PHP vs Python: Important web development features and comparisons

By James Tredwell on November 1, 2021

One of the skills that are sought after the most in today’s fast-paced, technologically advancing world is Backend development. Every single business, be it a startup or a fully-grown business, will always require a business website and an app. Both website and mobile app development require a server that connects in the backend. Because of this, all backend developers have been in high demand in different companies and the market as every company is willing to spend a lot of money on the developers for managing the backend and developing it well. If you hire  web developer, you will know that all backend developers are different from the programming languages they use. The commonly used programming language that is mainly used for backend development include:

  • Python: One of the most popular choices of backend programming in Python. This happens to be a programming language that is relatively newer and is known for its library support.
  • PHP: The other programming language that has gained widespread popularity is PHP. It has been present in the market for a long time, and due to its features, it is being used till today. For example, the major social media giant Facebook has a significant part of its backend developed using PHP.
  • JavaScript: 

Another prevalent programming language that is gaining a lot of prominence due to its excellent web frameworks like NodeJava has captured a considerable place in the market at present. 

  • Ruby: Many startups are shifting from using the usual popular programming languages to ones with solid web development frameworks like Ruby on Rails. This has recently gained a lot of prominence and standing out in the crowd.
  • Dot NET: Although this happened to be a proprietary framework, currently, Microsoft has worked towards open source. This programming language has also attracted several developers to use this Language and is mostly used in businesses because of the backing provided by Microsoft.

The languages that have stood firm and have gained mass appeal are Python and PHP. Yet, new developers can be confused regarding which backend framework they should be learning. If you hire web developer, they will say that there are several things one needs to consider while choosing the best programming language like features, comprehensive framework, libraries, and time to learn the Language. But if you’re confused about what fits you the best, then these pointers will help you decode it. 

What is Python?

Python is a high functional programming language that was developed by Guido van Rossum and launched in 1991. Python can be used for web development, software development, system scripting and the like. Several data scientists and programmers love Python for its varied features like run on interpreter system, ability to work on different platforms, accessible to Cody syntax similar to the English Language and the like. Despite Python having several uses, the major ones include web applications, modifying files, handling extensive data, connecting database systems, and performing complex mathematics. If you hire web developers, they will say it is easy to learn features; beginners find Python to be a convenient language to start their programming journey.

Why Python?

  • The syntax of Python is easily understandable and easy to debug. This makes the source code of Python easy to maintain. 
  • Python is a portable language as it can be run on different platforms.
  • This programming language offers pre-built libraries to make development tasks more manageable.
  • When you hire web developer, he can address internal issues of memory and garbage collection with Python.
  • The interactive shell of Python allows the developers to test everything before execution.
  • Being a database friendly language, Python offers database interfaces to all the primary DBMS systems.
  • Python supports GUI applications and also has a robust framework for the Web. Example: Django, tkmter, WXPython.

Features of Python

  • Python is a programming language that is easy to learn and maintain.
  • Using the same interface, Python can be implemented on several platforms.
  •  Modules of low level can be easily included in the Python interpreter.
  • This programming language is the best for large code due to its structure. 
  • It also has the feature of automatic garbage collection.
  • Python can offer debugging and interactive sessions.
  • It offers high dynamic data types and dynamic data checks.
  • It allows easy integration with codes from C++ C and Java.

What is PHP?

PHP, also known as the Hypertext Pre – Processor, is an open-sourced scripted programming language widely used amongst developers. If you hire a web developer, you will understand that this programming language can generate several dynamic page content. It can open, create, write, read, delete, and close the files on the server. PHP can also collect form data and receive and send from cookies. It is database friendly, allowing easy addition, deletion, and modification in databases. It is also used for encryption of data and control of user access.

Why PHP?

  • This programming language runs on various platforms like Mac OS X, Unix, Linux, and Windows.
  • PHal offers compatibility with most servers like IIS and Apaches. 
  • PHP is easy to learn and run on the server-side.
  • It has a range of databases, and hence it is database friendly.
  • It is open-sourced and therefore free to download. 

Features of PHP

  • PHP supports various databases like MySQL, Oracle and easy database integration. 
  • If you hire web developer, you will know that the use of PHP to code is more manageable than other scripting languages.
  • The efficiency compared to other scripted languages like JSP and ASP is more. 
  • PHP can be used for free as it is open-sourced and easily downloadable.
  • This programming language also has some predefined error reporting constants that help to generate an error notice or warnings.
  • PHP creates a summary of the recent accesses of a user allowing access logging.

PHP vs Python Comparison in regards to Performance

Since we know the features of both programming languages, Python and PHP and why they are loved amongst programmers, these are a few essential comparison keys between them. 

1) Ease of Learning the Language:

Python is easier to learn compared to PHP, and there is no doubt about it. As Python is a general-purpose programming language, learners tend to grasp it quickly. Python is so simple to learn that most beginner courses in learning and teaching the fundamentals of programming use Python. If you hire a web developer, they will say that this programming language is shorter and, compared with other languages, it is easy to write and handle. Because of this, it has become the preferred choice for several applications. The syntax of Python is more straightforward and easily readable compared to all the other codes written in the different programming languages. PHP was never a programming language that was meant to be a general-purpose language. PHP was mainly designed for web applications and was more sophisticated with stand-alone programs. Hence, it is natural that PHP will take a lot more time to learn than Python. 

