Top 6 Technologies used for Mobile App Development

By James Tredwell on April 20, 2022

The past few years have seen the mobile app development industry undergo a revolution. From ordering food online to shopping to consulting doctors to measuring calories intake on Healthify, every kind of need has been satisfied with the help of mobile apps.

As per a study, roughly $400 million in revenue has been generated worldwide by mobile applications for Android and iOS in 2021, an increase of 19% over the previous year, with a majority (63%) from iOS apps. These figures are projected to rise to $613 million by 2025. Huge right!

However, just knowing the market stats is not enough. It’s important to know what technology works best for building mobile apps. To help you with that, we have compiled a list of the top 6 technologies that will help survive and thrive in the mobile app development market.

So keep reading!

What are the top mobile app development trends likely to affect app developers in 2022?

Do you know the market revenue of mobile apps is expected to grow by $469 million in 2022?

This means more and more apps are entering the market and you need to be up to date with the current trends incomplete. Hence, we have listed below some fact-based technologies that will be beneficial to you not just in 2022, but in the future as well.

5G Technology

Tech companies have been testing 5G technology for a while, but this year they are beginning to roll it out faster.

Sales of mobile devices – such as smartphones, feature phones, and tablets – are growing at a rate of 3.8% yearly with 47.5% of them being 5G-enabled. So what exactly is 5G technology?

5G or 5th Generation is superfast cellular Internet that can transfer data at 100 times the speed of 4G. It’s creating a whole new world of opportunities for you. In the coming times, it make a huge impact on mobile app development and these are the hows:

  • 5G means 100 times faster than 4G. Fast communication has never been faster!
  • Faster connections, wide-open bandwidth, and almost nonexistent delays will change how people communicate.
  • As 5G becomes more advanced, apps will be able to integrate Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality into their functions.
  • The 5th generation of cellular networks will provide developers with the ability to create new features for their apps without harming their performance of the apps.

Overall, 5G technology makes it possible to develop a smarter, faster, and more sustainable app.

AR & VR App Development

With the rapid advancement of augmented and virtual reality technologies, apps have become more powerful on devices such as smartphones and tablets. If we look around, many tech giants have adopted this technology to increase their business revenue. Some of the very well-known names are:

  • The Place App developed by Ikea lets customers visualize their furnished home.
  • L’Oral offers try-on make-up experiences so that customers can get a sense of how their make-up will look.
  • BMW uses AR to let customers customize their dream car using smartphones or tablets.

And there are more! Above these are just to give you a glimpse of how AR and VR are shaping the future of mobile app development and customer experiences.

According to Statista, the global market for augmented reality and virtual reality technology will rise from $27 billion in 2018 to $209 billion by 2022. So, if you’re interested in taking advantage of any mobile app trend, we suggest that you go with this one because the time is just right.

Beacon – a proximity technology

Beacons have become one of the most popular tools for luring customers in retail and marketing, who have found that beacons are cheap, easy to use, and reliably effective.

But what exactly is Beacon Technology?

Beacons are a component of indoor and outdoor positioning systems and the Internet of Things (IoT). They use proximity technology to detect human presence nearby, and they can trigger preset actions to deliver informational, contextual, and personalized experiences.

This technology is now known to common app users. So, how does the beacon technology impacts the mobile app development:

  • Improves the user experience at both ends of your business by streamlining the operations, gathering data, driving sales, and delivering unique user experiences.
  • Retail and marketing companies benefit most from beacons because those businesses are almost tailor-made for them.
  • Easy to design and integrate with existing applications.

Overall, you can use the beacon technology in versatile ways like in mobile payment apps or machine learning applications.

Apps that Integrate with Wearables

When you work out with your cell phone, it can be troublesome to hold it in your hands or put it in your pocket. Even though there are different belts available in the market, the problem remains the same – the uncomfort!

And this is the reason why wearable devices are ruling the mobile app industry. In the past several years, mobile app developers have been designing wearable applications for wristwatches. They felt that the additional functions that people could access from their watches would be a nice addition to phones.

