What Makes Angular The Best Web Development Framework?

By James Tredwell on September 27, 2021

In today’s world, every company has to make a significant impact on the internet and have a strong presence. This can occur when the business owner makes a website that provides the best features and an exceptional user experience that’s efficient and reliable as well. However, when we speak of web development there are several options that one can choose from. 

Often this is where the business owners get confused and can’t decide on the framework for app development. One of the best that you can go for is Angular Js. The capabilities of Angular can assist any business to cater to several kinds of business development requirements for making sure you get the expected outcome. 

Here we shall take an in-depth look at all that you need to know about Angular and features that make it best amongst the competitors. For more, keep reading ahead and see what makes Angular the best web development framework!

AngularJs: What Is It?

Angular JS is the structural framework that can be used for app development by companies for the creation of dynamic web applications. This enables developers the use of HTML for being the template language and provides them with HTML’s syntax for expressing varied application components in a much precise and clear manner. 

Some of its general features include:

  • The technology for providing the developers with the options for writing client-side applications by using javascript for the clean Model View Controller (MVC) way.
  • It has an efficient framework for helping in the creation of RIA (Rich Internet Applications).
  • The applications get written by using Angular are compliant with cross-browser.
  • Angular JS is an open-sourced framework that comes with free features. The framework has been licensed with Apache version 2.0.

Overall the framework of AngularJs lets the developers make maintainable, large-scale, and efficient performance applications.

What Is the Reason for Angular’s Popularity?

A lot of companies have been using Angular for creating websites. Some of the biggest names include Samsung, Microsoft, Google, Santander, VMware. Now there are several reasons for considering Angular for being the best and has led to its popularity:

  • The ease of use.
  • Angular offers the users with professional websites that have lesser code when we compare it with its rivals. 

AngularJs Benefits

Here is the list of major benefits that AngularJs has:

  • It provides the capacity of creating one-page applications.
  • The technology provides the data-binding capacity to HTML.
  • It makes use of dependency injection.
  • AngularJs codes are unit testable.
  • With AngularJs one can see entire HTML pages, with controllers that are written in Java for business processing.
  • It provides reusable components.
  • AngularJs is the technology for offering developers higher functionality through shortcodes. 

AngularJs Drawbacks

There are also some disadvantages of AngularJs like:

  • As it’s a framework with the only JavaScript, all of the applications that are written with AngularJs aren’t safe. 
  • In case the user of this application has disabled JavaScript they won’t be able to see anything apart from the basic page.

Top Reasons That Make Angular the Best Web Development Framework

Several companies provide web development services that are Angular-based. Therefore one has to be wise for choosing the right ones. Here are some of the top reasons that make Angular the best web development framework!

1. Google Support

AngularJs is the framework that has been created as well as maintained by Google. It has been known for being the best and highly practiced AngularJs framework by team members of app development. A lot of them also prefer taking the benefit of AngularJs for app projects. Then there are toolkits offered by Google that will be allowing them for creating user-friendly and unique applications. 

AngularJs had been developed as most app developers had begun using technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript for front-end and back-end languages. Apart from that, the service providers by Google offer high security for users of the AngularJs framework.

2. Easy to Use

By using AngularJs all of the developers get access to several features that make web application development very easy, effortless, and time-saving task. Apart from that, this also allows developers with writing lesser codes and creating the best applications with higher implementation time. 

MVS architecture is supported by AngularJs that creates app developing work and also everything gets easier for development teams. Developers are only going to work on getting and set functions in case they need to apply the data models. Also, all of the other team members that aren’t included with app codes will be able to work on directives.

3. App Development in Declarative Code

The declarative code model is followed on AngularJs. This is great as it can also be used for developing patterns that are frequently accessible and can result in optimum codes that are lightweight and also ease reading and writing. 

This doesn’t specify and define each of the application steps and just the specific ones that help in producing needed outcomes.

