10 Reasons why PrestaShop Development Companies are in Great Demand

By James Tredwell on September 24, 2018

With the advancement in the technology, the trend of eCommerce websites is also getting very modern. A few years ago performing eCommerce business was not allowed for some real big players like eBay and Amazon. Making an eCommerce platform used to be very expensive. This type of designing also asks for well trained designers and programmers.
But now the things have comparatively changed and are very easier now. Now there are a number of ways by which you can design your online stores.

A highly professional and free eCommerce website solution is PrestaShop. The major benefit of this script is that this platform is specially made for eCommerce and this is available in every section and every part of the e-shop. Best of the best things is that there is a new version of this platform i.e. PrestaShop version 1.6. This version will offer its users with a large number of features and these changes have made it even better than before.

See the new prestashop ecommerce development features:

1. Amazing topmost section

The topmost section of your website needs to be very attractive and appealing in order to catch maximum number of visitors. This is the section where people reach at first and if at first look they find it dull and boring why they would move further. It is obvious that they will move to some other website. PrestaShop 1.6 will make it easy to display your latest sales and featured content using 2 image sections along with 1 JQuery slider section.

2. Footer Section of your website

Footer section is used best for displaying information about your services, it offers newspaper subscriptions, for displaying your social media links and it includes a secondary navigation. In this way if you think that user have missed something related to your services and products, you can use this section well for explaining it. Also it has made possible for the users that they can subscribe their updates to your social media feed if they have liked your store.

3. The new PrestaShop is responsive

Now your PrestaShop websites are no longer restricted to websites and laptops. You can now explore your PrestaShop websites on smart phones. If you want to become a successful person it is critical to go mobile. So the new feature of PrestaShop is helping you in becoming a successful person.

4. It can be a great shopping cart

When we talk about the shopping carts, they are not simple at all. This new version has made it very easy to design your shopping cart that allows customers to check out and make payments. There are a number of ways working with this platform that will help you in increasing your sales. This means that this script will allow you adding of additional products to add to the cart that will be based on the current contents of your shopping carts.

5. It offers mega menu that can also include images

It is now a proven fact that the mega menus are helping users in improving their user experience, not to be mentioned they are actually useful in providing more information and more content. PrestaShop 1.6 offers you a very good menu. You can also add texts, images and links easily with your new PrestaShop version.

6. Grid or list view

This option is very necessary and users always prefer grid view but some also prefer list view. List view offers a little more details as compared to the grid view. And PrestaShop 1.6 is offering you with all such features.

7. Page Layout

There are a lot of studies based on commerce in general. Why one should not extend these to eCommerce? The new PrestaShop 1.6 is providing people with all new features and it is offering people with very optimized page layout. It is optimized from each and every point of view, especially from sales.

8. Product Reviews

Well don’t know about others but this is a very good advice for the shopping freaks that whenever you buy something online firstly go through the reviews of the product. This is a smart way of buying online. Product reviews play a very important role and provides the best and easy solutions for users who want to buy that product.

9. The Search option

The search function is considered as one of the best functions for any website, especially when we are talking about the eCommerce websites. Making it sure that what users are looking for is necessary if you want to sell your products online. By offering an advanced search you will feel the difference between selling a lot and not selling at all.

10. Product Quick View

If we discuss about one of the most irritating factors of an eCommerce website or any showcase website is to browse through the products to see for the details. You have to wait till the page gets loaded, then go back and then go through the other page of the product and the list will move on.

At the end, if you are seriously planning to design an eCommerce website for your business then PrestaShop platform is highly recommended especially this PrestaShop 1.6 version. A reliable PrestaShop eCommerce website design Company will help you in case you are unable to find solutions for your business.

5 Biggest Blunders You Do While Designing an Ecommerce Website

By James Tredwell on September 24, 2018

When entrepreneurs decide to design a professional eCommerce website for selling their products online they do not know what all they need to examine before designing a shopping cart website for their business. Generally when people decide to design an eCommerce websites they make 5 blunders while doing it. In this post we will discuss about those blunders and will make you aware that you have to take care of these points in order to make your website useful and profit creator for you.

1. Ignoring the most important Work

A lot of businessmen enter eCommerce field everyday and everybody has same thing in mind i.e. easy money and fast money. They think that it is simple like taking orders and shipping the products. This ecommerce solution also live in the etheric world of cyber space and they still need a significant amount of attention for learning and making physical effort for executing, growing and maintaining the services.
You can also think about outsourcing certain parts of your business but there is no doubt in the fact that using in-house staff is one of the most cost-effective solutions, especially in the initial phase.

