5 Steps To Creating An Inspired Hashtag Holiday Strategy

By James Tredwell on January 27, 2021

Modern human life has become largely social media-centric as most people from every socio-economic residing in the leading countries are present in the frontline platforms. As a result, social sites have turned into enriched pools of audiences. 

The top brands in the world always try to manipulate the mass present on social sites as they can get leads. The hashtag holidays are special days that are followed by netizens. These hashtags go viral quickly and there are main ways how the brands can use to attract random people who can be potential customers. 

Here are the key steps that you need to follow in case you want to design a proper hashtag holiday strategy. Consider applying this while you carry out the social media market for your brand or company. 

Part- 1: Five Steps Of Creating Strategies With Hashtag Holidays

If you are a brand owner, the first thing you need to do is convey the message to the marketing team of your company about the hashtag holiday strategy. You should instruct your marketing executives to plan everything in the right way. The stepwise planning procedure is mentioned here in details:

1.  Go Through Hashtag Holiday Calendar & Choose The Right One

The complete hashtag holiday calendar is available on different sites and you can go through it at first. A clear knowledge of this calendar is vital to make the proper marketing strategy on a timely basis. 

Once you are aware of the hashtag events, you can divide your marketing team into fragments and provide them with the responsibility to make unique drafts of posts that you can publish on your social media business profile.  

All the hashtag holidays might not be relevant to you. Try to check the right hashtags with which you can easily synchronize your brand and give an attractive message to the audience. 

Avoid taking the same road as your competitors if you find them posting social media content on every hashtag holiday. In such instances, the end-users are more likely to lose interest in the brand as the content goes irrelevant. 

The other reason why the inspiring hashtag holiday strategy might fail is due to mentioning every hashtag holiday without making any attractive content. Moreover, a wrong hashtag strategy can be harmful to a company as it will fail to attract leads. 

2. Show Up With The Customers Needs

You should always show up with the customers’ needs when it comes to social media marketing with the hashtag holiday strategy. Here is an example that can help you to understand the matter clearly. Suppose, you are the owner of a finance business organization and you have some information to share with the random mass to attract customers. You can give a hashtag of  #FinancialWellnessMonth throughout January on every post. 

The other way to use the hashtag holiday is to inform your audience about the special incidents that took place on that day and how you look up to it from the company’s side. 

As your marketing team would be writing the posts, you should tell the members to check if any of your competitors are following the same strategy. Remember that your primary aim should be to maintain uniqueness on whatever you post on social media. 

3. Inform People About An Upcoming Hashtag Holiday

If you want your hashtag holiday strategy to be inspiring to the audience, you can use a specific hashtag before the day has arrived. In such a condition, both your customers and normal people might come to know about the day and further search to get more information. 

You can expect people to develop a good repute for your company in case they find it spreading awareness about a day or the event. The more people get inspired by your brand or organization, the more likely it can get the sales. 

In this context, you can even take reference from the strategies the top brands have taken. Once you observe that your posts have gained a proper reach, make sure to mention the brand name and trademark and manipulate the people to check your products or services.

Generally, the top-ranking merchandise brands, fashion brands, eCommerce sites, and banks take this approach to mention a hashtag holiday on their post. 

4. Increase Activity As A Company/ Brand

To inspire people with your hashtag holiday strategy in the case of social media marketing, you should not only mention or inform the people by posts but actively participate in several events for the cause. 

Event participation can not only help you to generate content but also act as a medium to connect with people. Moreover, you can give away gifts to your customers and some random people as they get attracted to your brand and turn into your loyal customers. 

5. Observe If The Strategy Works Or Not

Putting up a holiday hashtag strategy is not all you can do to enhance the social media marketing for your brand. You need to have a close eye on whether it is working or not. You can ask your marketing team to check if the level of engagement (from both customers and random people) is satisfactory. 

In case, you discover some flaws, consider it as a failure and make relevant posts to get back the attention of the people.

There are tools that you can use to determine the relevance of the hashtag holidays according to your brand. However, the dedication of the marketing team of your company always matters. 

So, these are the five steps to create a hashtag holiday strategy that can work if you are into a business or owner of a brand. Proper care to all the above aspects can ensure that you make the best profit in your business. 

