
Landing Page Features That Will Convert Your Leads into Customers

By James Tredwell on October 2, 2020

Landing pages are an important tool that every business should be using to convert leads into customers. As such, it’s worthwhile to take the time to create high-quality landing pages, as they are a key aspect of the online sales process, they drive traffic to your website, educate customers about your product, and encourage them to take action (make a purchase).

However, just because you make a landing page, doesn’t mean leads and conversions are going to flood in. In fact, according to Wishpond, the average conversion rate for a B2B landing page is 13.28%, while the average for B2C is 9.87%. If your conversion rate isn’t meeting benchmarks, you may need to make some adjustments.

To make your landing pages as effective as possible, you’ll need to include a few key features. In this guide, we’ll cover the must-have elements of any high-converting landing page, some tips on how to implement them, and an example (we’ve used landing pages by ShareAbles for Hires and GoodLife Home Loans).

Here are a few of the essential components you need to include on all your landing pages:

Unique Selling Point

The first thing you want to feature on your landing page is your unique selling point—what makes your product or service better than the alternatives and why they need it. You want to communicate this information to readers as quickly, clearly, and engagingly as possible.

Use these tips to feature your unique selling point and immediately capture the attention of prospective customers:

  • An attention-grabbing headline
  • An impactful hero image that highlights the use/benefit of what you’re selling
  • Most important information at the top of the page (what it is, why they need it, and how they can get it)

Example of featuring the unique selling point:

Source: ShareAble for Hires Criminal Background Check Landing Page

CTA Buttons

CTA (call to action) buttons are one of the most important conversion tools you can include on your landing pages. These buttons are meant to move the reader to action—whether that be signing up for a free trial, contacting your company for a custom quote, or signing up for a subscription.

Best practices to follow for effective CTA buttons:

  • Use action-oriented language (start your free trial, try now, download today, etc.)
  • Make the text concise and easily legible
  • Use first-person speech
  • Choose a color and shape that stands out

You can use CTA buttons throughout the page where they make sense to encourage readers to convert based on different goals.

Example of well-placed CTA button:

Source: ShareAble for Hires Criminal Background Check Landing Page

Contact Forms

Contact forms allow you to collect information on potential leads and is the entry point into your sales funnel. With their information you can qualify them as leads, include them in your email marketing campaigns, and more. To create a contact form that people are more likely to fill out, keep these tips in mind:

  • Include the contact form above the fold
  • Limit required fields
  • Collect the information you absolutely need to qualify the lead (email, phone number, etc.)
  • Make it aesthetically pleasing (simple layout)
  • Highlight the benefit of completing the form (content, free trial, etc.)
  • Ensure that the contact form stands out from the background

According to Unbounce, reducing the number of form fields from 11 to 4 could increase conversion by 120%. When creating your contact forms, remember, less is more.

Example of concise contact form:

Source: GoodLife® Home Loans Reverse Mortgage Calculator Landing Page

Customer Testimonials

As you know, the power of customer reviews, whether it be on products or services, cannot be understated. Testimonials or reviews are a form of social proof, making them an important part of your business’s online reputation management. But did you know they can also be a highly valuable aspect of your landing pages.

The question that runs through every customer’s mind before committing to a purchase is, is it worth the money? By featuring one or more reviews on your landing page, you can quickly answer that question. A testimonial serves as a reputable, unbiased source, that gives credibility to your claims about your product or service.

One way to feature multiple testimonials on your landing page without overcrowding the layout is by using a testimonial carousel. That way, all the reviews are in one convenient space and customers can read more—or keep scrolling—if they want.

When choosing testimonials for your landing pages, consider the following:

  • Do they specifically mention the product or service that’s the focal point of the landing page
  • Are they highlighting the benefits of buying from/working with your business
  • Is there a one or two sentence quote you can pull from the review to highlight the most important info
  • Can you get a picture of them to use along with the testimonial (some web design tools allow you to add widgets that call pull photos from reviews)

Similarly, if you have before and after or results videos, you should also include them as visual proof of what your product or services can accomplish.

Example of a testimonial carousel:

Source: GoodLife® Home Loans Reverse Mortgage Calculator Landing Page

Pricing Information

Many businesses are under the impression that leaving out cost information works to their benefit. This is especially true for higher-cost products or services, because they think the large price tag will scare away potential customers.

However, most users make their way to your landing page to get clarity on the product or service, including how much it will cost them. And when you don’t include your pricing information on your landing page, it might just lead to them turning to a competitor to set their pricing expectations.

While it might go against your best instincts to feature pricing, it can actually help you convert customers by providing them with all the information they need to make a purchase decision in one place. Plus, there are tactics you can use to frame your pricing to make it more appealing to prospects.

Example of good presentation of pricing information:

Source: ShareAble for Hires Criminal Background Check Landing Page

Other Essentials for Building the Best Landing Pages

In addition to these conversion-driving features, there are a few other key elements that the best landing pages have in common:

  • Attention-grabbing headlines
  • High-quality visuals
  • Short blurbs of text
  • Addressing the problem the product/service solves

If you’re hoping to create effective landing pages, make sure you’re using a good website builder to ensure the design and functionality are up to par. In this day and age, no one is going to waste their time with a difficult-to-use or unresponsive website.

Optimize Your Landing Page Conversion

Don’t lose out on potential customers, set your landing pages up for success with these essential features. Landing pages should be a key part of your sales strategy, and as such, should be a priority when it comes to developing the best possible solution. By taking the time to optimize your landing pages, you can maximize your resources and ensure you’re doing everything you can to grow your business with the tools available to you.

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