4. Data Binding Is Two-Way

The framework of AngularJs is in demand across varied industries. And the reason for that is its functionality of two-way data binding. With this, we mean that even when a developer makes any change in the application object it will be able to influence the user interface. And vice-versa can happen as well. With this framework, both probabilities of user action that takes place and module changes can work simultaneously.

The two-way data binding process is when the framework is triggered through any of the events over the web browser, and this can also cause modules with user actions over web pages for changing and updating the needed and critical patterns. Apart from that, there isn’t any need for direct manipulation or storing links over DOM, this can result in using model-state-terms.

5. The Best Community Support

AngularJs is one of the best technologies that has been made and maintained by expert engineers of Reddit and Google+. This is a framework that also has the best community support by members of their core team and the one that suggests improvements or makes fixes. 

All of these members are constantly having conferences worldwide for all of the developers of AngularJs and discuss differently IT queries too. Aside from this, there are several online resources and books available that one can go for if you are an AngularJs developer. This also means that the developers get to be associated with the community bit also can connect with the engineers and get answers to any of the queries.

6. Features Are SPA-Oriented

AngularJs and SPAa go with each other. For example, AngularJs provides varied forms of validation capability. In case the web page makes use of forms then FormController assists in writing down the states. By making use of such data, developers can change easily the behavior of HTML elements in their user interface. There are also important built-in validates for getting help in tracking errors and handling them for enabling validate creations when needed.

7. Higher Flexibility for Creating Application

With AngularJs, all of the channels, stay independent for the capacities and this enables information filtration for the information before it reaches view. This can differ from one application to another and according to the functions similar to adding decimals on numerical, execution of pagination, and also turning content strings. The AmgularJs channels have been used in controllers, administrations, directives, and formats. The upgrades are resourceful and can also be handled using an HTML table without JavaScript.

Is Angular A Superior Framework?

Angular has slowly become one of the most used development tools and had got much recommendations and recognition by developers across the world. As the popularity has been increasing for creating user interfaces, the Angular community also has widely increased. There is so much that the tool offers to businesses and therefore its providing opportunities for discovering its new functionalities, features, and benefits for web and mobile app development.

AngularJs has been developed by Google and is one of the best choices you can make for app development today. The framework eases the website development front-end work. It depends on MVC patterns and has been used for developing quality single-page applications. There are vital features like scope management, API client, directives, filters, and validation. This comes with tools and components for reducing the time that one spends on their application development as well.

Wrapping It Up!

As you can see from the above review, Angular is currently one of the web application development technologies that are growing fast. It is also the preferred framework for the developers that need to make feature-rich solutions. 

When you are a business owner, it’s best to hire a company for web development that has quality experience on AngularJs and the ones that can create an apt product. Apart from that, when you make use of the framework, it’s always recommended that you use tools for testing the way your web application and website work on different devices.

Author Bio.: With over 6 years of experience as a leader in web development, Ravi Kumar is Founder & Editor at WHRX. Passionate about all things data; providing actionable business intelligence in digital, designing and development, future tech; and venture bubbles.

10 Best Python Frameworks for Web Development 2021

By James Tredwell on July 17, 2021

Ever since the Google hunt results for the year 2019 declared Python as the second most public semantics on the internet, the popularity of the Python framework is on the rise.

Python web frameworks can quickly help build scalable enterprise applications that have the capacity of handling millions of users at once without crashing. Moreover, being one of the most influential languages, Python enables apps to process multiple queries in a single instance.

The ever-increasing demand for Python is due to three main reasons. Firstly, Python comes with excellent Scalability and Machine Learning capabilities that have made it a promising programming language. Secondly, Python frameworks and libraries allow enterprises to build Machine Learning projects. Lastly, Python offers computational capabilities, statistical algorithms, and scientific programming, three critical elements for any AI and ML-based app.

We can say that Python is undoubtedly one of the most efficient programming languages. Many renowned businesses offer credits to the Python Web development and the Python web development company of their progress.

If you are also on the bandwagon of choosing Python as your framework, then this post is just the right place for you. Here we will discuss about the ten best Python frameworks for web development in 2021.

