
Top 10 Key Features of NodeJS For Web Developers

By James Tredwell on April 15, 2021

NodeJs is neither a language nor a library, but it is an environment of its own. We all know that JavaScript needs a browser to work; however, NodeJS steps up and optimizes certain settings for JavaScript that make it possible to work outside of a browser.

Talking about the foundation stone, it is based on a JavaScript V8 engine that can run in most popular browsers. The true purpose of JS V8 is to develop the code in general language so that it can be easily understood by other servers.

Now here, we will elucidate more on how NodeJS will help web developers. So down below are its top 10 features.

1. Omnipresence

JavaScript is present on both browser and server. A company might have the urge to shift its framework from a browser to a server, and that can be done easily through NodeJS.

Indeed, the code that is written for a browser is not much different from the code written for the server. However, you can easily achieve such an objective through the NodeJS code migration feature.

Another thing to highlight about NodeJS is that anyone who has previous knowledge of any coding type can use NodeJS. Be it frond-end development or back-end development; developers get the privilege to use the same code language here.

So, this helps the programmers as they do not need to jump between multiple coding languages. The programmer will thus have a lesser number of files to deal with, which hugely benefits the Node JS Development agencies.

2. PowerfulTech Stack and Compatibility

NodeJS is highly popular because it retains several advantages of JavaScript and some of them are as follows.

⦁ Fast data processing speed
⦁ Code that can be reused
⦁ Hassle-free coding that can be learned, written, and read with ease
⦁ Huge resource library, an active community

For web app development, there are four tools in the market, and NodeJS is a part of it. The abbreviation MEAN tech stack stands for the combination of MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js., and they form a crucial aspect of web development.

Apart from that, NodeJS aids web developers through its compatibility. Be it Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac OS X, and mobile platforms, NodeJS is effectively compatible with any of these platforms. With the presence of correct packages, it can also be created into an executable file.

3. Quick Deployment Development

Every brand wants to launch their products earlier than their competitors in the market, and for that, they need a proper framework. This is where the smaller-sized tool, NodeJS, comes into the scene. This tool can ensure to deploy applications faster.

And all thanks to its ability of fast data processing and non-locking algorithm’s ability. It also helps in the expansion of microservices. The environment, which is built by NodeJS, correctly matches with microservice development, as concurrent requests simultaneously can be handled.

So, with NodeJS, microservices get the leisure of having endless and speedy interconnection with each other. It does not matter whether the first request has been finalized or not; NodeJS can handle several other requests at the same time.

4. Scalability

NodeJS is built by keeping the factor of scalability in mind, which is an issue for many software developers. Businesses nowadays are preferring scalable software.

⦁ Firstly, NodeJS is completely proficient in handling concurrent requests.
⦁ Secondly, its cluster module can support load balancing of all CPU cores.
⦁ And another most enthralling feature is that it can horizontally split software. This means you can present a different version of software or app to different people based on age, interest, location, etc.

Through the usage of rapid communication, NodeJs decreases the workload.

Apps or software has the ability to process thousands of requests through NodeJS’s non-blocking request-processing system. And all these features make NodeJS more triumphant over the competition.

5. An Open-Source Community with Rapid Data Processing Ability

NodeJS has an extensive global community, and it is an open-source solution that lets developers ask queries or seek help from the community members at ease. The open-source community is truly beneficial as in here developers and other members share tools, modules, packages, or other things at zero costs.

GitHub, Reddit, and StackOverflow are the platforms where community members of NodeJS interact. A vital role has been played by the NodeJS community for the development of top-notch frameworks like Derby, Meteor, Hapi.js, Sails.js, etc.

To process requests simultaneously, NodeJS executes the practice of asynchronous data processing structure. When there is no defined output order, the output is further delivered completely based on the user’s input, and it is done through the event-based software development approach of NodeJS.

6. Single Code Base for Web Applications

Developers, through NodeJS, get the privilege of sending and synchronizing data between server and client. NodeJS allows the developers to make changes.

For example, Meteor is a web app based on NodeJS, and it can offer an absolute amount of support to the similar code base of both the client and server. So, think it like this, if a change is made on the client’s side, then it will be visible on the server-side as well.

Many software companies consider NodeJS as something that is not only driven to dominate the whole web development world but also for its scalable network applications.

7. Control Flow Features

The asynchronous nature of NodeJS might be advantageous and disadvantageous from people to people. In Node.Js, whenever certain commands are executed, the code from those commands automatically sends a callback.

A situation called “callback hell” arises when the number of callbacks increases due to the growing number of commands.

So, to counter this, NodeJS has an escape route built. It will let users manage the framework where they will map functions and sort through callbacks. You can thereby search in the folders for the necessary features. And then there will be no need to scroll through callbacks.

8. Serves the Purpose of Proxy Server

It does not matter whether the services you have has a variety of response time, NodeJS does the job of providing a proxy server to your business. Even proxy servers will be provided for collecting data from multiple source points.

Side server applications are used by enterprises, be it for storing videos and photos in the cloud, collecting information from other sources, or communicating with third-party resources.

NodeJS provides a better solution to meet the needs of enterprises when they have a non-existent infrastructure. And also, the problems regarding local development proxy servers are met through this.

9. Goes Excellent with Database Queries

Since JavaScripts are used for database queries for NoSQL databases like MongoDB and CouchDB, NodeJS has gained new supremacy. Executing the process of combining Node.js and NoSQL databases needs a different syntax to be remembered.

However, this is no more an issue for developers using NodeJS. The JavaScript Object Notation stores data, which helps in easy functioning during data conversions.

An advantage for people who are associated with NodeJS is that it gets support from the Platform as a Service. So, with this, you will get a lower number of servers for hosting anything, and additionally, it will reduce the page loading time by 50%.

10. Additional Functionalities

NodeJS is more like a free marketplace for developers, as it has its package system, which is the node package manager. This NPM helps developers by providing tools and modules based on development.

Doing things like establishing connectivity, upload and download management, etc., can be done with ease.

Modules like are formed, which lets the server send real-time updates to the client, and the whole process is clutter-free from any interruption.

NodeJS takes one step in quickening data and video streaming speeds, which is ahead of every other competitor as it simultaneously processes the data while it is uploaded.

This type of simultaneous processing is much needed because data travels in several streams, which causes friction, thereby elapsing more time.

Wrapping up

NodeJS is optimized for web applications and delivering the utmost performance. If NodeJS is correctly utilized, it can bring the ultimate level of productivity, which will be undoubtedly keeping up with all the claims it makes. You can hire an experienced NodeJS developer to make your Website running faster and impactful.

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