The time one takes to learn the programming language should be a crucial factor while choosing which programming language is better. For beginners, Python is better. At the same time, PHP can be difficult for a complete layman. PHP has grown in its complexity recently but was designed to create simplistic personal pages. The development community of PHP is also trying hard to provide a lot of support to its new programmers. Yet, owing to the inherent simplicity, Python overrules PHP in this regard as the syntaxes and constructs are very easy to read and grasp.

2) Community Support of the Language:

Both Python and PHP have fantastic community support. As PHP has been in the market for a longer time for the development of web applications, the community of PHP developers have increased over time and resulted in a vast community that provides support. Despite this, Python is a good player in this regard as several Python developers are continuously developing web applications in the market. This has resulted in excellent community support. As both the programming languages come to a neck-to-neck competition, it is challenging to determine the actual winner. The popularity of Python stems from the fact that Google started using it for some of the popular apps like YouTube. Several influential and eminent startups like Reddit, Pinterest, and Instagram also used Python as their programming language. Yet, the main backend of Facebook has been written in PHP and not Python. 

3) Documentation available for the Language:

Extensive documentation is available for both PHP and Python. There are great forums, websites, and discussion boards that offer excellent tutorials on developing applications using PHP and Python. Competition is a lot even in this regard, and both are equally good depending on the documentation availability of the Language. 

4) Pricing of the Language:

As both the programming languages are open-sourced and easily downloadable, they are entirely free. Here, both do not compete with each other but significantly win over the other paid web frameworks.

5) Library Support Offered by the Language:

The place where Python wins in comparison to PHP is library support. PHP lags in this regard wrt to Python. Yet, Packagist, the PHP packages repository, is a good backbone holding the PHP programming upright. Most of the web applications are being developed using Machine Learning. Learning libraries like Theano, TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit Learn are all excellent Machine Learning libraries provided by Python. Python stands out because these libraries are easy to use and understand, fast, and integrate well with web frameworks. Hence, if you hire web developer, they will say developing applications like these using Python is easier when compared to any other programming language.

6) Speed of the Language:

Despite the PHP 5. x versions being very slow and taking a lot of time in execution, the new launch of PHP 7. x is swift. It is almost 3 times faster than a regular Python program. Speed becomes a crucial assessing factor in performance-critical applications. For example, in a core banking system that gets millions of hits every day, a delay of three times can be significant and impact the overall system performance. Hence, PHP wins in this regard over Python. Despite this, for most of the simple applications, the scale of noticeable time lag is meagre. For most practical purposes, 30 milliseconds is the same as 10 milliseconds, given that the application is not latency-critical.

7) Choice of Web Frameworks:

The most common Python-based web frameworks are Flask, Django, Pylons, Pyramid, and the like. On the other hand, the PHP based web frameworks commonly used include Zend, Codeigniter, Laravel, Symfony, and the like. Django is a Python framework that is highly scalable, fast, secure and easy to grasp and use. It is pretty robust, and hence it is used widely in several applications. Similarly, the web frameworks of PHP – Codeigniter and Laravel are commonly used in the market. Most of the PHP applications currently are built on either of the 2 frameworks. Both Python and PHP are equally good choices in this regard. Yet, new developers enjoy and feel most comfortable using Django, given that the development time in Django is comparatively low and it is also easier to set up.

8) Debugging

Python provides a powerful debugger called PDB or the Python Debugger. Beginners feel that PDB is well documented and is easy to use. But on the other side, PHP provides the XDebug package for debugging. Both PDB and XDebug provide the debugging features that are commonly used, like stacks, path mapping, breakpoints and the like. There is no clear winner in this regard as both Python and PHP stand equal here.

To summarise the comparison and assessment of the two programming languages, it can be understood that both PHP and Python are robust languages. If you hire web developer, he might prefer PHP over Python, and some other developer might choose otherwise. Yet, Python seems to be the programming language of today and wins over PHP in several regards. If one is experienced in PHP, sticking to PHP is the best option. If you are still learning and at the intermediate level, you can consider learning Python to get better job opportunities. And if someone is starting out and wants to learn backend development, then Python is the best start, and they can easily upscale in no time to learn the Python-based frameworks.

Author Bio. :- Raman Arora is a blogger and passionate about programming languages, Web Development & Designing, Software Development and Digital marketing. Raman enjoys studying about today’s trending topics and is passionate about writing on all types of Programming languages.

Pros and Cons of Node.Js Trends That Will Influence in 2021

By James Tredwell on October 23, 2021

JavaScript is a well-known programming language that’s used in a variety of ways to create computer applications. As a result, hiring a node.js programmer for JavaScript programming becomes important. As a web-frontend advancement device, it has evolved into a vital cross-platform portable gadget for advancement.