10 Best Python Frameworks for Web Development 

#1. Django

Django is a full-stack Python web application framework that makes one of the best Python frameworks for web development. It offers everything that a framework should have – right from authentication and URL routing to template engine and object-relational mapper, Django has it all.

Moreover, it is a highly time-efficient language and has a versatile Python framework for web development that follows the Don’t Repeat Yourself principle and has various libraries.

Interestingly, amongst the web development frameworks, Django occupies a 14.2% market share and ranks as the tenth most used framework globally.

Some of the key features of Django are-

  • It helps developers in avoiding multiple security mistakes.
  • Faster development that lets developers take web applications from concept to launch in a short time.
  • Django’s user authentication system offers a safe way to manage user details.

#2. Flask

Flask is one of the best Python frameworks for web development in the market used for robust web development. With its simple yet powerful framework and a plethora of extensions, it can quickly serve a simple API to a web server.

Flask comes with features like a built-in debugger, HTTP request handling, in-built development server, unit testing support, RESTful request dispatching, and much more. One of the most loved features of the flask framework is that it is known for rapid deployment and can take up the website running in seconds.

Following Django, Flask is the 11th most popular framework with a share of 14.2% in the web development industry.

Some of the key features of Flask are-

  • Flask has excellent flexibility
  • Flask aims to keep the core simple but extensible
  • The framework includes many hooks to customise its behaviour

#3. TurboGears

Similar to Django, TurboGears is a full-stack Python web application framework with huge libraries that bring together the best of other Python frameworks.

TurboGears offers all that you could ask from a good Python framework. It has multi-database support, PasteScript templates, MVC architecture, command-line tools, and other robust features. Its flexibility and reusable snippets for web apps make TurboGears popular amongst Python developers.

Some of the critical features of TurboGears are-

  • Solves complex industrial-strength problems.
  • It comes with a transaction manager that helps with multi-database deployments.
  • Offers official support for MongoDB
  • Provides support for multiple template engines

#4. CherryPy

CheeryPy is a well-known Python web framework that is popularly known for its stability. Being one of the best Python web frameworks, CheeryPy is used for building applications with small source code quickly compared to other Python web frameworks. Owing to its multi-threaded web server capabilities, the web running on CherryPy can work as standalone apps.

Moreover, this Python framework has a built-in plugin and a powerful configuration system that can work with any technology for templates, databases, and more.

Some of the key features of CherryPy are-

  • Has a robust configuration system for developers.
  • Comes with built-in profiling, coverage, and testing support.
  • Includes tools for caching, sessions, encoding, authentication, static content etc.
  • Has a reliable, HTTP/1.1-compliant, WSGI thread-pooled webserver.
  • Offers a flexible plugin system.


Web2Py is one of the best Python web frameworks for businesses that want a scalable web application. It comes with full-stack web development capabilities and includes its web-based IDE with a debugger and a code editor.

Web2Py is mainly used for web development with Python and provides backward compatibility along with in-built data security. Additionally, it also offers MVC architecture, support for internationalisation, and role-based access controls. Web2Py also offers a ticketing system that is an essential feature in Python web development these days. It is interesting to note that there are about 2,000 web applications and websites that use Web2Py globally.

Some of the critical features of Web2Py are-

  • Guides a web developer for good software engineering practices. For instance, using the Model View Controller (MVC) pattern.
  • It automatically checks for the issues that can lead to security breaches by following well-established practices.
  • Web2Py includes a Database Abstraction Layer (DAL) that writes SQL dynamically.

#6. Bottle

This is for the ones who love minimalistic Python web services framework. Bottle enables the execution of every application in a single source file, thereby making the development quick and straightforward.

The Bottle is an ideal choice for one who wishes to learn the arrangement of Python web frameworks and prototyping. Moreover, the Python framework offers an adapter that supports third-party template engines and comes with plugin support for multiple databases, an in-built HTTP server, and provides request dispatching routes.

