
How to develop a MVP App?

By James Tredwell on May 13, 2019

Introduction & and need of a MVP App:

Before the launch of a new product, an entrepreneur needs to know about the feasibility and customers opinion about the product. What customers actually require and whether the product is useful for them or not? This question needs to be answered because nobody wants to step into the market to suffer a loss due to product failure or customer dislikes etc. The answer to this question is provided by MVP (Minimum Viable Product) app.

An MVP app will let you know that the product you want to launch is required by users or not. An MVP app is developed a step prior to the launch of a full-fledged mobile app with features just enough to identify the customer requirements & the possible risks in the market. This app also saves your time and money. It helps to collect the feedback of target audience and accordingly you have to include those features in the full-fledged app. So it is very important to understand the development process of MVP app. This article provides you the necessary guidelines to build a MVP app.

Steps to develop a MVP app:

#1. Market analysis focusing on user requirements:

Conduct surveys to obtain more information about user needs & likes. You should also see what is offered by your competitors and how you can make your product better than that. MVP aims to introduce your product benefits to users and encourage them to buy it.

#2. App design according to user convenience:

The app should be designed in a way that is easy to use. You need to design the app from the user’s aspect, beginning right from opening the app until the final stage of making purchase or order delivery. Here user flow is important as it ensures you to include those things in your future product which provide user satisfaction

#3. Listing of project features (What to include and what not in a MVP?):

You must be clear in listing the required features of the project. These are definitely based on the likes of users. Moreover, you should also take care not to include unnecessary features in the MVP.

What to include:

These include the choices of the target audience and the solution you offer accordingly. The users should be well convinced about the benefits that they get from your offer.

What not to include:

Copycat Features: You can see the features included by your competitors in the app but there is no need to include or copy their each and every feature in your MVP. You should incorporate just enough features in the app that are helpful to achieve your business goals.

Mobile app features requested by users in the starting phase:

We know that user feedback is important for our product. There are a lot of users and we just can’t include all those features as requested by all of them in the initial development phase of the app. An app with several hundred of features is good for nothing both for you and your users.

#4. Start building your MVP App:

We must know about the points where our product is lacking and this is known through feedback from users. This strategy eliminates the chance of creating products that are not required by customers and helps to find maximum information about the amount spent by each customer. So, develop a quality prototype, modify the product and then test to measure the quality. This process continues until our product is finalized. After organizing all the necessary features, start building the MVP app.

Cost of developing a MVP Mobile app:

The development of a MVP app normally takes 1–2 months which is much less than the time taken to build a full-fledged app. Moreover, it is quite cheaper and cost-effective. Even companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon have initially made MVP app that helped them to develop & establish their organization in the global market.

Checking success after building MVP App:

Sign-ups: Sign-ups are a practical way to measure user’s interest in our product. They often convert user’s interest into revenue.

Improved client rating based on the feedback: The number of app downloads and launches determine how many users are interested in your app. So design a lighter app with an easy UI/UX design for more downloads Also check the ratings of active users in routine.

Client acquisition cost: CAC is the cost to get a paying customer and it helps you to stay updated on your marketing efforts. CAC is calculated as The amount spent on a channel/ No. of users acquired through the channel.


MVP aims to solve customer major problems with the app by identifying the weak points and then focusing on offering feasible solutions. It eliminates startup risks, needs less investment, and prepares for smooth market release.

This article is contributed by Paru Saxena, Sales head at TechIngenious — A Mobile app development company in Jaipur.

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