
Best Ways to Optimize Your Mobile Check Out Process

By James Tredwell on July 20, 2020

The COVID 19 pandemic has triggered the global economic slump and makes most of the businesses to lose their viability.

The Coronavirus outbreak has affected people’s livelihood in education, profession, business, and mental health.

Due to the pandemic, most of the government around the world announces lockdown.

Consumers worldwide now turn towards the internet for all the purpose of buying products and services due to the virus related lockdown.

Around the world, internet proliferation is on the rise. It is calculated that about nearly 53 percent of the world is connected to the internet by the start of 2021. Electronic commerce is one of the fields that gains from the virus threat.

Even after the pandemic, people will likely use the e-commerce websites for its convenience.  The online stores are making use of Mobile App Development Company for creating e-commerce applications.

What is E-commerce?

Ecommerce or electronic commerce is an online store with advanced features and scalability that helps to sell or buy products and services including both digital and physical goods.

The e-commerce websites help to deliver the products at the customer’s doorstep. Even the governments are recommending maximizing the use of online apps for safe shopping.

The e-commerce sites should enable customers to find the required products and add them to the virtual cart, checkout process, online payment, and scheduled time of delivery of goods.

Mobile check out process:

Most of the transactions take place over mobiles next to the desktop and purchases over mobile are growing constantly. If you have an online store to attract more customers you have to optimize your mobile checkout process.

A good mobile experience will improve the opinion of your online store. A slow page can make your customers put off with a business and go to your competitor. The website that is not optimized for mobile might lose the customers.

It is always important to optimize mobile checkout process design to attract more customers and also to increase more traffic using SEO. Here are some of the ways to optimize the mobile check out process.

  1. Design for thumb rather the mouse:

The navigation of mobile phones is entirely different from the desktop. It is important to design the mobile interface considering the people will be using their thumb.

Make sure to keep the buttons as per the comfort zone of the customer and easy to tap. Place the important button in the corner or in the middle where the thumb easily taps. Try creating more space between the buttons to avoid clicking the wrong button.

  1. Add ‘save for later’:

It is important to create a feature of ‘save for later’ or ‘Add to the wishlist’ that helps the shoppers to save items to purchase later. When the customer has to leave the site and the time of return they will have the desired item saved. This helps the customers to save time and can proceed to check out.

  1. Visible ‘Add to cart’ button:

Make sure to design the button that will be clear, visible, and attractive. The call to action button is one of the key elements. If a customer likes a certain product and plans to buy it but can’t find the call to action button makes your business worse. The basic principle of mobile design is to make your call button big.

  1. Guest Checkout:

The main reason for the cart abandonment is because of asking customers to create an account. Most of the customers leave their carts because the websites are not offering the guest check out and ask the customer to create an account. Don’t ask the customers to register and provide guest check out that is quick and convenient and makes the customers buy the products.

  1. Break down the checkout process:

It is important to design a progress indicator that helps the customer to know the stages of the checkout process. When they click on the ‘Buy now’ button they don’t know how long the process takes.

The customers added the product to the cart and moved to the check out. Without knowing the stage the abandonment happens for the too long and complicated process. You can split into four stages,

  1. Cart
  2. Delivery details
  3. Payment
  4. Confirmation
  1. Introduce Auto-Fill:

Don’t make the customers wait for a page to load or to fill out endless checkout forms with unnecessary fields. You should make the process easier by providing your customers an auto-fill option for name, address, and email. Here are some tips to speed up check out process

  • Providing auto-fill
  • Make only necessary fields to fill
  • Ask for important information without unnecessary details
  • Ask the customer whether to use the shipping address as a billing address
  • Provide maps or address finders to fill the address easily and quickly

These help to make a good checkout process ux for the customers.

  1. Error display and Auto suggestion:

The auto-suggestion helps the customer to fill the forms easier and faster. This helps to save time and also reduce errors. You should design to make the error message stand out by providing red borders around the fields. It helps the customer to find easily and correct the error.

  1. Provide different payment options:

Some of the mobile payments made the customer frustrated and made them leave the cart. You should offer different payment options like a debit or credit card, net banking, UPI, and wallets as well. Consider to show previously used cards in the ‘saved cards’ section that helps the customer to select the card and add only the CVV.

  1. Display Purchase Confirmation:

It is important to display purchase confirmation immediately after the purchase. You should create a page to confirm the order has been completed successfully and also send a confirmation mail with the purchase information. For optimizing the checkout process you should prefer mobile app development companies for better results.

These are some of the steps that are needed for mobile optimization for the checkout process. Making the checkout process easy and fast is one of the best strategies to make the customers buy your product.

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