Now it is time to concentrate on how you can choose the right hashtag holiday for your business.

Part 2: Considerations For Choosing The Right Hashtag Holiday

Right at the beginning of this article, you have known that a brand must choose the right hashtag holidays. Here are certain considerations that you need to make if you want your strategy to be successful. 

1.  Relevance with the brand: Every hashtag holiday you choose should be relevant to your brand. You should avoid promoting the hashtag holidays that go with the sector of banking and finance if your brand deals with fashion and merchandise.

2. Target customers: As a business owner, your primary concern should be to make a base of customers. So, while you choose the hashtag holidays from the list, make sure your audience (customers) can relate to it.

3. Focus on days rather than periods: In the list of hashtag holidays, you can find days and periods. The periods can continue for weeks and months. However, mentioning a day can help you to make unique posts and look for different ways to promote them. 

4. Taking actions: When you promote a specific hashtag holiday, consider inviting people to witness it. You can also call the media on behalf of your organization and get a cover-up for the whole event. 

Social meetups can be a good idea for the days like the #ThanksGivingDay and #WorldPeace day. Make sure the video clips are uploaded to social media platforms. 

5. Use technical support: To tack the right set of hashtag holidays, you should take the right technical support. The Google calendar can be the right support system for you as you can execute the process of post scheduling there. 

The Google calendar allows you to write up all the facts about a hashtag holiday and you can get the best outcome on doing every work on a timely basis. 

Part 3: The Marketing Team: A Vital Need

Much of the work related to the creation of the hashtag holiday strategy is related to the marketing team of the company. Even if you are a brand owner, it will not be possible for you to track all the work every time. So, a perfect marketing team is something that you must have. 

Here are some aspects that you need to check while making a marketing team in your office. 

1. Hiring devoted executives: The building blocks of a perfect marketing team are the executives. Any marketing team can only work properly if all the members of the team are completely devoted to their work. So, you should always check if an employee has that level of confidence that he/she can execute the marketing works for your company. 

2. Experience: No marketing team can work only devotion. So, you need to look for people who are experienced enough. A set of experienced people can run the marketing works both on social media and in reality. Moreover, they can become team leaders and manage marketing works like hashtag holiday strategy creation.

Furthermore, you would need experienced people for your organization because the novice employees might be unaware of the technical terms like holiday hashtags and might not be able to get the idea for which hashtag holidays can be apt for your company.

Final Words

In this highly competitive age, you should always try to build a brand properly rather than trying to sell services and products in the market. The best place you can understand the necessities and demands related to the market is on social media platforms.

The hashtag holiday strategy can be the most unique approach that you take to increase the level of recognition for your business entity or brand among the public. If you follow the steps properly, the chances for your sales can increase decently. All you need to do is spot the drawbacks in the system and eliminate them on a timely basis. 

This article is contributed by Bhavik Soni – is a Creative Writer at Auto Monkey.

How Mobile Marketing Can Improve Sales Of A Local Business

By James Tredwell on December 23, 2020

Mobile marketing can provide ways to improve revenue for your company. Whether your company is small or big, you will find mobile marketing strategies that suit your budget.

Once decided on how much you will invest in this initiative, the second step is to identify your target mobile customer base. It is essential to be mindful that while your demographics may match, customers looking for your local business on the mobile web may not be the same as on the desktop.

Your existing analytics should also tell you where your customers are coming from. So split mobile customers and build a buyer’s persona from that category.

That will ensure that you have correctly identified your target audience in the mobile category and help make your business a success.

Ways On How You Can Use Mobile Marketing To Improve Sales

Here are some ways on how you can make mobile marketing work for your local business.

1. Social Media

Mobile marketing provides a range of social media applications. Some are even mobile-only, like Instagram. Instagram is a perfect way to market users behind the scenes, show photos and videos of special occasions, and invite fans to share with friends and relatives. It is a simple app that takes very little time and allows you the chance to communicate on a more personal level.

The younger crowd usually connect to companies that appeal to them through social media like Instagram. Moreover, local business owners, especially those in the craft niche, find Instagram very conducive to driving business. Furthermore, it is easy to use social media to reach out to all influencers in your niche to spread the news about your exclusive product.