Some of the key features of Bottle are-

  • Can run with Python 2.7 and 3.6+.
  • It is fast, has a Pythonic “built-in template engine,” and supports mako, jinja2 and cheetah templates.
  • The Bottle has convenient access to form data and headers. Facilitates file uploads, cookies, and other HTTP-related metadata.
  • Offers a built-in HTTP development server and supports Bjoern, Google App Engine, CherryPy or any other WSGI capable HTTP server.

#7. Pyramid

Being a flexible Python web application framework, Pyramid offers development for both simple and complex applications. Python developers love this extensibility and that it provides numerous resources to extend its potential.

Pyramid offers features like flexible authorisation, function decorators, single-file applications, renderers, and much more. Pyramid, a Python back-end framework, enables programmers to select templating language, database layers, and generation libraries.

Some of the key features of Bottle are-

  • Offers excellent support for Python 3.8 and 3.9.
  • It comes with new security APIs to support the authentication and authorisation system.

#8. Falcon

The primary objective of the Python framework, Falcon, is to build rapid APIs. Falcon aims to have 100% code coverage and doesn’t wait for the load to create HTTP APIs. Falcon offers multiple benefits like speed boost, ease of access for headers and REST-inspired resource classes. One of the most popular MNC, LinkedIn, uses Falcon as its technology stack.

Some of the key features of Falcon are-

  • Includes a highly optimised and extensible codebase.
  • Offers easy access to headers as well as bodies
  • Falcon provides DRY request processing via middleware components and hooks.

#9. Quixote

The Python framework, Quixote, is a framework for writing Web-based applications. One of the major goals of this framework is to provide flexibility along with exceptional, high-performance during web development.

Quixote comes with are three major versions, namely, versions 1, 2 and 3. Out of the three versions, versions 1 and 2 are similar but are incompatible, and version 1 is no longer maintained. However, the third version of Quixote requires Python 3 but is mainly similar to Quixote 2.

Note that the version 2 and 3 of Quixote are actively maintained and are used by numerous public website and web developments.

Some of the key features of Quixote are-

  • It offers flexibility and high performance.
  • It comes with a Python Template Language for producing HTML with Python code.

#10. CubicWeb

CubicWeb is an open-source semantic web application framework that is written in Python and is free to use. It allows Python developers to build web applications by reusing components known as cubes and following the well known object-oriented design principles. Owing to all these factors, Python programmers can effectively develop robust web applications.

Some of the key features of CubicWeb are-

  • CubicWeb comes with a query language named RQL, similar to W3C’s SPARQL.
  • It comes with a library of reusable components that fulfil everyday web development needs.
  • Now that you know about the best Python framework for web development, let’s discuss the next most obvious question.

How to choose the Python framework that suits you?

Python framework offers stellar performance and allows room for high-quality web application development. Interestingly, 35% of IT professionals in India prefer Python programming and Python web development.

However, not every Python framework will suit your business or work for your project. Thus, if you require Python enterprise apps, you should consult a good Python development company that can help you decide the framework that is best for you.

This article is contributed by Apoorv Gehlotis the founder of Matellio Inc, a software engineering studio based in California, USA.

A Website or Mobile App – Which is the First Choice For Startup

By James Tredwell on June 19, 2021

If we just stop for a minute and think about our dependence on the mobile phone – we’ll find it for every small & big task of our daily routines. Every business, every institute, & every organization needs software, mobile apps, or websites in some or other way.

According to research, there are approximately 2.56 million apps and 2 billion websites across the globe. (This shows we’re bound with technology for every single thing one can think of!)

However, a question that always looms around is – which one is better to use a mobile app or website? It is a controversial topic that comes along with a never-ending battle between the two.    

The fact is, be it a mobile app or website both come with many benefits for the business. Although, there are some extraordinary points that differentiate one from another, and gives you an ideal choice for your startup.           

In this writeup, a few crucial factors are showcased in a way that helps you understand both the elements and finalize the one based on your business/startup needs.  

Though, before peeping into the essential points, let’s first know how mobile apps and mobile websites different from each other. 

