9 Social Media Tips for the Startup Business

By James Tredwell on May 4, 2019

It’s a proven fact that Social Media is reviving our startup businesses to the next level over 70% of small business idea assessment for promotion of your startup business via considering digital marketing strategies to devise new tips & ideas to bring social media awareness among the target audience.

Precisely, promoting content and branding its awareness would possibly be effective as going in with a real plan. Even technique and strategies will seem quite different, albeit there wouldn’t be any barrier among others for selection purposes. Hence, in this article we have discussed some of the Top 7 Social Media Tips for the Startup Business which are quite beneficial for strategical growth of organizations and branding of your startup businesses.

#1. Initiate with one platform and devise your approaches

If you are intending your approach to build awareness via particular social media presence, it would possibly assist you to go all around and attempting to reach your target audiences on every social media platform for the branding of your startup business. Moreover, Social Media Management Firms are striving hard to achieve strong recommendation from social media professionals to eventually gain business insights for attaining improvised sales generation and customer support services.

#2. Devise new strategies to amalgamate social media presence

If you have decided to choose a specific social media platform, it’s essential for people to be able to advertise and promote your brand anywhere in the world. Albeit it would possibly seem to professional and consistent with your website and other digital marketing materials. Thus, you should update your social media presence via profile photos, header images, themes and brochures for branding of your online business, primarily on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp and Myspace.

#3. Build Relationships

Building proper relationship is the key element to maintain building awareness among your competitors.It is essential to add value in your community with a perception of building good relationships by offering values and knowledge to the people of your social network forum or community, which eventually inspires you to achieve your destined goal.

#4. Make a strategical plan in your mind

Make a complete business plan for your startup business via considering technical strategies to meet the requirements of your target audiences. Eventually,your business plan must be properly managed and should bespoke your provided services to the customers including products and offerings which can be utilized for sales generation to attain huge ROI.

#5. Identify your target audiences

It is essential to improve your market conventions to capture right target audiences via social media marketing campaigns. Always ensure that you’re precisely focusing your efforts where your target audiences are heading and understand how you’ll try to gather enough traffic on your social media platforms including Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram, to get sufficient amount of responses from your target audiences.

#6. Promote your business via social media platforms

If you want to promote your business, then social media platforms will be the perfect choice to visualize your valuable work on your Facebook page or any other social media platform via boosting your post by utilizing various social media engagements that will help you to improve the ranking of your startup business on social media platform.

#7. Pay for Social Advertising Campaigns

Mostly people understand social media as a complete organic platform, but it can also be used as a paid marketing channel. However, there are various social advertising campaigns for streaming paid marketing channels which can be examined via SWOT Analysis, it’s advisable to make payments for social advertising and marketing to get high clicks on your website. Significantly, promotion of your startup business solely depends upon online advertising with multiple payment options.

#8. Oversee conversations from your target audiences

User conversations must be monitored and understood how to give responses to your social media conversions via perceptively engaging in chatroom conversions. This allows social media marketers to get engaged in optimizing your website conversation rate.

#9. Ask Queries & Questions

The best way to learn more about your customers is to simply ask relevant question and queries about your relevant work structure. Simply ask a presumable question to initiate conversations or engage a poll on Facebook or twitter to get quantifiable measures of data that are further transformed in the form of Information


Significantly, Social Media Platform pertains to provide an effective way to devise cutting edge strategies for social sharing of your assets on social networks including Facebook, Instagram, Myspace, LinkedIn and Quora. Almost 95% of social media users are promoting their startup business via social media marketing strategies to gain successful ROI that’ll push entrepreneurs with an updated mindset considering latest business insights to reach their business to the next level.

This article is contributed by Jessica James, senior content developer and a blogger at Web Experts — web design company

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Tips for Small Fashion Brands to Establish a Strong Foothold on Instagram

By James Tredwell on April 16, 2019

Top fashion brands have completely embraced Instagram and have accepted it as a crucial part of their marketing and promotion strategy. Even Tommy Hilfiger was compelled to come up with the idea of an ‘InstaPit’ at New York Fashion Week in 2016 itself, realizing and acknowledging the phenomenal popularity of Instagram. ‘InstaPit’ is where highly followed and famous Instagram influencers were given unobstructed access to the new collection so that they could take pictures galore.

Why have the top fashion brands chosen Instagram? There is no better platform for the photo-oriented fashion industry than the popular social media platform that is totally driven by pictures. It surely was a truly natural progression for top fashion brands to introduce their wares on Instagram. Top brands actually realized and understood the real potential of this versatile social media platform soon enough. Now, all smart fashion brands are unabashedly using Instagram to allow their followers a sneak peek at what is happening behind the scenes at most of these fashion shows. The Instagram followers thus, enjoy instant access to all the latest fashions on the circuit.

