8 Positive Effects of Social Media on Meeting Random Strangers

By James Tredwell on August 15, 2020

Changing the situation of meeting random strangers has vastly affected the process of the Internet. In today’s world, it is undeniable that social media plays a vital role in impacting our culture of interacting with anyone, anywhere, or.

Along with the Internet with its various social tools, it is here in the world to stay and have a more significant positive impact on our everyday life—the positive vibe that impacts connecting random strangers for both our own and other’s wellbeing. 

Human beings are inherently social beasts, who become happier and healthier when they meet random strangers and make connections because a critical ingredient for happiness has positive social relationships.

What Role Social Media Play?

 Social media is a new forum that brings people-

  • To exchange ideas and thoughts,
  • Connect with
  • Relate to 
  • And mobilize for a cause to seek advice and guidance.

Each step forward, social media has made it easier to socialize with meeting strangers over the convenient platforms that connect you emotionally with saving a lot of time. Although, it has brought about many benefits allowing you to easily connect with friends, families even to someone new around the globe.

Social media networking varies significantly with the uniqueness they have to offer. It builds a constant craving to meet someone random, and connections through social media with strangers are likely to turn a life of misery into one of bliss.

Let’s see the eight positive effects of social media on meeting random strangers:

  • Lead to more communication

What barrier we lack?? Answers are always communication. Most of you lost your true ones due to a lack of communication. Communication plays a most important and efficient role in connecting with someone to the extent. Social media not only allows you to hear what others say but also enables you to respond. 

Social media is all about 4C: 

  • Communication.
  • Conversations. 
  • Community. 
  • Connections.

It is a significant positive effect on social media because it has changed how we meet people and communicate. For example, A tweet can instantly be shared with millions of people, giving a chance to meet random people immediately and quickly. 

Changing the environment’s scenario allows many of you to be hit by someone random and will enable them to stay connected as much as they want. Likewise, communication qualify, 

  • Authenticity.
  • Honesty.
  • Open dialogues.
  • Long-term establishment.
  • Instant communication, this communication base will allow you to meet strangers, get connected, and put out best in your relationship through social platforms.
  • Allow to break down international borders and cultural barriers

Through social media initiation, tenets have positively affected meeting random strangers while sitting in one place. Who doesn’t want to meet people from different countries? Who doesn’t want to know people of different cultures? These social media reach reduced the gap of cultural barriers and international borders. It simplifies meeting strangers, communicating, and facilitating faster adoption of someone in the new culture.

“Reach can be beyond like the sky is unlimited.”

You can now meet different people from different countries without doubt by using many social networking media. Meeting people of another country opens the way to know more about strangers’ cultures and similarly tells them about yours that allows you to stay connected. 

Social media promotes intercultural communication as cultural differences Influence- 

  • Communication. 
  • Behavior. 
  • Values. 

New social media brought people from unlike culture to meet and made connections with them. 

  • You can reach mostly

As we know, you can’t meet tons of people randomly by walking down the road, sitting at home, etc. and ask them to become your friend and stay connected. Social media benefits you to reach, meet and interact with most of the others straightforwardly. 

So, only social networking can allow you to meet random strangers over the media and have conversations that can ultimately become long-lasting. 

Indeed, meaningful connections can be made through multiple social media platforms. Using reaching mostly is that it provide an online community that allows people to meet- 

  • The new era of any culture, background, and county. 
  • Communicate with friends and strangers.
  • Share common interests, experiences with common aims.
  • Share photos, videos, music, links, and more. 

Therefore giving vast reach and connectivity in any corner of the globe directly allows you to meet one of the different people.

  • Safety

Who doesn’t require a safe atmosphere? Everyone wants a safe program where they can meet someone quickly. There is always a fear of impersonators who can damage our reputation with the very people we are trying to network with. 

All you want is safety, that’s why social media gives a system of “use the privacy and settings” this way it covers your safety, but it also includes your reputation from being hampered. Browse around the site that you use and become familiar so that you can ensure some pretty strict settings to stay safe. 

