
7 Ways to Improve Your Website’s UX and Organic Reach

By James Tredwell on May 28, 2019

Your website serves as a platform to promote your business. It’s an excellent tool to sell yourself, as well as your products and services. It’s also your biggest marketing asset.

But in this fast-paced and digital world, it’s challenging to catch up with the latest trends. Also, you know how cumbersome it is to entice people with ads, get your website positioned the right way, and build organic traffic.

To help you out, we’ve compiled the seven practical ways you can boost your site’s UX and organic reach.

Improve Site Readability

People rarely read every text that is posted online these days. They merely skim through it. It’s essential that your pages are well-structured and give the basic notes on the most vital information.

Simplify your language and cut the fluff. Take off any unnecessary or difficult wording.

An excellent tip to ensure that your writing remains clear and concise is to check with the Hemingway app, then take in the suggestions there. It’s straightforward to use and often gives suggestions to improve the structure of your sentences.

Note that there must be a space between the headers and texts. Breaking up paragraphs into smaller chunks will make it easier to read. Lists and bullet points should also be used.

Use White Space Wisely

A key element in excellent web design is whitespace. Also called as the negative space, it’s a margin that’s created around the content to make images and text blocks stand out.

The spacing makes your website more open and relatively easy to use. It functions like a web page’s “breathing room.” It makes your content readable and compelling.

Research has shown that using whitespace on texts and headlines improves the user’s attention by over 200%. It’s because users are only focusing on one thing, instead of being distracted with the sidebar and other site elements.

By making room for more whitespace, users are more inclined to engage with that particular content.

Note, however, that you also have to balance the need for valuable content versus whitespace.

Present a Prominent CTA

Users are navigating your site via visual cues that take them between vital pieces of content.

Calls to action, also known as CTAs, utilizes bold buttons and active words that help users navigate around your site. It also prompts them to take the next step.

Note that when you’re crafting your CTA buttons, also consider the influence of colors in human psychology. Different color hues evoke different feelings and results from users. The colors of your CTAs can either cause you a disjoint in UX or a boost in conversions.

Also, consider the words you place on the buttons. Using active verbs usually drives more actions and better results. The more time-sensitive and actionable your CTAs are, the better your conversions will be.

Improve Your Site Navigation

You don’t want web visitors to be stranded while exploring your site, making them frustrated and leaving eventually. Provide a well-organized navigation.

You don’t need to have several tabs in your navigation, just stick with the essential ones. You can place another navigation in your footer, so it’s convenient to go elsewhere once users reach the bottom.

Place the search at all times, that way, users can easily find anything.

Content-wise, place internal links (several of them) to ensure more information page available in context.

Don’t Use Stock Photos

Making an excellent first impression is crucial. A lot of people are already judging websites before they can even decide to go further.

The moment they land on your site and see a generic stock photo they saw somewhere on the web, some of them will click away, never to return.

Stock photography somehow decreases credibility and trust. It also sends out a message that your brand is generic and not authentic.

The bottom line here is that although stock images are high-quality, it doesn’t form a connection with your audience.

Stock photography isn’t capable of conveying your brand, products, and services. Only your actual images and photos can do that.

Use your images and put them on strategic areas to support your content and provide a visual break on your texts. Also, make sure that they’re relevant to your brand.

Optimize Your Site for Mobile

There’s no way around it ‒ your site needs to be responsive and mobile friendly. Users are accessing your site not only through their desktops but via their smartphones and tablets as well.

Optimizing your site for mobile is one of the most effective ways to improve the usability of your website.

If this fact hasn’t convinced you enough, users are five times more likely to leave if a site isn’t mobile-friendly.

So it’s crucial that your web design should load in all types of devices.

Google is penalizing sites that aren’t mobile-friendly. So if you want to show up on the top results, you need to make your website more responsive.

To know whether your site is mobile-friendly or not, take Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.

Optimize Your Site Speed

Have you ever been to a site that takes forever to load? Chances are, you left and moved on to faster loading sites.

Your site speed is the most essential element on your site because it enhances the overall user experience. People these days don’t have the patience to wait. So, you must ensure that your site loads quickly.

If you want to check your site speed, Google has PageSpeed Tools that test your site speed. That way, you can optimize your site properly.

Over to You

So there you have it! We hope that these tips have inspired you to make changes on your site and give your audience the best user experience. Hopefully, you’ve gained some ideas to revamp your website, making it more user-friendly without needing to have a complete website redesign.

This article is contributed by John Vuong, sole owner of Local SEO Search Inc. who also offers Calgary SEO..

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