
8 Reasons Why SEO Matters for Every Startup

By James Tredwell on December 24, 2019

When you grow your business the most essential partner to choose is search engine optimization because it is the one that plays a very crucial role to keep your business presence online.

Just think that you are going to start up with a unique idea that is unknown to the world. The product or service you want to sell may have tremendous potential in the market, or people may like it a lot.

 But if you can’t take your product to the people, then your well-built website would have less value compared to your competitors. To sell your product or service you need people to know about your business. Once they start liking your product or service, they will eventually buy it.

And to have a global presence or high rank in Google SERPs, you will need the guidance of SEO that is one of the best and effective marketing channels right now.

Most of you might be aware of the fact that 93 % of all online experience starts with a search engine. 

When it comes to search engines, Google not only leads but dominates the search engine market by almost 93 % now.

Yeah! The figure is predominantly huge.

Well, I hope now you understand the importance of keeping the search engine(Google) happy. 

 If you learn to play by its ever-changing algorithms and guidelines you can definitely optimize your website and rank it on the first page of Google.

Many businesses term SEO as their digital properties and it is because of the benefits they will get from SEO implementation will help them bring a great return on investment within a definite period of time.

SEO best practices will help you improve your site’s overall searchability and visibility, but apart from these two, there are many factors that SEO could help build and maintain.

Let’s come down to the main point now.

8 Reasons Why SEO Matters for Every Startup

There are many things entrepreneurs and startups should remain grateful to and a killer SEO agency should be on the top of the list. SEO is the best digital marketing channel for startups and entrepreneurs. 

  • SEO Gathers Customer Behavior Data To Startups

It can help you to collect data and information on the behavior of the users. This data is crucial because startups are not sure about their potential customers. The more SEO research startups do, the more data they will have about their potential customers and what are they looking for.

SEO guides to accumulate data over time and startups will benefit from it for a long time after launching their business. There are several SEO tools that can gather important user data and help to target customers resulting in more conversions.

  • SEO Helps Startups Build Trust And Credibility

The main motive of a killer SEO would be to create an establishment with a well-designed website with effective user-experience. You have to make your site easily navigable for users and you have to ensure that they get whatever they are looking for seamlessly. SEO helps in connecting to your customers with less effort and build strong relationships. Once your customers are confident about your brand, you are on the go.

While establishing authority many elements go into it. Authority and trust are accumulated over time with essential elements such as positive user behavior, quality backlink profiles, content, and properly optimized on-page elements. 

SEO provides sufficient guidance to build a dynamic yet simple website with quality content. Once your customer starts connecting to you, it would be easy to create trust and your brand value.

  • SEO(Local) Can Lead To Higher Traffic & Conversion Rates

Choosing SEO as a marketing channel of your startup can get traffic on your site and bring in more conversions resulting in a higher return on investment. You can also focus more on local search engine optimization on specific cities and regions base on the targeted audience.

Mobile devices are now used by more than 50 % searchers worldwide according to research by StatCounter

And the rise of mobile traffic has lead to higher local searches. Local search has been playing a very significant role for small and medium scale businesses’ success including startups. Local SEO focuses on practical medium to establish your digital presence in local areas and regions so that people can find you easily and quickly. 

It will help you draw more traffic and achieve higher conversions.

  • SEO Optimization Results In a Higher Ranking In SERPs

Efficient SEO is the best option that your startup necessitates to rank your website higher in search engine result pages. Your startup should only focus on strategies that can get traffic to your site so that you can rank on the first page of Google. It is because more than 90 % of people only browse through the sites listed on the first page.

Almost every startup aims to reach the top few positions in Google. To reach your goal you have to beat all your rival startups by dominating the search engines. You don’t have to spend a fortune on large scale advertising to build your brand reputation, instead, hire a proficient SEO agency.

  • SEO Strategies Goes a Long Way

To be rational paid advertisements work for shorter terms and cost you higher if compared to other marketing channels. It is very easy to stay on the first page of Google if you have opted for pay-per-click campaigns and other paid advertisements. But before you spend most of your resources on PPC  campaigns you should know the fact that SEO can have a noticeable impact within the first 6 months of SEO being implemented.

The more time and effort you put, the longer its impact will be seen. SEO helps you build an audience over time and you have to ensure that your content is fresh and updated. Among the 200 factors on which Google ranks and indexes pages, one of them is providing quality and relevant information for search engines and your users.

  • SEO Is Comparably Inexpensive

SEO is not free but it takes fewer resources relative to other marketing channels. Expenses for optimizing your site will never get out of your budget, that’s for sure. 

You could benefit from more than half of the tools that come free with dynamic and useful features. 

According to Google Trends, SEO is inexpensive and more efficient than Social Media Optimization and Pay Per Click campaign.

You should make brave choices while investing in stuff and should be decisive when it comes to opting for the best strategy maintaining the feasibility. Prioritize SEO and bring higher returns with low investing techniques. There are several free SEO tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Trends e.t.c

  • Skillful SEO Can Acquire Better User Experience

Every startup wants to rank high in Google SERP and get maximum visibility, however many are either unaware of the fact or happens to overlook that user experience (UX) plays a vital role in building your business. 

Google search engine algorithm can interpret positive and negative user experience and it is one of the factors that Google counts while ranking a site. To Google it’s very simple, the customer knows what they want and if they appear on your website and don’t find what they want it will turn out to be unacceptable.

Good experiences come from good on-site SEO practices such as the content of your website, design, and simplicity, mobile-optimization, image optimization and convenient usage of keywords.

  • SEO Helps You Keep Your Site Updated With Ever-Changing Algorithm

 Having mentioned earlier, that SEO takes constant effort with the frequent improvement and changes in algorithms and guidelines. If you think optimizing your site is a short term engagement then you might have to change the way you think.

If you don’t keep your site updated with the crucial on-page and off-page factors it will reach a position where it can no longer improve.

Google makes changes to its algorithms more than 3000 times a year and core search algorithm changes take place once every three months. To be on the first page of Google you must be aware of the most important factors that matter most.

Look for Google updates, monitor your sites at regular intervals, make necessary improvements, make competitor analysis. This will help you to understand where you stand in Google and what are the issues that need to be fixed.


I believe by now you have made up your mind to go with search engine optimization and it is because SEO matters the most for every startup.  SEO is considered to be a new edge marketing technique that can bring you prominent results with having to spend very less. 

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