Meeting random strangers over social media is now becoming the norm of Friendship, Strangers, and safety. They are there to help you tell you who sees your activities and positively manages your online experience. This positive way allows you to meet safety with any kind of stranger without being panicky of distinction.

  • Empowering Introverts to express their thoughts

In meeting people, social media has also put a positive effect on empowering introverts to express their ideas, feelings without directly doing face-to-face communication.

The social media facilitates benefitted by most of the introverts. Why is this so?. Introverts always lack behind in going forward and put themselves out in the crowd of so many. 

“The time for Introverts has arrived.” 

Because you “the introverts” are the ones that are making things happen behind the scenes quietly. Social media made it so that introverts can bloom. They now have an excellent platform to meet someone, the ability to make new friends and connect without feeling tapped out. 

It’s time to celebrate! You have a new way to stand out and put yourself out in the world full of people waiting to meet.

  • Strong Linkage

Social exclusion provides widespread connections of connections. It is considered one of the positive effects of social media on meeting random strangers. If you have a strong linkage of tons of people, you can quickly meet someone of your choice over social media platforms. 

Dynamism lies in the inter-connection. 

Let’s see an example: How do you meet strangers? They can be your friends’ friends or can be family members’ friends. Similarly, through social media, you get to meet the people who can be mutual friends of your friend, your followers. Strong linkages allow you to meet someone new randomly, instantly, and quickly.

  • Direct Connections

We all prefer to meet people rapidly, and no one wants to fiddle-about how to find someone instantly. Social media provides you the way to search for people, voice your opinion, find your interested match, stay connected as long as you want, and make direct connections without being delayed in searching for physical appearance. 

Social networking services are all about online platforms where you can build your connections by sending a single request to anyone you desire to connect. It shows you what is happening in your friend’s life and even on the stranger. 

These platforms better connect you to their feelings undemanding. 

Social media hand a definite chance to connect with people likely-  

  • Listen attentively.
  • Meaningful responding.
  • Take your time; don’t jump.
  • Give value to their feelings and choice.
  • Focus, focus & focus on each vocal of your saying.
  • Boosts Confidence Level

The networking on social media allows you to connect with others, build new relationships, or strengthen the existing one and meet different people. If you get positive feedback, it automatically boosts your mood and increases your self-confidence. Social media’s prime motive is to come up with ideas that positively help people, whether to make connections or to meet random strangers. Most of you feel anxious when approaching and talking to strangers. 

Social media provides you with a habit of chatting and meeting random people every day. You gradually start becoming comfy with initiating the conversations, so that it aids in boosting your self-confidence.

On that account social media supports you on meeting random strangers, reaching out to strangers and creating connections with them provides you new opportunities to make new friends, gain a new perspective, expand your networking, learn a lot of new things, be socialize, have fun experiences and probably even meet your soul mate.

Remember, all your good connections started as a stranger. First, these networks have many positive effects, such as meeting new people, remaining in contact with friends & family friends, providing educational benefits and skills, and accessin.

Author Bio:-  Abhipsa Anindita can usually be found reading grammar and literature books. She loves hoarding novels yet reads more of Roald Dahl’s collection or Harry Potter. She loves meeting new people and making new friends, so she visits sites like  https://www.randomstrangerchats.com/  In her ideal time she is found holding a cup of hot chocolate.

How to Market Small Business on Social Media Effectively?

By James Tredwell on July 31, 2020

Many small business owners have this mentality that “Social media marketing is no longer an option for their business.” According to them, social media won’t benefit their companies.

Are you also one of them? But this is not entirely true!

Being a small business owner, you must see social media as a robust tool that can help build strong awareness, enhance the number of sales, and create a real customer base. Once you start using social media from marketing purposes,  you will see that the results that you achieve are far better, plus you will truly understand the potential of social media marketing for small businesses.

Let us have a glance at some stats showing the necessity of social media marketing for small businesses and why every small business owner needs to take it seriously.

  • Around 88% of businesses use social media, according to surveys.
  • According to studies, 96% of the people who talk about your brand online aren’t following you on social platforms.
  • Clients/customers spend 20% to 40% more on services/products by brands who engage with them on social media.

