
IoT in Telemedicine : Making Revolutionary changes in healthcare sector

By James Tredwell on October 29, 2020

The pandemic forced every individual to get dependent on technology for any kind of services.

Health assistance through IoT is a blessing in disguise. The reaction of all the telemedicine app owners can be observed with this GIF.

IoT or Internet of Things refers to the rapid expansion of the internet which is just not limited to computers or smartphones.

Even it functions where the internet gets integrated along with digital machines which need specialised identification for performing functions across multiple domains.

IoT has been making revolutionary changes in the overall healthcare industry by continuously providing health tracking and recording patient’s healthcare conditions.

Patients can approach physicians to understand the status of health conditions.

Physicians can provide remote medical treatments and consultations without making any physical visit.

Physicians can provide superior quality healthcare products through IoT as they can continuously track the ongoing advancements of patient’s health.

IoT enabled devices for medical treatment

IoT makes the proper utilization of technology in smart devices to get connected to the apps and monitor the health of individuals.

Devices and wearables are two other components which are responsible for the popularity of IoT in the healthcare industry.

Such components make the lives of individuals much better.

Some of these include smart clothing, smart medication bottles, pulse oximeters and several other devices which makes it much better when the patients and healthcare needs to keep a track of it.

The most important feature of having IoT in the connected devices is that physicians can make sure patient compliance.

When physicians provide prescriptions of medicines and associate dosing schedules, they can also keep track of patients which further sticks to the schedule along with the help of the connected devices.

IoT in Telemedicine

Real-time treatment can be provided with IoT powered telemedicine apps which assists in providing the best healthcare services to the patients.

This IoT in telemedicine helps elderly patients who prefer to get their treatments at the comfort of their homes avoiding hospitals and clinics.

With the help of household gadgets such as voice activated smart systems, patients can stay at homes and take precise care of their health.

Ordering drugs and other medications without even physically getting down to stores and along with using devices such as Alexa, Siri and Google home.

Challenges related to IoT powered Telemedicine

Some of the major challenges associated with IoT in healthcare is collection of data, checking the authenticity of data, securing the data and wearable devices with in-built IoT.

The latest IoT devices come along with sensors. Manufacturers in this industry are majorly concentrating on building and developing user-friendly devices.

To ensure that remote treatments with doctors are not effective, companies making IoT devices to utilize it for medical treatments and even doctors need to explain to the patients how the devices are to be used.

To use the wearable devices to its best even doctors are guiding the patients to use it to the maximum capabilities.

When we talk about collecting and storing data, new generations IoT devices comes along with good wearables so that the patient’s vital gets collected in an accurate manner and which can be assessed by the doctors on time.

This ensures that patient’s data is safe and secured on such devices.

With the help of IoT powered Telemedicine, Doctors can monitor body temperature, sleep time, daily activity and several other medical conditions as well.

IoT in remote patient monitoring

Around the world, the patients can be tracked and monitored by the physicians.

All thanks to IoT.

IoT makes the proper utilization of resources as the patients participate more in the involvement process of treating their patients.

With the use of fitness trackers and bands, patients feel much more motivated to use a particular telemedicine with in-built IoT for their physical as well as mental health conditions.

Remote patient management makes sure that there is a high level of digital security as the patient information is kept confidential.

Likewise, even the physical safety of patients gets maintained with the help of constant tracking to ensure that they avoid physical injuries and falls.

This often boosts up the positivity among patients as they feel that there is someone who is taking care constantly.

O yes! Now we’ve come to the main part – Advantages

1. Quicker Diagnosis

IoT enabled devices help to track the patients on a constant basis and this further helps in diagnosing diseases and healthcare issues at an initial stage.

2. Decrease in expenses

With IoT, a patient can receive high quality real-time medical consultations without paying any personal visits to the doctors.

Such IoT enabled apps and devices in telemedicine helps in curbing all the expenses and costs which got involved earlier.

Hospitals further help in removing unnecessary system costs as monitoring can be done remotely.

3. Better access in villages and towns

In many developing countries, towns and villages have least facilities when we talk about healthcare and sanitation.

Hospitals and governments can come together to conjointly curb all the socio-economic problems related to healthcare.

4. Reduction in manual errors

Data collected by connected medical devices are always Error-free. This often helps in enhancing the quality of the treatment and proper diagnosis.

5. Better medical treatments

Doctors are monitoring patients continuously through IoT empowered medical devices. There is a wide scope of specialised and customized services along with treatments. Doctors and even hospitals are also able to provide high customer satisfaction as patients feel satisfied with the services they get and all the follow-up processes of their treatment.

Concluding Lines

With the application of IoT, we are developing a proactive and preventive healthcare defender as an alternative for just offering the treatment where illness gets diagnosed.

The sudden pandemic and other wide use of IoT in telemedicine apps helps the individuals to suffer less from the harsh consequences of many other diseases as well apart from COVID.

IoT in healthcare is the best way to track the activities of the patients and provide them with the best healthcare solutions remotely.

The customized treatment provided to the patients makes them loyal towards the particular app and the perks paid to the doctors makes them more engaged towards the particular app.

This article is contributed by Parth Patel , serial entrepreneur and CEO of SyS Creations– healthcare app development company.

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