
Is Getting a Link Management System Worth it for Your Brand?

By James Tredwell on November 14, 2020

With all the things you do online, you might have no idea how many links you create or share each year. Aside from social media or email marketing, links are also going around in admin and internal communications. These links are quite hard to manage if you do not have a link management system at hand.

Links are a valuable asset for any enterprise. They bridge your brand to the online community. That’s why it’s so vital that you’re in charge of them. Link management systems offer you the ability to secure your reputation and refine your marketing. Having this system, along with other best management software, can help your brand thrive.

What Does Link Management Mean?

Link management is the ability to integrate, archive, review, and have full control of all the links that your company shares – no matter how large or small your business might be. A central link management tool comes in handy to improve collaboration and tracking to safeguarding your brand against a PR crisis.

It’s an open and flexible link management framework for innovative purposes that also blends into the communications environment. It’s interactive, safe, and smart. A short link can be modified and redirected by the device. Furthermore, language, date, time of day, and location can also create changes to these links. What makes it more efficient is that this does not involve your or a developer’s time.

The link management framework controls the link through the marketing team, executing activities smoothly that demanded the resource-intensive production team’s resources. Versatility is essential for this framework. A sound link management system should have friendly API integration so that you can add it to every other program you have like social network marketing, user engagement, promotional activities, and more.

Advantages Of A Link Management System

Either you are not convinced yet, or you still do not see the value of adopting a link management system, here are some advantages that you can have with this framework.

  1. Better Organization

Keeping all of your links in a consolidated portal makes it easy to manage and track them. Teams may be grouped into workspaces and provided access to various domain names, depending on their divisions or regions. Based on its structure, you can build work environments by branch, country, or however, you want it to be.

  1. Improved Collaboration

Beyond the departments, accessibility and approvals can also be modified for each team member and regulated by the managers. Coworkers can see each other’s links and post them inside the dashboard. That would discourage the marketing department from making a variety of links to a blog post. That helps to make the links more organized and enables you to measure your marketing activities’ effectiveness.

This kind of unified link management is essential for team coordination, either internally and externally. Companies may grant contractors access to their link management network to build branded links without surrendering ownership over the domain itself. Different agencies can also give their customers access to check in on campaigns or access connections whenever they please.

  1. Manage Multiple Domains

It is essential to place your brand on your links by using a custom domain name that you own. Customized short links bring many advantages to advertisers. These include improved link trust, better click-through rates, optimized brand awareness, and enhanced link abilities. However,  you can still get innovative by using various domain names as the basis for your links. That ensures that your marketing teams do not need to depend on your IT teams to establish a new domain.

  1. Gives More Potential

You should be looking at URLs as the ties that hold campaigns together, not an isolated component. Short links have a lot more value than merely acting as a concise redirect for social media. Brands and businesses can use them in websites, apps, contents, or any time a link is transmitted in any manner.

  1. Ability to change a connection

A marketer can quickly re-route traffic. When you use a simple connect shorter like Bitly,, or the default link-shorter tool that comes with your social network management platform, you’ve trapped if anything needs modification. Otherwise, a robust link management system allows your marketing team to be empowered and flexible. This flexibility can become valuable both from a financial perspective, in terms of saved budget, and from a strategic point of view, by enabling a more flexible digital approach.

  1. Helps Protect Your Brand

If you need to repair a mistake or just want to modify your link with the latest updates, you can change the URL of your short link with its destination. Getting the option of changing or removing the links is probably the most critical feature of link management practical on various occasions.

Further than correcting an awkward human error, you can adjust your links to the most up-to-date content or material you have. That comes in handy whether you want outdated links to lead to your legal policies’ current iteration, maybe an Instagram bio link leading to your latest blog, or having other link building techniques as a newbie blogger. It’s still imperative to protect your brand. If you submit a negative press release, you can easily disable or alter the destination URL easily to monitor the situation.

  1. Provide You With Analytics

The role of your links should not stop after you connect your website to your desired path it has to take. It is essential to know how your connection is doing after you give it out. However, this would seem impossible without any link management system.

As you rely on links to help you aid your business or your brand, you need to understand where your links are going and how they perform. A useful link management tool will allow you to track connections that make your pages rank in search engine result pages. You can also take note of which links are indexed and active.

Moreover, good link management can monitor which of your links are performing better than the others. You will have an idea which of the links are providing good traffic to your site. Knowing which of your links are performing better will let you choose the best domain you can continue working on for your brand.

Final Thoughts

Over time, link building has been a vital aspect that will keep your business thriving amidst competition. Links play an essential role in driving traffic to your website. However, without tracking and controlling your links, you might never know if your links are significant or not. Recording, organizing, and understanding the data of your links can help give you the optimum result.

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