Since JavaScript’s Node.js approach has gained popularity. According to Google Trends, and many Node.js development firms sprung up to meet the need. These are only some of the advantages for backend usage; there are a number more. Today’s commercial climate demands that businesses cover all areas of app development if they want to be successful. You can’t afford to be complacent in today’s competitive environment.

1.  A V8 Power Plant

Node.js’ greatest feature is the V8 engine implementation. This browser’s engine was created just for Chrome. Chrome’s V8 engine, developed in C++, serves a variety of purposes. These routines are the fastest since they are written in JavaScript and then converted to machine code. 

2. Respond to the asynchronous and non-blocking input or output request

Node.js reduces downtime by responding quickly to user requests. When working on the backend, synchronous processing demonstrates how code is executed in a certain order. Once one request has been stopped, the others will have to wait until the first one has been completed.

Asynchronous processing, on the other hand, allows requests to be made without stopping the thread. After processing the request, it sends out a call back and continues their request service in this manner.

This functionality aids Node.js in delivering quick response times and handling many tasks at once. Many major corporations choose Node.js apps because of the ability to see substantial improvements. 

3. Microservices technology that scales

In terms of microservice design, this Node.js technology is the ideal option since it is lightweight. The microservices divide the applications into logical and smaller components rather than creating a single large monolithic core.

With the apps being broken apart, there’s more room for future development and more flexibility. More microservices may be easily added on top of an existing programme rather than integrating new features with improved functionality of the core app.

As reported by Node.js User Survey results, microservice ecosystems are optional, and more than half of respondents use this technology to build Node.js web applications.

As a live implementation, the Node.js microservices architecture offers the following benefits immediately. It boosts conversion rates by 20%, and mobile conversion rates jump to 98% immediately after usage. Compared to other processes, it saves 20 to 25 percent on hardware and around 40 percent on software.

Node.js is a server-side runtime environment for running JavaScript scripts. Although it was first published in 2009, it’s had a significant effect since then. It peaked in 2017 and has been high ever since in the runtime environment. 

Node.js’s popularity can be attributed in part to its use in building real-time network applications. Because it’s open-source, it’s free and available to everyone. The event-driven I/O APIs are available to developers using Node.js. The runtime environment for cross-platform app development can also execute JavaScript code, thanks to Google’s JavaScript V8 engine for JavaScript.

Node.js quickly gained a reputation as one of the most innovative tools in the JavaScript ecosystem after its first release. As a result, we’ve compiled a list of Node.js’ best features for your perusal.

4. Ease of growth

When it comes to building scalable apps, node.js development company has long been considered a viable option. The cluster module in the cross-platform runtime environment helps with load balancing. The non-blocking event loop technique in Node.js makes it possible for servers to operate without interruption.

Node.js is the ideal platform for contemporary applications since it can scale up and down as needed. The overall performance of web applications is improved, and less resources are used as a result of using this technique. Node.js enables you to add more resources to individual nodes as your web application grows. These new resources aren’t replacing anything; they’re just supplementing it.

5. Full-stack JavaScript is inexpensive

Node.js allows programmers to create code for both the visible end and the back end with ease. This is due to the fact that it allows developers to create JavaScript server-side code. As a result, the business saves money by not having to employ two separate resource teams.

Additionally, it speeds up the whole web creation process while maintaining high quality standards. Using node.js development company, with full-stack JS eliminates the need to employ separate frontend and backend engineers. Because of this, Node.js may be effectively used by both established businesses and start-ups.

6. Astonishing Technology Stack

Having a strong technological stack is one of the primary reasons Node.js has become a household brand. The benefits of full-stack JavaScript programming are immediately included when using Node.js as a backend. 

The following are only a few notable Node.js advantages:

  • high levels of efficiency and rapidity
  • Increased output as a whole and improved effectiveness
  • There are many free tools available for developers to use.
  • Sharing and reusing of code is a feature.
  • Facilitation of team communication and knowledge exchange

In addition to the previously stated benefits, Node.js increases the overall flexibility of the development team. The end result will be software that is quicker and more dependable. In addition, by encapsulating the frontend and backend in modules, code reuse helps to create additional layers of abstraction.

7. Support for JSON

Node.js, in contrast to PHP and Ruby on Rails, does not communicate with binary models using JSON format. In the case of NoSQL database support, this functionality helps developers create RESTful APIs. 

The use of MongoDB in the MEAN Stack exemplifies the benefit of this functionality.Node.js is able to communicate with the most common data transmission protocols because of its JSON support. Node.js’s main advantage is that it’s easy to use.

8. Managing the time, it takes for an app to reach the market

Development teams use ‘Time-to-market’ as an important metric for assessing their overall success.

Node.js has the advantage of being small and fast. As a result, engineers are able to work more quickly on online projects. The team also receives pre-made scripts and libraries from GitHub, which saves them a significant amount of time in the development process.

Hire node.js programmer provides server-side and client-side JavaScript support, making it simpler for the development team to handle the scripts. Node.js developers have it easier than their counterparts when it comes to organising their scripts. Developers will also be able to get input from the production to execution phases. This greatly reduces the total time to market for the software.