These stats suggest, if you use social media marketing unerringly for your businesses, you can easily reach out to your target audience and develop a long-lasting relationship with them. It is a highly effective way to create a brand that people trust even while making more hits for your buck.

But, then the question arises that what are the effective ways to promote any small business on social media?

Must say there is no one-standard-method to use for social media marketing. As every business has its specific needs, similarly, there are different methods for different industries.

Still, if you are currently using social media but not seeing the results you hoped for, this blog will steer you toward the path to success.

Follow below outlined tips and strategies, and you’ll set yourself up for persistent growth today and in the future.

Let’s dig in!

  1. Determine Your Marketing Goals

Make sure you have clearly defined your marketing objectives before you consider developing the social media strategy for your small business.

Most businesses’ marketing objectives are about building brand awareness, generating leads, and engaging their customers. But your goals can range from driving sales to providing online customer service to other assistive services and many more.

So,  before you start developing and sharing content, be sure you know what you’re after.

  1. Stay Active on Multiple Platforms

Many people use Facebook, and they think it’s all they need.

If you have a Facebook page, that’s great you’re heading in the right path.

But Facebook alone won’t be enough. You need to build your presence on as many social platforms as possible.

However, before you rush to create a profile on all the channels, it’s vital to understand your target market.

For example, for B2B companies, LinkedIn is more beneficial. The reason is 80% of leads generated by B2B brands come from LinkedIn.

Find this hard to believe, but after all these years, Facebook is still the fastest growing social network. And it’s not going anywhere soon.

Still, after creating a Facebook page, you need to determine which other channels are suitable for your brand and marketing strategy.

You can even ask your social media agency to help to decide which social platforms are good for your industry!

  1. Establish a Community

Focus on finding customers who are interested, loyal, and engaged, instead of trying to get as many followers as possible. At the place of the random crowd, these people are more likely to like your posts, repost your content, and become customers.

Once you establish a community around your brand, then people will engage with each other within that community and will help to promote your content. For better outcomes, you could even try reaching out to exceptionally influential social media users and to help you promote by reviewing a product or mentioning you in a post.

  1. Post Daily, Daily

After having social media profiles on multiple platforms, do not forget to keep those accounts active.

Look at this way, if someone looks at your page and the most recent post there was from three weeks ago, then will they follow you? Obviously, not! What’s the point in following a brand that is not active?

Besides, think about your existing followers. You need to actively post new content that will appear on your followers’ homepages and timelines.

  1. Say No to Over-Promotion

Make sure your content is worth following not just promotional advertisements. Getting more followers will indirectly increase your chances of driving more sales.

You can run a contest, promote flash sales and discounts instead of posting too many promotions. It will ONLY cause people to unfollow you.

According to a study, near about 46% of consumers unfollow brands that post too much promotional content.

Give your users something useful, like handy information or a post that makes them laugh or validates their feelings, lifestyle, or simply entertains them. Whenever you share something with your followers, think about what’s in it for them. If there’s nothing for them, then don’t post it at all.

  1. Share Video or Podcasts

At the place of lengthy write-ups, Visual content works well, especially on social media. For getting public attention as well as conveying your personality and passion to your customers, video content is ideal.

As people scroll through their social feeds, visual content stands out, so they’re more likely to view it and engage with it. Posting an interesting, narrative-driven video can bring you the best reactions.

Apart from that, there is a part of the audience for them podcasts works well. So you can also add podcasts in your strategy.

Again your social media management company can help you figure what kind of posts can fulfil your marketing goals!

  1. Address Issues Quickly

We hope you receive only positive feedbacks on social media. But there are chances that you may encounter someone who is upset, argumentative, or has something negative to say about your brand.

Make sure to monitor mentions of your brand on social channels, so you can catch issues even before they escalate. And if you notice a problem, engage with the person, apologize publicly, and offer to solve the problem over a direct message exchange. This way, people will know you are responsive but don’t have to see all the details of the issue.

Should you do it yourself, or outsource?

