
Xamarin Vs Android Studio – Which one is better for Enterprise App Development?

By James Tredwell on December 18, 2021

Android apps are written in Java because it is the official language. Android Native Development Kit (NDK) allows developers to create apps in C and C++. This method appears to be much more complicated and maybe a time-consuming task.

Xamarin, on the other hand, is a better option for developing C# apps. With Java, you can do anything and enjoy the benefits of the added functionality. If you are a C# programmer who does not want to learn other programming languages, you can use Xamarin to create cross-platform apps. Visual Studio allows you to create mobile apps for Android, iOS, and Windows. You can use the same library in Xamarin if you are familiar with .NET.

Why Use Xamarin?

Xamarin allows you to test mobile apps as they are being developed. It aids in the resolution of bugs and issues even during the alpha stage of mobile app development. Xamarin has the added benefit of code reusability. It enables developers to create innovative apps without investing a significant amount of time and money in cross-platform mobile app development. When compared to C#, Java IDEs are easier to implement.

For app development, Xamarin developers must rely on third-party libraries. This can be extremely inconvenient for Xamarin developers. Creating bindings to use third-party libraries can be a time-consuming and labor-intensive task.

Visual Studio is approximately 543 MB in size. Because mobile app development with C++ consumes approximately 4 GB, bandwidth and internet connection issues may arise. You may have to re-download the components, which will waste a lot of time and internet bandwidth.

The most recent version of Xamarin provides the following:

  • Visual state manager, flex layout, style sheets, and right to left support are all included in the new version of xamarin 4.2.0, which aids in the development of feature-rich apps.
  • The IntelliSense engine of WPF and UWP now supports the new Xamarin, which improves matching, binding completion, resource completion, and markup extension completion in your program.
  • The engine serves a dual purpose in that it not only supports Xamarin but also improves light bulb suggestions, lining, and code navigation.
  • The new Xamarin 4.2.0 alerts you to download SDK in the background while you start an Android project with an uninstalled SDK, which is an advanced Android SDK Management feature.
  • Android Project Templates have been updated and are ready to use.
  • The new version does not end there; it also aids in the development of smaller programs, reduces memory use, and speeds up application.

Advantages of Xamarin:

Open Source Platform:

Microsoft’s Xamarin is an open-source platform for all that includes a variety of free components. Developers have unlimited freedom and flexibility to alter, change, and detach such components as needed.

Single technology for all platforms:

As an open-source platform, Xamarin employs C# to create and develop apps for Android, iOS, and Windows. Xamarin allows developers to tools and libraries to create apps for Android, iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macOS, and Windows, making it the most cost-effective and preferred option for developers and clients.

Mobile App Testing made quick and easy:

The new xamarin version provides the added feature of cloud-based automation testing. With this powerful xamarin cloud testing functionality, any program may be tested on any version of the mobile device, whether it’s Android, iOS, Windows, or any other. As a result, this has resulted in a significant adjustment that allows you to make any necessary changes while also saving you time and money.

Xamarin Forms:

Xamarin.forms is a prospective framework for constructing a cross-platform application using.Net. It allows you to create a variety of user interfaces. When creating an iOS or Android application, xamarin.forms make it easier and faster to design a working application.

In layman’s terms, it’s a cross-platform toolkit for creating native interface layouts that work on Android, iOS, and Windows Phone.

Complete Access to the API:

Xamarin has finally defeated the restrictions of not linking native libraries, system updates, half access, and API control. Specific APIs of the native app can now be integrated with the latest 4.2.0 Xamarin upgrade, allowing for common functionalities for Android and iOS.

Why Android Studio Popular?

Android Studio is the official Android IDEA. When you select Android Studio, you are only able to create Android apps. If you want to develop Java apps for other platforms, you may need to learn another ID.

The file structure of the IDEs differs significantly between Xamarin and Android Studio. Gradle, a tool used by Google for Android Studio, is included in Android Studio. It also aids in the management of the compilers and the APK Packager.

The Graphical User Interface (GUI) in Android Studio makes it easier for coders to manage the visual elements of their applications. Modules are used by Android Studio to organize and manage the core modules. The modules each have their own Gradle built files that can specify their own dependencies. When compared to other mobile app development tools, Android Studio appears more natural.

The difference is that Xamarin uses MSBuild while Android Studio uses Gradle to complete this task. However, this is a simplified conclusion, and based on the documentation, there is a lot more to this subject.

It is true that when using the Android SDK, you can take advantage of the native UI. This does not imply that Android only provides this option. Xamarin has also created user interface design environments for Xamarin Studio and Visual Studio. As with Android, they have specialized UI and UX design tools. It means that when you use Xamarin instead of Android SDK, you get the same look and feel as well as the same power.


Auto-recommend Memory Settings:

When an android developer’s project requires more RAM on a machine, he or she can change the setting.

UI Freezes:

Because typing latency has decreased, XML typing has become faster.

Disk I/O File Access Speed:

Now, Android Studio assists in guiding users through the process of integrating an optimal setup; with this feature, window users have improved access time for Disk I/O.

Apply Changes:

Google has made changes in a “instant run” framework that allows Android Developers to edit code on the device itself without restarting the application.

Will it be updated?

When you use the Android SDK to create a mobile app, you will have access to the most recent Google APIs. You can also get support for the new APIs as soon as they become available.

Xamarin also has immediate access to Google’s most recent Android APIs. Xamarin keeps up with the latest releases and provides complete support for Android APIs.


Xamarin Studio provides numerous advantages to both developers and users. But we can’t ignore the benefits of using the Android SDK in a fully supported environment with C#.

Author Bio:- Tarun Gurang is a Sr. Digital Marketer at .NET Development Company – iFour Technolab Pvt. Ltd., having years of experience in SEO, Google AdWords, Bing Ads, FB advertising and other digital marketing strategies.

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