Instagram has been able to break the ice and the fashion world that was once exclusive and elitist has now opened doors to every one of us. It is, therefore, natural for small fashion brands to try to establish themselves on Instagram. They appreciate that fashion is certainly one of the largest industries on Instagram. Fashion brands receive nearly 102 comments and 16,616 likes per post on Instagram. Moreover, as per statistics, one-third of the total Instagram users actually have purchased a clothing item, they came across on Instagram. That surely is a tremendous achievement that is inspiring smaller fashion brands to set up their base on Instagram too. Here are some tips for people trying to start their own fashion company and establish a niche on Instagram.

Research Thoroughly about Your Industry

Do not simply jump on the bandwagon. Try to devote your time to do meticulous research about the fashion industry. Determine how the top brands established themselves. Understand their strategies for achieving success. Readout blogs, journals, publications, etc. associated with your industry. Try to learn about the present trends and the future scenario as well. Get in touch with an experienced fashion designer. Join various fashion discussions and clear your doubts about the industry. Once you are doubly sure that this is the career to pursue, take the final plunge.

Identify Your Competitors

Knowing your competitors surely is the best way of initiating your business and that is perhaps the key to success. Suppose you are in the designer apparel business then you must look for other key players. Try to understand their business model, advertising strategy, target customers, etc. Visit your competitors’ Instagram accounts and keep track of them closely.

Perfect Images

Instagram is the realm of splendid pictures. You are expected to come up with top quality content as that is the only way you could find a niche for yourself in this space. Experts believe that a high-quality picture would always have high resolution. Your images must necessarily tell a story and they must visually complement your theme. You may buy real Instagram likes by seeking professional advice from a reputed digital marketing company. You could also go all the way and buy an Instagram account. This will give you followers to promote to again and again instead of having to reach out to influencers and agencies repeatedly.

Research Your Hashtags Well

Hashtags are only 11 years old but they are an amazing tool that is used by most Instagram users worldwide to attain Instagram success. If you consider the instance of hashtag #love, there are more than 1,302,700,439 posts already tagged with this particular hashtag? So obviously, it makes no sense to promote your fashion brand with such a broad hashtag as your brand’s picture would get lost in the gigantic ocean.

The best way would be to utilize narrow long-tail hashtags for promoting your new and relatively unknown fashion brand. For instance, suppose you are a new luxury fashion brand. #luxuryfashion seems to have more than 1 million pictures tagged on Instagram.

However, #luxuryfashionlove, for instance, is having just 34,737 tags that are just right for you to get noticed and at the same time, you would not be lost totally in a crowd. Long tail hashtags mean low competition. Research your hashtags carefully and choose the apt ones.

Top Priority Should Be to Engage

Once you have actually mastered the hash-tagging art, you must focus your attention on boosting engagement. Engage with others using the same hashtag as yours. Like their posts and comment on their photos. Seek their permission to repost. Give them an official shout-out simply by tagging them and demonstrate your appreciation and love. This way, you could build a robust community by effectively engaging and connecting with all your potential customers.


As a small and new fashion brand, you must start your Instagram journey with a ready-to-implement marketing strategy. It is crucial to enter the competitive social media circuit prepared, understanding the rules that would be effective and knowing exactly what it would take to win!

This article is contributed by Walter Moore, notable management consultant and digital marketing expert at Stormlikes.

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How Exactly Does Instagram Works To Increase Fashion Site Traffic

By James Tredwell on April 2, 2019

Given the current digital landscape, Instagram happens to be one of the most important and popular social media channels around, especially for marketers. More so, it is a popular channel for the fashion brands as this channel allows them to drive their Instagram followers towards their website. This, in turn, provides them with an increased opportunity for better conversion and generate more sales.

Nowadays, if any marketer is not using Instagram yet for their business marketing purpose then it is surely missing out something big. Therefore, Instagram is an essential channel for managing the social media of:

  • A small business
  • A big corporation or
  • For your own personal fashion brand.

Incorporating Instagram into your marketing strategy is a must but it is also necessary to do it in the best possible way. However, if you are not sure why Instagram marketing is important for your fashion brand then here are three specific reasons for it:

If you follow any type of business on Instagram whether it is fashion or any other you will see that there is a strong Call To Action. A CTA is one important caption of all posts that encourage the followers to check their ‘linkinbio’ out. This link in bio serves a number of varied purposes such as:

  • It helps the brands are on Instagram to provide value to the users
  • It helps the brands to drive more traffic towards their site and thereby drive sales and
  • It helps the users to shop easily and quickly from the Instagram page of the brand instead of them having to track down that specific product the saw in some other social post

The CTA helps the users to be aware of the product of their choice immediately and it then redirects them to the exact page of the product by clicking the given link on the profile page of the brand.