Companies like Google, Apple, and Garmin realized this a long time ago and developed their own wearable applications devices. Let’s look at wearable devices made by these companies:

  • Google and Samsung have joined forces to create a unified platform for Wear OS and Tizen in 2021.
  • In the same year, Apple launched its watchOS 8, which brought a host of new features to help Apple Watch users keep on top of their fitness and health.

In simpler words, to give your customers a seamless digital experience, app developers should focus on creating more wearable devices.

AI and Machine Learning

After the success of FaceApp, people wondered: What’s next? Soon, artificial intelligence brought new software that surpassed their expectations.

It is not uncommon to find chatbots in several mobile apps, which are partly driven by artificial intelligence, while the fully AI-driven Siri app can now be found on various mobile devices.

In fact, in 2022, AI will not be limited to just these two. It will be interesting to see what new advancements will be made in mobile apps in 2022.

  • One good example of AI is Google launching the Live View feature in its maps that incorporate artificial-intelligence technology, which provides augmented-reality navigation of large indoor spaces, and less-carbon-intensive routes that optimize directions for fuel-efficiency.

Overall, it is no wonder that AI and machine learning incorporating deep learning will bring revolutionary changes in the coming times for mobile app development and we are waiting for that.

Cloud Computing

In just a few years, Cloud Computing has gone from being an option only for the tech-savvy to being a vital part of the global business infrastructure. So, what exactly is Cloud computing?

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of hosted services via the Internet. Those services come in three basic flavors: infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS).

As time passed, this technology eliminated the problem of storing and managing data for common users and businesses. Here are the reasons why cloud computing is one of the best technologies for mobile app developers:

  • You can access your computer from all sorts of devices, anywhere in the world, at any time. Cloud technology is increasingly popular and cost-effective for businesses.
  • By using Cloud, you can cut costs by reducing your need for IT infrastructure and maintenance, as well as improving your website’s loading capacity and overall performance.
  • With cloud technology such as AWS, Dropbox, SlideRocket, and others, it is now possible to develop powerful cloud-based applications.

When all is said and done, cloud computing technology can be a great choice for mobile app developers.


With the 3.48 million apps available in the Google Play Store and 2.22 million apps available in the Apple App Store, the only way to stand out in the mobile app industry is by incorporating the latest app development technologies.

Remember, the mobile app industry is growing rapidly and will continue to grow. Staying up to date is the only key to making your app a great success. Moreover, if you have the money to hire developers, you can always opt to work with their mobile app development services. They will help you every step of the way in developing your dream app.

With that said, we hope this blog helped you in finding the most important mobile app trends of 2022. If you are having any questions, drop your thoughts in the comments section below.

We will respond to you shortly!

About the Author:

Naveen is the marketing and product head at JoomDev. He is working with JoomDev, a leading web and Android and hybrid app development company. He loves to convert his ideas into reality by developing WordPress plugins such as Mighty Addons for Elementor which helps you to supercharge the power of Elementor page builder.

3 Security Mistakes You’re Making Right Now When Browsing

By Shristi Som on April 14, 2022

Do you remember the days of safe internet browsing? For decades various security experts have advised web surfers on how to adopt secure browsing habits. All of these experts had a single and noble common goal – to make the Internet a safe place for everyone. It all sounds pretty good to be true, correct?

People see web surfing as a source of joy and fun. At the same time, they pay less attention to their online security and the risks they are exposed to. Threats, on the other hand, are very realistic and you definitely have to do something about them. To help you identify these mistakes we give you 3 common browsing habits that may expose you to multiple security threats. Avoid them and enjoy safer and easier internet browsing. Let’s jump right in.

Mistake – #1 Clicking on Untrusted Links

The world of hyperlinks makes our lives a lot easier. No wonder there are people with bad intent ready to jump on the opportunity. Clicking on suspicious links can cause serious problems and severely compromise your browser’s security. You may be directed to a website full of malware or exposed to ransomware that encrypts all your data. As a rule of thumb, it is recommended that you do not open a link you receive unless specifically requested to do so.

This especially applies to links received by email. Hackers often use emails to send phishing links to hack into people’s online accounts. If you see important notifications in your inbox that contain a link, it’s better not to click it, but go directly to the website where you registered the account and see what happens. Attractive, catchy, and sometimes provocative banners can also contain malicious and suspicious links. Remember those banners “You won $1,000,000. Click here to claim your prize!” or “We have spotted malware on your device. “Click here to delete it!” These are some of the oldest tricks in the book, please don’t fall for it.