2. Shooting in the Dark

Most of the eCommerce business person does not know how to execute the ideas or they do not have plans to execute. When you have no strategies and no plans on how you are going to execute your work then it means nothing is going to help. Do whatever you want to do but nothing will help you. You should know what you have to sell and who your potential customer is. How to advertise yourself and how to make yourself a tough competition for your competitors is all you need to know. Having a plan and executing it in a proper direction can only help you in designing a fruitful ecommerce Website.

3. No Marketing Strategy

If you think that build it and money will come does not work in this case. You have to advertise yourself on the web and have to expose your ecommerce website design in front of your potential customers in order to achieve your targets and goals.
Here are some broad strokes that you need to consider as you enter into the online marketing:

  • You are required to put in place at least a basic ecommerce analytics like Google Analytics.
  • You must be aware of the difference between SEO and PPC.
  • You must know the importance of social media.
  • You should research well on Google about affiliate marketing and selling your products through established and third-party platforms like eBay etc.

4. Choosing the wrong eCommerce website designing platform

When you have no idea about how to choose the best eCommerce platform, you can take help from your ecommerce website developers but making a wrong choice yourself can be a dangerous thing. If you make a single wrong choice your whole experience will become extremely frustrating. A wrong eCommerce platform and software will ultimately lead to failure of your overall business.

5. Unable to Showcase your products

When you are unable to display your products to your audience, you are at the urge of losing your business. If you cannot make them see your products, how will you be able to sell them? Get a beautiful website designed for your products, showcase your products in a well arranged manner and make sure that they are visible to your potential customers.

Taking care of the above given tips will help you in designing an eCommerce website that will be fruitful to you and will give you the immense feeling of earning good profits.

Does your website qualify these 10 tests?

By James Tredwell on September 24, 2018

Every time we try to find something contradictory in our websites like what not to do, signs that shows that my website is not good, things to take care of while designing your website and various other things like this. But this time we will discuss about some signs that will make you prove that your website is perfect for your business and you are moving in absolutely correct direction. I know you must be desperately checking for the points because you too want to compare your website with those points. Not making you wait more, let us discuss the points:

1. Your website is working well on mobile
Check if your website is working well on mobile i.e. it is easy to open and browse on your mobile phone and all other gadgets available these days. You need to get your website responsive in order to make it mobile friendly. When your website is accessible on mobile means that your website is good and people can find easily what they are searching for.

You would be glad to hear that according to a survey, 62% of companies that have their website designed compatible for mobile devices saw increased sales and prove a responsive win-win!

Check your website for mobile compatibility with free tool – W3C mobileOK Checker

2. Your website does not contain Flash
Yes not having a flash is a good sign for your website. This proves that your website is amongst good and reliable websites. Websites having flash are not crawled by the Google and are not listed in the search engines easily. If your website is having flash in it, it won’t be supported by iPhone and other smart phones. These smart phones do not support flash websites. Flash is very difficult to maintain and use. So it is not a good idea to have a flash. So congratulations if you do not have a flash available in your website.

3. Your Search Engine Rankings are High
Your business is always searched with some key-phrases on the internet that are related to your business. When you can find your website easily on the search engine with any of the services or product related keyword then it means that your website is good enough to generate business for you.

Today it is all about having high quality, original, unique and interactive content on your website. Your content is good and unique you are on the top of the search engine. 93% of all the online experiences get started with the search engine. When you design your website keeping SEO in mind it will ensure that your potential customers will be able to find you online.

4. Your visitors are sticking to your website
When you can see that your visitors are sticking to your website and are taking long on your website it means they are liking it and your website is perfect for their requirements. This means that you have provided them with readable content, organized categories.
You can see it clearly with your increasing ROI and conversion rates. All this means that you have designed your website keeping in mind your visitors as well as yours and their goals. You can see increase in the qualified traffic and the leads.

5. It looks perfectly appealing
You cannot decide yourself if your website is looking appealing or not. You can only ask your customers or friends to give their reviews on your website design. If you find people saying it highly appealing and beautiful this is the time to have a big smile on your face. Your designs are clean and easy to navigate which makes your website an appealing and approaching website.

The fact is 94% of the people say that websites having good web designs are more reliable. It is very important for you that your customers trust you and only a strong web design can make this happen.

6. Your website is Fast
Slow websites are very annoying and people run away from long and lengthy websites that takes minutes to open. Click on your website and check if it is getting opened in seconds. If the answer is yes, your website is just perfect for your visitors. It is always advised to have websites that opens in few seconds because nobody has got that much of time to wait for your website to open.

