
Most Recent Guide to On-Page SEO for Ecommerce Websites

By James Tredwell on October 20, 2019

If you want more traffic and sales, then ranking on the top is a must.

Ranking on the top in the search engine is easy if you use proper strategies and techniques.

It doesn’t matter if you have a new website or an existing one. In this article, I am going to cover proven and verified strategies that can help to increase your ranking. Many studies have proven that website that rank number one received an average CTR of 35% or more as compared to website ranking on number two and so on.

The most recent on-page SEO techniques for an e-commerce website are-

  • Keyword research and optimization
  • Website structure
  • Inside linking
  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Check site errors
  • Social media optimization
  • Reviews section
  • Usability
  • Product pages
  • Blog section

1. Keyword research and optimization

The first and foremost step is keyword research, you should be clear about the keyword. The majority of people’s e-commerce website doesn’t rank just because they use irrelevant keywords.

Many online tools are available. Example- Aherfs keyword explorer, Ubbersuggest, keyword everywhere, keyword shitter, etc. You can use these tools to identify the keywords of your industry, and don’t forget to find relevant keywords.

Did you get the keywords? Now what?  Optimize those keywords. The meaning of keyword optimization is the technique of embedding those keywords in the correct and proper location. You should also use your keywords in the URL of your website or blog. You should adequately insert your keywords in the following.

  • Headers and subheaders section
  • Page title
  • In your content or paragraph
  • Image filename
  • URL
  • Alt tags
  • Meta title and description

Remember avoid keyword stuffing because it will decrease your ranking.

2. Website architecture

Many people start designing their website without a proper plan, and hence they don’t get the desired result. With a good architecture and with proper planning, you undoubtedly get the desired ranking. For a good architecture, you should follow these steps-

  • Identify the customer need
  • Perform a content audit- you should timely update and review the content
  • Build a user-friendly website hierarchy

3. Internal linking

It is the process of linking the pages to your website. Or we can say that providing a link to an older post of your website. It is the most essential part of Professional SEO. More internal links increase the chances of the ranking of your page.

Importance of internal linking

  • It improves the indexation of the website
  • It increases the backlink earning capacity
  • Improves the website architecture

Now let’s understand how you can do effective internal linking

Link the relevant articles- The best internal link are those which connects one article with another.

You can follow a modest trick. Whenever you write a new article, try to embed the link to your old articles. You should add four or more links.

Add logical and valuable links.

Avoid adding no-follow links.

Avoid the addition of irrelevant links.


The majority of people make their queries on mobile; hence, the mobile-friendly website is important. According to a study- 60% of customers who visit a mobile unfriendly website are likely to go to a competitor’s site.

Mobile optimized websites can increase the chances of your ranking. Many website design platforms like WordPress etc. have an inbuilt mobile-friendly system. Also, it provides the newest e-commerce website templates.

5. Check the website errors

Errors on a website also affect the ranking. Many free online tools are available that perform a site audit and can easily figure out the errors on the website.

Some of the common errors are-

Broken links

Mistakes in your content- Like grammatical mistakes, spelling errors, etc.

Plagiarized or duplicate content

Errors in codes like HTML, CSS, or JavaScript errors

Irrelevant URLs

Sluggish loading pages

6. Social media optimization

If you want to increase your audience engagement then make sure your website is social media optimized.

Social media optimization means the ease of sharing your website content on social media platforms, and Google also considers this as a ranking factor. So make sure your website is social media optimized.

Some of the tips for SMO are-

Make sure your content is unique, interesting, and shareable.

Write relevant content, remember your audience interest, choice etc.

Include images, videos that are relevant as it increases the interest and engagement of your audience

Ensure that you have a social media toolbar on your website

Check which hashtag is popular in your industry and embed in your post

Don’t forget to optimize your social media account use an accurate user name, profile photo, bio, etc.

Share your latest post on different social media accounts and insert your website link in those posts.

7. Review section

In the world of e-commerce customer’s review plays an important role not only in the ranking of a website but also increases your audience trust.

According to a study by an internet retailer, it is observed that the conversion rate increases by 13-70% by adding product reviews to your e-commerce website.

Jupiter research found that 75% of consumers read reviews before purchasing online.

You should send an email after your customer they have received your product and politely ask them for the reviews.

8. Usability

Website usability means how easy your audience use and navigate the website. It refers to the simplicity, relevancy, and ease of accessibility of a site.

Some of the common tips to improve the website appearance and accessibility are-

Responsive website- Make sure your website is responsive. The majority of people makes their online purchase using mobile.

Reduce the page loading time- Even a single second is valuable in the e-commerce website. A survey by Kissmetrics shows that 35% of shoppers abandon a website that takes more than three seconds to load.

Make a simple and easily accessible navigation bar. Also, make sure that the navigation bar is linked to the relevant pages.

Use headings and subheadings as it will make it easy for your audience to understand. Try to highlight the key points.

9. Optimize Product Pages

Optimize your product pages by making it more user-friendly because it is your audience that buys a product and not the search engine.

Analyze your competitor’s website and note down every small mistake and their drawbacks and try to overcome those on your website.

Add the relevant images of your product

Add the brief details of your product

Remove the products that are not available, or mention out of stock in its description.

10. Blog

Last but not least, try to add a blog section. Google also considers this as a ranking factor.

Try to write an SEO, friendly blog or content.

Let me ask you a question-

Which website has higher chances of ranking, a website that updates its content on a regular basis, or a website that doesn’t? Obviously, a website that updates its content on a regular basis.

Now don’t think from where you will get the ideas of the blog. You have an e-commerce website that consists of different kinds of products, and each has its own uniqueness and benefits so, try to write those benefits and other additional details in your blog section.

You can write a blog on the questions related to your product.

If you still face problems in finding the content ideas; then, you should tools like Ubbersuggest, semrush, keyword everywhere for the relevant keyword of your products.

Just like your website, your blog post also needs to be high quality and relevant. Avoid keyword stuffing and low-quality blogs.

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