2. Mobile Friendly Website

This move may sound simple, but many corporations never test how well their websites do on mobile platforms. Large photos, tightly related connections, and large text blocks may be a nightmare on a small screen if not correctly installed.

You must make your apps look and function seamlessly on smartphones and tablets. It is a must that your photos scale correctly, and your content is readable. Your buttons and tied spacing should be far enough apart to avoid a mishap. You must also know what does the page looks like. Furthermore, your consumers should be able to figure out what they’re looking for quickly. Check your website through as many mobile devices as you can to ensure that it is in order.

3. SMS Marketing

If you want to start simple, you can keep the expenses down and go faster with a small budget. You can bank on SMS marketing and send a text to anybody with a mobile phone. You don’t need a mobile to use a text message. This distribution platform will expand the consumer base if they are unable to own smartphones. SMS messaging works very well under other modes of current marketing.

It would be best if you texted subscribers as your monthly newsletter is emailed to improve your local business access. Send a reminder of the “last day to buy” offers to your store that would encourage them to visit you. Give SMS-only vouchers for particular times of day when your brick and mortar shop is late. Moreover, you can also remind for last-minute sales on new or limited items.

4. Mobile App

Mobile web users now access mobile search and app interfaces almost equally. Marketers should consider whether games or other mobile app development will give their target group a unique benefit of a specific consumer scenario. If you think you have an idea that drives sales, you can build your mobile app. It can help you build a strong reputation for your brand and help improve product or service recognition.

5. Chatbots

Chatbots respond to consumer queries that simulate human interaction by a mix of preprogrammed scripts and artificial intelligence (AI). It can make and cancel reservations, conduct surveys, position orders, and answer questions. Chatbots also help you learn more about your customers, build potential marketing opportunities, and improve interaction.

The opportunity to deliver service 24/7 increases customer loyalty. At the same time, reduce the need for support workers, saving your local business resources and time. They can answer commonly asked questions by collecting data from previous exchanges. This ever-expanding archive of information provides users with the information they need and decreases programming costs.

6. Voice Search

Studies reveal about one-third of the U.S. population uses voice search. Voice search is projected to rise by 9.7% or about 122.7 million users by 2021. Mobile device users are using voice search to take advantage of virtual assistants such as Google and Siri.

Voice search allows advertisers to target long-tail keywords to catch speakers’ conversational style over the abbreviated style in typing. In 2021 and beyond, you can be confident that your SEO campaign takes these discrepancies into account if you use voice search in your marketing plan.

7. Mobile Advertising

These days, not getting mobile-optimized search landing pages is a significant missed opportunity. Mobile search marketers record higher click-through rates and higher levels of mobile search interaction.

Some reports also indicate that it is 4-5 times more effective than other online advertisement forms. With smartphones, advertisers will benefit from a substantial uptick in brand loyalty and customer interaction.

One of today’s most common marketing tactics is the development of mobile advertising. There are a variety of options to display mobile ads.

Choosing one or the other will depend on your audience and their interests. You can use video ads that can effectively capture your target audience’s attention or banner ads that are more traditional in mobile advertising. You can also venture into native ads that camouflage in your app or any medium.

Final Thoughts

Marketing your local business to consumers who are actively using mobile devices is a tremendous opportunity. Mobile marketing presents you with a thousand reasons to consider using this in promoting your brand, products, or services.

As mobile users continue to grow in the coming years, it should be your top priority to note these demographics to ensure that your brand remains relevant. When used with other marketing strategies like social media, content, SEO, and paid ads, it can become vital in driving sales to your business.

How to Get Traffic to Your Affiliate Marketing Site

By James Tredwell on December 11, 2020

Business today goes through a much-advanced process involving technology in every level of its operation. Without a strong online presence, enterprises are not likely to survive widespread competition. One of the most effective ways to make one’s presence felt in the market is affiliate marketing.

In this process, the advertiser keeps the products and services ready for advertising. Most of the time, the advertiser provides the publisher with relevant marketing content and images. The task of the publisher remains to project the business in a way that the enterprise gets a higher traffic accumulation.

