
Top 9 Full Stack Web Development Frameworks

By James Tredwell on April 30, 2020

With the rapid rise of fresh and sophisticated technologies, people are now able to effortlessly complete any task at hand. Also, with the advancement of online space, the process of development of web apps is becoming more refined.

The web apps developed now highly updated with more complex features. This rapid advancement has also led to a rise of customers, thereby benefiting the businesses.

Companies now look forward to avail web application development services that employ developers who have skills upgraded with the upcoming trends and are capable of producing productive outcomes.

The development of websites, web apps, web services, web resources and lot more are supported by the various web application development frameworks. Frameworks are simply libraries that assist in the efficient and effortless development of your web apps.

However, markets are now getting flooded with numerous web development frameworks. This makes it quite difficult to choose a framework that would be suitable for your project.

Though the process can be made simpler by simply having knowledge about some food, the top full stack web development frameworks mentioned below:

Top 10 Full Stack Web Development Frameworks 

You can check the popularity of different web development frameworks from Builtwith site’s analysis. It has helped us rank all the top frameworks below:

1. Vue.JS

VueJS is considered to be one of the most adaptive and best framework for web development process. Vue js development is employed to develop some of the best user interfaces. Due to its feature-rich quality, it is able to integrate with the already existing projects without any efforts. The integration process of your project along with Full stack Vue, does not require any additional build setup and is quite an easy task.

Moreover, if you plan on developing a seamless single page application, then it’s ideal to opt for a high-end, reliable Vue JS development company due to the availability of modern tools and supporting libraries.

2. Angular JS 

Angular JS development is based on JavaScript – comprehensive language and is basically a front end framework. This open-source platform is widely popular for being utilized for the development of single-page applications (SPAs). Angular was originally developed by Google and in recent years has been gaining huge popularity.

Angular JS framework can be utilized to build dynamic web pages with the help of HTML and JavaScript. In addition to this, the framework also makes use of Declarative Paradigm for the creation of patterns. This makes the core lightweight as well as easier to understand.

Tagging along with so many features and benefits, it is best to contact the top angular JS development company to avail their services and increase your business profits.

3. Symphony Framework 

Symphony is quite a flexible and reusable type full stack web development framework that offers you with multiple useful features. Employing a framework like this could help the developers with efficiently working with a RAD environment.

Typically based on the MVC system ( Model View Controller), it also allows error logging, session management and decoupled components. The framework is easy to maintain and can be worked upon along with various frameworks from client aide along with third-party applications.

4. Yii Framework 

This is another powerful and flexible web development framework that is considered to be a universal framework. This is mainly because Yii can be used to build any kinds of web application in general.

If your business involves developing e-commerce websites, high traffic apps, Content Management System, portals or any other complex web apps, then you can always hire fullstack developers who can work well with this framework.

This framework is widely known for its unbeatable security feature, and it also offers numerous cache mechanisms that include cDummyCache, cMemCache and cFileCache. Along with clear documentation, the framework also comes along with some important features that could facilitate an improved web app development process.

5. Rails Framework 

Ruby on Rails development services is one of the most reliable full stack web development programs. Being a flexible and open-source framework, Rails is typically considered to be a general-purpose type web development framework.

This back end platform follows two major approaches that include :

  • CoC Approach – Convention Over Configuration
  • DRY Approach – Don’t Repeat Yourself

Both these approaches mainly focus on developing web apps that are light in weight and quite flexible. This also ensures that the interaction between third-party apps takes place effortlessly without any flaws.

6. Laravel

Laravel is quite an exquisite framework that is known to have an expressive structure. The framework with the help of which ordinary errands are easily backed out. These include storing, authentication, steering and sessions.

The framework is widely used for its ability to make the development process more fun and simpler. Due to its excellent stability, scalability, features and performance, Laravel is considered to be the top popular web app development framework

7. Tensor Flow 

Tensor Flow is nothing but an open-source library that is used for performing mathematical computation and is most prominently utilized for the development of apps for Artificial intelligence.

Though this framework can be used in general for any particular application, yet it is highly preferred in the field of Deep Learning.

8. Cake PHP 

This framework does not particularly involve building an app from scratch and therefore provides great assistance to the developers. Cake PHP also offers tons of advantageous features that include faster code generation and a significant reduction in the cost of development.

The main reason why the web all development process becomes faster because of its amazing ability to reuse the same code again. Other elements too greatly contribute to reducing the overall development time.

9. Meteor JS 

For those of you who wish to engage a faster web development process must definitely hire web app developers that are well versed with this popular framework. Meteor JS is a popular framework based on JavaScript that has an astonishing range of packages and libraries. This platform can also be utilized for the process of cross platform web app development.

Final Words

The ever-growing upsurge in the tech world is giving rise to newer frameworks and tools that enhance the web app development process. With the competition turning out to be more fierce, you have to choose the one that is perfectly fit for your requirements.

This challenging task can be easily accomplished by having a look at the above section. Choose that development framework that suits your project well enough to yield absolute results and ultimately lead to the growth of your business. Furthermore, opt for the most renowned custom web application development company in India or web development company in USA that could cater to your business requirements.


Q). What Is Full Stack Development? 

Full Stack Development involves developing web apps that could be back end, debugging, front-end, database as well as websites.

Q). How Can Full Stack Web Development Help In Enhancing Your Business?  

Full stack development is highly beneficial to businesses mainly because of factors such as cost reduction, productivity boost, time-saving, and lot more. Every web app development company is incorporating this process.

Q). What Are The Benefits Of Full Stack Development? 

Full stack development is highly beneficial to business projects mainly due to the fact that it is a combination of back end as well as front end development. This allows the developer to switch sides between server and client as and when required.

Author Bio :- Asha works as a Digital Marketing Executive in, a Fullstack Development Company in USA.Where she effectively handles content marketing, Seo, SMM, and Email Marketing.

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