
How To Improve Revenue With Mobile App Advertising

By James Tredwell on August 6, 2020

We all know that smartphones subsisted even before the iPhone. In general, it was the era of iPhone launch that provides a way to the mobile applications. When the “APP STORE” gets in the role, then the mobile apps come into action. Here, it is about software that was majorly for the device contrary to the ordinary mobile websites produced for display on the desktops.

Entering into the Mobile App Advertising Zone:

Whilst smartphones are rapidly invading to the globe, mobile apps get much more elemental in marketing and advertising. The advertisers got the capability to connect with the consumers at their fingertips directly.

You might know that close feeling when you carry out a new technique for making an advertisement for your application, and suddenly you realize that something is missing.

When you view how people are making revenue, you might take your expectations very high, and then everything is shattering in front of your eyes. Your plans, your strategies all are just drowning into a deep river.

You can also find various factors that can open the doors to success. Let us start analyzing everything by following the highly effective ways to stack up money from your well-designed mobile application.

1. Setting up the Loyalty Program:

If you have the stuff that can make your customer visit again and buy, this is what a customer loyalty program can conclude for your business. When you adopt a customer loyalty program, it will reassure your customers to purchase more than they usually want to purchase.  It assures the keep coming back of the customers due to the rewards.

In fact the stats also show that around 80% of the consumers are more attracted to the store that has to offer some kind of loyalty program.

According to a survey, 59% of people show their interest in joining the program, which offered them a smartphone application. With the help of all these statistics, it is now clear that when you use this strategy in your mobile app, it will bring the money rolling. Moreover, it is a massive incentive for the customers as they feel applauded and can save good bucks.

Let us talk about the core reasons that led them to participate in such programs:

It has the capability to skyrocket your sales. Not only this, when you offer a loyalty customer program, but it can also increase user retention. It is another cooked dish that you can get on your plate, i.e., an increase in your business revenue.

If it can make by 5% of the retention via the customer loyalty program, it can boost the revenue from one by fourth to around full one. Furthermore, it would provide real-time insights into what your customers will binge their money on. When you use the customized loyalty program, it would boost product sales.

2. Real-time Data Insights:

The valuable data of your users helps serve a great advantage for your business. The data that you collected would make you track the customers’ transactions and the browsing history.

You can get outstanding insights into your customers’ lives, like acknowledging the behavior of your consumers, interests, wishes, and likes.

For instance, you will get insights into the customers’ data from the browsing history that will further showcase what they search regularly. Moreover, it is about people’s interests like the type of sale they mostly go after or what they have saved to purchase later.

Researchers predict that around 78% of the internet users highlighted that the relevant content from the brands expands their acquisition intent.

The entire insights will undoubtedly lead to customization, which is the primary key to prompting the prospect of the consumer for determining whether to spend money or not.

The number of consumers also says that they are more likely to come across with the offer if it has been customized to demonstrate the previous interactions.

You must know that most of the consumers go after a customized experience that indulges altering your products and services to their choices.

In fact, personalization creates a very positive impact on the conversion rates of mobile applications. It is a vast opportunity for the businesses to conduct over the physical locations as they get this angle only with the help of mobile apps.

If you see today, most of the consumers expect that the companies will forecast their requirements and email the suggestions even before they contact them.

So, the data shows how these sales promotions are vain if they aren’t customized as per the needs of the customers. The businesses can easily gather the data via geo-tracking as well as the ad campaigns to deliver the offers on time.

So, while designing customized offers, ads and discounts will boost sales.

3. Effective Approach for Push Notifications:

The number of enterprises providing these services has made the customer confused over the products and services. So, you will get the online visitors that discontinue the products and services. This can be easily avoided with the help of the push notification.

When you already own a mobile application then, you are capable of sending the push notifications to your platform. What is the work of the push notifications? Their basic work is to remind the clients to purchase new products and services. You can provide the information related to your products and services to your customers.

Now, you might be thinking of what would be an effective approach for the push notifications:

  • You must send worthwhile offers like discounts, flash sales, and promotions.
  • It would be easy to take advantage of the location-based services along with the geo-fencing technology. For instance, sending notifications to the customers for the offers related to a specific city or region.
  • You must send the timely push notifications to the customers depending upon their search and physical location to tell about a sale to the users that are located in the particular business arena of yours.

4. Using Social Media:

The rise in the customer is equal to the rise in revenue. You need to have a broader overact and determining visibility, which is provided by social media.

People are widely using the internet as around 4 billion social media users are present online, and they are using it more than any other activity.

90% of brands are using social media to boost brand awareness.  Therefore, to gain the attention and reach to your target audience online is best via social media.

Next, when you have the share links of social media in your mobile apps, it can attract more customers with many applications download.

You must make sure whether your old customers are relishing the experience of your mobile application. It will make them share their mobile application over social profiles.

One of the surveys showed that 95% of the adults of 18-34 age groups mostly follow a brand with social networking. It makes you capable of leveraging the social networks of the users to find out new customers.

Therefore, it has become vital to make your business visible over social media platforms to increase your customer engagement.

You can also share your app link among your audience that will attract more customers to your products and services. So, when you effectively market your application, it can drive a good ROI.

5. In-App Purchases:

The best way to make money via mobile applications is when purchases are made within the apps. It is a more effective way than making use of the ads. You can see in-app purchases provoke over 50% of the revenue of the mobile application.

It would directly link you to your customers as they buy your products despite only generating better revenue. It is always suggested to have your in-app store as this will reduce the bothering for the consumers to explore your products and services section.

Another method to have in-app purchases is by providing the experiences that mean they already consist of the experience but at a certain level. If it is liked by your customer, then they won’t mind paying for a step next from their recent experience to the more satisfactory one. This is where you need to be careful and approachable with the free features that are gratifying to the point where the desire for upgrading is not present.

Therefore, creating the subscriptions to attain access to the content is a lot different way to boost your revenue with the help of the in-app purchases. It is much suitable for the ones running a full-fledged subscription-based business model. At last, what you all need to be sure about is your content so that it can further prevent the customers from canceling any order.

Last, it is best to always look forward to shooting up your sales. Don’t relax back until you make sure whether your mobile application delivers the best ROI and make your business grow.

Author Bio.- Regina Deemer is a content writer, mobility strategist and blogger who writes on the latest technology and business-related topics. At present, she is working with Cerebrum Infotech, a leading custom software application development company.

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