9. The best option for specialised demands

Constant change is essential if you want to survive in today’s fiercely competitive market. Businesses, on the other hand, find it very difficult to adapt on a continuous basis. As a result, to hire node.js programmer may be your greatest friend if your goal is to investigate the industry’s dimensions or grow your user base. It’s the best choice for building specialised web applications for fast expanding industries. It has an API for creating DNS and HTTP servers.

10. Cross-platform app development is a popular choice

If you want to broaden your customer base, you’ll need cross-platform applications. With Node.js, cross-platform real-time applications can be developed with NW.js and Electron. Furthermore, developers save time by not having to create separate code bases for various operating systems.

There is no need to fear if your development team does not have extensive expertise of Objective-C or C#. Native apps may still be built with Node.js even if you don’t know any of the other languages listed above. Additionally, developers will get access to other Google tools for coding and debugging.

11. Processing of several requests at the same time

Node.js makes it easier to manage large numbers of requests at the same time. Node.js is often utilised in big and sophisticated web applications with a high number of users because of this advantage. In addition, Node.js has very little overhead while processing requests.

12. A faster time to load

The caching module in Node.js is one of the most useful features since it speeds up the loading process. As a result, the engineers may relax and focus on their job without distractions.Having a caching module has many advantages. When a request comes in for the web app’s initial module, it immediately caches itself in the app’s memory. As a result, the user doesn’t have to wait long to go to the web sites because of this.

13. Improved overall performance of the app

Multiple to-and-from requests have an effect on the performance of a complicated programme. Furthermore, with today’s fierce competition, you can’t have an app that can’t manage a large number of requests.

Businesses may benefit greatly from Node.js’ benefits in this scenario. Non-blocking asynchronous design is possible using Node.js’ single-threaded event loop paradigm. Because of the design, it’s not necessary to spend more resources to generate more threads.

Final words

Now, in order to create a decent product, you’ll need cutting-edge technology to back it up. Over the years, JavaScript has remained one of the most popular client-side scripting languages. JavaScript has evolved into a significant cross-platform app development technology and is also utilised in web frontend development thanks to continuous innovation.

Author Bio:- Ronak Meghani is a serial entrepreneur & eCommerce Consultant who has worked with small-medium-large companies. He is a co-founder of Magneto IT Solutions and has been closely working with eCommerce ventures since 2010. He has helped 200-plus international brands for building/improving their online ventures in the area of UI/UX, development, launching, revenue enhancement, marketing strategy, magento development, eCommerce support and much more, and 90% ventures are generating very good revenue. He’s enthusiastic about start-ups, entrepreneurship, sports, home decor ecommerce, automotive ecommerce, gems & jewellery web development, electronics ecommerce and all things marketing.

Is Magento Really the Best eCommerce Platform?

By James Tredwell on September 27, 2021

Over the last few years, the global eCommerce landscape has continued to change and grow as more and more people purchase their needs online. According to Statista, an average of 80% of consumers globally shop online. Businesses must create an eCommerce site to meet their customer’s demands and not lose business.

Building an eCommerce site is accessible with all the available beginner-friendly platforms like Shopify. But if you are not acquainted with technology and the internet, looking for the best eCommerce platforms may be difficult. It might be overwhelming to find the perfect one with all the pool of options online. You might need to weigh the price, pros and cons, and features.

However, one platform is considered the best by many web developers and business owners, Magento. This eCommerce platform is excellent, that big corporations like Nike, Nestle, and Ford use it for their eCommerce websites.

This article will help you understand why we consider Magento as one of the best.

What Is Magento?

Magento is an open-source eCommerce CMS platform available on the market. It is considered one of the best eCommerce platforms as it provides online merchants with the option to customize their online stores. The platforms offer flexibility and control in the design and overall functionality of the website.

Originally, Magento was developed by Variend Inc. in 2008. It was later acquired by Adobe Inc. in 2018. Up to this date, more than 100,000 online stores have been created on this platform, selling $155 billion worth of products.

Why is Magento the best eCommerce Platform?

Many developers and business owners try to compare different eCommerce platforms like Shopify vs WooCommerce vs Magento. Still, Magento is considered one of the top eCommerce platforms. Magento, remarkably, is the go-to platform of many merchants and web developers. To this date, 12% of online retails stores use Magento.

But why is it trendy? As mentioned earlier, Magento offers a competitive edge that is not available on other platforms. It is flexible and helps merchants create powerful marketing campaigns, integrate SEO, and develop catalog-management tools.

Understandably, many business owners might still not be convinced with this explanation. It is scary to commit some of the most common eCommerce mistakes, like choosing the wrong platform. Thus, here are some explanations for why Magento is considered the best platform.

10 Reasons Why Magento is the Best eCommerce Platform

Being the best eCommerce platform for products and services, Magento helps companies deliver seamless shopper experiences and increase sales and revenue. As such, here is a more in-depth description of the features of Magento:

1.   Magento is open source

As above-mentioned, Magento is an open-source CMS that was built using PHP. You can use Magento to develop your own website and online stores for free. You just need to pay for web hosting, around $10 per month. In addition, Magento also has an enterprise edition that works well with large brands that offer more products. This version, however, costs $18,000 per year but covers more features than the free one.

