
5 Steps To Creating An Inspired Hashtag Holiday Strategy

By James Tredwell on January 27, 2021

Modern human life has become largely social media-centric as most people from every socio-economic residing in the leading countries are present in the frontline platforms. As a result, social sites have turned into enriched pools of audiences. 

The top brands in the world always try to manipulate the mass present on social sites as they can get leads. The hashtag holidays are special days that are followed by netizens. These hashtags go viral quickly and there are main ways how the brands can use to attract random people who can be potential customers. 

Here are the key steps that you need to follow in case you want to design a proper hashtag holiday strategy. Consider applying this while you carry out the social media market for your brand or company. 

Part- 1: Five Steps Of Creating Strategies With Hashtag Holidays

If you are a brand owner, the first thing you need to do is convey the message to the marketing team of your company about the hashtag holiday strategy. You should instruct your marketing executives to plan everything in the right way. The stepwise planning procedure is mentioned here in details:

1.  Go Through Hashtag Holiday Calendar & Choose The Right One

The complete hashtag holiday calendar is available on different sites and you can go through it at first. A clear knowledge of this calendar is vital to make the proper marketing strategy on a timely basis. 

Once you are aware of the hashtag events, you can divide your marketing team into fragments and provide them with the responsibility to make unique drafts of posts that you can publish on your social media business profile.  

All the hashtag holidays might not be relevant to you. Try to check the right hashtags with which you can easily synchronize your brand and give an attractive message to the audience. 

Avoid taking the same road as your competitors if you find them posting social media content on every hashtag holiday. In such instances, the end-users are more likely to lose interest in the brand as the content goes irrelevant. 

The other reason why the inspiring hashtag holiday strategy might fail is due to mentioning every hashtag holiday without making any attractive content. Moreover, a wrong hashtag strategy can be harmful to a company as it will fail to attract leads. 

2. Show Up With The Customers Needs

You should always show up with the customers’ needs when it comes to social media marketing with the hashtag holiday strategy. Here is an example that can help you to understand the matter clearly. Suppose, you are the owner of a finance business organization and you have some information to share with the random mass to attract customers. You can give a hashtag of  #FinancialWellnessMonth throughout January on every post. 

The other way to use the hashtag holiday is to inform your audience about the special incidents that took place on that day and how you look up to it from the company’s side. 

As your marketing team would be writing the posts, you should tell the members to check if any of your competitors are following the same strategy. Remember that your primary aim should be to maintain uniqueness on whatever you post on social media. 

3. Inform People About An Upcoming Hashtag Holiday

If you want your hashtag holiday strategy to be inspiring to the audience, you can use a specific hashtag before the day has arrived. In such a condition, both your customers and normal people might come to know about the day and further search to get more information. 

You can expect people to develop a good repute for your company in case they find it spreading awareness about a day or the event. The more people get inspired by your brand or organization, the more likely it can get the sales. 

In this context, you can even take reference from the strategies the top brands have taken. Once you observe that your posts have gained a proper reach, make sure to mention the brand name and trademark and manipulate the people to check your products or services.

Generally, the top-ranking merchandise brands, fashion brands, eCommerce sites, and banks take this approach to mention a hashtag holiday on their post. 

4. Increase Activity As A Company/ Brand

To inspire people with your hashtag holiday strategy in the case of social media marketing, you should not only mention or inform the people by posts but actively participate in several events for the cause. 

Event participation can not only help you to generate content but also act as a medium to connect with people. Moreover, you can give away gifts to your customers and some random people as they get attracted to your brand and turn into your loyal customers. 

5. Observe If The Strategy Works Or Not

Putting up a holiday hashtag strategy is not all you can do to enhance the social media marketing for your brand. You need to have a close eye on whether it is working or not. You can ask your marketing team to check if the level of engagement (from both customers and random people) is satisfactory. 

In case, you discover some flaws, consider it as a failure and make relevant posts to get back the attention of the people.

There are tools that you can use to determine the relevance of the hashtag holidays according to your brand. However, the dedication of the marketing team of your company always matters. 

So, these are the five steps to create a hashtag holiday strategy that can work if you are into a business or owner of a brand. Proper care to all the above aspects can ensure that you make the best profit in your business. 

Now it is time to concentrate on how you can choose the right hashtag holiday for your business.

Part 2: Considerations For Choosing The Right Hashtag Holiday

Right at the beginning of this article, you have known that a brand must choose the right hashtag holidays. Here are certain considerations that you need to make if you want your strategy to be successful. 

1.  Relevance with the brand: Every hashtag holiday you choose should be relevant to your brand. You should avoid promoting the hashtag holidays that go with the sector of banking and finance if your brand deals with fashion and merchandise.

2. Target customers: As a business owner, your primary concern should be to make a base of customers. So, while you choose the hashtag holidays from the list, make sure your audience (customers) can relate to it.

3. Focus on days rather than periods: In the list of hashtag holidays, you can find days and periods. The periods can continue for weeks and months. However, mentioning a day can help you to make unique posts and look for different ways to promote them. 

4. Taking actions: When you promote a specific hashtag holiday, consider inviting people to witness it. You can also call the media on behalf of your organization and get a cover-up for the whole event. 

Social meetups can be a good idea for the days like the #ThanksGivingDay and #WorldPeace day. Make sure the video clips are uploaded to social media platforms. 

5. Use technical support: To tack the right set of hashtag holidays, you should take the right technical support. The Google calendar can be the right support system for you as you can execute the process of post scheduling there. 

The Google calendar allows you to write up all the facts about a hashtag holiday and you can get the best outcome on doing every work on a timely basis. 

Part 3: The Marketing Team: A Vital Need

Much of the work related to the creation of the hashtag holiday strategy is related to the marketing team of the company. Even if you are a brand owner, it will not be possible for you to track all the work every time. So, a perfect marketing team is something that you must have. 

Here are some aspects that you need to check while making a marketing team in your office. 

1. Hiring devoted executives: The building blocks of a perfect marketing team are the executives. Any marketing team can only work properly if all the members of the team are completely devoted to their work. So, you should always check if an employee has that level of confidence that he/she can execute the marketing works for your company. 

2. Experience: No marketing team can work only devotion. So, you need to look for people who are experienced enough. A set of experienced people can run the marketing works both on social media and in reality. Moreover, they can become team leaders and manage marketing works like hashtag holiday strategy creation.

Furthermore, you would need experienced people for your organization because the novice employees might be unaware of the technical terms like holiday hashtags and might not be able to get the idea for which hashtag holidays can be apt for your company.

Final Words

In this highly competitive age, you should always try to build a brand properly rather than trying to sell services and products in the market. The best place you can understand the necessities and demands related to the market is on social media platforms.

The hashtag holiday strategy can be the most unique approach that you take to increase the level of recognition for your business entity or brand among the public. If you follow the steps properly, the chances for your sales can increase decently. All you need to do is spot the drawbacks in the system and eliminate them on a timely basis. 

This article is contributed by Bhavik Soni – is a Creative Writer at Auto Monkey.

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