How Can You Differentiate A Mobile Website From An App? 

Since both are used in mobile phones, it is misunderstood that mobile websites and applications are one and the same. Have a look at the below-mentioned points to know more about the same. 

  • A mobile app is built from the scratch with unique UI designs based on the device interface while mobile websites are composed versions of the desktop websites as per the screen of the smart device. 
  • An app is to be downloaded from the app store that is built by mobile app development companies. On the other side, mobile websites do not require any type of separate downloading. 
  • Security is a major concern from the user as well as the developer side. When it comes to security, mobile apps are more secure in comparison to websites.   
  • The location of data storage varies in both apps and websites. The information of the website is stored on the servers whereas the mobile app stores the data in the mobile itself. 
  • Website updates are enforced automatically while for the apps you need to visit the app store and update your application. 

That’s all on the points of difference, now let’s move toward the crucial aspects that will let you decide the ideal one for your startup. 

The Ideal Choice For Your Startup – Mobile Website/Application?

You will easily get the answer to the aforementioned question with the help of the pointers that we’ve analyzed. 

What is Your Budget?

It is the most important thing that you need to be clear with before making any decision. How much budget do you have to build a satisfactory platform? Make sure you do not compromise a single penny while building your online startup. As this could directly affect the success of your business.      

If you’re running with a limited budget, we would recommend you first go for developing a website. The development of a website is cheaper in comparison to developing an application. For a mobile app, you need to invest more as different apps are to be developed for Android and iOS platforms. 

Which Comes with Better Speed & Accessibility?

Nowadays, a user will never go to a platform that has a slower speed. It is a fast-paced world wherein users want everything at their fingertips within the least time possible.  Of course, mobile apps are faster but if a user is just looking for some general information. He/She will not waste time installing an app as it is more time taking than visiting a website. 

In another phase, we all know that an app is more attractive, and interacts with almost every type of smartphone. You need to make your website responsive to every screen device. The only thing you need to take care of is developing an app or website with a user-friendly interface. This is the only way to attract the user. 

Want to Reach More Users? 

It is observed that mobile phones bring more traffic than desktops. If your only aim is to gain traffic on the platform then mobile apps and websites both come with the same preference. 

If you’re going for mobile apps then iOS apps gain more users than Android apps. Moreover, if you’re planning to build an informative platform, then you should use a website rather than an app. About 60% of the users will directly visit a website to gain information instead of searching for an application. Analyze your business requirements, and accordingly choose the platform of your business.         

Are You Ready to Spend $10k+ on Your Online Startup?

When you opt for mobile app development for Android and iOS, it will definitely cost you more than 10k dollars. Therefore if your budget is lower then you can opt for a mobile website or application. 

Again, take note of the point that the price may vary based on the project type, requirements, region, and more. The one we mentioned to you is an average cost that an app development usually takes. 

To put it short, if you’re not willing for a huge investment, then opting for a mobile website is a wise choice.     

The Parting Thoughts

So, we have shared every key factor that lets you make a firm decision for your online startup. Sharing one bonus tip – if your only aim is to gain the attention of a large amount of audience, then just build an online website for your startup. 

One more thing, in addition to the websites and mobile app development you even have an option to develop PWA (Progressive Web Apps)  that works as a web page but offers you more features and functionalities. 

At last, all we would say is to analyze your business requirements and target audience – accordingly build a mobile app or website. Both of them come with their own advantages and disadvantages, make a wise decision for your startup.  

Author Bio : – Cynthia Murray – An enthusiastic writer who is passionate to bring ins and outs of technology by writing articles and blogs. She has been writing tech blogs for more than six years. Moreover, her expertise to bring up the innovations for applications has enabled her to sell app ideas to companies. Besides writing, she is an adventure fellow who loves to go on various expeditions.    

Building an eCommerce Website that Sells

By James Tredwell on May 2, 2021

Most shoppers understand that they can now search online to find exclusive, high-quality items and items. There is now a generation of adults who have known a world with the internet and the possibilities it brings. As this generations invest more money, the eCommerce landscape expands. With eCommerce booming, particularly with stores closing due to the coronavirus pandemic, your eCommerce website can be a safe haven to make your business thrive even in the most challenging times.

