
Why Companies Have to Pay Attention to Angular JS

By James Tredwell on March 8, 2020

Originally developed by Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons in 2009, the open-source web application framework AngularJS has become a very popular framework for web apps. At present, it is maintained by Google, with the latest version being version 1.2.21. The renowned framework is utilized for building dynamic web applications. Furthermore, it allows using HTML as the template language and allows extending the HTML syntax to clearly and succinctly express it.

Although the framework is known to have a steep learning curve, angular web development remains popular for several reasons. Once a notable amount of time is spent on mastering it, then development and testing of apps become simpler.

AngularJS has an All-Star backing, being maintained by Google and deployed in its own products. It’s clear that Google is serious about the framework staying around, which means angular web development services should be too. For companies, it is but wise to pay attention to the framework.

For those with leadership positions in a company that writes web software, it makes perfect sense to start paying close attention to AngularJS. The extraordinarily popular open-source web framework is headed towards the mainstream, with a serious shot at becoming the next ‘Bootstrap’ or ‘jQuery of web technologies. Although there are several promising technologies, AngularJS’ great advantage and backing from tech titans clearly have established it as the frontrunner.

AngularJS, outside of Google is astonishingly popular among developers. It enjoys more than sixteen times the search volume of its nearest competitor, which is the React framework of Facebook, and the competition continues to lose market share. The popularity extends past individual developer interest. For the past few years, Microsoft has been working on the very popular TypeScript, an enterprise-friendly extension. TypeScript has been witnessing explosive growth in adoption, the same to AngularJS.

Microsoft and Google decided to join forces and create the next AngularJS version on TypeScript. It’s easy to see how a partnership between the two giants would hasten their respective growth and visibility further. Companies that are considering moving toward AngularJS are in good company. The list of huge brands adopting the framework continues to grow. Currently, it includes users such as Sony, HBO, MSNBC, Nike, NASA, Netflix, Virgin America and General Motors.

The following are some key features and factors that drive AngularJS growth.

1. Two Way Data-binding

This feature helps developers save from writing a considerable amount of boilerplate code. A typical web app may comprise around eight percent of its codebase, manipulating, out-and-out traversing, manipulating and listening to accessible DOM. Nonetheless, data-binding helps in making the code disappear, thus one could focus on the application. Data binding helps protect the model to the app view. The projection is flawless and happens without extra effort from developers.

2. Assistance from Dependency Injection

The framework has a built-in and default dependency injection subsystem, which helps developers with an application that is simpler to build and test. Dependency injection facilitates you to ask for dependencies instead of doing it yourself. The framework could detect that one requires the service and offer an instance for a developer.

3. Dealing with Model-View-Controller (MVC).

The framework slots in the necessary principles behind the original Model-View-Controller software design pattern into how it set in motion client-side web apps. The framework does not implement MVC in a conventional sense. Instead, it implements something closer to MVVM or Model-View-View Model. A view model is an object that provides exact methods and data to maintain specific views.

4. Empowers with a better User Interface

Since the User Interface with Angular is thoroughly structures, manipulating and interpreting the major components is immensely easy to handle. Furthermore, the learning markups are effortless and stipulate that the declarative expression of the app User Interface will make better sense for the entire team.

5. Directives Use

Directives are AngularJS feature that may be used for building custom HTML tags, which act as new and custom widgets as well. They could even be well used for ‘decorating’ elements and components that required behavior and manipulate DOM attributes in most appealing ways.

One thing that often holds up corporate adoption of the framework is the open-source project license. With the list of companies mentioned above, it is not surprising that AngularJS is doing something right.

Some examples of popular applications that use AngularJS:

⦁ Video Streaming applications :- YouTube is without doubt an incredible platform for uploading and streaming videos. It is interesting to note that the YouTube application for Sony PS3 is developed with AngularJS. Another big example of video streaming app that utilizes AngularJS is

⦁ Travel Applications :- The dynamic features of AngularJS is the perfect match for travel apps. For instance, the website of JetBlue utilizes AngularJS as well.

⦁ User-Review apps :- These days, customers are really keen on reading reviews of a service or product before making a purchase. This helps them make certain on a product or service they are investing money on. The framework could support such applications proficiently. Consider the GoodFilms mobile site for instance, which offers movie reviews to users.

⦁ User Generated content portals :- To build apps that offer user-generated content, AngularJS again comes in handy. The platform for instance allows employers to post projects and for interested candidates to present their profiles. This website is built with AngularJS.

⦁ E-Commerce :- One of the most popular weather forecasting apps in the world today is It’s built using AngularJS.

⦁ Mobile Commerce :- Many popular eCommerce websites have been developed using AngularJS. One popular example of a shopping application is MallZee.

⦁ Social Applications :- LinkedIn is one of the users of the framework for all their mobile end users.

With all the amazing benefits and features of AngularJS, it makes sense for any developer and of course for any company to shift to this app development that offers effective, easy and productive method of web structures development and provides a win-win benefit for both developers and customers all over the world to boost their return on investment in a structured manner.

Certainly, there’s no such thing as the best framework. Nevertheless, with the advantages of Angular, it’s difficult to resist it. It’s not only made and maintained by Google, but it also serves as a robust framework for app development and offers users a truly engaging experience.

Author Bio :- Dave Jarvis is working as a Business Development Executive at – eTatvaSoft, an Angular JS Development Company. Learn more about the Angular JS Development insights. He always accepts new challenges and puts some effort into it. He loves to write and spread his knowledge through writing.

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