Are you in the dilemma that you should take on the work of marketing your business yourself or hire a social media agency? Marketing experts very well know how to get a brand noticed and can jump right in on implementing top strategies. All you need to do is to show little patience, because it may take a few months to start seeing the results of these strategies, but later, it’s an investment that will pay off and help you start scaling.

Hire an agency or do it yourself, just do it the right way for better outcomes and reach higher, good luck!

Author Bio: Leon Lee is the Social media expert at Lead Social – an social media marketing agency based in the UK. He has great experience in social media management and loves to share his knowledge with all.

10 Best Social Media Tips for a Successful Travel Vlog

By James Tredwell on July 14, 2020

Do you want to document your travels, why not share them with the rest of the world? Travel vlogging has now become a legit industry, made up of thousands of content creators.

So, how can you make a travel vlog and stand out in the highly populated travel space? Producing the content is one thing; promoting your content in social media platforms is another.

Here we will teach you how to create amazing vlogs that gets traction in social media while enjoying travel at the same time:

1. Find your hook (specialty)

A hook is crucial if you want to grow your audience. First and foremost, you need to have a clear vision of the kind of videos you want to create, and what it will be all about.

If you want your travel vlog to focus on food, then do quick keyword research in Google trends or use keyword tools like UbberSuggest and Keyword Finder.

These tools provide you keywords that people use to find video related content like vlogs. It can also help you find what successful travel-food bloggers are vlogging.

Always remember that your hook should be something that you genuinely care about. Don’t forget to put your personality to it, and create something that you love and be passionate about, as this will reach your viewer.

Let’s say that you’re a foodie who loves to explore authentic local experiences. You can immerse yourself in the culture of a particular place so that you can create a more heartfelt content, which your audience can relate to.

2. Produce professional-looking video

The last thing that you want to happen is to have a crooked brand logo published on your website. So why do you want to post a shaky video on social media?

Investing in a tripod will allow you to create a professional-looking video that you can share with your audience.

You can also use video stabilization tools that you can find in video editing apps such as Emulsio, or Adobe Premiere Pro. You can also significantly reduce the speed of your video as this significantly reduces the shakiness.

But if you don’t mind spending, you can invest in a handheld stabilizer for your phone. Similarly, you can also purchase a phone that already has a built-in image stabilization function.

Lastly, consider your environment where you are doing the shoot. A noisy or windy environment could add more noise to your video and affect your vlog quality.

By doing these tips, your audience could better focus on your message than worrying about the quality of your videos.

3. Use storytelling to connect to your audience

Compelling storytelling helps stimulate emotions from your viewers. Affectionate storytelling is essential because it awakens all kinds of emotions from your viewers, and that’s precisely your goal.

In fact, according to Harvard Business Review, great stories helps release oxytocin to the brain, a chemical responsible for the “bonding” experience, or a feel-good hormone.

That should be your goal. When you establish a meaningful connection with your audience, everything else will fall into place.

Storytelling not only touches the hearts of your viewers, but it also helps promote your brand to them.

4. Message clarity is important

Most video content creators often forget that aside from the video quality, clarity is another crucial aspect that they need to focus on.

If your production or the entire concept of your video isn’t clear, then you’re bound to fail. Meanwhile, if your message is clear right from the bat, it’s easier for customers to make an informed decision.

Also, try to make it short and sweet. Ideally, try to keep it under three minutes, as people easily lose interest if it would take you longer than that. A lot of people are often impatient on social media, and they would quickly move on if a particular video doesn’t retain their interest.

So, keep it short, and be clear of what you want to convey right at the very beginning. Shorter clips will also help you save a lot of time on the editing process.

5. Utilize script and voice over

Now, if you’re an online brand who wants to market products on social media, you might want to script these videos.

You can spend some time creating scripts, editing the video, and spend a couple of hours recording voice-overs. Doing so will make your campaign look more professional.

Keep in mind that these voice-overs don’t have to be formal. There’s no clear cut formula on making the script or outline. Just make it clear and relatable to the viewer as much as possible.

