
Innovative App Ideas for Your Real Estate Business

By James Tredwell on May 18, 2020

Being a Real Estate App Development Company is hard at this time. Almost all types of applications have been created, but you are not to worry. There are still some ideas that can work at this time. Ideas matter but what matters the most is the innovation that developers and planners can put into the application.

There are limited ideas but endless ways to make applications of the same type. Although when one brand does something all other brands follow them, the one who starts is often the one who leads.

There are many aspects of real estate business that are left unexplored. There might be some applications that people can find like them but they are very loosely developed.

Creative App Ideas to Grow Your Real Estate Business

This is an opportunity for the companies that are trying to make it big in the real estate app development market. This is why here is a list of ideas that can work for any mobile app development company that develops applications for the real estate industry:

  1. Property Information Application:

There are many applications that work as brokers in the real estate industry but there is no application that tells you about the properties in full detail. It is important for the consumers that they have proper information about the properties that are available for sale.

There should also be proper photographs and information available about all the amenities present close to the properties. The value of the property in the future depends a lot on how the area is and what is the scope of its development.

This is something that no application does properly. There should be an option to let users submit their properties on the application but there should be a system that makes sure that the users enter all the necessary details.

The users mostly just list the property and do not provide proper photographs or details about the nearby amenities. This is the reason why most people approach offices or real estate dealers rather than using mobile applications. This is something that can be explored and properly developed by a Real Estate App Development Company.

  1. Investment Regarding Property:

Real estate IT solutions companies can work on making an application that provides an option for investment in good properties. There should be a segment that shows the users the benefits of investing in a property and the profit scope of all the properties on the application. Investment in properties is something that will be the next big form of investment in the future. There can be an option where the users can find properties with a high growth rate.

Users should be able to know the conditions and future analysis of the area around the scope of that property in that area in the future. This is something that has not been explored properly. This has been done by real estate investment companies for a long time but applications have still not explored it in the way that they should.

  1. Repair Estimate Application:

There are many defects and problems with the properties people buy. It is something that can alter the real cost of the property. There can be an application that can provide features that will allow the users to know the repair cost of a property, even approximately.

They can then add the repair amount to the value of the property told by the dealer of the owner and know how much they will have to spend in order to take it to a proper condition.

This can save them from spending money on wrong properties that will take up a lot of money in repair after they buy it. Custom mobile app development companies can make applications like these and offer users something for their benefit.

  1. Locality Review App:

A mobile app development company uses the facility of location services for many purposes. When it comes to real estate, it is well-known that a good locality is as important as a great property.

Locality review applications come into play here. With the help of this app, a locality can be rated and scored on various factors such as weather, amenities, living, education, and distance from the main town, and many more.

Combining these factors will generate a general score or star rating of localities. With the help of these apps, customers can easily find out which locality is best suited for them. It makes the decision of investing in a real estate property clearer and easier.

  1. Digital Document Library App:

It is something that can collect all the documents of the users digitally. It often becomes hard to carry all the physical documents everywhere and hence these applications can eliminate the hassle.

This is something that has not been done by many applications. Mobile app development companies can explore this or integrate this with normal property applications to make it easy for the buyers and sellers to know if it is genuine or not.

  1. Real Estate AR/VR App:

With the help of augmented reality, imaginations can be turned into real images and animations. Augmented reality real estate apps will help in displaying all the information regarding any building or plot in front of the users.

It will increase the level of confidence among people who are willing to make an investment in real estate. This is directly related to an increase in conversions.

Another powerful feature of AR-powered real estate IT solutions is that customers can select and view the property on their own in their mobile devices. This prevents unnecessary or unfruitful physical visits and thus saves a lot of time and effort.


Mobile technology has developed a lot and is still developing at a fast rate. Its integration with various industries has multiplied its application. Real estate business when powered with mobile technology promotes a safe and secure revenue system. These objectives can be attained by custom mobile app development in which businesses can implement their ideas and reach more and more people in less time.

Author Bio :- Tarun Nagar is the Founder & CEO of Dev Technosys, a global ranking custom software development company. With 10+ years of experience of enabling then Startups which are now global leaders with creative solutions, he is differentiated by out-of-the-box IT solutions throughout the domain. I would like to share some ideas on Real Estate App Development and Mobile App Development etc.

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