Retailers cannot continue to be offline if they want to reach customers. eCommerce platforms allow businesses to reach new markets and gain longevity by selling even though their physical stores are closed. If you’re just starting, an eCommerce marketplace will provide you with global demand and brand recognition even before opening a physical shop.

Making Your eCommerce Effective

Although eCommerce has core elements such as hosting, domains, and plugins, it must be competitive and saleable. Here are few things you should implement to make your eCommerce website one of the best in its niche.

1. Make It Scannable

It is essential that your eCommerce store will allow your audience to scan it with ease. It should have a simple menu that lets your viewers to navigate your website quickly. Users, in general, do not want to have to read long stretches of text when shopping online. More so, eCommerce is designed to be fast. You may want to note that having so much going on your website would be overwhelming. Your eCommerce website’s primary goal is to generate revenue.

Smooth navigation is also essential for delivering an excellent customer experience. Customers read from left to right, so using a navigation bar on the left side of the page is convenient. People do not want to waste time sifting through hundreds of items, mainly if they know exactly what they want. Customers should be able to filter results based on factors such as scale, color, and price using your search tool. If a customer cannot find what they are searching for, they can use the back button to go somewhere else to shop.

Online orders can be made with just a few taps. A large part of this is due to pre-programmed chatbots that assist consumers with common problems and provide answers to questions. Customers are more likely to buy if they can get answers quickly without negotiating with an agent or waiting for an email.

2. Create An Appealing Design

It is necessary to have your eCommerce website have a good appearance. Your design and style is the first thing that consumers remember. Customers are likely to search elsewhere if the platform is overcrowded, frustrating, or out of date. Style is essential to customers when making a buying decision. Your site would be more visually pleasing if you use a plain, compact style. You can also employ a website creation specialist or a digital media firm if this is not your field of expertise. Investing in the site’s design features would give your brand a professional look. From the first look, a client should say what kind of company you are, so make sure the template expresses this explicitly.

3. Get An Eye-Catching Theme

To bring your online shop to life, choose a look that complements your brand. There are several options available over the internet that you can find for free. However, purchasing a premium theme can increase the visual appeal of your website, so if you can’t find anything you want for free, keep this option in mind. Some themes allow you to adjust the fonts, colors, and models, while others have built-in features. Whatever choice you choose, make sure it is a good representation of your brand name and has a substantial impact on your guests.

4. Make Use Of Professional Images

It is essential to provide clear images of the items. Nobody will push through about purchasing what they can’t see first. High-quality photos are a necessary investment for any eCommerce company. Images must be of high resolution. Blur and pixelated images will make your company seem unprofessional. Invest in a talented photographer and models if you’re selling clothing. Customers will better picture themselves wearing clothing if they can see them on real people.

Images represent the perceived accuracy and sense of any product. Vibrant graphics often make the images more appealing, keeping shoppers interested as they browse. All of your photographs must be the same size, as varying sizes will cause your gallery to misalign. Using an image editor, scale each image to the appropriate size. On the other hand, if you wish to create a more effective campaign, you can also upload videos of your products. You can now easily create these kind of content from video editing software you can find in the market.

5. Include Reviews In Your Site

Before purchasing any product, the majority of online shoppers read online reviews. To do this, you can contact your clients and check up on their orders. Inquire into the specifics and experiences using your product or service. This helpful insight will help you grow in any case, and you will get constructive reviews.

If you get a negative online rating, don’t dismiss it. Instead, make immediate contact with the customer. They will regard you as trustworthy and dependable, and they will be more confident that you will handle them with the same courtesy. People are encouraged to buy if they see any social evidence, such as testimonials from friends and well-known personalities. Moreover, customers are more likely to believe you if they see that you have an engaging Facebook profile and have many good feedback on your account.