You are probably asking yourself, how do I know whether a link is malicious? Well, there are a few ways how you can test the credibility of a link without clicking on it

Verify the Link Length

One of the signs that your link might be compromised is that the URL looks too short. While link shortening services like Bitly are popular tools for link shortening, malware distributors and fraudsters use shortcut links to hide the true destination of their links.

Just looking at it, you can not tell if a short link is dangerous or not. One way is to use online link-checking software. Some link-checking websites even tell you if the link is on the “bad sites” list. Another option is to load a browser plugin that shows you the short link destination by right-clicking on the short link.

Mistake #2 – Using the Same Password for Multiple Websites

Did you know that an average digital consumer actually had three accounts back in 2012? Today some research suggests that number has increased to 7. This means that an average internet user has 7 passwords to use and remember. It has become too difficult to remember passwords for dozens of websites that require registration. No wonder the most popular passwords are “123456” and “qwerty”. Nobody says you should remember all your passwords. For this reason, secure password management software was developed. Consider getting rid of your bad password habits and give a password manager a go. You only need to remember one password, sounds convenient right? 

Mistake #3 – Automatically Accepting Cookies

You’ve probably heard of it before, as websites that use cookies are legally required to inform users that they use cookies. But do you know what they are? And why is it regulated by law in many countries?  Like most people, they don’t even think about the implications of this acceptance and the potential security risks associated with it.  Computer cookies are simple text files that are stored in your web browser while you browse the Internet. When you initially land on a website, your browser pushes a request. The website, in turn, sends a cookie to your browser. When you return to the same website, your browser sends a cookie rather than a request so that the browser knows who you are and that you were there before. We still got your attention? Great!

Because the website “remembers” you, it can automatically set your preferences, such as your own language and color settings, and provide suggestions based on your interests. This is how big websites like Facebook and YouTube always seem to know what kind of content they offer. But what happens when the cookie goes “bad”? Several security threats encompass cookies that are listed below:

  • Cookie Capturing – If a server sends a cookie using an unsecured network an attacker could potentially “steal” it and gain access to your account or a website.
  • Cross-Site Request Attack – The main problem with cookies is that websites cannot detect whether requests are from an actual user or someone else. This “cookie neutrality” is something that cybercriminals can use to initiate malicious actions.
  • “Cookie Throws” – Some websites use unprotected cookies without a path or domain name. This means that if there is more than one cookie, the browser randomly selects which one to use. Online attackers find ways to exploit this vulnerability to infiltrate user accounts.

If you would prefer an incognito browsing experience where cookies don’t have a big impact, you can try exploring Google Chrome Profiles for more privacy-oriented browsing.

To Conclude

Hopefully, by reading this article you are familiar with the top 3 mistakes ordinary users make while browsing. If we needed to pick our most common mistake we would go with number #2. Having a compromised password is simply such a high threat that attackers are just waiting to jump on such an opportunity. Following our steps and tips will help you have a more secure browsing experience. Have you at some point been a victim of a browser attack? Let us know in the comments below!

Top 10 Benefits of Using Microsoft SharePoint

By James Tredwell on April 11, 2022

If you are a nonprofit organization with limited resources, or for that matter a business with offices in multiple locations, it is important that you leverage the potential of SharePoint to ensure that every employee operating from multiple locations has instant access to important documents and necessary data.  MS SharePoint allows authorized employees access to documents that they can edit, share and review anytime and from anywhere in the world.

For those who have still not heard about SharePoint, it is a software offered by Microsoft that is similar in a way to Google Drive, though with an extensive range of tools and features that make it a more multi-faceted solution.

An important aspect of SharePoint to take note of is that it is available in different versions as well such as SharePoint Server and SharePoint Online which is part of Office 365.

A reputable SharePoint development company can help you leverage the full features and tools of SharePoint to bring your organization together on one platform.

