Is Your Website Contributing to Your Business Growth? Check Now!

By James Tredwell on November 1, 2018

Before delving deep into the nuances of the topic, how about finding answers to a simple question. As a passionate and aspiring entrepreneur, what it is that you wish for your dream venture? Well, the answer is quite assumable. You will inevitably wish your dream venture to soar high and achieve unsurpassed success. However, that is surely not going to happen on its own. There are several factors worth considering and numerous tasks worth performing, in this context.

With the unparalleled popularity of the online platform, business owners are finding it essential to design their websites in the most attractive manner. If you identify yourself in that league of extraordinary entrepreneurs, you will surely agree with the fact. Remember, it is your business website that helps you create a strong online persona. Therefore, the most stunning website design will be a necessity and not a choice for you.

Steer clear of Antiquated Designs

Especially, while investing in corporate website design, you must be attentive towards a number of aspects. It is not always necessary or possible to invest in custom website development. However, that does not necessarily mean you will have to choose designs that have an antiquated appearance. Visitors must get enthralled at the first sight of your business website, and reading your website should not seem similar to reading a history book. If your website achieves success in ensuring that, then it is truly contributing to business growth.

Considering Attractive Designs

Now, here is the catch. A crucial process such as website designing requires profound practical experience and unmatched expertise. It will be judicious to seek professional assistance and hire website designers with years of experience in the field. Apart from that, you will need to keep note of certain aspects such as:

  • 1. Quality images: Select images of high-resolution that impart a modern look to your business website. Choosing the right design template will be the smartest move here.
  • 2. Fuss-free designs: Too many design intricacies might work the other way round. It might hinder readability and make your website look weird. Choose 1 or 2 templates and keep the color palette simple.
  • 3. Less is more: Steer clear of filing every little crevice of your website with photos and widgets. Remember, the lesser the better for your website.

Have a look at your website and check whether it fulfills these criterions. If it does, then it is inevitably driving growth for your business.

Strengthening Business Presence

One of the elementary steps towards ensuring perfect business growth is creating a strong presence for it. That is the first step towards creating brand recognition. Additionally, it is also essential to place your dream venture on the top of organic search results. What you will achieve as the consequence is a huge clientele-base. Some of the best ways of ensuring that can be:

  • 1. Optimizing organic search results: If yours is an eCommerce website, then you must aim for higher rankings on search engines such as Bing, Yahoo and Google.
  • 2. Redirecting: By making people type your URL in their web browsers, you will surely attract a lot potential consumers.
  • 3. Social media integration: Using the social media platforms for sharing your business posts will be a great way captivating the customers’ attention.


Your business website needs to have all these features for perfect growth. If it does, then there is no denying the significant contribution, it is making to the growth of your dream venture. If that is not the case, then perhaps it is high time to think about a new eCommerce website design or a complete website renovation. List your priorities and make your websites user-friendly and easily navigable. Remember, satisfied visitors will get converted into potential consumers.

Ways to Set Yourself Up while Designing User Experience for Wearables

By James Tredwell on November 1, 2018

Imagine the following turn of events. You are out with your friends, but none of you are busy talking to each other. Rather, most of you are hooked onto your mobile devices, spending a gala time with something else.

The incident mentioned above is not just a story. It is a stark reality. Look around and you will find almost every individual befriending the smart devices, thus losing out on real-life experiences. The truth is, however, a bit harsh in this context.

You simply cannot deny the significance, role, and utility of Smartphones in your daily life. Let’s face it. Smartphones today are not just luxury items. They are highly crucial business necessities too. Although it hampers real-life experiences, you still can’t imagine doing away with it.

Striking a Balance

With this brief introduction on the importance of Smartphones, we arrive at a trivial spot. It would be better to say that we come across two buzz words in the present times. Let’s do away with the suspense, and find out these terms.

Whether it is a smartphone, tablet, other devices, or wearable’s, user-experience and real-life experience are the two most crucial concepts worth noting. In simple words, we are living in a time with dual possibilities for mobile technology.

The first possibility severs our ties with the real-world, and the latter aims to engage us with the world around even more. While the former situation is what we are living in, the latter can be the future. There is a need of striking a balance between the two.

Advent of Wearables

User experience seems to be the most crucial parameter for web and app designing. With the arrival and emergence of wearable’s, it appears to have become even more important. Developers and designers should have an entirely different and unique user experience design approach, which will promote nothing but simplicity, effectiveness, and intuitiveness.

Let’s take a look at how to make it possible.

Avoiding Distractions

Drawing references from a Real-Life Project will help you comprehend the situation in a better fashion. Most of the individuals use their Smartphones and devices as miniature versions of their desktops. From scheduling business meetings to sharing a joke on social media platforms, there is nothing that’s performed without the phone.

What happens as the result is you end up spending more than half of the day on your smart device. Whether it is in between a business presentation or board meeting, notifications and alerts will distract you, thus affecting the task you are performing at the moment.

A different design approach in Wearables must aim towards minimizing these distractions. It should help you concentrate even more, without missing out on actions. Your smart watch must also give you the liberty of choosing types of notifications, according to your choice.