2. Third-party components and extensions

One feature that made Magento popular and successful is that it can easily be integrated with third-party tools, solutions, and frameworks. The platform supports integration for many third-party extensions and applications, making it easier for developers and owners to update their online stores.  Might it be a secure payment gateway, shipping software, inventory management, or CRM software, Magento lets you add this to your website effortlessly?

Aside from that, you can also perform an in-depth analysis using another programming language such as Python. All you need to do is load up the Magento data on a third-party cloud data warehouse and connect Python to this database. You can now analyze the data using Python or other best Python frameworks.

3.   Tons of customization options

Magento accommodates more than just extensions and plugins. The platform is highly customizable, and any merchant can tailor their online store that fits their needs and brand. With Magento, everything is customizable – from layout, designs, and colors to product details, payment gateways, and shipping methods.

A poorly designed store can ruin your business’ image. Magento frontend provides highly extensible themes that can be customized and transformed in appearance. In addition, the platform offers several tools such as Magento Blank Theme, an overview of UI Components, and an admin pattern library. These tools can help you or your developers in the storefront customization process. With Magento, you can customize the user’s dashboard and design the perfect store.

The customization options do not stop from there. Magento Backend customization is also possible to be implemented. The backend is your store’s data access layer where most information is being held. The backend contains product data, orders, customer information, terms and conditions, and more. It helps eCommerce websites to operate by processing and storing transferring data to and from the front end.

Magento makes it easier for business operators to handle orders and shipping with its features like multiple product editing, orders management and fulfillment, targeted and integrated shipping, and more.

4.   Great speed and highly scalable

Magento is considered one of the fastest eCommerce platforms available online. The loading page of Magento eCommerce sites is impressive even when the website receives a high volume of traffic.

The loading speed of web pages is vital for traffic, conversions, and SEO. Both customers and merchants would want an online store that loads fast. No customer would visit an online store that takes ages to load, which could affect business sales. In addition, slow loading pages can increase your website’s bounce rate, which affects your SEO.

Magento is great for any kind of store, from tiny starting businesses to huge established companies. The platform is entirely scalable. You can add more features and products anytime without affecting the speed and performance of your website.

5.   Security is easy

SSL Security and dedicated IP can easily be implemented with Magento. It can help a customer feel safe when buying from you and when providing personal information. Magento is compliant with the Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS) and follows a global security standard with 14 vital protection criteria compared to other eCommerce platforms.  PA-DSS is perfect for large businesses that sell products globally.

6.   A great community

One perk of using Magento is its vast global community of developers who share tips with each other. These individuals help each other in solving technical support issues through multiple forums and events. You don’t need to worry when you face any problems. The community can help you with bug fixes using the latest innovations.

Aside from that, Magento has volunteers worldwide that create patches and plugins to make the software the best as possible.

7.   Mobile-friendly and  responsive design

Mobile devices today are basically people’s extensions of their arms. They carry their mobile devices anywhere. In eCommerce, a large percentage of transactions are now being done via mobile devices. Due to this, online stores need to be mobile responsive for flawless continuous business.

The Magento eCommerce features responsive web design (RWD) websites that provide users optimal UI/UX across any platform, from desktop computers to tablets to mobile devices. Magento ensures that all stores built on its platform can run and be viewed flawlessly on all handheld devices.

8.   SEO uriented eCommerce platform

SEO is important to all businesses. It helps enterprises increase traffic, leads, and sales. It can also help companies to establish their brand. As such, companies need to pick an eCommerce platform that is SEO-friendly. This way, you can take your search engine ranking to the next level.  

Magento created advanced SEO features that let business owners improve their page ranking in popular search engines. The platform enables you to optimize your web page URLs, develop a sitemap, create snippets, optimize keywords, add Alt tags for images, and more. With these built-in features, Magento is regarded as the most distinguished eCommerce platform SEO-wise as you can quickly integrate your SEO strategies into your website.  

9.   Multiple website option

One of Magento’s key features is its multiple store management. You host and control many websites in just one backend account. Business owners who operate numerous brands can create as many online stores as possible and handle them in a single admin panel.

This feature can also help businesses that cater worldwide and have customers using various languages. Magento allows developers to expand and extend their platforms and create multiple versions of your current website with different languages and currencies.

In this way, Magento benefits business owners and shoppers of all kinds.

10.   It can be integrated with CRM

To top up its own powerful features, Magento allows CRM integration to efficiently manage the business processes. With CRM integration, you can generate high-quality customer insights and enhance your customer’s support quality and marketing campaigns. Good customer experience can help businesses to upgrade and gain even more consumers.

In addition, features like contact management, marketing automation, social media channels, and email marketing can be integrated into your Magento CRM. A great CRM solution can help retailers with their businesses and make things easier for their team.

The Bottom Line!

Magento is an excellent and one of the best multi-channel eCommerce platforms available out there. It provides outstanding features that can help online store owners create their dream eCommerce website that is fast, optimized, and user friendly. It offers features that other platforms do not such as CRM, SEO, and tools.