Top Benefits of Using Microsoft SharePoint for Businesses

If you run a business, and wish to stay ahead of the competition, it is imperative that you invest in tools and software that can augment the productivity of your workforce by bringing them together. In the subsequent paragraphs, we discuss in detail how SharePoint and a quality provider of SharePoint development services can help your organization increase its productivity and revenue.

Better data management

Research reveals that reading and responding to email consumes over 2.5 hours daily of an average worker. Also, a lot of time is spent on customer support, marketing reports, presentation minutes, meeting notes, etc.  It can be a taxing and time-consuming effort to organize so much data. Moreover, the data and documents stored on the desktop cannot be accessed by remote employees. This is where SharePoint can be of immense help. Any employee wanting to read a particular report or document or extract any data can do that precisely without having to waste and energy sifting through mammoth amount of irrelevant data.

And in case, the business is using SharePoint Online, authorized employees can access desired data from anywhere and at any time with a net connection.

Simplified Business Operations

Running day-to-day activities of a business involve dozens of routine tasks like collecting feedback, keeping track of a project, obtaining signatures, gaining assent, and routing a document for printing to name a few. SharePoint comes equipped with various out-of-the-box workflows that can automate these routine activities. designed to automate these processes.  Additionally, employees can even combine them with familiar email programs and web browsers to deliver an enhanced experience for end users.

Regulatory Compliance and Data Security

There are certain sectors like healthcare, legal and financial that need to observe strict regulatory requirements and guidelines, with many centered around active document controls.

What it means is that the organization needs to have in place specific security measures in place to ensure that only authorized personal with right credentials can access the confidential data. This is also where SharePoint can prove to be immensely helpful. It allows security settings that compel a person wishing to access the data to comply with requisite security measures in order to obtain access.   Moreover, organizations can also put in place required policies, to ensure compliance with all extant rules, all while monitoring and managing sensitive information in the desired manner.

A well-known SharePoint development company can help you keep your business-critical information secure through better employee communication and collaboration.

Effortless content management

No organization can function without the right content, which in turn requires timely consents, edits and feedbacks. SharePoint helps an organization optimize its content strategy and delivery by allowing users to create and submit content for edit and approval in a very short period of time. An important feature of the software is that it comes equip with document library templates that makes it incredibly easy for a person to navigate between an original document and its translation in different other languages.

Maximized Collaboration

SharePoint allows for heightened employee communication and collaboration. For example, Person A creates a document and Person X is supposed to edit it.  As the editor is reviewing it, the writer starts to thinks of something to add or delete and opens the document, makes the changes and then resaves it.  Now Person X is confused as to which version to edit.

This conundrum does not arise with SharePoint as the software keeps track of the edit in real time. Also, it has feature which prevents more than one person from accessing the document at a time in order to prevent duplicity. Employees can share files and updates in real-time, which in turn promotes efficient collaboration.

Increased Productivity

Sifting through large number of folders and huge number of folders, to find the requisite document can be frustrating, time-consuming and unproductive. When all your documents are Consolidating all the documents onto a SharePoint platform allows you to find what you are looking for with few clicks of your mouse button.

Centralized Administration

SharePoint allows you to adjust the configuration through a single centralized location, making the entire process of monitoring and updating data hassle-free.

Easy Customizations

A top-rated SharePoint development company can build for you custom applications which means your employees will never have to look around for tools they need to complete their work.

No need for sophisticated technical stuff

As a modern organization operating in a technologically-driven world, you cannot expect to compete without being tech-savvy. However, your lack of coding knowledge should not come in way of helping your business to flourish. SharePoint comes equipped with important features and tools that allow you to do most of the technical stuff on your own ranging from building a website to making changes in the existing one.

Skill Set Identification

An organization has different types of employees with different skill sets. It can be extremely hard to keep track of every employee with varying level of skills and job responsibilities.  SharePoint allows you to easily locate a person to seek information and guidance from him.


It is for the above-mentioned reasons, organizations across the world have been choosing SharePoint for better collaboration, security and productivity. A well-established provider of SharePoint Development Services can help your organization enhance its functionality and productivity across the board.

