
Most Efficient Keyword Research Tools for 2019

By James Tredwell on May 21, 2019

With so much competition today, digital marketing could be termed as the goose that lays the golden egg. However, for it to benefit your website, you need to invest in a good keyword research tool. Investing in a tool that has a poor return on investment can be so disappointing.

Particularly one that is rarely recommended by SEO experts. So, here are some of the most efficient keyword research tools for 2019 that you need to use in order to market your website more.

Additionally, they have great SEO reviews.

#1. Ahrefs

For one, Ahrefs is fast if you want a tool that saves your time.

Secondly, this tool has an explorer feature which provides you with detailed information about the keyword. The good thing with this tool is that it informs you about the backlinks you need in order to appear on the top pages of Google.

Furthermore, it supports both the competitor and analogue keyword research. Another thing to note is that its database entails a big sum of keywords making its suggestions even better. Moreover, the information provided in this database is more exact than the information found in other tools. Presumably due to its high dependency on clickstream information. Also, Ahrefs is known for its great keyword complexity.

It is good to note that Ahrefs has been recommended by most SEO experts.

#2. KWfinder

As of today, this keyword research tool has more than 1.6 billion keywords in its database. This makes it one of the best tools since it contains words that other tools do not have. Additionally, you can customize your search results by selecting among the 350 languages and different states it has Hence it can be widely used. It is also cheaper compared to most tools, making it a great investment especially if you are a first timer.

#3. SEMRush

This tool is quite different from the ones you have already gone through and a high recommendation by SEO experts.

Firstly, it displays the keywords being used by your competitor. Notably, if you are outside the USA than you can use it by choosing the country that you from. Moreover, its database contains a lot of information that you can rely on. Despite it being a bit pricy, its great features can offer your website a solid edge. Considering that it will provide you with an analysis regarding your competitor. Furthermore, its features are upgraded from time to time giving you great value for your money.

#4. Serpstat

Firstly, Serpstat contains information from around ten Google zones inclusive of Canada, Ukraine and USA. It enables you to compare the backlink profiles between you and your competitors. This unique feature enables you to discover your competitor’s backlink development strategies. The feature equips you with new strategies that you can implement in order to develop your own backlinks.

Another unique feature it has is the rank recorder. The keyword SEO ranking changes from time to time. Due to this reason, it is important to keep a record of location changes in Google pages for keywords your website is being ranked for. This, in turn, can help you find the keywords you need to use in order to maintain your website in the first pages of Google. Notably, it could be rated as one of the most efficient keyword research tools considering it contains more than 90 million keywords in its database.

#5. Google Trends

For one, you can use it to search for a specific word.

It offers real-time information on any topic which makes it very unique. Moreover, it has a category feature. For instance, if you lack a detailed idea regarding a particular topic then you can seek inspiration from a category that is in relation to your topic.

To add an illustration to this, if you want to write about healthcare and lack detailed content Google Trends will provide content that is trending about healthcare.

This will hence enhance you with information that you need to write about the topic.

Notably, this keyword research tool can best be used when you want to create content since you will have an idea of what is trending.

This, in turn, will enlighten you on what people want to read about.

#6. Keywords Everywher

One thing to note is that this tool is free.

In case you are new in the market and cannot afford a keyword research tool then this is the tool to go for It is an expansion of Firefox and Chrome. It does showcase keyword information from around ten websites inclusive of Amazon and eBay.

#7. Keyword Snatcher

This is a unique keyword research tool that will develop about 2000 words from one keyword.

Moreover, it is user-friendly making it easy to work with, particularly for beginners.

Furthermore, it is very fast which enables you to save time While using it, you can easily get keywords from Bang, Google and Yahoo.

In addition to this, it is highly rated due to its great customer care support system. In case you are looking for a tool that does not need monthly payments, then this one is the one you need.

#8. Google Search Console

This is a free tool provided by Google that enables you to maintain and control your websites SEO on Google. It enables you to have an idea of how Google views your website. It entails a feature that makes it easier to locate keywords.

In addition to this, you can easily link it with Google analytics. This link enables you to have detailed information about your keyword density. Moreover, it is very easy to install. It would be a good investment considering that it is free and Google is the most used search engine.

Having read this, you now have a reliable list of keyword research tools that you can try out. These keyword research tools are not only comprehensively reviewed by SEO consultants but also highly recommended and used by most SEO experts.

In order to make the best choice, ensure that you select the one that best suits your website. If you are just getting started, it is advisable to select and invest in the free or affordable keyword research tools.

This article is contributed by Sandeep Mehta,who is SEO Expert as well as SEO Consultant in India.

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