6. Choose video format wisely

When making videos on social media, you have different options for the type of format you’ll use ‒ landscape, portrait, square, or fullscreen.

The most popular formats in recording social media videos are landscape and portrait. But when recording social media videos from your phone, the ideal format that you can use is square.

How so?

  • This format looks excellent on desktops.
  • It also looks great on mobile devices.
  • Social media platforms like Instagram often cut your video if it isn’t recorded in the square format.

Meanwhile, other video formats have several advantages, as well. For instance, the portrait type is most popular with people using phones and other mobile devices. So, if most of your audiences are using their phones, this format could be great.

Meanwhile, if most of your audience is still using their desktops, then the landscape mode could better fit into the frame.

7. Pick the right music that will accentuate the overall mood of your video

It’s essential to choose music that will fit the mood of your video as it could impact your viewers as well. So, pick music that will highlight the vibe or feeling that you want to send across.

For instance, you might want to use pop or rock music if you’re doing something thrilling like bungee jumping or cliff diving. Or you might want to use tropical chill music when you’re shooting at a beach.

You can access YouTube audio library to get free music that you can use in your videos.

8. Create an effective CTAs

If you’re using videos as one of your marketing tactics on social media, then you need to have the right strategy.

Although social media videos might not be your only weapon to grow and engage with your audience, it’s a powerful one.

So, try to make the most of it. Meaning, you need to put in the effort in creating high-quality video content that’s not only worth watching but worth sharing with other people as well.

But to get the best ROI from your social media videos, you need to create a strong and clear call to actions along with it.

If you’re not encouraging your audience to act now, then what is the use of creating a social media video in the first place? So, if you want to gain more leads, and convert your prospects into paying customers, you should:

Create a social media video that encourages people to know more about your brand. Your call-to-action should clearly explain the advantages of making an interaction “view” to your video.

9. Take your time to evaluate

Now, after editing your travel blog, the next thing that you can do is to give it at least a day or two before evaluating or coming back to it again. Taking a pause will provide you with a much better perspective.

Doing this helps recharge your batteries, and refreshes your mind with new ideas, a helpful technique that you need to incorporate.

10. Be inspired by other travel vloggers and vlogs

The final tip in this post is for you to watch other travel vlogs!

There’s a lot of travel vlogs on Youtube and other social media platforms that will inspire you as you gradually improve on your travel vlogging skills.

So, if you have extra time in your hands, watch successful travel vloggers on the internet and learn from them. What made them stand out? How do they connect with their audience? What are the types of content they roll out? What kind of topic has gained the highest number of views on their channel or page?

When you watch them, you’ll be able to get helpful tips and ideas that you can incorporate into your videos. They might also inspire you to come up with new content for your next travel vlog!

Over to You

So there you have it! Those are a couple of tips on how you can create a successful social media video.

It’s also important to stay focused on your goals, so that it’s easier for you to bring your luggage sets and stay on course. The more eyeballs that you get on your content, the more opportunities you’ll gain in the future. So, if you want to make things happen, you have to work hard for it.

Eventually, all those hard work will pay off with the right strategy, drive, and persistence. Good luck!

8 Ways to Get Engaged Instagram Followers

By James Tredwell on July 7, 2020

A newly launched Instagram page seems full of ambitions and hopes to generate leads for a business. For you must have a stunning follower base. To increase awareness for a business a right followers have to be grabbed through exceptional marketing strategies.

In this article, you will learn such useful tactics that will start working on the first day of implementation.

Consistency is the Key

If you are not publishing content regularly then your existing followers may forget your page. To keep them connected, you need to understand the key to consistency. You have to keep posting at least a single post on daily to make your page refresh and new.

You may get help from online tools like buffer and chrome extensions to get posted. Brands on Instagram always update their page a few times in a day. But it should be higher than a few times a day.

Some influencers are telling you the best time of publishing a post to get more like and reshare. But it might differ as every page has different goals and content.

You can also experiment by analyzing which your page receiving attraction the most.