How Technology is Changing the Future of Logistics

By James Tredwell on April 1, 2022

Rapid technological evolution will lead to major changes in logistics industry in 2022 and beyond. To meet this need for solutions, logistics technology trends in 2022 are likely to be characterized by the success of companies wholeheartedly embracing technologies such as bitcoin blockchain, IoT, AI, ML and Big Data. for regulation. In 2022, logistics and transport organizations will need the services of reputable logistics software development firms to implement state-of-the-art technologies to develop and support tomorrow’s supply chain solutions. As new technologies flood the logistics and transportation sector, now is the time to innovate to optimize supply chain efficiency.

Technology will continue to define the supply chain and logistics industry in 2022 and beyond. By 2022 and beyond, autonomous vehicles and devices are likely to increasingly become a major trend in the industry. By 2022, companies are expected to increase the level of logistics automation by replacing repetitive manual processes with automated transportation and storage systems (AS/RS) that can make decisions to manage the supply chain.

With customer experience in mind, companies will move from integrated legacy systems to multi-channel platforms shared by manufacturers, dealers and logistics providers to increase visibility into their supply chains, streamline delivery processes and deal with rising pressures. An “anytime, anywhere” delivery model developed in collaboration with a top-notch software development company is probably going to carry the day for organizations operating in the sector.

The same technology that raises customer expectations creates new opportunities for companies to optimize their logistics operations in innovative and profitable ways. Connectivity and the proliferation of social media are raising customer expectations, with increasing emphasis on the strength of a company’s logistics operations to meet, if not surpass, consumer demand. As more and more players take advantage of new and emerging technologies for their logistics operations, it will be supply chain leaders who are unwilling to modernize their processes that will find themselves obsolete and obsolete.

Increasing logistics challenges

Logistics challenges will not decrease in 2022 and may actually get worse before the current situation starts to improve, but with innovative digital solutions, companies can successfully address these challenges and make their supply chains more resilient, flexible and staff friendly. Our research shows that for any business, especially competing with large logistics multinationals, process optimization, efficiency and relationship building will be key in 2022 and beyond. This can start with something as simple as route optimization for last-mile logistics, a process that can significantly reduce fuel consumption, but should also include a more holistic approach to identifying and eliminating supply chain inefficiencies in 2022. Eco-friendly products produced under fair working conditions, coupled with growing supply chain regulations, have finally made sustainable logistics an integral part of business.

Here we list few important technological advances that are changing the future of logistics and the logistics industry. We also look at how a quality provider of logistics software development services can help you leverage the technological advancements to gain competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Autonomous Trucks and Drones

A fan of those big-budgeted sci-fi Hollywood movies must have seen many times on the screen a self-driving vehicle taking a person in a jiffy from one place to another. To see that this is possible today may look the stuff of dreams. But the fact is that this is completely true and happening in real world.  Another thing that looks straight out of a science fiction movie but is absolutely true is packages being delivered at the doorstep from a flying unmanned aerial vehicle. Drones and driverless vehicles possess the capacity to completely overhaul the last-mile deliveries. A report by PwC reveals that the overall drone industry is close to $130 billion, with the market for logistics industry currently standing near $14 billion.  Organizations today are combining the power of drone technology with mobile-enabled applications to seamlessly manage their inventories.

Robotics Delivery

Quality providers of AI development services had already made robots hugely player. However, the pandemic and the social distancing measure it enforced gave a solid thrust to robotics delivery making it an integral part of future of logistics industry. After the chaos unleashed by the pandemic in the Wuhan province, China became one of the first countries in the world to make extensive use of robotics delivery to deliver products under severe lockdown conditions.  Robots are also being extensively used to deliver medicines to patients thus eliminating human contact and subsequently negating the possibility of infections. As technology continues to revolutionize logistics, services that get your vehicle parts shipped have become more streamlined and reliable, ensuring that auto parts reach their destinations faster and more efficiently.

Upgraded Cybersecurity Systems

The amalgamation of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT) into the logistics industry has led to the generation of mammoth amount of data. Now, it would be a massive challenge for the organizations to protect this data from misuse and unauthorized access. Extensive use of drones, autonomous vehicle and robotics delivery means that nagging doubt of data vulnerability will always be present.

