Importance of Chatbot for your business website

By James Tredwell on October 30, 2019

A chatbot is programmed to work independently from a human operator. A chatbot can answer your questions formulated to it in natural language and act like a real person. It provides a response based on a combination of predefined scripts and machine learning applications.

Chatbots are being used in NLP it is a technological process that allows computers to derive meaning from user text inputs. In the view of chatbots, integrating NLP means adding a more human touch. We need chatbots because they are a more qualitative solution in minimum effort.

With chatbots hitting potential customers is easy by offering required information irrespective of the day or time. Bots are less prone to errors, hence the better customer experience can help to establish a better brand. Chatbots are convenient and many customers suggest them over calling a representative on the phone because it tends to be faster and less invasive. They can also save money for companies and are easy to setup.


A chatbot is a computer program that fundamentally simulates human conversations. It allows a form of interaction between human and machine communication. Because of chatbot any user could ask the bot an inquiry or statement. A chatbot interacts in a format similar to instant messaging. Chatbots ease the pain that the modern industries are facing today. Chatbots are gaining more popularity and they are bringing new ways that how to run business marketing.


Chatbots are already on a whole new level with booking several appointments including medical, service and government, flight booking queries. The Chatbots have a scope in every corner where mass conversation exists. A Chatbot can identify the user’s internet address and it can understand the user’s request. You can improve the customer support process with the help of chatbots. They can be programmed to give an automatic answer to repetitive questions and forward the request to a real person when a more complicated action is needed. So the agent focuses more on important cases rather than on the easy questions. You can start a conversation with each customer regarding any issue, any time of the day.


Nowadays it is important to keep your customers engaged with your business. Chatbots don’t bore the clients with unnecessary information and keep the client flowing by maintaining the conversation. Chatbot can convey a message to the customer and client according to the business term. Rather than hiring an individual for a task like this. Chatbots ease out the complexion when it comes to public dealing privately. A chatbot would engage with multiple users at a given time without any delay or task error.


With the collection of simple questions, you can improve your services and products and then you easily optimize your websites by adjusting low converting pages. Companies can track the command and response given by their users to the chatbot. Chatbots, being a program, could be easily being taken down but that is not the case. Chabots are strongly encrypted and are not so fragile of a program. They can easily resist the flaw which is being inducted into it. Chatbots ensure the privacy of the users it is dealing with and also of the users it has dealt with, who’s recorded it can hold up to a long period of time.


Because of a chatbot, you can ask the necessary and related questions, persuade other user and generate a lead for you. Because of the chatbot mechanism, people restrict themselves to prime and useful, quarrel-free talks, but people can ever stay so calm with a human officer of the same reputation. Due to this, the queries are limited to only approachable and to-the-point friendly F.A.Qs.


It allows your business to scale up its operations to new markets without having to worry about multiplying income requests to be handled. By chatbots, you can easily achieve your market goals by improving marketing ease via chatbot. Chatbots can be your manager, your modifier, your marketing officer or it/ they can be your entire line up of your business workmen that you require.


Chatbots are much cheaper and faster when it comes to creating a cross-platform app or hiring employees for each task. Chatbots can easily take place or replace humans working at feed-back. Departments and review places. A bot is an easy and important replacement of a human as a bot can engage with more people at a single time than a person. They don’t require a monthly raise and neither do they need vacations or holidays. Such a beautiful program it is which inhibits useless pay distribution to workers which apply less effort but requires more time.


Being present on the messaging platforms. Chatbots are being used in Artificial intelligence like machine learning and natural language processing. There are some messaging platforms support bots like Messenger, Slack, Telegram, Twitter, Kick, Skype, WhatsApp, Viber


IBM Watson chatbot

– Amazon Lex chatbot

– Live Personchatbot

– Dialog FlowChatbot

– Bold360 chatbot

– Microsoft Bot Framework

– Botsify

Many other chatbots of different varieties integrate with all the popular social media platforms like Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Badoo


– Global chatbot markets are expected to grow exponentially between 2018–2023 — Credence Research

– 85% Customer interaction will be managed without a human by 2020 — Garter

– 32% of executives roger that voice recognition is the most widely used AI technology in chatbot business.

  • 6 billion connected devices will proactively ask for support by 2019 — Garter


A chatbot is a service powered by a set of rules and some of them are using sophisticated NLP (natural language process) and ML system to produce conversations and act as a conversational partner. When you bask a question the chatbot will response based on the knowledge database available to it at that point on time.  Chatbot can easily operate the conversation program and translate your language according to your conversation. We need catboats in our business because they save time. Chatbots can provide an answer faster than humans. The importance of cahtbot will remain the same in the future because it is evolving and chatbots are more intelligent as well as human than ever.