Apps on the Move

We already know what apps can do for us. However, they are not of much help while you are on the move. It boils down to causing distractions, which can prove to be highly dangerous while you are driving or crossing the road. There is a need for creating effective smartwatch app to keep such dangers at bay.

Appealing to Emotions

While designing an application, shift your design focus from technology to emotions. You will have to think and find out what truly appeals to the users senses. If the application is successful in tracking users’ thought process, it will belt out superb performances.

Aspects to Consider

While creating user experience design for wearable’s, you must focus on their capabilities. Remember, the screen size for smart watches offer little room for innovation. Therefore, incorporating minimalist designs will be your key to developing app user interface.

Wearables offer the opportunity of checking out updates at a glance. Users will not get to spend a lot of time, even if they wish to.


With these significant ways to set up you for wearable designing projects, designers will inevitably achieve unsurpassed success. However, the entire process must be systematic. Apart from looking for the best technical resources, we must also sketch our ideas on paper prior to building a prototype app.

It’s not just about the visual design. Combining real-life experiences and UX design into a complex whole will leave an impact on what we expect from technology.

PSD to HTML: Why Small Businesses Should Care

By James Tredwell on October 24, 2018

You have a site that represents your business on the internet. You find a large number of hits, but these do not convert into sales. What you need is a site that is more responsive, fast and reliable. If you are serious about giving a fresh look to your site, start looking for a website designer who will convert your site from PSD to HTML.

Responsive Web Design

You need a website design that provides the best possible viewing experience to the audience. The user can read a site based on coding effortlessly and navigate through it easily. When you convert the PSD files to HTML, your website becomes accessible from an array of devices, ranging from the desktop to your smartphone. Your site is now accessible from other platforms like iPads, mobiles, laptop, and tablets. You can access it while on the move just as your prospective clients can.

Larger Client base

The compatibility of your website with all major platforms or operating systems, enables more users to reach your site. The conversion to a responsive website design provides the viewers a pleasant browsing experience. The visual appeal of the site encourages the audience, to see what the site is about. Delving deeper into the site, the viewer gets to know about your product. The visits can convert into a purchase if the audience is a potential buyer. Again, people often discuss a site they like, with their friends. This works as a free advertisement for your product or service, meaning higher sales.

Good Performance At SEO rankings

Once the conversion of PSD files to HTML is over, the file is run through W3C validation. This validation process detects the errors in coding and ensures access to the site from any browser and platform. The upgradation of your site to HTML ensures that it performs better in the search engine optimization (SEO) rankings. This means that any viewer who searches for a business similar to yours will find your site among the first few results.

Use of Hi-tech Tools

The use of cutting-edge technology and tools by your designer makes the conversion process effortless and fast. Choose a web designer, who uses high quality responsive templates, to create your site. This eliminates the sloppy coding and other errors in the design. The use of short and smart texts increases its accessibility from any upgraded platform and also makes it attractive. The user-friendly, visually eye-catching and professional HTML site engages your visitor and enhances the performance of your site.

Email Marketing Techniques

As a small business owner, relying on email marketing techniques is the best and most cost-effective method. Before finalizing the job contract with your web developer, ensure that the person can develop an email template for you. In case you want to have a blog that speaks about your business, converting your Photo Shop Document to the WordPress is a better option. This makes your blog a more user-friendly platform and also works towards increasing the SEO rankings. Both these factors increase the visibility of your site, and you can expect better returns on your investment.

Attract Image-based Traffic

Not all traffic on the internet is related to sites. Having fancy charts, diagrams, pie charts and bar graphs on your site attracts image-based traffic. Add the Alt tag of 150 or fewer characters for maps on your site, within the IMG tag. Having the Alt tag throws up your site in the search results related to image-based traffic.

Flexible Layouts

The flexible designs that a conversion to HTML offers makes all the elements in the layout expand equally. This makes the page layout scalable. As opposed to the fixed-width layout, the flexible one provides seamless textures, patterns and image continuation. Such layouts can easily accommodate in devices with larger screen resolutions. Coming to usability, the fixed-layout has a lower score. Flexible design also offers the benefit of customization at a later stage. An experienced web designer can help you out with this.

Now that you have various reasons why small businesses should care to convert from PSD to HTML, you might be wondering about the cost. Different companies can do the job for you, and the good thing is that many offer lucrative discounts too. Even if you have to invest some money, remember that only an improved internet site can assure you of continued returns on your investment, in this web-driven world.

Top Reasons To Prefer Drupal To Craft Your Next Business Website

By James Tredwell on October 24, 2018

Let’s begin the discussion with a crucial question. What is it that seems to be the most important factor while creating your business website? There’s no denying the fact that it is the web development framework that matters than anything else. In a nutshell, the successful creation of a business website requires the most functional and scalable web development platform. And it’s here that Drupal emerges as the most revered option.

If you are planning to invest in a website development project shortly, then choosing Drupal will prove to be the best thing to do. Take a look at the following points and find out why.