Get Collaboration to form Other Account

In your niche, you are not the only person who is running an Instagram page. Being an Instagrammer, your content has to be circulated among the online audience. Find appropriate and niche relevant pages and send them a message hoping to establish a reliable collaboration.

By this, you are being able to spread your content for free. Also, you will have to perform essential tasks for your partners. This way leads you huge relevant followers that may show interest in your products and services.

Besides, make sure you are offering something valuable content to get engaged readers and viewers. Less valuable content might reduce the effectiveness of the page.

Publish well-designed Images

The image you are adding to your Instagram page should be of high quality and well-composed. You are to organize detailed research to ensure your graphics quality. Do not use another account image. Even though some big influencers prefer to publish others but make certain credit has to be given.

This size is considered the ideal for post: 1080px by 608px for Landscape format, 1080px by 1080px for Square format and 1080px by 1350px for portrait.

Always avoid blur images.

Do waste your time to find extremely high-quality graphics.

Use Analytics

Does Instagram offer analytical tools like Google gives a search console?

Yes, Instagram has dedicated analytics that is delivered for business accounts.

If you have selected business account options while creating a new insta page, you are entitled to a separate dashboard to be inspected performance.

Analytics data can be utilized to level up Instagram page followers, leads, engagement, and last one graphics design.

This dashboard provides insightful information regarding location, gender, timing, and age.

Research for Tags

Instagram offers a unique tag feed in which users do search for keywords to reach out to targeted posts and pages.

If you want to get discovered your page by the audience then do not avoid tag popular and relevant pages. It will lead you to show up your page into someone else research.

Suppose you have a page of food. In this case, tagging other food vendors that have a better audience and followers, might help you to get reach of to relevant users.

To collect such pages to be tagged, more research requires to be followed by you.

Optimize Your Bio 

First off, head over to the following section to understand word limits.

  • Instagram Bio – 150 Characters
  • Instagram Username – 30 Characters

In the above list, it is seen that you have 150 characters space to optimize bio. Instagram also lets you insert hashtags to be increased performance. Make ensure hashtags would be a call to action kind of.

Also, you may receive targeted traffic if you insert your website link into the bio segment. Instagram will not scrape this even they encourage users to have a link in. I would like to recommend conducting A/B testing.

Upload an alluring and memorable profile pic.

The caption will be triggered

Below statics will help to understand how you will craft your caption.

  • Instagram Caption – 2200 Characters
  • Instagram Hashtags – 30 Hashtags

Within 2200 characters space, Instagram gives you a privilege to rectify keywords properly. If you see brands’ captions, they tend to write a call to action text or questions for the audience.

In both cases, users are politely forced to take necessary actions. It might be sharing posts, visiting the site, leaving comments, and signing up for the product.

But the good news is that every time you will have a chance to connect with readers.

Embed Instagram page link to the website

Besides, you are accountable to add an Instagram profile link to the website. You have two components to insert a link into the website, first it social media section in which Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest page links are also placed to be recognized.

Moreover, an Instagram post may be added to specific posts for describing content in a wider way.

For SEO objectives, this Instagram profile link might make your site authority and reliable.


Getting engaged followers to make them customers, is not difficult. Just follow the right strategy for a certain time and then analysis and comparison will reveal mistakes you made during performing.

Consistent content distribution is the major task to accomplish all the goals.

Author bio – This article has written by bloggingfrommoon content marketing team. This blog provides detailed information on social media marketing, SEO tricks, blogging tips, email marketing and so on.

How Using Social Media Can Help Businesses Stay Ahead of the Competition

By James Tredwell on April 1, 2020

At this point, ignoring social Media is like pulling out a flip phone in a business meeting and not understanding, ‘Why Simon gets all the new accounts?’

But the sad part is, most people still own flip phones, and some people always ask, ‘What can social media marketing do for my business?’ May GOD help these innocent, or should I say, ignorant souls.

Do you realize that 90% of marketers believe that social media has increased their business presence more than anything else? (As per hubspot.com)

If you are still not convinced, then know that 66% of the marketers who spend at least 6 hours per week on social media get more leads than those who don’t use social media at all.

