobile app. As an open-source Internet of Things brings in more transparency that creates an easier way for companies and app developers to collaborate to design a better mobile application. 5). Hybrid Development As mobile devices are ubiquitous, you never know which platform your audience will use to access a mobile app. So, businesses are focusing on developing a hybrid app that features the IoT functionality. Generally, a hybrid app having an improved user experience for IoT devices to perform better is the need of the hour. The mobile app industry can anticipate consolidating the latest coding capabilities for hybrid platforms. Thus, users can interact with various multi-platform devices easily. 6). Ensured Security IoT provides advanced connectivity that caters to security concerns. When devices are connected to a particular network and can be easily controlled by a smartphone, it opens it up to possibilities of security breaches and hacking. Besides, businesses faced challenges in adopting the cloud because of security concerns. But, with the IoT technologies, apps can be developed more securely. 7). Futuristic Approach Internet of Things is the future of technology. It brings efficiencies to develop a smart app for businesses. And therefore, developers today spend more time towards developing an app that is adaptable while connecting with other devices. The apps which not support the IoT functionality will face a competitive disadvantage in the future. As users prefer to perform more with ease, the assistance of technology like IoT is a must for a mobile app. So, the app industry should have this type of smart technology to retain more users. 8). Drive Efficiencies IoT integrated mobile apps make the work simpler and automate business processes. As a result, it increases efficiency and productivity. With the integration, the mobile app development process offers user-friendly experience to the users as well. Moreover, industries such as finance, healthcare, and retail need more operational management through a mobile app. Hence the businesses are focusing on creating an app that supports IoT technology. As per the study, the market size for IoT in the finance and banking sector is expected to grow over 2 billion dollars by 2023. Whether a mobile app needs to promote efficiency or offer a more secure user experience, IoT can support all. As technology offers many advantages, it is in demand. In fact, businesses are adopting IoT mobile app to optimize performances. It means that mobile applications powered by the Internet of Things will dominate in the future. So, from now on, companies are emphasizing to develop smart mobile apps. Hence, you should look for a robust mobile app development services so that you can end up with a successful application. Also, the dedicated developers should collaborate with the client to understand the conceptualization to design an app. A mobile app that is convenient to use generally attracts more users. Get in touch with the experts and get the customized mobile app powered by IoT. This article is contributed by Jayaram Bhat, CEO of Smart Sight Innovations – IOT Development Company. Have an interesting article or blog to share with our readers? Let’s get it published
What is IoT? And Various IoT App Development Tools By James Tredwell on May 16, 2019 What is IoT The IoT is becoming a more viable topic of discussion both in the workplace and outside of it. It is a concept that not only has the potential to influence how we live but also how we work. There are a lot of complexities about the Internet of things, but I want to stick to the basics. The IoT refers to the number of physical devices throughout the world that are now connected to the internet, collecting and sharing data. It means the capability of IoT is to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer intercommunication. IoT App Development Tool The way Internet of Things is forging ahead in its capability to revolutionize numerous aspects of business and human life, we can say the impact of IoT connected devices is growing powerful. Still, IoTapplicationdevelopers must explore tools that really consider the development process with acceleration, suitability and efficient learning. IoT developers have a splendid range of open-source tools and platforms to build excellent and goal-oriented IoT applications. What are these tools and what should you know about them before you start with any of them? Based on different development techniques and industry difficulties, here are top IoT tools that an IoT app development company can utilize to create strong applications: 1) Arduino Arduino development kit is the best companion to emerging developers who aspire to be an established name in the IoT development field. Using these tools, one can build an interactive app suitable to IoT economy. Arduino stands out in its ability to offer software tools to IoT novices and enables cloud-based system so that developers can easily share messages across the boards. The system comes with its own Arduino based programming language & works best for users who lack a substantial background in app programming and wants to make a name in the IoT apps market. 2) Tessel -2 If you are into building basic-level IoT solutions and prototypes, Tessel-2 is equipped with numerous sensors and modules. It integrates with a number of modules such as RFID, camera, GPS and the accelerometer and more. Since Tessel hardware device can be programmed using Node.JS, Java developers with expertise in Node.JS have a great opportunity to develop IoT apps. Tessel is known for offering a robust IoT platform. 3) Home Assistant Home Assistant is the perfect solution for developers who wish to master the space of smart home solutions and establish seamless connectivity between internet and living space of the house. Working on Python, Home Assistant suits latest IoT standards of IoT apps and is the best answer for interacting with digital hardware system for and tracking your device. This tool can be also during internet outages and is reliable for data security. It is easy to use on Desktop and laptop, but it may not be the best option if you seek constant uninterrupted connection. 4) Canopy The tool Canopy can be your suitable companion. The platform helps you clarify the process of creating an IoT cloud where Canopy itself is a heroic cloud relay between IoT apps and IoT devices. Canopy Cloud service is the server-side open-source element that you can run on any type of a Cloud platform. 5) Zetta Developed on None.JS, Zetta is an excellent server-based platform that takes devices from the various brands to convert them all into API. Zetta is considered to be a pioneer in IoT mobile app development solutions and heavily uses the cloud in order to be accessible and operable virtually from any location. The best part about using Zetta along with Arduino is that users can benefit from marrying the best of reactive programming with Web Sockets, which suits the requirements of data-packed IoT implementations. 6) Eclipse — IoT Eclipse — IoT is perfect for an IoT app developer who is fond of building IoT hardware, Gateways, and Cloud platforms. This IoT tool holds a grand credit of holding a collaborative effort of many individuals and companies who are enthusiastic about the development and implementation of IoT technologies. If you explore the wide spectrum of services and projects performed by the Eclipse team, you will find that Eclipse IoT has the potential to help you enrich technical expertise. 7) Device Hive Device Hive is a popular cloud-based IoT apps development framework that enables machine-to-machine communications and allows users to create and connect their application effortlessly. Like Home Assistant, Device Hive is promising in creating an automotive system for your existing processes and is especially reliable for enabling smart home systems. This easy-to-use and handy, Device Hub empowers you with remote-controlled operations. 8) Losant Losant is a significant alternative for developers who want to simplify the IoT application development system and get the most out of it. It could be your top-class platform that has the admirable capability to help you build IoT solutions with speed, efficiency as well as security. 9) Platform IO Platform IO is another solid cross-platform IoT development tools that contain a build system with a library manager and IDE. You can either port the IDE on tops of the Atom editor or use it as an installed plug-in. What makes Platform IO stand out is that it is compatible with more than 200 boards and offers an impressive debugging integration solution. 10) IBM Watson Like to AI, IBM Watson is an API that enables IoT developers to use a host of cognitive computing features in IoT apps. This innovative tool can be provided to predict the future requirements based on the current analysis of data it monitors. IBM Watson not only simplifies the job of IoT developers with numerous services, but it also offers a competitive advantage by employing chatbots and their power to process, analyze and understand natural language. 11) Dronesmith Drones are one of the most significant and compelling topics of debate in the IoT domain recently. It has an in-built airborne computer, known as Luci, installed in drones. Using Dronesmith, an IoT app developer can easily develop custom drones based on pre-defined specifications. End-Note:- Essentially more businesses and consumers take an interest in smart approach also IoT-connected devices by observing the rising demand in IoT development. The main driving momentum for incredible IoT growth is given by the expanding community and open-source IoT tools. The complex IoT developers can utilize these tools and platforms to achieve their dream of developing IoT apps and transform their distant concept into reality. This article is contributed by digital marketing professional, digital marketing professional at fusioninformatics- mobile app development company Have an interesting article or blog to share with our readers? Let’s get it published