Author Bio: –  Jessica James is a senior content developer and a blogger who loves to share her views on diverse topics. She holds great knowledge and experience of technical and creative writing and is currently associated with a renowned web development agency in USA named @USAWebDesignExpress

Top 5 Chatbot Development Platforms to create a Smart Chatbot

By James Tredwell on October 18, 2019

The advent of Chatbots progressively helps humans to overcome various challenges. The popularity of Chatbots is due to a wide range of customer assistance services. Different size of businesses is adding this tech edge to streamline the complex process of human conversation. The use of artificial intelligence is helping the user to experience the future. The ability of Chatbots to converse in natural language helps the businesses to stay ahead. Chatbots have evolved a new world of automation, helping the human for better business.

Businesses all around the world are utilizing the Chatbots for better setups with the clients and users. It opened big opportunities for businesses to shoe their availability 24/7. Chatbots development can be done with the help of different platforms. There are ample of different platforms in the market. And is very important for the Chatbot development, developer to choose the right one. Here is the list of the chatbot development platforms to understand which suites you best.


Chatfuel is a completely free Chatbot development platform best for those who don’t have the coding experience or skills. Chatfuel is a bot builder for Facebook Messenger helpful to create their own chatbot. Chatfuel is featured with attributes like adding content cards. Chatfuel offers the free version of the platform that gives you access to almost every feature for up to 5,000 subscribers. Apart from that, you will also be able to gather insights within the chats. The paid versions start from $15/month with some extra data management features.


Botsify is a machine learning chatbot development platform launched in 2016. Get started with Botsify for free or sign up to a paid plan from $10/month. It is a simple bot builder that helps you create bots for your website or Facebook Messenger easily. Botsify offers features of easy drag and drop interface. Apart from that it also has integrations with WordPress, Shopify, Alexa, and Zapier. The best thing about Botsify that allows human staff to take over the conversation.

IBM Watson Conversation:

IBM Watson Conversation is considered as one of the most reliable chatbot builders among all. It offers the feature of graphical UI that allows users to create a simple chatbot as per your custom specifications. It provides developers with a range of SDK’s to extend the chatbot features as required. IBM Watson Conversation offers the developers the preference of the natural language which can help them connect with the audience with more tractability. This chatbot platform offers a platform enabling developers as well as non-technical users to team up on building conversational AI solutions.

Flow XO

Flow XO is a UK-based company offering a complete solution for building Chatbots. It allows the developer to build chatbot widgets for the website or integrate them with third-party platforms. The developers can also share bot with others. Hosting them and deploying them across platforms, which means you’re not only limited to Facebook Messenger. Apart from that, it provides a visual platform that allows to easily build your own chatbot for the website, Facebook, SMS, Telegram, and Slack. The flow XO interface is incredibly easy to use.

Microsoft BOT Framework

Microsoft BOT Framework offer components that play a huge role in the development of the chatbot development: Node.js and .NET. This chatbot platform is composed of two big elements in the form of bot builder SDK and Microsoft language intelligent service. It helps developers create intelligent bots that can engage users across multiple platforms. Apart from that, there are more than 30 languages that can be infused in the chatbot with the help of a Microsoft BOT framework. It offers a cloud-based service that can be accessed across 141 countries.

Bottom line

These days the businesses have their website with the infusion of chatbots as it allows them to present their products and services in an even better way. Chatbots is a way ahead step for the businesses to connect their users with an even bigger set of attributes. The trend of chatbot changed the overall outlook of the business in various verticals. If you are looking for a reliable chatbot developer service provider Quytech is here to get your website built with an infusion of a chatbot. We are here for you to connect with potential clients and users, which can help you with higher returns.

Author Bio:

Colleen Jansen is a Business marketing expert at Quytech, a well-known Custom Mobile app Development Company providing Android, iOS and AI development services across the globe.

Chatbot for Business: 5 Reasons Why it is a must

By James Tredwell on September 5, 2019

Businesses around the world have this mantra of using every technology that there is. So, that they can have the ultimate competitive advantage. 

It’s the same to this day. 

The difference lies in the capability of the technology we have at our disposal. I’m specifically referring to AI and all the functions that it is bringing to the table. Every business, in every industry, can gain from this, and gain quite a bit for that matter. 

One such technology that has created big hype at present, and for good reason is Chatbot. Go online, and you’ll get to see this in the majority of the websites. 

The 2 Types of Chatbots you’ll Get to See 

The word ‘Chatbot’ is a relatively broader term and can refer to more than just things. But in this context, what’s most important to keep in mind is the 2 types of chatbots. 

The first among these is the Command-Based Chatbots. More rudimentary in terms of design and capability, these kinds of chatbots have computer programs behind them. These work pretty well, and if you’re not dealing with things that are super complicated then such command-based chatbots will absolutely be up to the job. 

