
8 Ways to Get Engaged Instagram Followers

By James Tredwell on July 7, 2020

A newly launched Instagram page seems full of ambitions and hopes to generate leads for a business. For you must have a stunning follower base. To increase awareness for a business a right followers have to be grabbed through exceptional marketing strategies.

In this article, you will learn such useful tactics that will start working on the first day of implementation.

Consistency is the Key

If you are not publishing content regularly then your existing followers may forget your page. To keep them connected, you need to understand the key to consistency. You have to keep posting at least a single post on daily to make your page refresh and new.

You may get help from online tools like buffer and chrome extensions to get posted. Brands on Instagram always update their page a few times in a day. But it should be higher than a few times a day.

Some influencers are telling you the best time of publishing a post to get more like and reshare. But it might differ as every page has different goals and content.

You can also experiment by analyzing which your page receiving attraction the most.

Get Collaboration to form Other Account

In your niche, you are not the only person who is running an Instagram page. Being an Instagrammer, your content has to be circulated among the online audience. Find appropriate and niche relevant pages and send them a message hoping to establish a reliable collaboration.

By this, you are being able to spread your content for free. Also, you will have to perform essential tasks for your partners. This way leads you huge relevant followers that may show interest in your products and services.

Besides, make sure you are offering something valuable content to get engaged readers and viewers. Less valuable content might reduce the effectiveness of the page.

Publish well-designed Images

The image you are adding to your Instagram page should be of high quality and well-composed. You are to organize detailed research to ensure your graphics quality. Do not use another account image. Even though some big influencers prefer to publish others but make certain credit has to be given.

This size is considered the ideal for post: 1080px by 608px for Landscape format, 1080px by 1080px for Square format and 1080px by 1350px for portrait.

Always avoid blur images.

Do waste your time to find extremely high-quality graphics.

Use Analytics

Does Instagram offer analytical tools like Google gives a search console?

Yes, Instagram has dedicated analytics that is delivered for business accounts.

If you have selected business account options while creating a new insta page, you are entitled to a separate dashboard to be inspected performance.

Analytics data can be utilized to level up Instagram page followers, leads, engagement, and last one graphics design.

This dashboard provides insightful information regarding location, gender, timing, and age.

Research for Tags

Instagram offers a unique tag feed in which users do search for keywords to reach out to targeted posts and pages.

If you want to get discovered your page by the audience then do not avoid tag popular and relevant pages. It will lead you to show up your page into someone else research.

Suppose you have a page of food. In this case, tagging other food vendors that have a better audience and followers, might help you to get reach of to relevant users.

To collect such pages to be tagged, more research requires to be followed by you.

Optimize Your Bio 

First off, head over to the following section to understand word limits.

  • Instagram Bio – 150 Characters
  • Instagram Username – 30 Characters

In the above list, it is seen that you have 150 characters space to optimize bio. Instagram also lets you insert hashtags to be increased performance. Make ensure hashtags would be a call to action kind of.

Also, you may receive targeted traffic if you insert your website link into the bio segment. Instagram will not scrape this even they encourage users to have a link in. I would like to recommend conducting A/B testing.

Upload an alluring and memorable profile pic.

The caption will be triggered

Below statics will help to understand how you will craft your caption.

  • Instagram Caption – 2200 Characters
  • Instagram Hashtags – 30 Hashtags

Within 2200 characters space, Instagram gives you a privilege to rectify keywords properly. If you see brands’ captions, they tend to write a call to action text or questions for the audience.

In both cases, users are politely forced to take necessary actions. It might be sharing posts, visiting the site, leaving comments, and signing up for the product.

But the good news is that every time you will have a chance to connect with readers.

Embed Instagram page link to the website

Besides, you are accountable to add an Instagram profile link to the website. You have two components to insert a link into the website, first it social media section in which Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest page links are also placed to be recognized.

Moreover, an Instagram post may be added to specific posts for describing content in a wider way.

For SEO objectives, this Instagram profile link might make your site authority and reliable.


Getting engaged followers to make them customers, is not difficult. Just follow the right strategy for a certain time and then analysis and comparison will reveal mistakes you made during performing.

Consistent content distribution is the major task to accomplish all the goals.

Author bio – This article has written by bloggingfrommoon content marketing team. This blog provides detailed information on social media marketing, SEO tricks, blogging tips, email marketing and so on.

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