There are lots of tools available that will make your effort fruitful and your content precise without you having to follow those less effective tactics that are high on the sales pitch. These tools will help you to facilitate a seamless transaction that will, in turn, help you to leverage your precious link-in-bio. Take help of professionals like Gramista or any other to help you with the link in bio.


Since Instagram helps you to create a larger community as opposed to the other social media channels, it will be very easy for you as a fashion brand to establish a connection with your fans. Instagram highly encourages photo sharing and therefore community building and engagement is the crux of this platform.

This is also a proven success strategy as well especially if you want to drive more traffic towards your site. This is because this way you can do a lot of things such as:

  • Engage with your fans in an excellent way
  • Create brand loyalty in a better way
  • Prompt user-generated content more effectively
  • Facilitates organic to reach more extensively
  • Promote word-of-mouth publicity.

Typically, if you want any picture or a post to ‘go viral’ then there is no other platform than Instagram to do it more authentically. All you need is a strong content strategy to follow that will help you to resonate with your followers.


Another big way fashion brands can benefit from using Instagram for their business promotion and marketing campaign is by the influencer and huge blogger presence. This will also help them in a lot of way such as:

  • It will help the fashion brands to create and nurture relationships with their users
  • It will help them to leverage their influence
  • It will, in turn, help them to expand their reach and
  • It will also help in collecting more powerful UGCs authentically.

The effect of the influencer marketing used on Instagram platform is much more powerful and effective as compared to all other social media platform simply due to its visual nature.

Measuring the influence

There are different useful tools that will help you the effects and results of such influencer collaborations. You can use specific tools like the Relationship IQ or RIQ tool to measure the exact ROI of such collaborations for that matter.

  • Another important thing about these tools is that you will be able to monitor the users as well who are mentioning these in their own content.
  • Apart from that the RIQ tools will also reveal the engagement rate of the users as well as how many of your followers have converted to an account of the brand.

When you can measure these interactions it is imperative that you will find it easier to eliminate the guesswork out of building impactful, long-standing and meaningful relationships. In turn, it will help you to understand and analyze the data which will eventually help you to capitalize on the elements that will work best for your specific type of product and drive more traffic to buy it from you.

Importance of Instagram

The most significant factor of using Instagram by a fashion brand is to reinforce that both concrete, as well as intangible results, are obtained in the end.

  • This will ensure that you get more and more customers who will be ready to purchase your product from you.
  • With proper businesses advertise you will be able to convey to your customers who are looking for advice on the next big thing down the line.

Such type of information is very important to promote your fashion brand and Instagram seems to provide you with just the right kind of platform to do it.

It is for this powerful, useful and effective nature of the Instagram platform that you see more and more mobile users spend more time on this specific social media channel as compared to other social media platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter or even Whatsapp.

Therefore, if you do not start integrating your Instagram account with your marketing, you will miss a lot of traffic to your fashion site.

This article is contributed by Walter Moore, notable management consultant and digital marketing expert– Gramista.

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5 Ways to Increase Your Organic Traffic Through a Social Media Campaign

By James Tredwell on March 19, 2019

The impact of social media on search rankings is somewhat of a debatable topic. Google says there isn’t any, but successful social media campaign lead to more web traffic and shared content which does, in turn, have an effect. Rankings aside, however, social media is a great way to boost organic referral traffic, and no one is arguing with that.

An SEO perspective still applies to your socials, and much of what we discuss in this article will be about optimization.

Social media profiles and posts can appear in organic search listings, increasing visibility and engagement with your business.

Let’s look at five strategies which will help create natural, high-quality organic traffic.

#1. Enhance your content

It is basically a universal rule across the internet now that quality content is the primary driver for successful online marketing, social media included.

The sheer number of people on social media and the ease-of-reach for niche audiences means that if your content is extraordinary, you will do well. This also enhances your chance at share ability which should be one of your main goals.

Spreading your message, brand, products and services, and increasing awareness positions you in a good spot for new business. Social engagement is an endorsement, and there is no easier way to sell than that.

The biggest challenge here is the competition. There are plenty of posts that are your direct competition every day; you need to optimize your content to stand a chance at standing out.

There is a correlation between the search hits that Google deems most relevant and brands that are effective on social media.

Providing a great customer experience means regularly publishing unique, customer-focused content. People will naturally engage if your posts are high-quality and relevant.

#2. Aim for a low bounce rate

Incoming links from social media can influence your bounce rate and time-on-site engagement. Engagement metrics are a big explainer and marker of value for search engines, which means they should be essential for you.

To achieve this, find your best organic content and turn it into social media content. You may have a 2000 word blog on your site that gets a lot of hits? If so, break it down into smaller blogs or take sections from it that can be turned into posts that will link to your site and the original piece. This is just one of the many reasons why a blog, and a blog section of your website, is vital.

