
What Makes Angular The Best Web Development Framework?

By James Tredwell on September 27, 2021

In today’s world, every company has to make a significant impact on the internet and have a strong presence. This can occur when the business owner makes a website that provides the best features and an exceptional user experience that’s efficient and reliable as well. However, when we speak of web development there are several options that one can choose from. 

Often this is where the business owners get confused and can’t decide on the framework for app development. One of the best that you can go for is Angular Js. The capabilities of Angular can assist any business to cater to several kinds of business development requirements for making sure you get the expected outcome. 

Here we shall take an in-depth look at all that you need to know about Angular and features that make it best amongst the competitors. For more, keep reading ahead and see what makes Angular the best web development framework!

AngularJs: What Is It?

Angular JS is the structural framework that can be used for app development by companies for the creation of dynamic web applications. This enables developers the use of HTML for being the template language and provides them with HTML’s syntax for expressing varied application components in a much precise and clear manner. 

Some of its general features include:

  • The technology for providing the developers with the options for writing client-side applications by using javascript for the clean Model View Controller (MVC) way.
  • It has an efficient framework for helping in the creation of RIA (Rich Internet Applications).
  • The applications get written by using Angular are compliant with cross-browser.
  • Angular JS is an open-sourced framework that comes with free features. The framework has been licensed with Apache version 2.0.

Overall the framework of AngularJs lets the developers make maintainable, large-scale, and efficient performance applications.

What Is the Reason for Angular’s Popularity?

A lot of companies have been using Angular for creating websites. Some of the biggest names include Samsung, Microsoft, Google, Santander, VMware. Now there are several reasons for considering Angular for being the best and has led to its popularity:

  • The ease of use.
  • Angular offers the users with professional websites that have lesser code when we compare it with its rivals. 

AngularJs Benefits

Here is the list of major benefits that AngularJs has:

  • It provides the capacity of creating one-page applications.
  • The technology provides the data-binding capacity to HTML.
  • It makes use of dependency injection.
  • AngularJs codes are unit testable.
  • With AngularJs one can see entire HTML pages, with controllers that are written in Java for business processing.
  • It provides reusable components.
  • AngularJs is the technology for offering developers higher functionality through shortcodes. 

AngularJs Drawbacks

There are also some disadvantages of AngularJs like:

  • As it’s a framework with the only JavaScript, all of the applications that are written with AngularJs aren’t safe. 
  • In case the user of this application has disabled JavaScript they won’t be able to see anything apart from the basic page.

Top Reasons That Make Angular the Best Web Development Framework

Several companies provide web development services that are Angular-based. Therefore one has to be wise for choosing the right ones. Here are some of the top reasons that make Angular the best web development framework!

1. Google Support

AngularJs is the framework that has been created as well as maintained by Google. It has been known for being the best and highly practiced AngularJs framework by team members of app development. A lot of them also prefer taking the benefit of AngularJs for app projects. Then there are toolkits offered by Google that will be allowing them for creating user-friendly and unique applications. 

AngularJs had been developed as most app developers had begun using technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript for front-end and back-end languages. Apart from that, the service providers by Google offer high security for users of the AngularJs framework.

2. Easy to Use

By using AngularJs all of the developers get access to several features that make web application development very easy, effortless, and time-saving task. Apart from that, this also allows developers with writing lesser codes and creating the best applications with higher implementation time. 

MVS architecture is supported by AngularJs that creates app developing work and also everything gets easier for development teams. Developers are only going to work on getting and set functions in case they need to apply the data models. Also, all of the other team members that aren’t included with app codes will be able to work on directives.

3. App Development in Declarative Code

The declarative code model is followed on AngularJs. This is great as it can also be used for developing patterns that are frequently accessible and can result in optimum codes that are lightweight and also ease reading and writing. 

This doesn’t specify and define each of the application steps and just the specific ones that help in producing needed outcomes.

4. Data Binding Is Two-Way

The framework of AngularJs is in demand across varied industries. And the reason for that is its functionality of two-way data binding. With this, we mean that even when a developer makes any change in the application object it will be able to influence the user interface. And vice-versa can happen as well. With this framework, both probabilities of user action that takes place and module changes can work simultaneously.

The two-way data binding process is when the framework is triggered through any of the events over the web browser, and this can also cause modules with user actions over web pages for changing and updating the needed and critical patterns. Apart from that, there isn’t any need for direct manipulation or storing links over DOM, this can result in using model-state-terms.

5. The Best Community Support

AngularJs is one of the best technologies that has been made and maintained by expert engineers of Reddit and Google+. This is a framework that also has the best community support by members of their core team and the one that suggests improvements or makes fixes. 

All of these members are constantly having conferences worldwide for all of the developers of AngularJs and discuss differently IT queries too. Aside from this, there are several online resources and books available that one can go for if you are an AngularJs developer. This also means that the developers get to be associated with the community bit also can connect with the engineers and get answers to any of the queries.

6. Features Are SPA-Oriented

AngularJs and SPAa go with each other. For example, AngularJs provides varied forms of validation capability. In case the web page makes use of forms then FormController assists in writing down the states. By making use of such data, developers can change easily the behavior of HTML elements in their user interface. There are also important built-in validates for getting help in tracking errors and handling them for enabling validate creations when needed.

7. Higher Flexibility for Creating Application

With AngularJs, all of the channels, stay independent for the capacities and this enables information filtration for the information before it reaches view. This can differ from one application to another and according to the functions similar to adding decimals on numerical, execution of pagination, and also turning content strings. The AmgularJs channels have been used in controllers, administrations, directives, and formats. The upgrades are resourceful and can also be handled using an HTML table without JavaScript.

Is Angular A Superior Framework?

Angular has slowly become one of the most used development tools and had got much recommendations and recognition by developers across the world. As the popularity has been increasing for creating user interfaces, the Angular community also has widely increased. There is so much that the tool offers to businesses and therefore its providing opportunities for discovering its new functionalities, features, and benefits for web and mobile app development.

AngularJs has been developed by Google and is one of the best choices you can make for app development today. The framework eases the website development front-end work. It depends on MVC patterns and has been used for developing quality single-page applications. There are vital features like scope management, API client, directives, filters, and validation. This comes with tools and components for reducing the time that one spends on their application development as well.

Wrapping It Up!

As you can see from the above review, Angular is currently one of the web application development technologies that are growing fast. It is also the preferred framework for the developers that need to make feature-rich solutions. 

When you are a business owner, it’s best to hire a company for web development that has quality experience on AngularJs and the ones that can create an apt product. Apart from that, when you make use of the framework, it’s always recommended that you use tools for testing the way your web application and website work on different devices.

Author Bio.: With over 6 years of experience as a leader in web development, Ravi Kumar is Founder & Editor at WHRX. Passionate about all things data; providing actionable business intelligence in digital, designing and development, future tech; and venture bubbles.

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