
15 Unforgivable Facebook Marketing Mistakes You Shouldn’t Do

By James Tredwell on August 27, 2020

Every business or brand now seems to be on Facebook these days. But the thing is committing deadly mistakes on the platform can affect your sales and revenue. Some might even ruin your web presence.

In this post, we made a list of unforgivable Facebook marketing mistakes. They are unforgivable because it can harm your Facebook presence and business bottom line.

If you are making these mistakes, you better stop doing it and get it fixed immediately.

#1. Not Handling Negative Feedbacks

No matter what type of industry you are in, or how good at you at what you do, you will always encounter negative feedback.

Some more prominent brands think that one or two negative comments will not harm their business. But you must know how to address these negative feedback should they happen.

One way to deal with this is to reply to these negative comments with helpful replies. Admit your mistakes (if there are any) and offer support and help to your customers. This will allow you to win back a customer.

Moreover, you are also showing your audience how you deal with these complaints. As a result, more leads will start coming your way.

#2. Too Much Promotion

Although you take pride in your company and your accomplishments, that does not mean that your Facebook audience will not get annoyed.

While it is alright to share your achievements from time to time, the key is not to overdo it.

If you want to promote your brand to your audience, you need to look for creative ways to inspire your audience. It would also help if you can provide them a good reason to connect with you on Facebook.

This is also where having a social media calendar could come in handy. That way, you will know when you are sharing too much about your brand.

#3. Focused Only on Likes

Sure, it is essential to get likes and heart reactions for your post. But it would help if you did not focus on that.

Your Facebook marketing campaign should generate you leads and sales. Plus, your campaign should turn a customer into a brand advocate.

These are usually the people who like your post, share it with their network, and promote your brand for free.

#4. Marketing to the Wrong Audience

If you plan on marketing to every single user there is on Facebook; then chances are, you are not making the most out of your marketing efforts.

Thus, before you dive into Facebook marketing, you need to conduct proper marketing research.

Do your part to find more about your audience. It will help to know their interests, what particular pain points they have that you can solve, their location, occupation, and a lot more.

#5. Posting Inconsistent and Less Content

Having an inconsistent posting schedule is an absolute no-no. It is like telling your audience that you have absolutely no time to connect with them. Keep in mind that organic reach on Facebook continues to decline.

Now, more than ever, your main priority should be engaging your audience on Facebook.

You can craft an editorial calendar on the platform and focus on engaging and inspiring your audience.

#6. Incomplete Facebook Page Information

Did you ever encounter a brand on Facebook that only filled its details half-heartedly? Chances are, you do not know where to go, and you feel quite lost. Similarly, you do not want to treat your site visitors the same way.

So, ask yourself if you filled in all the essential details on your Facebook business page? Did you update your address? How about your store opening hours, your physical address, and many other things your audience will be searching for?

Keep in mind that your brand page is usually the first point of contact with your audience.

So, it helps that you make a positive first impression right from the get-go. Make sure that you include all the essential info your audience needs to know.

#7. Not Engaging With the Audience

Not engaging your audience or followers is one of the biggest Facebook mistakes that you can commit. Yet, this is the most common. There are comments on several brand pages that are often left unanswered.

There are also some complaints and negative comments that are just left unaddressed. Users might abuse a brand in the comments section, but there is no one there to reply.

#8. Being a One-Trick Pony

Posting similar content, again and again, is an absolute no. You give your audience the impression that you lack creativity and that you are not in tune with their needs and wants.

Apart from that, some of your audience might consider your brand as “boring.” That’s the last thing that you want from your audience.

Instead of posting the same stuff over again, try to mix things up. Inject some variety on your content. You can mix questions, behind-the-scenes snaps, contests, and so on.

The main idea here is to keep your audience on their toes and interested in your new posts.

Remember that the moment you stop creating stunning posts for your audience, they will stop caring about you and your brand.

#9. Ignoring Facebook Insights

Ignoring Facebook Insights is one of the most serious mistakes that you can ever commit to Facebook.

Why do you need to ignore a helpful tool that provides you with so much information, and providing you with a lot of insight and analysis?

Facebook insights are helpful to your audience, but you can use that data off on Facebook as well. Let’s say that you want to run a PPC or AdWords campaign.

Having these insights on Facebook helps you target the right audience. Those graphs and charts have a lot of things going on them. So, try, at least once a week, to check your insights so that you can understand your target audience better.

See what kind of people are liking your page and who are the ones who are sharing your posts. If possible, you can run an ad campaign on Facebook to help drive traffic and leads to your site.

#10. Posting Too Many Words

Short posts, around 250 characters, tend to garner 60 percent more shares. That’s why, if you want to garner more likes and shares in your post, you should at least try to cut down your word count.

At the same time, you should determine your posting frequency as well. Posting too frequently (or scarcely) can be harmful to your brand. Try to work out a schedule and post during peak times when most of your followers are online.

You might also need to determine how often your audience wants to hear from you. Try to stick to a pattern and be consistent.

#11.Having No Marketing Plans

If you have no marketing plans, how will you promote your brand and business on the internet? You should set an intention to at least gain 10 percent more followers each month.

You can also post on blogs and other platforms to boost your online visibility. Running a business with no definite plan is hard. Thus, it would help if you had an idea to succeed.

#12. Not Tracking Your Social Media Statistics

Statistics are crucial for your business. And keeping track of them helps you know the posts that gained a lot of traction. This includes knowing which posts were shared and generated many engagements.

Facebook, for instance, has Facebook Analytics that help churn out that data. Now using this data, you can help determine the response of your audience and work from there.

#13. Ignoring Facebook Advertising

Advertising on Facebook does not end with hitting “Boost Post.”

For example, you can craft a lookalike audience based on the subscribers that are already on your mailing list. And then, Facebook will target users who have the same demographics and psychographics as your existing subscribers.

#14. Avoiding Facebook Live

Although it might take a lot of courage to go “live” on Facebook, it is one of the essential aspects of your marketing.

It is because the platforms give priority to live videos.

So, if you want to reach your target audience, you can use it, since your followers and fans will be instantly notified that you’ve gone Live.

#15. Not Having an Online Personality

The thing about social media is that you need to create an online personality that your audience can relate with.

When you create a strong voice that resonates with your audience, it will be easier for them to engage with your brand.

And by “engage” we mean, giving them insightful tips, answering feedback, or having a regular conversation with them. Doing so will be easier to take your business to greater heights.

Over to You

Facebook’s algorithm changes constantly. Thus, it would be best to visit PC River for tips to know how you can stay on top of your game. This includes knowing how you can adapt to a powerful marketing strategy.

Make sure that you stay away from the Facebook marketing mistakes listed above. That way, you will be able to craft a marketing plan that sticks and helps improve your ROI in the long run.

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