
Top 10 Web Frameworks for Development in Golang

By James Tredwell on November 25, 2020

Golang is very simple and easy to read the language. It is a compiled language run by Google itself. Compiled language means when you write a language or code, you simply have to compile that will generate machine code directly, this also happens in C and C++. It is a very promising language that makes your work easy and simple.

Golang is a tool that removes all the fancy things like writing very big servers, big machines, many cores, with many developers. Golang is efficient in all languages

We used to write C++ that we needed to write a powerful language. Golang is simple and allows you to focus on the problem, some projects like Kubernetes use Golang. This cool language allows people to know how Kubernetes works on.

We don’t have virtual machines in Golang. Golang is introduced in 2007 by Google. As per Wikipedia, It is multiprocessing, high-performance networking, static typing, efficient run-time, high readability, and usabilities like python and Javascript.

In c++ you need to all of the things, in Golang you are not allowed to do any of the things. There are pointers but you cannot delete them. There is a garbage collector that does all of the things. It does not allow you to decide whether something is gathered on the stack or on the heap. You don’t decide anything.

There are so many things that as c++ programmer or low-level programming and you are just getting confused. Nowadays companies like healthcare application development company are using Golang.  So, the only solution is Golang. So we will talk about 10 web frames of Golang.

1. Gin Gonic

GinGonic is efficient in creating high-performance API and it is very easy to learn. It is the simplest framework of Golang where it integrates only necessary features and libraries that makes it the best in performing Rest API. It uses an HTTP router for fast app development.

2. Revel

The first Golang framework is Revel. It contains all features of the Golang framework. Its host contains features which are pre-determined and already installed for minimum consumption. As it already installed, It does not require a full setup like other frameworks. It is considered a one-stop-shop and developers love to work on this.

3. Mango

Paul Bellamy has introduced to the Mango Golang framework. In this language, you can choose your plethora of libraries and further summed up it in your projects. This framework does not have an active group to release new updates. Other features like the simple Golang framework, its modularity, and reusable HTTP.

4. Web. go

Web. go is famous for its bolster tree routing and lightweight framework. The language is simple, easy, efficient, and understandable for everyone. It has some restrictions for some premium features but it offers additional features as well. The framework provides lots of routing that can help you with your projects.

5. Gocraft

It comes with a mux package and middleware. It is best for its fast routing and easy writable language. High performing applications require such frameworks. It provides measurable routing features and you add routing from HTTP very easily. It has built-in middleware and extra functionality for developers.

6. Martini

Martini is a Golang framework which is very mild and lightweight. Third-party software can be used for martini integration.. It has a small group of active members for updates. For middleware, it can function with routing, typical tricks, and exception dealing. Apart from middlewares, it contains handlers and supports documentation.

7. Goji

Like a martini, it is also a very lightweight and mild Golang framework. It integrates Einhorn support with the help of HTTP multiplexer. Its other features like incorporated middleware stack, easy compatibility with API, URL structure, lightweight, and Web Socked backed up.

8. Beego

It is considered a time-saving Golang framework of 2020. It provides some web application features like plethora. It has incorporated ORM, MVC elements, and logging systems. Other features like session handling tools, an in-built cache handler, and data. It is considered a quick web app development.

9. Gorilla

It has high measurable modularity of the Golang framework. Its features like WebSockets, routing, and scalability make it a perfect Golang framework. It can work for new extensions, enable modules, and drop new packages. Both small and large scale businesses can opt for Gorilla technology.

10. Buffalo

This Golang framework considered the quickest framework till now. It helps you to develop fast web applications with Live changes. It has bolster data migration and features like hot reloading, active members, and instant web development. You can easily observe your .html and .go files because of its hot reloading feature.


They build it because it becomes easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient. So essentially it is to solve some of the more complex problems in the world of programming. Problems that companies like google run into when they are dealing with petabytes of data that they are shifting through each day.

It is built with concurrency in mind so that means gleich have things like goroutines and channels which are all built around concurrent programming and they are considered primitives in the language and a primitive means that like a string or number in python.

In this article, we talked about the 10 most famous Golang web frameworks for development. Each framework has its own merits and demerits.

People prefer Revel as their first priority and Golang’s first framework is also Revel. Big organizations go for Revel. Other web frameworks can be used for smaller solutions like Goji, Martini, Gin, or Beego.

Their robust features give you high performing web application development. We explained 10 web frameworks in the article. We hope you find it informative.

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