Higher traffic always means more people reaching the products and services of the advertiser. This precisely is always the motto of any marketing activity. Especially for publishers, the increase in the level of traffic signifies their accountability and efficiency. Here is how you can attract traffic for your affiliate marketing site to prove your efficiency.

Paid Online Advertising

The focus of any variety of marketing activity is lead generation. The more people get to know about the content you have published, the higher are the chances of realizing sales. However, it is never an assured thing that whoever visits the website will end up purchasing. Hence, chance factors always remain dominant.

With the paid online advertising techniques, the chances of sales increase multifold. This variety of advertising generally attracts the attention of high-end buyers. This group of buyers mostly ends up buying things once they visit a website. However, a thorough cost analysis is a must before you indulge in paid advertising. If the advertising cost turns out to be more than the commission per sale, this technique is best left behind.

YouTube & Vimeo

YouTube can be another way to enhance traffic for your affiliate marketing. It is one of the most reliable and popular options available in the market today. Most people go to YouTube for searching for a variety of products and services. Since this platform generally deals with audio-visual content, people expect to go through a real-life experience of the product or service. YouTube receives over 3 billion views per day.

Who can deny that visual content always attracts people more than written content? This is where the power of the video platform lies in attracting considerable traffic. You can also start a YouTube channel for your affiliate business to snatch a fair share of the traffic. Audio-visual content available on the YouTube channel catches the attention of the browser easily. Hence, more people get to know about the affiliate’s business and offerings, enhancing the chances of a sale.

Besides using YouTube for attracting more traffic, you can also try the other video supporting platforms like Vimeo. All you have to invest in is time. Good quality video content is a must to attract the onlookers and to keep them glued till the end. If you have enough time to prepare good quality video content, these platforms can be ideal for affiliate marketing.

Social Media Platforms

There is hardly any business today that does not use social media platforms. With the global market, changing its operation methods, you need to adapt to the latest customs. Social media is undoubtedly one such change that the world has adopted widely. To survive the fierce competition, you need to invest in social media platforms to boost affiliate marketing.

Be it Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or any other popular social media platform, marketing options are available with all of these. Make sure to go through the details of all the platforms carefully before investing. Apart from enhancing the reach of the products and services, these also boost the posts to maintain regularity.

You can upload images, videos, blogs and informative content on these platforms to snatch the attention of the buyers. These platforms also aid in the process of brand establishment and brand recall. If you can strategically use the marketing options available with these platforms, your affiliate business can become a household name in no time.

Blog Posts

Blogs can be a great way to establish a bridge between the customers and the business. Through various informative and detailed blogs, the customers get acquainted with your range of offerings. All you have to keep in mind is that you cannot afford to be straight-up promotional in your blogs. This might reduce the interest of the readers substantially.

For example, if your affiliate business runs a travel agency, offer information about travel-related things in the blogs. Do not keep a promotional tone encouraging the readers to opt for the agency’s services directly. Generate various blogs based on things a regular traveler would like to know about. This will keep the readers connected to your blogs. With a warm readership, the affiliate business will have enough inquiries for sure.

Blogs also offer a platform for direct interactions. The comment section is where you can directly communicate with the readers. This offers an excellent opportunity to keep the readers weaved with the affiliate business. Using links and hyperlinks can be another way to boost affiliate marketing. These links generally redirect the readers to some of the internal business pages. Hence, people get to explore what the business has to offer while reading.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is another form of advertising that has emerged as one of the most popular choices these days. 64% of businesses depend on email marketing to enhance sales performance. The ROI of this channel is also substantial. Hence, you cannot skip this process if you want the affiliate site to gather more traffic.

Use relevant content while forming the email. Also, keep the lucrative offers on the top to claim the attention of the recipients. Any seasonal sales offer, discount offer, or buy one get one offer must be there on top of the content. These are some of the things that influence a buyer’s decision instantly.

Also, emails enhance the website traffic considerably as the recipients click on the links to explore more offers. A carefully constructed email can always leave a good impression on the mind of the recipients. Emails are also an effective means to substantiate brand value.

Product Reviews

When it comes to an online purchase, people don’t get to touch and feel the products. The scope of testifying the quality of the products remains limited. Hence, people look for other people’s opinions on the same matter. The reviews posted by the consumers seem to be the sole most reliable source for the buyers to follow.