#3. Optimise your posts

You know the importance of optimizing your website and blogs, but did you know you should also be optimizing your posts? Be it an image, infographic, video or even a link, the copy you use can be crafted in a particular way.

The key to social posts is that they need to be engaging and shareable. Depending on your subject, your copy should appeal to people’s emotions, reinforces, reflect their values and beliefs, and, ultimately, be tailored to whatever your audience feels is important.

From here, you can also determine which hashtags are most searched on whichever social platforms you are using (the ones most appropriate for your business) and when applicable, share a link to something on your site and always have a call-to-action.

Aim to give people a reason to engage and use accurate and descriptive wording that emphasizes context and relevance. Remember, social media isn’t for one-way communication so engage your audience and participate in the resulting discussion.

#4. Controlled branding

Your social media channels are opportunities to build your brand, both online and off. They expand your reach, create word-of-mouth and create search visibility.

Social profiles can be found in search results. Your goal on an organic search should be your website, then social profiles. For this reason, it is vital to maintain up-to-date social profiles and ensure that your branding is consistent across all platforms to help improve your online visibility and reputation.

You can also optimize your profiles for search within each social platform as people may search for your brand on Facebook or LinkedIn. To do this:

  • Include natural keywords
  • Set the company logo as the profile picture
  • Set the brand name as the username
  • Have a clear bio that explains your company
  • Include a link to your website
  • Including share buttons on your website

#5. Earning authority

The main benefit of optimizing social visibility is its contribution to the authority of your profile online. It increases your chances of linking to other well-regarded sources thus raising your profile further.

Quality links are created with original content that is shared across social media which is why social links are a vital inclusion on web pages with the goal of making them as easily shareable as possible.

Your backlink profile should also be well maintained to drive referral traffic and establish your site. If you can manage to obtain a link from a site with a high Domain Authority, you will have scored a vital ranking factor.

To achieve this, you are basically looking at forms of networking and outreach. Create relationships with influential bloggers, create quality, interesting (and good looking) data that people will want to share and offer it to them in exchange for some links!

All of the above may sound like a lot of work, but it all benefits your branding and business. It’s seed planting, and when those seeds grow into new customers you’ll be thrilled that you spent the time crafting the right strategies!

This article is contributed by James Silverwood, Digital Marketing Manager at Perpetualtc — social media marketing agency in Riyadh.

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4 Ways to Generate Leads With Social Networking

By James Tredwell on February 20, 2019

Your Internet marketing efforts range over many venues, from blogs, search engine advertising, and your own website. Social networks are a valuable addition to your Internet marketing roster, with Pew Internet reporting that 73 percent of adults use at least one social network, with Facebook taking the top network spot. Social media is the digital age’s version of word of mouth advertising, and knowing how to generate leads from your social media profiles is essential to creating a well rounded Internet marketing approach.

Media Fit for Social Networks

Consider your media options when you market on social networks. Instead of pouring money into an expensive commercial or informational video, consider creating media with socially connected tools. Forbes recommends looking at Vine, Instagram, and other services to create and host your marketing content. The challenge of this form of lead generation and sales is creating either a relevant clip in a limited time span, or choosing to focus on the viral or humor route and hoping that it brings enough recognition to your company and brand to create qualified traffic.

Social Network Advertising

Social network advertising opens up avenues to place your ads in front of a large audience, but the question is whether you get enough lead generation to make it worth your while. Adobe reports that Facebook click through rates have increased 275 percent. Much of the increase can be attributed to ads that are within the Facebook newsfeed, instead of placed off to the side of the content. You also pick and choose the demographics for Facebook advertising. Generating home insurance leads, for example, is a much simpler process if you target the age demographic more likely to own a home instead of renting. This method allows you to spend your advertising dollars in the most effective fashion.

Social Media Engagement

Learn the etiquette and rules of each social networking platform, and apply these lessons in conversations with potential customers. While it’s great to use social networks as a way to support existing customers, don’t overlook the potential use as a lead generation tool. Follow relevant industry hashtags, post about news that interests your demographic even if it isn’t strictly relevant to your business, and build up connections with your network to continue growing your brand awareness. Utilize hashtags to your benefit for visibility or for organizing group discussions on a platform such as Twitter.

Social Media Monitoring

Get a heads up about a viral marketing success coming your way, or a public relations disaster by using social media monitoring tools such as Sprout Social. These tools make it easy to interact with your potential customers and clients by steamlining responses, allowing you to schedule content, and letting you know who is mentioning you across multiple social networks. You want to cover as many relevant networks as possible, so this type of tool is also useful for keeping your profiles organized and active.

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