Other than this, we’ve got the chatbots that are based on Artificial Intelligence frameworks. These are the more advanced ones and can answer all sorts of questions, in whichever way people might frame them. 

Natural language processing technology is the key driver behind this, and as usual, keeps getting better. So, after covering the types, let’s take a look at the benefits that you can get from this. No matter which one you might pick to use, you’re going to get it all. 

Top 5 Advantages of Using Chatbots on your Business Website 

Have a look at this list to find out about the 5 prime advantages you can enjoy by using chatbots. 

Better Communication with Customers, Potential or Otherwise 

The crux of good marketing practices involves clear-cut communication with customers. Using chatbots for this can make a whole world of difference, allowing better communication 24*7 and 365. 

Ask anybody who has done this themselves before, as to what kind of challenges this might bring. It can be a truly tough cookie to manage, let alone accomplish the task successfully. 

Put a chatbot in this place, hooked up to a NLP library, and that can take care of the whole thing. And at the end of the day,  you’ll be getting all the reports that you might need from this. 

Thus, even the basic chatbots will be able to do a great job for this and provide you the results. 

Allow Your Employees to Focus on Tasks that Matter 

It’s not that you get chatbots to perform all your tasks, and that’s it. Employees would still be playing an active part in your workforce. They’d be able to focus on the more strategic aspect of the business, as you might need them. 

Other than that, you can always come up with certain collaborations between humans and chatbots. This is going to open up a lot of breathing room for new innovations and efficiency. 

Then, there’s the issue of cutting costs in a smart way, and that’s also something that you can get. Imagine how much you’d be saving on customer support roles, and getting a lot more at the same time. 

Another thing that you’ll get to do is run a lot of experiments, and take the necessary calculated risks. This is going to be a critical part of your daily ventures, especially if you intend to start up with a high demand for growth. Chatbots can assist significantly in the process of growth hacking. 

Quick and Comprehensive Qn’A for your Customers 

Customers can learn about your business at various levels and that too in detail. All of this will result in better business opportunities for you, with a high degree of certainty. 

Now, are there any concrete ways in which you’ll be able to influence this positively? Positive. 

The answer is chatbots, as you might have expected. To be specific, this is where all the different AI-based chatbots can give you the solution you need. 

Machine learning and Natural Language Processing is going to make this happen. With a thorough analysis of your business and the market ecosystem around it for the macro-level, you can put up your best shoes. You can get all the way to every last of fine technical detail. 

Whatever question your customers might have, all they have to do is let the chatbot know. That can be either through the text of the voice format. And from there on they’re going to get the most accurate answer that can be. 

What this is going to help you achieve is a better experience with the product or service that you’re selling. 

For example, if you happen to be a SaaS business serving a particular niche then questions regarding your software product are going to be inevitable. That can be anything, from operation related to random queries. 

Having a chatbot at your service is going to guarantee your customers who get to find out what they want. Further, it doesn’t matter when they might want to ask the question. 

Chatbots for Omnichannel Marketing Endeavors 

At present, focussing on just a few platforms don’t guarantee the results you might want. As a result, marketers are looking to wring every last drop of the advantage they can gather from each medium. 

And the good thing is that this is working. 

So, we can clearly say that this method is here to stay and is getting better every day. Chatbots are also playing a major role here, from strategizing to implementation, we’ve got it all. 

Let’s start with an important aspect of this, which is data collection. Deploying chatbots of customer interaction is going to get you a lot of data. That can come in real handy when you’d be creating strategies for say, social media promotion. 

Now, if you’re looking to develop a completely new product, then this can be the gold-mine of ideas for that. Implementing your sales, funnel effectively, is also another thing that you’ll be able to achieve with this. All you need is consistent monitoring along every step of the way. 

Cater Well to the More Analytical Customers 

Today, people just don’t see something they like and then buy it in an instant. Making a purchase decision involves a lot of research into the product and all its alternatives. 

This is a characteristic trait of the millennial generation, who form a significant portion of the customer base across industries. If you can do the requisite to make sure to clear all their queries, then you’d convert well. Or else, there’s your competitor breathing on your neck who’ll make the sale. 

You don’t want that to happen, do you? 

And that’s exactly the reason why you should adopt chatbots for this. Even though this applies to every other type of business, I must put a special emphasis on the E-Commerce ones. 

If you can furnish the customers with all they need to know, then you’re going to profit. And you’re going to profit well. So, consider deploying a chatbot for this process as it can make a real difference to your conversion rates. 

Final Words… 

There you go, you’ve got 5 serious advantages that you can get by using chatbots. Now, that you have ‘Why’ for chatbot usage, and all you need to find out is about the ‘How’. 

You can find all of that online, and to name a few, I’ll put ChattyPeople and Chatfuel to start with. Once you start with this, you will definitely find out all you need to know to progress one step at a time. 

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