
The SEO Impact of using SSL certificates- A win-win for your business

By James Tredwell on August 20, 2019

It’s not been long that Google announced that HTTPS protocol would boost the website ranking. We all know that Google is the top search engine portal. There must be a reason why it has made mandatory to use an SSL certificate and an HTTPS URL for better visibility.

In this article, we will discuss how an SSL certificate would affect your website’s SEO ranking and improve overall productivity. First, let us learn a few things about the SSL certificate.

SSL certificates:

An SSL certificate is an encryption protocol that encoded ongoing communication. Whenever a browser establishes contact with a secured website, an SSL certificate enables an encrypted connection.

It is, therefore, to know, the necessary step to buying an SSL certificate before you start the website process. This is like an approved seal before you send the information to the server. If you purchase an SSL certificate, it brings trust to the customers as it has an HTTPS on the address bar.

If you buy an SSL certificate, the users’ data is encrypted so that there are zero chances of data breaches. The SSL certificate issues a unique key session to encrypt and decrypt the data so that the cyber hackers will find it impossible to break the website. In SSL industry, different SSL certificates are developed as per site’s requirement like in case of a single domain, you can go for single domain SSL certificate while on other hand, you can go for SAN/multi domain certificate for multiple domains’ security.

SAN certificate is used as a reference for the Multi-Domain SSL certificate. However, a SAN certificate is just more than one name that is associated using SAN extensions.

While using the term multi-domain certificates, it refers to an SSL certificate that covers multiple domain names. On the other hand, if we use the term SANSSL certificate, it relates to a certificate that has SAN extensions.

However, on practical use, both the SAN certificates and multi-domain certificates are similar. The buyers can associate more than one domain by specifying the SAN domains. Therefore, these are marked special and offer different prices than regular certificates as you use more than one name.

Going on further, let us see how SSL certificates impact the SEO of your website.

Provides security and privacy:

It is a known fact that switching over to SSL certificate and HTTPS will automatically increase website security in many ways. It encrypts data and protects all the sensitive information like credit card information, debit card information, contact numbers, and many more. SSL prevents all the unauthentic parties to access your website, keeping the privacy of the site intact.

Boosts Traffic:

Using the HTTPS will increase the website’s conversion rates, thereby increasing the website traffic. Google validates the websites which are tagged as secure and HTTPS, which pushes the website into the search engine results page. Overall performance of the website will increase and boosts traffic rates.

Increase in conversion rates:

Most of the websites which have a display as secured and HTTPS have more conversion rates as customers spend more time on the website, purchase from your website.If the numbers of visitors are increased, the trust in your company is increased.

There are likely more chances that visitors will fill out the forms and engage on your website only if they have safe internet browsing experience.However, if you need the most conversion rates to be made, first, you need to earn customers trust.

Improves search engine optimization:

Google announced in October 2017 that only safe and secure HTTPS connection would crawl better into the search engine results page. They have a trusted seal and is reliable to all the online users.

To improve your website traffic rate, you should first install an SSL certificate and shift from HTTP to HTTPS. So, the SSL certificates provide the SEO benefits and build customer trust, thereby increased sales and website optimization.

Take Away:

However, the difference of one letter might not sound like a big deal, but as discussed in the article, it plays a significant role in protecting the website.

HTTPS will be the backbone of your website, boosts website traffic, online credibility, conversion rates, increased productivity, and sales.

As SEO experts, to mark a digital presence is the key to stay here in the market. By following the above strategy, you can easily be successful in your online business.

So, overall, if you have an SSL certificate, the online shopping experience will get you great leads and leads to the best SEO results.

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