Even a minor flaw within these systems can often lead to tragedies. For example, imagine a scenario where a hacker breaks into the computer system of a self-driving vehicle. The miscreant can ram the vehicle anywhere with tragic consequences.

What this means is that the future of the logistics business is closely associated with implementing ways and means of protecting data from unauthorized access by enhancing existing security standards. It also means that the logistics sector along with help from well-established logistics software development company should concentrate on developing new protocols, that would prevent misuse of data by sophisticated hackers and cybercriminals.


Rapid technological innovations are pushing the envelope and completely altering the way trade is carried out in the modern world. The growth of e-commerce and online shopping at the expense of brick-and-mortar stores has made organization to rethink their logistics strategies.  Online e-commerce giants like Amazon can quickly deliver a package at your doorstep, while you are completely aware of the location of the product you have ordered. Top of the line software development company in conjunction with the logistics industry has enhanced the efficiency and efficacy of the logistics industry thus allowing organizations to deliver products and services at a quick, safe, greener and a convenient way.

What are the Crucial Steps to Build a Brand That Can Compete with Market Leaders?

By James Tredwell on January 25, 2022

A strong brand is what distinguishes your competitors. And your brand is more than just a logo and a name. The more recognizable it is, the more trust consumers put in it.

A Nielsen study shows that 59% of consumers choose to buy from established brands that they know. Therefore, stronger brands bring in more sales. 

As a business owner, you’ll likely find yourself competing against the big names on the market, brands with unlimited marketing budgets, and dedicated customers. That’s why you have to find your own brand identity, your own way to stand out.

You can do that by building a strong brand. Now, let’s say you live in Chicago and need professional services. Don’t hesitate, do your research and hire local experts from a web development chicago company.

Here’s what brand building is and what steps are crucial in making your business successfully compete with the market leaders. 

What is a brand?

A brand is what identifies your goods or services as different from those of other businesses. It’s defined by the way a customer perceives your business and services and is made up of a name, logo, design, and other features unique to what you sell. 

In the modern oversaturated market, a successful brand is determined by consistency. It must show a unified front in advertising (online and offline), content, visual design, packaging, and internal applications. 

So, building a brand requires a strategy and time. But the effort and investment can result in a long-lasting relationship with your clients. A consistent brand can have positive effects on your leads, sales, and reach. 

A few words on brand building

The brand building uses campaigns and strategies to increase your brand awareness. Its ultimate goal is to create an original and long-lasting image for your business in the marketplace. 

  • The key elements of brand building are strategy, identity, and marketing: Brand strategy is the foundation of your business’ branding efforts. Creating a brand strategy includes determining your target audience, researching your competition, and summarizing your brand’s mission. 
  • Brand identity is how you visually present your business. It includes elements like logo, name, website design, brand voice, and personality, as well as colors and fonts. You apply these elements everywhere your brand is featured ‚ online, offline, in ads and packaging, and so on. 
  • Brand marketing is how you strategically promote your brand. You do it by implementing SEO and content marketing strategies, email marketing, social media marketing, and paid advertisements. 

By implementing each one of these elements when building your brand, you will be prepared to take on your competition. Here’s how you can build your brand step by step. 

1. Find a purpose behind your brand

Your brand’s purpose will be at the very core of your brand strategy — defining it will be the first step of the brand-building process. To define it, ask yourself why you created your business, what makes it different, what issues it solves, and why the audience should turn to you. 

2. Know your competitors

To compete with market leaders, you have to know them and their strategies. You shouldn’t imitate them, but you should keep an eye on what they do and how they do it. 

Your goal is to be unique and different from your competitors. That’s why you should research what the building blocks of your competitors’ brands are, from names to colors and fonts. Check to see how consistent their visual identity is, how they market their products or services and what their quality is. 

Customer feedback and reviews are important. Is there anything you can learn from your competition’s social mentions?

For better results, choose up to 4-5 competitors, local businesses, or even market leaders, and research them well. 

3. Find a target audience for your brand

An important step in brand building is finding your target audience. Focus on certain niches to make sure your message is loud and clear for that specific type of customer.

Create a buyer persona by considering your potential customer’s age, gender, income, location, and education level. You’ll want the right person to find and purchase your products or services. 