6. Build A Shopping Cart

If your target consumer see or find one thing they want they will immediately begin the purchasing process. However, most will browse for a while before deciding on a few things. A shopping cart is another popular aspect in eCommerce stores since it helps users save the things they want to buy while doing another search. Then, they will go through the checkout process just once for all of them.

You may also have a wish list feature. It allows people who like to research before purchasing a product to save the products they want for potential check out and purchase in the future. Anyone who wants to stop impulse purchases for financial reasons can mark the items, add them in the wish list feature and return for it later.

7. Setup An Efficient Payment Methods

The proper payment form is critical for completing a transaction. If the method is too complex or untrustworthy, your customer will leave their cart and never return. Ensure that it also satisfies the payment processing requirements. A payment gateway integration is a safe mechanism for encrypting and transmitting credit card information to the payment processor. Since payment incorporation is an essential aspect of your eCommerce platform, make sure you research and consider what you’re getting from it.

Final Thoughts

A decent eCommerce website is more than just a store where you can buy and sell items. A company can build an atmosphere that reinforces its identity, attracts new clients, and turns casual shoppers into its lifelong ambassadors. Choosing the best eCommerce platform and developing a marketing plan to build a profitable online store will help you get a head start on having an eCommerce website that sells.

This article is contributed by Maricar, Content Writer for Softvire Australia and Softvire New Zealand.

Top 10 Key Features of NodeJS For Web Developers

By James Tredwell on April 15, 2021

NodeJs is neither a language nor a library, but it is an environment of its own. We all know that JavaScript needs a browser to work; however, NodeJS steps up and optimizes certain settings for JavaScript that make it possible to work outside of a browser.

Talking about the foundation stone, it is based on a JavaScript V8 engine that can run in most popular browsers. The true purpose of JS V8 is to develop the code in general language so that it can be easily understood by other servers.

Now here, we will elucidate more on how NodeJS will help web developers. So down below are its top 10 features.

1. Omnipresence

JavaScript is present on both browser and server. A company might have the urge to shift its framework from a browser to a server, and that can be done easily through NodeJS.

Indeed, the code that is written for a browser is not much different from the code written for the server. However, you can easily achieve such an objective through the NodeJS code migration feature.

Another thing to highlight about NodeJS is that anyone who has previous knowledge of any coding type can use NodeJS. Be it frond-end development or back-end development; developers get the privilege to use the same code language here.

So, this helps the programmers as they do not need to jump between multiple coding languages. The programmer will thus have a lesser number of files to deal with, which hugely benefits the Node JS Development agencies.

2. PowerfulTech Stack and Compatibility

NodeJS is highly popular because it retains several advantages of JavaScript and some of them are as follows.

⦁ Fast data processing speed
⦁ Code that can be reused
⦁ Hassle-free coding that can be learned, written, and read with ease
⦁ Huge resource library, an active community

For web app development, there are four tools in the market, and NodeJS is a part of it. The abbreviation MEAN tech stack stands for the combination of MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js., and they form a crucial aspect of web development.

Apart from that, NodeJS aids web developers through its compatibility. Be it Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, and mobile platforms, NodeJS is effectively compatible with any of these platforms. With the presence of correct packages, it can also be created into an executable file.

3. Quick Deployment Development

Every brand wants to launch their products earlier than their competitors in the market, and for that, they need a proper framework. This is where the smaller-sized tool, NodeJS, comes into the scene. This tool can ensure to deploy applications faster.

And all thanks to its ability of fast data processing and non-locking algorithm’s ability. It also helps in the expansion of microservices. The environment, which is built by NodeJS, correctly matches with microservice development, as concurrent requests simultaneously can be handled.

So, with NodeJS, microservices get the leisure of having endless and speedy interconnection with each other. It does not matter whether the first request has been finalized or not; NodeJS can handle several other requests at the same time.

4. Scalability

NodeJS is built by keeping the factor of scalability in mind, which is an issue for many software developers. Businesses nowadays are preferring scalable software.