The experience of using a product or availing a service often encourages potential buyers to make the final decision. According to data, 90% of the buyers check the reviews before buying, and 88% believe in the review content. Hence, if you wish to enhance the traffic of your affiliate site, make sure to invest in reviews.

Develop honest and reliable reviews of the products and services you wish to publish. This will generate a dedicated customer base and will enhance the traffic for the site. Use the affiliate links appropriately with the reviews for substantial traffic generation.

Search Engine Optimization

To make your presence more prominent in the market, you have to make yourself visible to the crowd. SEO is the best way to enhance visibility. The better SEO tools you use, the more traffic you generate over time.

Plenty of SEO tools and techniques are available these days in the market, all you have to do is research well and opt for the most suitable ones. Based on the business and the domain of the industry, pick the keywords. These keywords can fetch a considerable share of the buyers to the business you are publishing.

Tags, meta titles, image tags, backlinks, hyperlinks are some of the ways to attain a good ranking in search engines. The better your ranking is, the more your traffic will be.

Guest Blogging

Guest blogs are blogs that remain on the website of other websites that belong to your business niche. The choice of a website is critical here. If you are in the travel business, choose sites related to the same domain for effective guest blogging. Your motto should be to reach more people having an interest in traveling.

Hence, you cannot afford to post blogs on websites that have no connection with traveling. Even the websites dealing with trekking shoes can be a suitable choice for you.  The best part about guest posting is that it exposes your affiliate sites to a whole new set of an audience interested in the same products. Hence, the traffic goes up for the affiliate business.

While all of these are significant ways to enhance the affiliate traffic, you should choose depending on the industry and products. You need not use all of these at a time. Instead, you can opt for a combination of some of these which you feel will be the best for a particular business. The right strategies can add wings to any business at any time. Keep your research on to make sure that you pick the best options every time.

This article is contributed by Michael – a professional writer at Aspire Media –  SEO Company Dublin

13 YouTube Marketing Tips For Beginners To Grow Their Channel

By James Tredwell on October 29, 2020

Are you dreaming of expanding your own YouTube channel for a while? YouTube’s video marketing strategies have the most growing factor, which serves as the most effective technique for engaging the audience. That’s why YouTube users try to post their live video feeds into social media. Also, get to know why a lot of businesses are spending on YouTube marketing strategy. 

Does this mean you need to start YouTube marketing? Yes! Then you’ve come to the right spot. Together, we’ll identify the methods to attract the audience for the channel and get your followers to subscribe and plan how to make the right content for your fan followers, brand your YouTube channel, and understand massively about YouTube marketing. 

About 80% of the people between the ages range of 18 and 49 watch their videos on YouTube.

In this article, we’ll provide you a complete strategy for marketing on YouTube, where you can kick start implementing to strengthen your channel from zero.  

Purpose of growing YouTube channel:

Here the audience views an incredible number of videos within a day; this sounds perfect on YouTube and other social media platforms. Moreover, as a fact, 83% of the businesses experience a positive ROI by using their video marketing. 

Here some of the selected reasons to begin the work on YouTube marketing tricks today are:

  • Always engaging a broader set of the audience helps to increase the reach.
  • YouTube prompts to help to enhance YouTube dislikes to show the originality and boost your channel’s growth that increases the sales and subscribers count.
  • YouTube videos share on multiple social media platforms.
  • Increases the embed videos in the website content
  • It makes perfect feasibility to get partnered with other YouTube users. 

1. Craft a customized and effective Thumbnails:

The video thumbnails for YouTube serve as an essential role for the click-through rates (CTR). And this makes the audience check the images and grabs them to open the video. 

Always a good thumbnail can improve the CTR by a tremendous rate than double the times of result, where it is replicated among your audience. Also, using a test of different images can make you vary the performance to receive their views. 

YouTube consists of the auto-generating thumbnails for your videos. The main face of the video is YouTube thumbnail. The more engaging it looks, the more possibilities you can grab your audience. 

Some of the strategies to make a useful thumbnail is:

  • Make it look more descriptive.
  • Include more valuable keywords.
  • Let them look attractive and polished.