Regular consumer behavior analysis keeps you on top of your game and keeps your consumers happy. If you fail to “read” your consumer’s minds, your competitors may find ways to steal them. 

4. Choose a brand name, voice, and story

After you figure out who your customers are, you can choose a brand name. It’s basically how customers recognize you online and offline. Choose your brand name wisely — remember, it will appear on all your products, communication channels, and promotional materials. 

Work on your brand voice — while it doesn’t define what you will communicate to your prospective clients, it defines how you communicate it. You can choose between types of voices, like professional, friendly, or promotional. You’ll want a voice that resonates with your brand and your audience. 

Your brand story gives customers a brief idea of who you are. Tell your story and purpose by using the brand voice you choose. Define who you are, what you offer, and why customers should choose you. 

The brand story is a way to communicate and make an emotional connection with your prospective clients. As such, you should keep the language simple and clear. 

5. Establish the specific benefits your brand offers

After determining how you will present your brand to your customers, focus on the reason they should choose your brand. Your brand is unique, so you should highlight your services and products. Focus on how they can benefit your clients. 

Show prospective customers why they should choose you. Your service might be more affordable or faster, or you might have better customer support, for example. Find something specific to your business that improves your consumer’s life and highlight it. 

6. Choose brand visuals

The most important brand visuals are the logo, fonts, and colors. Fortify your brand by integrating a strong color palette, logo, fonts and typography, image style, iconography, brand voice and personality, and other web elements. 

Your goal is to make your target customer instantly recognize your business by your logo. So, invest time and money in creating something that truly represents your vision and stands out. 

If you need help creating a logo, look for a professional designer or an agency that can build your brand identity with you. 

Make sure these visual elements are consistent throughout your branding. Packaging, ads, business cards, online webpages, or social media accounts – they should all follow the same guidelines. 

Visual consistency is key to making your brand recognizable. Keep the same font, the same colors, the same logo, and the same taglines on your website and on your social media profiles. It will be easier for clients to recognize you just by seeing your visual identifiers. 

7. Connect with your customers

Emotion has a huge role in sales. So, creating an emotional connection with your audience can improve sales and reach. One way of achieving that is through color and imagery. 

For example, color blue represents calmness, while green invokes environmental topics and red attract attention and invoke urgency. 

Even typography can predict emotions. Different font styles have different meanings. And they carry distinct emotions. For example, Serif fonts are considered stable and practical, whereas Script fonts are seen as feminine and casual. 

You can build a rapport with your customers through your website, too. If you’re located in Chicago, hire one of the best companies specialized in web development new york has to offer to help you create an up-to-date website. 

8. Keep your brand consistent

As soon as you establish a brand image and voice, use them for everything you create. Refrain from making constant changes because you can confuse your clients. And you can hinder long-term brand building, too. 

Make changes only if consumer response leans that way. Go back to your brand strategy whenever you feel the need to make a change in marketing strategy. 

Create a brand guidelines plan and send it to your teams. They can use it as a reference when it comes to design or customer support. They will understand your core brand better, so they’ll be able to communicate your core values to prospective clients. 

9. Focus on local and global markets

Market leaders adapt their strategy to local markets. In fact, every business that keeps an eye on competitors must try to expand locally and globally. 

In other words, trying to conquer the global market can be easier to do if you have a strong online presence. You can’t underestimate the power of local markets. 

10. What leads to brand failure?

Brand strategy is not infallible. Here are the four reasons why some brands fail at their brand strategy:

  • They don’t focus enough on a long-term vision
  • Their creative efforts are not consistent
  • Their brand identity and message are not solidified enough
  • They didn’t work enough to understand their ideal client. 


The brand strategy continues to evolve and adapt to new market conditions. And so does your business. 

By implementing a good brand-building strategy, with a focus on researching and understanding your customer, you can conquer local and global markets. Of course, you must also work on your brand identity, story, and visuals. 

Author bio

Travis Dillard is a business consultant and an organizational psychologist based in Arlington, Texas. Passionate about marketing, social networks, and business in general. In his spare time, he writes a lot about new business strategies and digital marketing for DigitalStrategyOne.

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