
5 Creative & Engaging Ideas for Facebook Post Design

By James Tredwell on February 16, 2021

Facebook is the new face of the digital marketing world. With over a billion active users, it is the largest social media platform. Having a functional Facebook page is a must for every reputable brand, or otherwise, they are presumed as outdated. 

However, you need a lot more than just having an account; in order to dominate social media, a brand needs to have a page decorated with aesthetically designed posts. Otherwise, it will perish due to its mediocrity. 

Facebook post design is crucial if you want to hook your audience. According to the stats, there are around 7 million advertisers on Facebook, and if you want your brand to outshine the rest, then you need to come up with creative and engaging posts for your Facebook page.

Why Is Design Important?

In this era of social media, consumers look forward to connecting with brands on a personal level. Social media is a visual medium. Brands that have beautifully designed posts do much better than the ones that rely on generic-looking creatives. 

As they say, the first impression is your last impression; therefore, it is necessary for you to maintain a clean timeline decorated with aesthetically pleasing posts. A well-designed post can easily convey the message of your brand to the customers. It can evoke emotions and can generate engagement, which is crucial for your brand’s popularity. 

The following are the reasons why design is important for your brand image:

  • Aesthetically designed posts create an everlasting impression. There are millions of posts that are uploaded on a daily basis. Therefore, if you want your brand to stand out, you need to have posts that can attract people.
  • Design hooks people and creates brand equity. People prefer brands that invest in their presentation. 
  • Facebook Posts that are designed properly make your brand look professional. There are millions of businesses that are trying their luck on social media, but only the ones that invest in the design are getting successful, while others just get lost in the digital clutter.

Creative Ideas To Boost Engagement Of Your Facebook Post Design

Choose Trending Topics And Go With The Flow!

Social media never sleeps and is always up to something. It is a place where trends change with every passing day. If you design a post around a trending topic, chances are, it will end up on news feeds of people. Furthermore, people will comment and share your post as well.

If you make it a regular practice, your brand might become popular among the digital audience. This popularity means high engagement and organic reach. As a social media manager, you need to take care that you don’t lose your brand persona while commenting on trending topics.

Tell Stories And Capture Hearts!

People use social media to consume content. If you want to connect with your audience, you need to communicate with them through storytelling. According to the stats, 90.4% of Millennials, 77.5% of Gen X, and 48.2% of Baby Boomers are active social media users. On average, each user spends about 3 hours daily on these online platforms.

Tell the story of your brand; let the world know about the journey you have faced as an organization. Try to connect with your audience so that they can find your posts relatable; otherwise, you are just wasting your time.

High-Resolution Pictures Hook The Eyes!

Aesthetics catch attention and make the overall design look more appealing. If you are an online brand, you need to give the audience a lifelike experience, and the only way to do so is by posting crystal clear images of your offerings. 

People judge your business the way you represent your brand online. It is a natural instinct that people are attracted to aesthetically pleasing objects. According to the stats published in the book Management Decision by Satyendra Singh, people make up their minds within 90 seconds of their initial interaction with products or websites. Therefore, it is upto you how you attract your customer within the given time frame.

Inform Your Audience Through Infographics!

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, but an infographic is worth a million!

According to a study, the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text. Moreover, around 90% of transmitted to the brain is visual. 

Therefore, it is wise to communicate your message through infographics. People like to share infographics as they are informative, appealing, and easy to share. If you are a brand that needs to put information out there, then infographics are the medium for you. 

Let The World Know About Your Persona!

The most important aspect of social media posting is that you should never forget about your brand persona. You need to post, keeping in mind that you are posting for an organization with a personality. Your every post should reflect the tone of the brand. 

Your colors, words, the tone should remain constant; otherwise, you will end up confusing your audience. Brands usually commit this mistake and post without keeping the tone consistent. The best way to overcome the confusion is to think of your brand as a character and predict how that character would react in certain situations; this will help you come up with relatable ideas.

Wrapping Up!

‘Brands that ignore social media marketing will be ignored by the people.’

Aesthetically pleasing Facebook post design can do wonders for your business. Design aesthetics have always been a fundamental aspect of digital marketing. If you want to sell them, you have to design them well; it is as simple as that. 

Facebook is a social platform where you can attract millions if you play your cards well. A well-designed post can help you get noticed in the digital world. You can easily create eye-pleasing posts if you follow the simple instructions given above.

In short, we recommend hiring professional social media agencies that can take care of your brand and ensure the progress of your brand.

This article is contributed by Saif Malik, is managing the digital content at Techxide

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