2. Recognize your Target Audience:

As of now, you should have likely been informed with an idea about your channel. You also need to think about the audience, who they are, and why they’d watch your videos? 

Always be concerned about your perfect audience with whom you need to make a connection, where it is for the people, and what you need to tailor for your subject videos.  

This process works effectively in a similar way as looking at your Google Analytics profile for your website. Anyhow, you can also utilize the analytical tool to build directly onto your YouTube account. 

After knowing what your target viewer is looking for, you can enhance them into a strong subscriber base by providing them exactly what they wish for a lookout.

Make your YouTube channel function more successfully; every video made has the target audience in mind. Everything should be tailored based on their needs, watching preferences, and interests.  

3. Maintain the Video length Realistically:

Don’t ever fall into the trap of making a more extended video clip to boost your watch time; this serves as a false idea that doesn’t work all the time. 

Here, no one will be interested in sitting and watching the long-winded videos that take up the long content to reach a particular point. 

Always don’t attempt to force the video’s length to choose some spaces with the standard time constraint. While using a shorter video, you can do the know-how trick, then let it do. You can execute a 30-minute video as the content needs to have, then that’s okay!

But always remember, don’t ever try to include some fluff or filler!

4. Try your videos with storytelling:

YouTube’s storytelling is one of the most effective methods for engaging your audience, whether for a blog post or your videos. As this makes the audience to make an emotional connection between the creators, that boosts the engagement and subscription rates 

And the more personal credentials you can include in the video, the stronger their connections. It helps you motivate humanized factors for the brand, making them look more like a persona than a business. 

Thus, the total watch time changes how often and where YouTube’s algorithm displays your video.   

5. Always share your YouTube video through email:

Social media and online websites are suitable methods to share YouTube videos from a marketing point of view. You can also combine them into your email lists. 

As many audiences have the potential to get some HTML-based email messages, this can be an effortless method to add your video to your message. 

You can even work so far as to make a snippet of your videos for these messages while leaving a link to the complete video to attract their additional likes. 

Say, for instance, you can have a landing page set ready by connecting the video for email subscribers to check through links through the message.  

6. Always audience attention is retention:

One of the well-known techniques on YouTube marketing tricks required to be reminded focuses on the viewer’s attention rates. Not only this gives away the engagement rate, but it also changes YouTube’s search algorithm. 

Are you losing your audience only after a few seconds? Then it would be best if you considered reopening. If you lose them in the middle, then there’s a probability of having a positive signal that you do not provide much quality to make the audience watch. 

You can also find these credentials in the YouTube analytics section on your channel and look at their statistics for every individual video.

7. Implement Video description clearly:

Switch your video descriptions into the short blog-like outline. YouTube descriptions use YouTube’s algorithm and different search engines. And you don’t need to work with the full-sized article by offering the video’s information, which acts as a key for ranking. 

For instance, several video checks on the Bing search results and Google pages as the videos are made with a 300 to 400-word synopsis of the video while adding the different keywords. 

You can have up to 5000 characters on YouTube for the video description, where you need not have the full character limit. You can provide credentials and searchable factors that stimulate the video.

8. Follow up the trends:

YouTube video trends are well-to-do when it comes to making a well-received video. It also assists you to check the trending concepts if you need to enhance the best online audience. 

By notifying what your audience is searching for and what they care about today, you can make similar video content for their requirements. And this not about the trends based on your business and website.

Follow the thumb rule on the industry’s perfect pulse and permit your audience to know about how you can support them or what it is concerned about the brand.

Here, we have the perfect tip to ensure that the trend you are watching is similar to your business. You need to target your subject and maintain your particular audience engaged. 

9. Perform a Keyword Research:

Tags and keywords are the primary aspects of YouTube based on the website. Many of the same keyword methods are working to make their compelling titles, videos, and descriptions.

One of my favorite tools for identifying the best keywords and tags is VidIQ. This free tool identifies which terms are most searchable in YouTube search engines, that correctly impacts everything from the impressions to the views. 

For the case, it’s critical to add your keywords and phrases to your video development for YouTube, as this would turn into high-quality video content. 

10. Improve your titles:

While planning on YouTube video titles, there are different things to remember in mind:

  1. Add your keyword organically in your title. Moreover, it would be best if you did not force it into your content.
  2. Front-lead your keywords by inserting as close from the beginning of the title as possible hence, the audience checks it at first glance. 

