
Advantages of Chatbot Integration Within A Business Mobile Application

By James Tredwell on August 1, 2019

A chatbot is a small software code that is designed to remove the pain that the industries are experiencing today. The sole objective of a chatbot is to uplift the customer experience and scale business relations with customers.

Chatbots may seem like a futuristic thing, but according to the experts, it is currently adopted by more than 75% of internet users globally. The reason behind its adoption is the benefits it offers to business enterprises.

Here are some major advantages of Chatbot application:

1. 24/7 Access-

Most of us have connected with customer care executive, but talking to support executive on an average needs more than 5 minutes. Those frustrating days are over when we have to wait in a queue for the operator availability.

They are replaced by live chat and E-mails. Chatbots are basically virtual applications that continuously obey user command without delay.

They will operate 24/7,  throughout the year without taking any break. This uplifts the level of customer satisfaction and retains a good position in your sector. Another benefit of this immediate response is that you can also customize your chatbot to maintain your brand image.

2. Simultaneous Conversations-

Unlike humans who can handle one human at a moment, chatbots can easily manage conversations with hundreds of people at a simultaneous time.

No matter the number of users you are dealing at any moment of the day, every single user will be answered properly.

Imagine you have a restaurant app, and your food has a good reputation leading to hundreds of orders in a single day. As the demand keeps growing, it is important to manage the customer’s orders with a proper software application.

Having a chatbot would clear such problem and respond to each and every person so that no order is missed. Renowned food companies like Dominos and Burger king are using chatbots to manage the delivery of food parcels.

3. Flexible Structure-

The best feature about the chatbot is that it can be easily used in any industry. Unlike other stuff where a lot of development and testing is needed to customize the platforms, chatbots are very simple to switch.

One has to just customize the bot code by providing the right conversation structure to switch its existing field. If your business has a lot of back and forth between customer support and sales, then you could opt for a custom chatbot app to carry out positive interactions with the user.

4. Customer Satisfaction-

Humans usually react as per their mood and are emotional. Chatbots, on the other hand, work as per the rules and follow them according to the way they’re programmed. They will always respond to a customer in a professional way no matter how foul foul language the customer uses.

Most of the people avoid ordering the same food every day, as choices vary every day. In this scenario, chatbot use order history to make recommendations for the next order, know the address details and much more. This interaction is highly appreciated by the customers.

5. Cost-Effective-

Paying a human for customer service is a costly affair, and if the revenue is not met as per the targets, it would create havoc in the business operations. Due to the restrictions of human beings, a single human can only respond to one or two people simultaneously.

Handling more than that is extremely difficult for the employee. To address this situation, a chatbot is a perfect option.

As one chatbot can easily handle thousands of customers simultaneously. We would only require a few people to handle conversations when something is necessary. Thus, it would bring down expenses and boost business revenue and customer satisfaction.

6. Productive Work-

People are usually less productive when doing a recurring task. We humans get bored doing the same work again and again.

Chatbots can automate tasks by default which are done frequently and at the right time. There are numerous bots available that can perform repetitive tasks without any delay.

7. Boost Sales-

Chatbots can sell your services because they’re present 24/7. With the growth of E-commerce, no one requires any push to buy things. As a result, people search online to meet their daily needs.

This gives chatbots an opportunity to boost business sales and sell products which suit the customer needs. Also, chatbots will remember a customer’s answers and provide solutions to the responses.


In performing this they create a sort of personalization that closely mirrors human interaction. Renowned E-commerce brands like eBay, Tommy Hilfiger and Amazon are now selling a number of products using chatbots. Amazon Alexa a voice recognition AI-based service is also in high demand nowadays.

8. Consumer Insights-

AI chatbots have made easy for the business enterprises to get user insights. Having a chatbot on the website allows you to access data about customers.

You can access this data and avail valuable insights. You can analyze their preferences and dislikes. As per the records, you can customize your application for better output. In addition to that, you can include new products and improve service delivery based on their needs.

9. Grow Business-

Business enterprises looking to expand their business to global markets can get help from chatbot applications. This application can handle customer queries in diverse languages 24/7.

This helps a business to grow its operations to different markets without having to concern about the geographical region of the customer. A bot can analyze the queries of customers and generate a lead for business as well.


There are numerous benefits a Chatbot application can offer to a business enterprise, some of which are discussed in this blog post. A lot of expenses are reduced by the businesses by lowering operational costs, boosting sales and conversion rate.

These apps are refined on a continuous basis, and its future seems bright. If you are in the business and looking to include this technology in your business app or website, simply Hire Mobile App Developers.

They will provide you the top-quality solution as per the business need and boost the customer experience too. This AI-based app will save heavy investment in the long run of your business.

This article is contributed by Monika, Mobile app developer and Software Developer at mobiindia – Mobile Application Development Company

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