So, before you miss out, try and leverage Magento and create the best eCommerce website.

Author Bio. :- Roque Pospos is a digital content specialist for Flexisource IT Outsourcing, a team of Agile experts and certified professionals committed to improving traditional outsourcing practices.

What Makes Angular The Best Web Development Framework?

By James Tredwell on September 27, 2021

In today’s world, every company has to make a significant impact on the internet and have a strong presence. This can occur when the business owner makes a website that provides the best features and an exceptional user experience that’s efficient and reliable as well. However, when we speak of web development there are several options that one can choose from. 

Often this is where the business owners get confused and can’t decide on the framework for app development. One of the best that you can go for is Angular Js. The capabilities of Angular can assist any business to cater to several kinds of business development requirements for making sure you get the expected outcome. 

Here we shall take an in-depth look at all that you need to know about Angular and features that make it best amongst the competitors. For more, keep reading ahead and see what makes Angular the best web development framework!

AngularJs: What Is It?

Angular JS is the structural framework that can be used for app development by companies for the creation of dynamic web applications. This enables developers the use of HTML for being the template language and provides them with HTML’s syntax for expressing varied application components in a much precise and clear manner. 

Some of its general features include:

  • The technology for providing the developers with the options for writing client-side applications by using javascript for the clean Model View Controller (MVC) way.
  • It has an efficient framework for helping in the creation of RIA (Rich Internet Applications).
  • The applications get written by using Angular are compliant with cross-browser.
  • Angular JS is an open-sourced framework that comes with free features. The framework has been licensed with Apache version 2.0.

Overall the framework of AngularJs lets the developers make maintainable, large-scale, and efficient performance applications.

What Is the Reason for Angular’s Popularity?

A lot of companies have been using Angular for creating websites. Some of the biggest names include Samsung, Microsoft, Google, Santander, VMware. Now there are several reasons for considering Angular for being the best and has led to its popularity:

  • The ease of use.
  • Angular offers the users with professional websites that have lesser code when we compare it with its rivals. 

AngularJs Benefits

Here is the list of major benefits that AngularJs has:

  • It provides the capacity of creating one-page applications.
  • The technology provides the data-binding capacity to HTML.
  • It makes use of dependency injection.
  • AngularJs codes are unit testable.
  • With AngularJs one can see entire HTML pages, with controllers that are written in Java for business processing.
  • It provides reusable components.
  • AngularJs is the technology for offering developers higher functionality through shortcodes. 

AngularJs Drawbacks

There are also some disadvantages of AngularJs like:

  • As it’s a framework with the only JavaScript, all of the applications that are written with AngularJs aren’t safe. 
  • In case the user of this application has disabled JavaScript they won’t be able to see anything apart from the basic page.

Top Reasons That Make Angular the Best Web Development Framework

Several companies provide web development services that are Angular-based. Therefore one has to be wise for choosing the right ones. Here are some of the top reasons that make Angular the best web development framework!

1. Google Support

AngularJs is the framework that has been created as well as maintained by Google. It has been known for being the best and highly practiced AngularJs framework by team members of app development. A lot of them also prefer taking the benefit of AngularJs for app projects. Then there are toolkits offered by Google that will be allowing them for creating user-friendly and unique applications. 

AngularJs had been developed as most app developers had begun using technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript for front-end and back-end languages. Apart from that, the service providers by Google offer high security for users of the AngularJs framework.

2. Easy to Use

By using AngularJs all of the developers get access to several features that make web application development very easy, effortless, and time-saving task. Apart from that, this also allows developers with writing lesser codes and creating the best applications with higher implementation time. 

MVS architecture is supported by AngularJs that creates app developing work and also everything gets easier for development teams. Developers are only going to work on getting and set functions in case they need to apply the data models. Also, all of the other team members that aren’t included with app codes will be able to work on directives.

3. App Development in Declarative Code

The declarative code model is followed on AngularJs. This is great as it can also be used for developing patterns that are frequently accessible and can result in optimum codes that are lightweight and also ease reading and writing. 

This doesn’t specify and define each of the application steps and just the specific ones that help in producing needed outcomes.

4. Data Binding Is Two-Way

The framework of AngularJs is in demand across varied industries. And the reason for that is its functionality of two-way data binding. With this, we mean that even when a developer makes any change in the application object it will be able to influence the user interface. And vice-versa can happen as well. With this framework, both probabilities of user action that takes place and module changes can work simultaneously.

The two-way data binding process is when the framework is triggered through any of the events over the web browser, and this can also cause modules with user actions over web pages for changing and updating the needed and critical patterns. Apart from that, there isn’t any need for direct manipulation or storing links over DOM, this can result in using model-state-terms.

5. The Best Community Support

AngularJs is one of the best technologies that has been made and maintained by expert engineers of Reddit and Google+. This is a framework that also has the best community support by members of their core team and the one that suggests improvements or makes fixes. 

All of these members are constantly having conferences worldwide for all of the developers of AngularJs and discuss differently IT queries too. Aside from this, there are several online resources and books available that one can go for if you are an AngularJs developer. This also means that the developers get to be associated with the community bit also can connect with the engineers and get answers to any of the queries.