On the contrary, several YouTubers select to capitalize on their keywords for the same effect.

  • Match the title with the search intent.
  • Mention the edge of your YouTube video. In simple words, what value does this cater to those different videos on the same niche? Make sure to describe the title.
  • Reduce extra use of clickbait. Initially, the audience is massive on the website and can speak when you are doing it, where you can provide valuable content and perform so regularly. 

11) Partner with other channels:

Collaborations refer to an integral part of YouTube marketing schemas; making collaborative videos with other YouTube users based on your subject will cater to the most exposure and support you in enhancing your YouTube channel. 

Identify and reach the channels that have the same content type and roughly the same fan followers count. Thus, as a result, it will probably make the other YouTube channels get interested in collaboration. 

12) Examine your competitor’s:

The YouTube marketing tips for the best results is to analyze your competitors, specifically the most subscribed YouTube channels, based on your subject.

By working so, you can know about the type of video content that pulls your target audience. Finally, it’s the audience who chooses which YouTube channels should go to the top. And this meant the top results are the perfect ones to what your audience is hunting. Also, make a point to learn from the most successful competitors as well. 

13) Make a Dashing trailer:

A channel trailer is an essential factor for any YouTube marketing beginners. It is an introductory video that gets displayed at the top of your YouTube channel, and it is visible for all your unsubscribed users. 

This article is contributed by Victoria Daniel, social media expert and writer at PixelGroovy

Using Digital Marketing to Grow your App Development Business

By James Tredwell on October 24, 2020

Digital marketing has evolved immensely over the last decade. From being used as a simple tool to improve brand identity, it is now being used by businesses as a means to understand their customers, find potential leads, and churn revenue. It is estimated that 80% of people rely completely on online research before deciding to purchase anything. 

If you own an app development business, it is important to know that you are one amongst thousands offering the same services. The rise of freelancing has also added significantly to the competition. 

In this article, we will see how you can use digital marketing for mobile app development business and stay ahead of the curve.

1. Build a Buyer Persona

Before you create an awesome digital marketing strategy to grow your app development business, you need to understand  who your customers are. You could be targeting other businesses looking to build app-based solutions (B2B) or individuals who want to purchase your products (B2C). This process of identifying your target customer is called building buyer personas. 

A buyer persona should be based on factors like: 

  • Demographics like gender, age, and location
  • Purchase patterns, lifestyle, and brand loyalty
  • Business size and nature of business

Once you identify your target customers, you can then use    customized digital marketing strategies to drive sales. 

2. Invest in SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

Creating a website for your business can be a key player in helping you acquire clients. The idea is to make your business website appear on top when someone searches for solutions that you offer. 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of using the right keywords to get a first-page ranking for your website on search engines. The right keywords are terms used by your potential customers to search for solutions like yours.

According to a report by Hubspot, around 70% of companies are actively investing in content generation in 2020. Almost 24% plan to increase their investment in content generation and promotion within this quarter. 

Identifying the right keywords that yield the best results for your app development business is a process of trial and error. You can also use some keyword research tools to identify the right ones for your business.

You also need to constantly upskill yourself with Google’s updates as its  search algorithm is very dynamic. Since it constantly keeps changing, staying abreast will help you to tweak your SEO efforts from time to time. 

For best results: 

  •  Post blogs on your website at least once a week using the best keywords
  •  Create at least 6 quality backlinks every month

3. Run Paid Advertisements

Generating leads through paid advertisements is one of the most successful digital marketing strategies.

A survey conducted by Clutch showed that 75% of customers rely on ads to find what they are looking for.

With user data collected by search engines, you can target customers who have previously shown interest in your app development solutions. This makes your targets relevant and assures a guaranteed return on your advertising investment. Since customers now see exactly what they are looking for, the chance of acquiring new business opportunities is significantly higher.

4. Use Social Media for Brand Exposure

Social media platforms have become an integral part of our everyday life. Using them correctly to market your app development business can guarantee not just brand exposure but a high probability of conversions.

It is important to understand how to use digital marketing on these platforms as each one targets a different audience.  Targeting without understanding the platform’s audience would lead to poor conversion rates. 

  • Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram:

As of 2020, Facebook has 2.6 billion active users, out of which 280 million are based in India. As an app development company, you can build a strong following on these platforms by becoming a brand that frequently generates interesting and informative content related to technology and mobile development.

  • LinkedIn: 

LinkedIn is the best platform to approach business owners who would be interested in your app development solutions.

LinkedIn’s In-mail feature lets you connect with the business’s decision maker directly. It is one of the best features as you can connect with business beyond boundaries.  

With most companies now understanding the need to provide app-based services, your app development business can find a huge potential audience through:

YouTube: YouTube is the world’s second-largest search engine right after Google. Videos are far more engaging and require fewer efforts compared to text-based content. They are also easily shareable across platforms. Creating video content like tutorials, best practices, and webinars can help your app development business get the attention of potential clients. 

  • Quora: Another great platform to grow your app development business is to register on Quora. Quora is an online forum where people can ask questions for answers. As an app development business owner, you can start answering mobile development questions posted by people or business owners. 
  • You can redirect each answer to your website and tell how your business can offer the solutions that address these questions. Quora can thus become a great way to redirect traffic towards your solutions. 

5. Engage Audience with Tutorials and Guides

As a technology-based app development company, generating content that solves problems is an effective way to engage your potential customers. Tutorials are also a great way to get the email addresses of your subscribers and send follow up emails to convince them to buy your solutions.

You can do this by generating video tutorials and best practice videos that help business owners understand the challenges they face and how your solutions can help them break their competition. 

Well-made tutorials and informative videos can attract a lot of views which also builds your authority and in turn make your brand recognizable.  

6. Collaborate for Guest Blogging 

Another way to grow your app development business is by writing columns, providing insights, and generating content for business websites that already attract a high volume of traffic. This can be done by collaborating with fellow app development businesses. 

A clever digital marketing strategy is all about turning competition to your advantage. This results in the sharing of potential customers and exposing your app development business to a wider audience. 

7. Create Comparison Guides

You can create comparison guides that showcase how your app development solutions are better than your peers. Your comparison guide could be in the form of a webpage that is specifically targeted to potential customers who are comparing businesses before engaging in a contract. 

You can highlight key differentiators like the experience working with you, the price advantage, the technical capability your organization holds, and product maintenance packages.

Building a competitive edge without being too pushy can project confidence and attract businesses looking for app development solutions. 

8. Get Featured

Getting featured in digital technology magazines and platforms that attract high volumes of readers is another way you can grow your app development business. Some of these platforms include Clutch, Yourstory, Techcrunch, etc. Registering your business on these platforms validates your company as legitimate and a professional business.

You can also choose to run paid partnerships with these platforms and get featured. Being featured in these platforms improves your SEO score significantly. 

9. Build Customer Reviews and Trust

An important principle in marketing is to understand that customers buy things that other customers recommend. 

This can be done by registering your app development business on review platforms. Great user reviews for your business these review platforms will help you in getting a first-page rank on Google as well. 

You can actively ask happy customers to write reviews about your business and their experience with you. You can also direct your social media followers to consider writing reviews for your business. 

Run competitions, quizzes, and giveaways to keep your potential customers engaged in return for the positive feedback.

Potential customers find it easy to trust your business over others when you have good reviews from a large number of people or businesses. 

Digital Marketing is a Game of Patience

While digital marketing is crucial to growing your app development business, it is important to understand that it requires a lot of patience and persistent efforts. Building a brand and creating trust amongst potential customers is a slow process. You may require experimenting with a mix of digital marketing strategies to find the perfect combination and the right channels that work in your favor. 

As a business owner of an app development company, you need to keep yourself updated with the latest digital marketing trends and ideas. Follow more successful companies and try to understand their marketing campaigns. Try to see who they are targeting and how they are achieving the same.

Digital marketing has transformed the way companies grow their business. Ideating a digital marketing strategy has become an integral part of optimizing your sales funnel. With good research, planning, and the right digital marketing tools, your app development business can sustain and flourish in the market. 

Author Bio, :- Rajamanickam Rajan is the Director at Skein Technologies which is a leading software and mobile application development company in India.

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