
Gaining More Registered Users for Mobile Apps

By James Tredwell on September 15, 2018

App designing is an ardent task and contrastingly gaining loyalty is not a daunting task. Designers face various hindrances to design and launch apps.

All ventures to promote the existence of any app by app owners and other such people have resulted only in less success. The problems do not come to a stop even after the apps are downloaded as statistics show that nearly 26% of apps which were installed where availed only once. 

A majority of the mobile apps require users to register with the apps in order to avail the features. Registration is done via social media accounts, email etc.

Some processes are simple while others are complicated. Making use of social media accounts by users to register for any app smoothens the process and makes it simple and reliable.

Guidelines to enhance user registration:

The process of registration is not necessary for all the apps present. Featured are some apps which mandate the users to sign up in order to access all the functionalities of the app, especially in the case of Payment apps.

Many apps permit users to avail the app but for further use, they ask for registration. App designers are striving to build an app which transforms a new visitor into a prospective user of the app.

App owners and designers have to ascertain the fact that they will profit only when the users avail the functionalities of the app frequently.

The following methods enhance customer loyalty regarding any app 

Simplifying registration:

The app developer must design the app in a way such that the process is not extended too long and that it does not ask for important data. The apt registration form must be basic and ask only the fundamental details of the user.

In the case of financial apps, only the necessary basic details must be asked to be furnished.

Defining Call to action

This aspect is the most vital component with regards to registration, however, most of the app developers don’t design the apps such that the call to action button is unique from the other buttons and that it stands out from others.

Call to action can be made to be identified instantly to the user by implementing bigger fonts, attractive colors and apt position.

Implementing Pop-up forms

Implementing a distinct signup page would provide hindrances to users when registering in the app. The designers must make use of a modal window with respect to registration.

It then permits users to finish the process quickly without them going away from the homepage or getting diverted by some other links or components in the website.

Making Assurances:

Assurances have to be implemented depending upon the functionality of the app. For instance, when the app is integrated with money transfer, it should guarantee that the app won’t reveal the confidential details.

By implementing guarantees, the number of app users pertaining to a given app is bound to grow.

Providing incentives:

Providing incentives for the users when they register for an app will enlarge the number of prospective users. Providing such deals will motivate the visitors to become regular users of the app.

Right time to register:

Analyzing and identifying the best time for users to register regarding any app is the most daunting task among the app designers and owners.

In the event of a registration process going awry or registering at the wrong time, the users are prone to discard the app and search for other apps. The app designers must carry out exhaustive tests to gauge the right time for users to register with the app.

The apt sign-up process

The ideal registration depends upon the simplicity and user-friendliness regarding it rather than other factors.The best way to register is via social accounts, which is quite simple in functionality for both sides.

Provided the user has registered via social accounts, the app owners can get hold of the needed data without any hassles. Further, it should be incorporated with traits defining privacy and security to stop any invasion from intruders.

Annoying user registration process

A bad registration process annoys the users by bombarding them with lots of questions related to registration. Registration must not be the first thing that users encounter when accessing an app for the first time.

Some space of time must be provided prior to registration. The designers must assess the apt time for registration purpose by carrying out various trials and tests in real life setting.

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