So, in a way, the more social media you use, the more leads you will get.

Here is how Social Media is helping businesses to get more leads than their competitors.

1. Social Media is a source of massive traffic

It doesn’t matter which industry you belong to or what is your target audience, a substantial amount of traffic and leads can be generated with social media.

Having access to unlimited customers across the globe helps a brand to get massive traffic on their website.

Whenever a new blog or an update is made on the homepage, it’s nearly impossible for all the customers to know about it. Inevitably, some of them will notice, but for the rest, you need to use social media to grab their attention and bring them on your site.

And when these posts are shown in the newsfeed of visitors and followers that are already interested in your product, the generated traffic will be highly targeted. It will not just boost traffic; it will attract the customers you need.

Generating traffic from social media is a science.

At times a single Reddit link might drive 20,000 visitors; other times, social media scheduling tools can help you to bring unexpected traffic on site. It would be crazy not to capitalize on such an opportunity.

2. Social Media will give an idea about your audience

The most fantastic part of Social Media is the amount of interaction they bring to the table. People nowadays share everything on their social media. Say, you want to know more about your target audience, read their tweets, or see what they are sharing on Instagram. You’ll get surprising insights about their daily lives.

  • What are their hobbies?
  • What websites do they visit regularly?
  • Which products they’re buying and why?
  • Which type of posts do they love to share?

These insights have phenomenal benefits. When you’re able to understand your customers, it will be easy to create relevant content and create ads that will grab the attention of these people. You can identify the pain points of customers and improve your product strategy.

3. Social Media Develops Brand Loyalty

A report by Texas Tech University revealed that brands that are active on social media have more loyal customers than those who are not.

Of course, it doesn’t take a mind of a genius to understand this simple fact that when brands interact on social media, they build rapport and a bond od trust. By giving out useful information to the customer, it’s easy to ask customers to subscribe or try out a new service.

This shows that one of the benefits of social media is that it brings brand loyalty. Customers will see your brand as a caring and value-driven brand. And in a competitive market, this can make a huge difference.

4. Social Media will increase your sales

The most logical reason that businesses use social media is that it brings more sales

According to Statista.com, with more than 2.5 Billion active monthly users, Facebook is a first-generation beast. More and more CEOs and VPs use social media to make their buying decision.

It’s not a surprise that when you are in front of the customer, it will develop a level of trust, and an increase in social media presence will make it easy for the customer to buy from you. You have the chance to influence the customer on multiple points of the sales funnel.

You can engage customers through social media, give them exclusive discount coupons, and address their pain points directly via social media.

5. Boosting your website’s SEO

Search engine crawlers are smart, they exactly know which of the pages are driving the most traffic, so they ignore the rest of the pages. Inevitably, a killer content strategy is essential to increase your ranking, but driving traffic will help you to climb the ladder faster.

At times, it will only take re-sharing the evergreen content. When you keep sharing the accessible content on social media, it will bring more people to your website, and there is a good chance that your SEO will improve fast.

Talk from a standpoint of an SEO agency, where you are handling a dozen of projects, it is crucial to devise a content strategy for your clients’ that is best aligned with their goals. If the things look challenging to handle, you can always outsource SEO to the one that keep nitty-gritty details into account.

Finishing it up

There is fierce competition out there. If you don’t act smart and beat your competitors, it will be severe for you to survive.

There is no room for more words and less action. You need to get out there and listen to what customers want?

And the good thing about social media is that people genuinely share their problems on social media, which makes it easy for brands to capture their questions and devise a viable solution for them.

It’s not a question of choice anymore. If you are not on social media, you’ll be left behind, forgotten, and no one will come to your rescue.

To make those customers listen to your brand message, you must become part of their tribe. To go where they hand out, that is social media.

You need to be active on social media and let the customers know that you are there to solve their problems, to add value to their lives.

Author Bio :- Mary Warner is an enthusiast blogger. Her compelling research and communication capabilities exchange offerings that have value for the reader. Her passion for writing has been an ever-evolving affair. She loves to share her views related to latest trends in marketing, technology, ecommerce, and the like.

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