⦁ Firstly, NodeJS is completely proficient in handling concurrent requests.
⦁ Secondly, its cluster module can support load balancing of all CPU cores.
⦁ And another most enthralling feature is that it can horizontally split software. This means you can present a different version of software or app to different people based on age, interest, location, etc.

Through the usage of rapid communication, NodeJs decreases the workload.

Apps or software has the ability to process thousands of requests through NodeJS’s non-blocking request-processing system. And all these features make NodeJS more triumphant over the competition.

5. An Open-Source Community with Rapid Data Processing Ability

NodeJS has an extensive global community, and it is an open-source solution that lets developers ask queries or seek help from the community members at ease. The open-source community is truly beneficial as in here developers and other members share tools, modules, packages, or other things at zero costs.

GitHub, Reddit, and StackOverflow are the platforms where community members of NodeJS interact. A vital role has been played by the NodeJS community for the development of top-notch frameworks like Derby, Meteor, Hapi.js, Sails.js, etc.

To process requests simultaneously, NodeJS executes the practice of asynchronous data processing structure. When there is no defined output order, the output is further delivered completely based on the user’s input, and it is done through the event-based software development approach of NodeJS.

6. Single Code Base for Web Applications

Developers, through NodeJS, get the privilege of sending and synchronizing data between server and client. NodeJS allows the developers to make changes.

For example, Meteor is a web app based on NodeJS, and it can offer an absolute amount of support to the similar code base of both the client and server. So, think it like this, if a change is made on the client’s side, then it will be visible on the server-side as well.

Many software companies consider NodeJS as something that is not only driven to dominate the whole web development world but also for its scalable network applications.

7. Control Flow Features

The asynchronous nature of NodeJS might be advantageous and disadvantageous from people to people. In Node.Js, whenever certain commands are executed, the code from those commands automatically sends a callback.

A situation called “callback hell” arises when the number of callbacks increases due to the growing number of commands.

So, to counter this, NodeJS has an escape route built. It will let users manage the framework where they will map functions and sort through callbacks. You can thereby search in the folders for the necessary features. And then there will be no need to scroll through callbacks.

8. Serves the Purpose of Proxy Server

It does not matter whether the services you have has a variety of response time, NodeJS does the job of providing a proxy server to your business. Even proxy servers will be provided for collecting data from multiple source points.

Side server applications are used by enterprises, be it for storing videos and photos in the cloud, collecting information from other sources, or communicating with third-party resources.

NodeJS provides a better solution to meet the needs of enterprises when they have a non-existent infrastructure. And also, the problems regarding local development proxy servers are met through this.

9. Goes Excellent with Database Queries

Since JavaScripts are used for database queries for NoSQL databases like MongoDB and CouchDB, NodeJS has gained new supremacy. Executing the process of combining Node.js and NoSQL databases needs a different syntax to be remembered.

However, this is no more an issue for developers using NodeJS. The JavaScript Object Notation stores data, which helps in easy functioning during data conversions.

An advantage for people who are associated with NodeJS is that it gets support from the Platform as a Service. So, with this, you will get a lower number of servers for hosting anything, and additionally, it will reduce the page loading time by 50%.

10. Additional Functionalities

NodeJS is more like a free marketplace for developers, as it has its package system, which is the node package manager. This NPM helps developers by providing tools and modules based on development.

Doing things like establishing connectivity, upload and download management, etc., can be done with ease.

Modules like Socket.io are formed, which lets the server send real-time updates to the client, and the whole process is clutter-free from any interruption.

NodeJS takes one step in quickening data and video streaming speeds, which is ahead of every other competitor as it simultaneously processes the data while it is uploaded.

This type of simultaneous processing is much needed because data travels in several streams, which causes friction, thereby elapsing more time.

Wrapping up

NodeJS is optimized for web applications and delivering the utmost performance. If NodeJS is correctly utilized, it can bring the ultimate level of productivity, which will be undoubtedly keeping up with all the claims it makes. You can hire an experienced NodeJS developer to make your Website running faster and impactful.

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