6. Features Are SPA-Oriented

AngularJs and SPAa go with each other. For example, AngularJs provides varied forms of validation capability. In case the web page makes use of forms then FormController assists in writing down the states. By making use of such data, developers can change easily the behavior of HTML elements in their user interface. There are also important built-in validates for getting help in tracking errors and handling them for enabling validate creations when needed.

7. Higher Flexibility for Creating Application

With AngularJs, all of the channels, stay independent for the capacities and this enables information filtration for the information before it reaches view. This can differ from one application to another and according to the functions similar to adding decimals on numerical, execution of pagination, and also turning content strings. The AmgularJs channels have been used in controllers, administrations, directives, and formats. The upgrades are resourceful and can also be handled using an HTML table without JavaScript.

Is Angular A Superior Framework?

Angular has slowly become one of the most used development tools and had got much recommendations and recognition by developers across the world. As the popularity has been increasing for creating user interfaces, the Angular community also has widely increased. There is so much that the tool offers to businesses and therefore its providing opportunities for discovering its new functionalities, features, and benefits for web and mobile app development.

AngularJs has been developed by Google and is one of the best choices you can make for app development today. The framework eases the website development front-end work. It depends on MVC patterns and has been used for developing quality single-page applications. There are vital features like scope management, API client, directives, filters, and validation. This comes with tools and components for reducing the time that one spends on their application development as well.

Wrapping It Up!

As you can see from the above review, Angular is currently one of the web application development technologies that are growing fast. It is also the preferred framework for the developers that need to make feature-rich solutions. 

When you are a business owner, it’s best to hire a company for web development that has quality experience on AngularJs and the ones that can create an apt product. Apart from that, when you make use of the framework, it’s always recommended that you use tools for testing the way your web application and website work on different devices.

Author Bio.: With over 6 years of experience as a leader in web development, Ravi Kumar is Founder & Editor at WHRX. Passionate about all things data; providing actionable business intelligence in digital, designing and development, future tech; and venture bubbles.

10 Best Python Frameworks for Web Development 2021

By James Tredwell on July 17, 2021

Ever since the Google hunt results for the year 2019 declared Python as the second most public semantics on the internet, the popularity of the Python framework is on the rise.

Python web frameworks can quickly help build scalable enterprise applications that have the capacity of handling millions of users at once without crashing. Moreover, being one of the most influential languages, Python enables apps to process multiple queries in a single instance.

The ever-increasing demand for Python is due to three main reasons. Firstly, Python comes with excellent Scalability and Machine Learning capabilities that have made it a promising programming language. Secondly, Python frameworks and libraries allow enterprises to build Machine Learning projects. Lastly, Python offers computational capabilities, statistical algorithms, and scientific programming, three critical elements for any AI and ML-based app.

We can say that Python is undoubtedly one of the most efficient programming languages. Many renowned businesses offer credits to the Python Web development and the Python web development company of their progress.

If you are also on the bandwagon of choosing Python as your framework, then this post is just the right place for you. Here we will discuss about the ten best Python frameworks for web development in 2021.

10 Best Python Frameworks for Web Development 

#1. Django

Django is a full-stack Python web application framework that makes one of the best Python frameworks for web development. It offers everything that a framework should have – right from authentication and URL routing to template engine and object-relational mapper, Django has it all.

Moreover, it is a highly time-efficient language and has a versatile Python framework for web development that follows the Don’t Repeat Yourself principle and has various libraries.

Interestingly, amongst the web development frameworks, Django occupies a 14.2% market share and ranks as the tenth most used framework globally.

Some of the key features of Django are-

  • It helps developers in avoiding multiple security mistakes.
  • Faster development that lets developers take web applications from concept to launch in a short time.
  • Django’s user authentication system offers a safe way to manage user details.

#2. Flask

Flask is one of the best Python frameworks for web development in the market used for robust web development. With its simple yet powerful framework and a plethora of extensions, it can quickly serve a simple API to a web server.

Flask comes with features like a built-in debugger, HTTP request handling, in-built development server, unit testing support, RESTful request dispatching, and much more. One of the most loved features of the flask framework is that it is known for rapid deployment and can take up the website running in seconds.

Following Django, Flask is the 11th most popular framework with a share of 14.2% in the web development industry.

Some of the key features of Flask are-

  • Flask has excellent flexibility
  • Flask aims to keep the core simple but extensible
  • The framework includes many hooks to customise its behaviour

#3. TurboGears

Similar to Django, TurboGears is a full-stack Python web application framework with huge libraries that bring together the best of other Python frameworks.

TurboGears offers all that you could ask from a good Python framework. It has multi-database support, PasteScript templates, MVC architecture, command-line tools, and other robust features. Its flexibility and reusable snippets for web apps make TurboGears popular amongst Python developers.