Having a fast-loading website does not only ensure that your customers will stick around for long but this also means that they are having a great experience working on your website.

7. Easy updates are available for your website
When your regular visitors are getting easy updates about your website it means your website is quite good. It is good to have a CMS website because if you have a CMS based website then it is easy to make updates.

CMS is very important for your business website.  If you do not have a website on CMS then re developing your website on a CMS base will really improve your marketing team.

8. User friendly navigation
If your website is easy to navigate and your visitors are easily finding what they are looking for then smile again because your website has proved again that it is amongst the best ones. People generally like websites that are clean and provide easy navigation to their visitors. If you are allowing them an easy and enjoyable navigation, you are perfect.

9. Bounce Rate of your website is low
Bounce rate is the measure of how many people visit your website and they left after only viewing the landing page. If your website is having a low bounce rate you won again. It means that your visitors are not leaving your website just in few minutes but they are spending some time with your website and are searching for the products and services they must be looking for.

10. Clear Path to Contact Information
If you are easy to get in touch with your visitors, you are good. If you are making communications with your clients and contacting them on regular basis, you are perfect. It would become really difficult for you to perform well if you do not communicate with your clients.

So have you matched each and every point with your existing website? How much did it score? Well it is great if you have scored more than 8 but if less than 8 then please start working on your website. It needs rebuilding. Do not worry. It is easy.

10 Quick Tips for Enhancing Your Website Conversion Rate

By James Tredwell on September 24, 2018

No matter what you sell and what your products are, everything that you need to focus on is the marketing strategy of your business. The most important thing that you want from your business is increased conversion rate. Once your advertising campaign is successful, companies will start neglecting the testing variables for improving their conversion rates. Here we have a list of 10 tests that you should take for enhancing your Website Conversion Rate.

  1. Identify your USPs (Unique Selling Propositions):

All your products and services have some strong selling points but every point is not equally important for your customers. Test all your USPs in your advertisements, social media, prominent placements of the site for finding out which of these is going to affect your conversion rate the most. Once you find your best USPs, you will be able to make a proper plan for your communication strategy in such a way that will maximise your customer’s acquisition.

  1. Design Of Your Landing Page:

There are two phases in which you can check the design of your landing page. Phase one includes testing of several page designs to find out the most appealing point for your target customer. Always try to compare your images and the content based pages.

Phase two will ask for applying changes for performing designs in order to test how the different versions of the same page will have an impact on the success of your website. Majority of the time you should focus on the top section of your landing page.

  1. Call to Action at Landing Page:

Call to Action is one of the most important decisions to make for your website. This is mainly designed to make your customers ask you questions on the spot. What do you want customers to do on your website? However your clever marketers would answer all your questions: what actions does a customer can take on your page will maximize your profits. Testing your call to actions will definitely have a considerable impact o your bottom line.

  1. Landing Page Text:

Always test the positioning of your text: like where you place the testimonials? Where are you going to analyse the benefits and features. What type of headlines are you going to use at the top of the page for maximizing the interest of your visitor. You can use metrics like sales and average time on your site for evaluating the performance of your pages.

  1. Mobile versus desktop traffic ROI.

Desktop traffic and mobile phone traffic gets converted at different rates. You can compare how much marketing budget you are spending on all your devices with what you are getting in return and then lower your budget according to the revenues that you are getting.

  1. Pause The Traffic Source Based On Your Bounce Rate:

Completely check the quality of the incoming traffic to your website from all your marketing channels and check which of them are worth targeting because of the low average time and a high bounce rate on your website. You can then reallocate the budget to those channels for a higher conversion rate.

  1. Do Not Forget To Add A Chat Button:

Many of website visitors prefer to discuss their business and their requirements online before they make a call or buy a product. By installing a chat button on your website will help you a lot in converting your visitors into your customers.

  1. Customize Your Landing Pages Geographically:

Have you can customize your landing pages according to the top most geographical areas near your places and you can create dedicated pages that will offer you local deals like offering free shipping in New York.

  1. Conversion Rate Of Returning Users:

Always invest on users who visit your website often and spend some time on your website but are not getting converted into your customers. They might be interested in your offer but will take a round and will compare all the products first and then will come and buy your products. The best would be create a campaign for this and target your website visitors and then test different offers and some unique selling proportions for improving your sales.

  1. The Checkout Process:

Create a smooth checkout process and avoid missing out any potential customers when they are ready to get converted into your potential customers. Do not forget to check out your guests, short billing information forms and one-step checkout pages.

