
8 Reasons Why AngularJS is Great for Web App Development

By James Tredwell on June 12, 2020

Most businesses today are going digital and reaching their audience through their online websites in a much faster way. New websites are being created every day but only a few manage to stand out.

Companies are slowly recognising the need to invest in web application development to improve their digital presence. This brings us to AngularJS, an easy to understand JavaScript framework that helps solve web designing and computing issues.

Developed by Google, AngularJS is an open-source application framework used to generate all the interactive components we usually see on a website. It mainly aims to solve problems experienced by individuals or enterprises while developing single-page web applications.

Though there are many web development frameworks around in the market, web designers and developers prefer AngularJS. AngularJS concentrates on code quality and its testability, making it an ideal framework for enterprise development.

Netflix, PayPal, Gmail, Udemy, Amazon and Snapchat are the most popular websites that utilize the AngularJS.

Here are 8 reasons for using AngularJS for web development:

  1. Easy to Understand

AngularJS is an easy framework. With good knowledge about HTML, CSS and Javascript, AngularJS is very easy to learn for developers/individuals.

There are many free resources and tutorials for AngularJS available online. Tutorials can help you learn how to set up an application and test the various components of an AngularJS web/mobile application. Learning AngularJS can improve your skill set and increase your demand in the web application development industry.

  1. Saves Time

Normally the coding process is tiring and it takes many attempts to get it right. AngularJS simplifies this long and complicated coding process; thereby helping developers save time.

AngularJS’s simple data model means developers do not need to generate their own pipeline and do not need to use getter functions that can disrupt code maintainability.

They can be much more productive as they do not need to spend their valuable time on figuring out what each component or utility does with AngularJS. As developers spend less time on coding, the cost of web development reduces too

  1. Simplifies Testing Process

Developers need to revise and modify their web application to solve any issues and for seamless execution. If your web application cannot be tested easily, it will be difficult for you to identify what needs fixing. Dependency Injection (DI) is one of the many important features of AngularJS that makes testing simpler.

The built-in AngularJS dependency injector essentially deals with how the components are created and their dependencies can be resolved, making the testing process easier for developers.

It breaks up the application into units and tests them in an isolated manner. Unit testing can help the developers reduce the chances of any issues that appear later and the errors the users may encounter once the web application is deployed.

  1. Credible

Since AngularJS is backed by Google, it has credibility. Thereby, many developers opt for this framework. There is a large community of skilled web app developers and designs who come up with innovative upgrades for AngularJS. This framework is reliable as it is maintained by a brilliant team of Google engineers. Google apps utilize this framework, which leaves no doubts about its stability.

There are many developers globally working with this open-source framework, ready to resolve all your queries and to help you build your web application.

  1. Enables optimal App management

Normally the developers need to break down the code into the multiple MVC components and after that combine the code of these components manually. AngularJS saves developer’s time and automatically strings the code together.

An AngularJS web application is constructed using an MVC pattern. This segregates the code into three components namely Model, View and Control.

The model component maintains the data, the view component displays portions of data to the users and the controller coordinates the model and the view part. The controller essentially takes input from the user, validates it and then runs the operations.

Using this MVC pattern, it is easier to manage the app database and the user-interface part of the application.

  1. Facilitates Parallel Development

Parallel development is a blessing when developers are collaboratively working on a large project. Maintaining dependencies is a major challenge when multiple developers are working on the same project. AngularJS facilitates parallel development, that is, developing multiple versions of the same web application simultaneously.

The Dependency Injection feature of AngularJS helps developers to share the script they have generated easily. Developers can code separately and test it out without disrupting each other’s code.

  1. Code Reusability

It is time-consuming and difficult for developers to design new codes. One of the major advantages of using AngularJS is the scope for code reusability. Code reusability is essentially using similar code, software components, test suites, designs and documentation for a variety of functions. Developers can reuse existing codes and add new features to it to develop the web application further.

It is a lot easier for programmers to develop a mobile application by using the same backend code they wrote for the web application.

  1. Extends your HTML Vocabulary

Many developers use HTML to design static web pages, however, for dynamic websites the HTML code falters. AngularJS allows you to extend your HTML vocabulary for your web application with new tags and attributes called Directives.

Directives is a distinct and powerful feature of AngularJS that helps developers build dynamic web pages. To add features to your web application you can either use the AngularJS in-built directives or create custom directives suited for your application.

AngularJS is undoubtedly a comprehensive solution for faster front-end web development. It has numerous features such as MVC architecture, dependency injector, directives and so on. It is a popular framework among developers as it is completely free, enables them to extend HTML syntax and helps them develop client-side applications.

AngularJS is an excellent framework for developing single-page applications, which are easy to scale, will load quickly and will be compatible with every platform. Web applications designed and developed using AngularJS will be tested thoroughly and will provide your end-users with a hassle-free experience.

Author Bio.:- Sameer Mehta is a blogger and entrepreneur and writes on technology and lifestyle related topics. He has more than 15 years of experience across technology, consulting and marketing. He has written for Entrepreneur, West Agile Labs, Exegy Consulting, Jewellerista, etc.

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