Some of the critical features of TurboGears are-

  • Solves complex industrial-strength problems.
  • It comes with a transaction manager that helps with multi-database deployments.
  • Offers official support for MongoDB
  • Provides support for multiple template engines

#4. CherryPy

CheeryPy is a well-known Python web framework that is popularly known for its stability. Being one of the best Python web frameworks, CheeryPy is used for building applications with small source code quickly compared to other Python web frameworks. Owing to its multi-threaded web server capabilities, the web running on CherryPy can work as standalone apps.

Moreover, this Python framework has a built-in plugin and a powerful configuration system that can work with any technology for templates, databases, and more.

Some of the key features of CherryPy are-

  • Has a robust configuration system for developers.
  • Comes with built-in profiling, coverage, and testing support.
  • Includes tools for caching, sessions, encoding, authentication, static content etc.
  • Has a reliable, HTTP/1.1-compliant, WSGI thread-pooled webserver.
  • Offers a flexible plugin system.


Web2Py is one of the best Python web frameworks for businesses that want a scalable web application. It comes with full-stack web development capabilities and includes its web-based IDE with a debugger and a code editor.

Web2Py is mainly used for web development with Python and provides backward compatibility along with in-built data security. Additionally, it also offers MVC architecture, support for internationalisation, and role-based access controls. Web2Py also offers a ticketing system that is an essential feature in Python web development these days. It is interesting to note that there are about 2,000 web applications and websites that use Web2Py globally.

Some of the critical features of Web2Py are-

  • Guides a web developer for good software engineering practices. For instance, using the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern.
  • It automatically checks for the issues that can lead to security breaches by following well-established practices.
  • Web2Py includes a Database Abstraction Layer (DAL) that writes SQL dynamically.

#6. Bottle

This is for the ones who love minimalistic Python web services framework. Bottle enables the execution of every application in a single source file, thereby making the development quick and straightforward.

The Bottle is an ideal choice for one who wishes to learn the arrangement of Python web frameworks and prototyping. Moreover, the Python framework offers an adapter that supports third-party template engines and comes with plugin support for multiple databases, an in-built HTTP server, and provides request dispatching routes.

Some of the key features of Bottle are-

  • Can run with Python 2.7 and 3.6+.
  • It is fast, has a Pythonic “built-in template engine,” and supports mako, jinja2 and cheetah templates.
  • The Bottle has convenient access to form data and headers. Facilitates file uploads, cookies, and other HTTP-related metadata.
  • Offers a built-in HTTP development server and supports Bjoern, Google App Engine, CherryPy or any other WSGI capable HTTP server.

#7. Pyramid

Being a flexible Python web application framework, Pyramid offers development for both simple and complex applications. Python developers love this extensibility and that it provides numerous resources to extend its potential.

Pyramid offers features like flexible authorisation, function decorators, single-file applications, renderers, and much more. Pyramid, a Python back-end framework, enables programmers to select templating language, database layers, and generation libraries.

Some of the key features of Bottle are-

  • Offers excellent support for Python 3.8 and 3.9.
  • It comes with new security APIs to support the authentication and authorisation system.

#8. Falcon

The primary objective of the Python framework, Falcon, is to build rapid APIs. Falcon aims to have 100% code coverage and doesn’t wait for the load to create HTTP APIs. Falcon offers multiple benefits like speed boost, ease of access for headers and REST-inspired resource classes. One of the most popular MNC, LinkedIn, uses Falcon as its technology stack.

Some of the key features of Falcon are-

  • Includes a highly optimised and extensible codebase.
  • Offers easy access to headers as well as bodies
  • Falcon provides DRY request processing via middleware components and hooks.

#9. Quixote

The Python framework, Quixote, is a framework for writing Web-based applications. One of the major goals of this framework is to provide flexibility along with exceptional, high-performance during web development.

Quixote comes with are three major versions, namely, versions 1, 2 and 3. Out of the three versions, versions 1 and 2 are similar but are incompatible, and version 1 is no longer maintained. However, the third version of Quixote requires Python 3 but is mainly similar to Quixote 2.

Note that the version 2 and 3 of Quixote are actively maintained and are used by numerous public website and web developments.

Some of the key features of Quixote are-

  • It offers flexibility and high performance.
  • It comes with a Python Template Language for producing HTML with Python code.

#10. CubicWeb

CubicWeb is an open-source semantic web application framework that is written in Python and is free to use. It allows Python developers to build web applications by reusing components known as cubes and following the well known object-oriented design principles. Owing to all these factors, Python programmers can effectively develop robust web applications.

Some of the key features of CubicWeb are-

  • CubicWeb comes with a query language named RQL, similar to W3C’s SPARQL.
  • It comes with a library of reusable components that fulfil everyday web development needs.
  • Now that you know about the best Python framework for web development, let’s discuss the next most obvious question.

How to choose the Python framework that suits you?

Python framework offers stellar performance and allows room for high-quality web application development. Interestingly, 35% of IT professionals in India prefer Python programming and Python web development.

However, not every Python framework will suit your business or work for your project. Thus, if you require Python enterprise apps, you should consult a good Python development company that can help you decide the framework that is best for you.

This article is contributed by Apoorv Gehlotis the founder of Matellio Inc, a software engineering studio based in California, USA.

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