If you take care of these 10 points and keep on checking these, it will definitely help you in enhancing your website’s conversion rate. Testing is the only way for improving the conversion rate of your website. While there are a number of ways by which you can test but the above mentioned points will give you a great start.

11 Ways to instantly improve your website’s performance

By James Tredwell on September 24, 2018

You have a well-designed website, it is attracting, and it is providing informative content, it is well organized and gives a very pleasant experience to the visitors still your website fails to sell. WHY? What could be the possible reason in that case?

Well if we see logically, the average time for which a visitor holds on to a website is 10 – 20 seconds but if they find anything worthwhile they stay longer to the website and look into the products and services thoroughly. But in spite of all this there could be several factors that can lead to failure of your website. In this post we are going to discuss those factors: Let’s start:

1. Focus Is Not Focussed

Customers always want their business website to be focussed on them only. This means when you add sections that can provide them with suitable answers to their questions, you are addressing their needs. An easy way is to include some frequently asked questions on your FAQ page. The Content marketing will always ask you to highlight all the top questions, answer them on time and archive your searchable. Always try to make your answers reachable and making their experience simple.

2. Access after Signing Up

Some websites ask visitors to sign up before they could access their websites. This could be one of the reasons why your website is not working the way it is supposed to be. Majority of people think what if website is not of their use, signing up will only be a waste of time. People want to visit the link and wan to see the products and services as it gets open. If they see that they have to sign up first for accessing the website, they move away.

3. Slower Load Time

Your audience is impatient and they cannot wait for more than 2 or 3 seconds to look into your website. If you website fails to open, they will move to another website because moving to any other website will only take a new second than waiting for minutes to get your website open.

4. Your Website Is Not Mobile Friendly

90% of the population use their smart phones for browsing websites because mobile phone is the only thing they have 24*7 with them. If your website is not mobile friendly then you have already removed 90% of your customers from the list of visiting your website. Rest 10% will visit your website through their systems, laptops or any other device they feel like but because of some other drawbacks they will move away. And this will make a complete 100% loss to your business.

5. Visuals with Low quality

It is good that you are using visuals on your website in order to attract your potential customers but are you sure that these visuals are apt in quality? See if you are using low quality visuals on your website then it could harm the overall reputation of your business. So the best way is to use visuals or videos with good quality graphics. It is okay if you cannot afford HD at the moment; make use of high pixel visuals.

6. Lack in Color Usage

Designing an attractive website does not mean that you have to design it with all bright colors. You can always make an elegant website using elite and decent color combinations. In fact it is always good to choose colors that are elegant and decent. This always gives you website a unique and royal look. When you use a set of powerful colors and make your business instantly recognizable to your consumers they will always keep you in mind and will always refer you to their friends. This way you can gain interest of your potential customers in your business.

7. No Testimonials or Product Reviews

It would give your readers a very bad impression if you do not have any product review or testimonial on your website. If you think practically, we always look for reviews of the products or the testimonials about the services. If customers do not find any type of testimonial on your website or there is no product review they will consider your products and website as fake. They won’t come to you and your website will fail to make customers.

8. Difficult To Find

If your website is not under the reach and has been optimized for the keywords nobody is searching for then how come people will be coming to your website? And you expect your website to give you business! Is it really possible? No, not at all. It is the duty of a search engine executive to optimize your website according to the keywords that people are searching for. Only if you are easy to be seen and find only then people are going to approach you.

9. Information That Is Outdated

Well when was the last when you updated the information on your website? If you are not updating your website’s content on a regular basis, your clients and your readers will lose interest in your products and services. They visit your website to read what is new but if you are not providing them with what is new then why would they come to visit your website? So timely update the content on your website and allow them to read something which is interesting and new.

10. Invisible Contact information

Well if the contact information on your website is not visible how the person is going to contact you? If by any chance you missed to highlight your contact details then you will definitely miss some of your potential customers as they will move to some other website or some other station for their desired products. So be clear with your contact information and make sure that it is clearly visible to your visitors.

11. Audio or video auto plays

Auto play ad on the webpages is one of the prominent ways to annoy your visitors on your website. Unfortunately your publishers are really desperate for revenues and they are very happy in delivering autoplay ads on their websites. If you want to minimize the disruptions for your readers then limit your clips for five seconds or less or offer a pause button so that they could stop it when the ad runs for longer duration.

These are some true and crucial reasons that are causing your website to fail. Working on these points will definitely help you a lot in improving your online business. So what are you waiting for? Start analysing your website right now.

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