
Do Spelling & Grammar Matter In Content Marketing?

By James Tredwell on January 8, 2021

 Good content is a crucial constituent of any marketing strategy, irrespective of its objectives or medium. In this age of digital marketing, CONTENT is the KING.

Eye-catching and engaging content can draw the attention of millions, enhance brand awareness, nudge the audience to action, and build a formidable online reputation.

Flawless content that hooks, interests, and converts is the key behind any successful content marketing campaign.

Quality of content is crucial to its success. Nobody wants to read something filled with errors, and erroneous content can put off any potential client or consumer.

This is all the more applicable for written content, as wrong spelling and grammar can be the bane of them all. Low quality content will eat away at a brand’s reputation and make it an object of ridicule.

Shoddy content sends out all the wrong signals and shows a sense of carelessness & irresponsibility on the brand’s part.

Let us look a bit deeper and determine why correct spelling & grammar play such a large role in content marketing.

Why Spelling and Grammar Are Important in Content? 

Bad grammar and wrong spellings will damage your content’s reputation. Period. There are no two ways about it. While many might consider spelling and grammatical mistakes to be relatively trivial, but a typo or wrong grammar at the wrong place and at the wrong time can wreak havoc.

While professional proofreading services and online grammar checkers utilities are some excellent ways to review and refine any content, understanding why grammar and spelling are vital for a content’s success can help you save a lot of time & money.

So, let’s find out why spelling and grammar are so critical for content.

  • According to, poor spelling and grammar in online content cost the United Kingdom millions of pounds in online businesses’ revenues. Potential leads vanish into thin air as poor quality content puts a big question mark on a site’s credibility. Sales figures drop cut in half, and brands often have to carry out extensive damage control to salvage their reputation.
  • It is quite natural since no one will avail of the services from a website that posts content full of errors. With hundreds of other options out there on the Web, there is a minimal margin for such silly mistakes in one’s online content.

Arthur, a content marketing writer from, one of the United Kingdom’s largest academic writing service, has this to say about flawed content, “Erroneous content shines a bad light upon the company and tells the audience that you do not care about the things you publish! Why would 

  • Written content is the primary means of communicating with an online audience. Keeping in mind the average attention span of a human being, any written content has about six seconds to connect with someone. Inappropriate content can spoil that golden chance of grabbing the eyes of your targeted audience.
  • Every content aims to make that strong first impression. Poor spellings and wrong grammar can pour water on such intent and ruin content marketing strategies’ grandest. says that low quality content does not only degrade user experience but damages SEO rankings too.
  • Misspelled and grammatically incorrect web content tarnishes the credibility of a website and a brand, sometimes irreversibly.

Edward, a blogger from, says, “Why would anyone want to read something full of errors? Spelling and grammar mistakes are as bad as misinformation and can severely damage reputation, traffic, and impressions. You are bound to lose even the most loyal of your followers if your production quality is poor!”

  •  The primary aim of any written content is to inform and engage a targeted or a general audience.  Flawless spelling and impeccable grammar in a written content can ensure the following:

1. Make an excellent first impression:  With the average human attention span dwindling with each passing year, first impressions are critical for successful engagement. You want your content to make an inimitable initial impression that grabs attention, showcases knowledge & professionalism, and earns respect.

2. Builds reputation: Besides accurate information, flawless content is also critical for developing a strong reputation. Quality written content is necessary if you want to establish yourself as an authority in your domain. A good reputation means more trust from your audience and enhances a brand’s standing & worthiness compared to the competition.

3. Boosts Rankings & gives a competitive edge: Spick and span content can boost traffic & make it the preferred choice amongst the audience. Unique content will increase customer loyalty as it provides value and improves user experience. Everybody enjoys well-written content that is easy to read & follow. It is vital to understand what your audience wants and deliver it in the best way possible.

Organic searches and word-of-mouth buzz are critical aspects of any kind of online marketing, including content marketing. And, alongside search engine optimization and delivering value, content must possess the unquestionable quality to rank high in search engine rankings. Both Bing and Google state that grammar is a critical factor in SERPs, and poor spelling & grammar negatively affect search engine rankings.

Google’s Panda algorithm update was designed to reduce the rank of websites with low quality content and boost the ranks of the ones with good quality.

4. Showcases the creator’s care and responsibility: Exemplary content delivered with consistency shows that you care about what you are doing and are responsible for your actions.

According to an article on, poor grammar is a significant factor and scares away more than 50% of all visitors and potential leads. Given the minuscule amount of time content has to impress an individual, a website or written content riddled with typos and errors can spell doom for anyone.

Content marketing is all about impressing the audience with unique and outstanding content. So, flawless spelling & grammar & superior quality should not just be a feature but a necessity of every kind of web content.

Here are some bonus FREE tips from content marketing experts for crafting awesome content!

 Some Tips To Crafting Charismatic Content  

Go through these excellent tips from content marketing teams of two of the Web’s leading writing services, and, and start impressive content today!

    • Hooking an audience is only the first step. Connecting with them is the next stage, and for that, the content needs to understand their audience’s persona & intent. Put yourself in their shoes and learn about their needs, interests, concerns, & preferences. 
    •   Deliver informative content that helps educate your audience. Familiarize them about products & services through your content, offer them a new perspective, and help them understand better. If your content can do so, then it is one step closer to making a conversion.
    • Be empathetic to their concerns, converse academically, and impeccably provide accurate information.
  •  When it comes to online content, people are spoilt for choice. Find out all the things necessary to attract and keep an audience engaged. Keeping things remarkable & relevant will prevent a reader from getting bored and going elsewhere. Entertain, inform, and deliver value.
  • Be different. Offer something that none of your competitors can. Find exciting and innovative ways to engage your visitors. While it is vital to add useful information, do not go overboard while doing so. Offer chunks of interesting & valuable information and leave them wanting for more.
  • Deliver such exceptional quality of information to convince them to perform some action. Call to action work only when the adjoining content leaves an impression on the audience. If they relate to what you are saying, the chances are that they will take action as you want them to and check out what else you have to offer.

And, that brings us to the conclusion of this piece. I hope this article helped you understand why right spelling and grammar will always be a critical aspect of content marketing.  

Craft content that resonates with your audience and helps you earn their trust & respect. All the best!

Author-Bio: Nathan Williams is a content writer and digital marketing professional in a renowned marketing firm from Texas. A 14 years industry veteran, he is the brains behind numerous successful ad and marketing campaigns, both online & traditional. In his free time, you can find him offering excellent guidance to students at Myassignmenthelp, one of the USA’s most prominent academic writing services.


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