Introducing Drupal

As a highly scalable, open-source, and free content management system, Drupal seems to be the first choice of every skilled web developer. Whether it’s huge enterprise web applications or simply a small blogging site, this particular web development framework will ensure smooth performance for all of them.

With integrated APIs, core-codes, and shared modules, Drupal happens to be a storehouse of highly useful web development features. Most importantly, drupal web developers get the golden opportunity to work in a flexible environment. And that’s not all. Drupal can prove to be beneficial in numerous other ways too.


With a highly transparent programming interface, Drupal offers complete flexibility to web coders. As an open-source web development framework, Drupal offers the following benefits to web developers.

  • 1. No license fees: The licensed version of this web development framework is available for free. You will not have to pay anything to gain access to it.
  • 2. Customizable features: With Drupal, you will have the option to integrate highly innovative features while developing your business websites.
  • 3. Unmatched flexibility: Compared to proprietary software frameworks, Drupal ensures greater flexibility in website development.

A Secure content management system

If your business portal deals with highly confidential customer data or crucial financial transactions, Drupal will emerge as the best option. Since security loopholes in e-commerce sites will result in crucial data loss and downtime, a highly secure CMS proves to be a necessity and not just a choice. Some of the unique security aspects of this web development platform include:

  • 1. Restricted publication: Modules with unsolved and complicated security issues do not have publication rights in Drupal. And it also comes with password-security options.
  • 2. Security checks: Drupal pride on its entire community of security experts. They are highly active and always have an eye on every security issue occurring in the platform.
  • 3. Issue reporting: Drupal provides a shared public platform for reporting all kinds of critical security features. As the consequence, web developers will stay informed and updated about such issues.

It is because of these security features that web development companies always offer Drupal website development services to their clients.

SEO-friendly platform

You will be nowhere in the virtual arena if your business websites fail to attract potential customers. And nothing better than search engine optimization will help you do that. As a highly flexible and unique web development framework, Drupal provides the opportunity of creating SEO-friendly websites.
From creating customization URLs to integrating Google Analytics for tracking web traffic, the framework lets you establish yourself in the web development arena.

The gift of customization

Passionate ecommerce owners will never wish to limit the potentials or growth opportunities of their business. While developing websites, they will surely have this aspect in mind. As one of the most flexible content management systems, Drupal will offer easy integration of features and easy access to the modules.

Apart from that, the framework will also allow 3rd party application integration through REST, SOAP, JSON, and XMLRPC.

Choose Drupal now

With all these exceptional features, Drupal successfully qualifies as your most efficient web development framework. What you achieve as the consequence is a highly scalable, functional, and attractive business website. Get in touch with the top drupal web development company, for reliable and trustworthy Drupal website development services.

What Are the Best Web Design Options For Startup

By James Tredwell on October 24, 2018

Every business needs to look into its online presence and it is not possible without an appropriate web design technique. However, hiring the most promising designers can be tough when you have just invested in your business and started the operations but this is certainly not the end of the road as there are scores of options that are left to explore. What are the best web design options for businesses that have just entered into the competition? Take a quick look at the following points.

Online design platforms

While the popularity of online web design platforms is yet to get acclaim among the reputed designers, the emergence of services such as Squarespace has changed the minds of people in more ways than one. For a company which is desperately willing to save money on the overhead expenses and thinking of strategies to add to the revenue, this is a fantastic option and it is here to stay. Utilizing this software can be particularly useful for those that have the intention to add a zing when it comes to depicting simple information.

Designing with in-house staff

Although hiring a website designer is certainly not an option for many people that have just started business, it is good to consider the in-house staff for this job. Starting from the scratch is certainly not a good option as a startup has little time to lose for creating a place in the online world. Unless your business is associated with web design and development, you have to think of strategies that allow you begin somewhere. Therefore, it is time to realize that even simple pages can help promote your business initially when you have a clear and transparent approach.

Hiring a reputed designer

It is true that a business that has just started functioning will not have much to look forward to for designing a prominent website. However, hiring a professional web designer is not that tough. Believe it or not, you are investing money for the company rather than the salary that you have to pay to a professional designer. You must remember that startup with an innovative approach will have to begin with some investments for reaping the benefits later and this makes real sense when you hire a designer that can make your business click and allow you to earn revenue quickly when compared with a business that is still planning strategies.

Choosing a designer

While stating the goal of your business must be a part of your strategy for content creation, choosing a designer can be a hard nut to crack when your business has just started functioning. It is true that a professional web designer can do the job but the individual must have a proper understanding of your business. Therefore, the best option is to hire someone that has worked in the same industry and has rendered services to new businesses. In this way, it can become easy for you to get to the sentiment of the people.

Keeping the website design simple

The elements of a website design must be realistic in appearance and you can stick to a few textures and colors during the initial stage. Thus, it is not just about getting the best designer in your city rather it is the design itself that matters most when you are trying to lend a face to your brand.

When it comes to the best designs, you must think that earning money is the only motto of a business whether it is small, big or medium. Thus, you have to invest money to cash in your online presence and the steps above can guide you to the best decision.

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