
Improve Your Website’s Conversion Rates with These 5 Design Tips

By James Tredwell on November 6, 2020

A website is the front face of your business. 

Therefore, it is important that your front face sends the right impression. A website can only become successful when it has the right design elements. It can only convert visitors into potential customers when it is decluttered and has the right impactful images. If it’s a matter of converting visitors, the right website design plays an important role. So are you wondering what design elements can make a difference? Ask any website design  agency and they will tell you about them. Here are 5 design tips which can help improve your website conversion rate exponentially. 

1) Remove Unwanted Elements & Enhance Your Site’s White Space

We all love to talk a lot about our product and service. And when it comes to delivering experiences, we often forget about how we shouldn’t overwhelm our customers with too many words. In short, it is a thrilling experience to talk about what we have to offer but not when it risks your website’s user experience. 

Online visitors think very differently. They need to take short pit stops to let their minds process information. It’s where white spaces come in handy. We all need to pause and think once in a while. With white spaces in your website, you give it a natural structure so people can make pit stops and absorb information rather than getting overwhelmed. 

2) Use Images Abundantly to Talk Through Visuals

Have you ever been to a nearby local store for shopping? Well you do that every other day. How many times have you visited a grocery store and picked up a product just to take a good long look at it? It’s the same with products on websites. Your mind will only be convinced to purchase a certain product when you have some strong visuals to look at. 

Hence when it comes to running an ecommerce store or a retail based website, choose a theme where you can leverage a number of images. Gone are the days when just mere texts could have a positive impact and be convincing enough for a buyer to purchase. We now live in a world where you need a mix of visual elements to compliment your text. 

3) Don’t Clutter Your Website with Multiple Call to Actions

One of the most frustrating experiences is when people have to go through multiple CTA options on a particular landing page. As a result, a person may find themselves struggling with deciding which option he or she should click upon. This is called finding yourself stuck in the paradox of choice. They may find themselves at a failure to conclude what to do. 

Hence, it is best advised that you don’t end up finding yourself troubled in the mix of multiple calls to actions. For example, if a single website page features all such as “Watch a video,” or “Learn more” or “Sign up for a free trial” in one single landing page, it can easily overwhelm the customer and may send them in a perplexed situation where they won’t be able to decide what to do. 

4) Create Appropriate Navigation

How surprising is it that so many designers do not pay much of an attention to navigation? It is highly important that a visitor should be aware of his position on the website. It is also relevant that they should be aware of where they are located. It will become easier for them to navigate around to different places on the website and conclude which category is better. 

It’s best that you keep navigation in mind especially when you’re designing menus, adding footers, and highlighting other navigational elements. As long as you can keep your website full-fledge and running, you are more likely to convert your visitors into customers. Effective navigation will ensure your website is guiding your audience in the right direction. 

5) Lastly Never Forget to Add Social Proof

If you want a sure-fire way to boost your website conversions, then don’t forget to add a social proof on your website. It’s one of the things that many website owners forget to add while designing a website. They don’t make much of an effort when it comes to introducing a social proof to a particular website or they usually introduce that element after a while.

After a catchy headline and a great pitch right in the beginning, the next phase is to add testimonials and case studies to win your average audience. You can introduce many success stories, introduce different company logos, and bring new and old visitors who may want to know more about your business & services. Such elements can build trust in people.  

Concluding Thoughts

So there you go, here are the 5 design tips which I believe can boost your website conversions 10x. If you want to become a growing business in the digital landscape, its best you come up with a custom tailored solution that compliments your website progress.

Are there any particular tips that you would love to share that can help boost your conversions? Feel free to share them with us so we can add them. 

This article is contributed by Fahad Ali Khan, digital marketing expert at Branex – website design dubai

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